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Chapter 3: Chapter 2 - Reborn

I didn't feel anything from dying

Maybe it was because the pain of loss was stronger

I couldn't see anything but pitch darkness

I wanted to cry because I failed

I failed to protect them

They knew they were fighting a losing battle but they did everything they could to make sure I lived

They were just families and people

They were innocent

I had power but it wasn't enough

If I were to name one of them it would be unfair to the rest

All I could do was treasure each moment they all had

Suddenly a blinding light flashed and before she knew

She was face to face with a beautiful lady smiling at her

She had lovely white hair and blue eyes

"Hello little Claire."

"She's just as beautiful as you love."

Another masculine voice came

I turned my head and saw a handsome man

Platinum blonde hair

But I could not see his eyes that were covered

But I could tell that he was very handsome

I could only stare in disbelief

I got a second chance at life

I started crying

Crying so hard those two had started worrying

"What's wrong Claire!?"

"I think you scared her Kieron."

She picks me up and hugs me tightly like I was the most precious thing to her

"It alright Claire, mother here will protect you forever."

"We love you so much Claire."

It meant so much to know that someone that was living loved me so


4 years later….

I got adjusted to life here

I live in a pretty big village called Malrton

My parents are named Grace and Kieron

They're surnames were Hallowstream

I told them about my ability to make ice and they were overjoyed

Apparently my mom has the supernatural ability to control water with great finesse

The both of them used to be knights of the imperial army of Aurenia

Because of mom's great abilities they rewarded her money and a title of baroness

My dad fought with her in the Great War with demons and in the heat of the moment when it ended

He proposed to her and she accepted

They eventually retired in Malrton and has been their protector for several years when I came in

I had white hair and grey eyes

Now I won't make the same mistake of leaving my family

I promise to keep them all safe

"Mom? Do you know the story of the Ice Witch? Clara keeps telling me about it and I don't understand."

"Oh that sad fable. Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, she keeps poking on me that if I didn't hear about she wouldn't talk to me for a week."

"Alright, settle down."

For now I have taken the role as a lovable kid named Claire Hallowstream

"Well to start with, the Ice Witch was just a girl born with immense power over ice."

"She was celebrated as a genius in her village but a monster by the human kingdoms as they coveted her."

"She treasured her family and loved them with all her heart."

"She made beautiful sculptures of ice and snow, played with the children and helped the chores of the elders, protected her family and became the great ancestor."

"She would make a long lasting tradition of preserving her loved one's memories and hang it on her magnificent tree."

"But there would come a King who conspired a story to increase his prestige and background and killed the Witch and her home."

"The Prince would start a revolution against the tyrant and killed his father."

"This fable is remembered as one of this kingdoms greatest sins."

"The Prince at the time was horrified by the actions of a single desire."

"He would declare that if his kingdom would commit another great sin would he return and make wrongs right again."

I look at mom deeply

"If the story was true, he would have fixed the war."

"Demons and humans are more or less the same but because of their appearances and desires did they they hate each other."

Grace looks at her sadly

"If only they would come to understand one another would things get better but the kings who rule their people deny the chance of peace because of fear."

"I used to question why my King does these things but I think I get it."

"They're afraid of their subjects and children from getting hurt."

She caresses something in her arms

In her arms was the two year old little brother

"I don't know why but I don't think he likes me."

"I think Lewis just wants all the attention."

Lewis the moment he met me despised my existence

It wasn't just me, he even hated Clara

I'll just have to get used it

But the thing we need to move on was Cassius

He fulfilled his promise to me

But I felt emptier to know that my home is no longer existing

I guess my duty as a guardian is over now…


I think I spoke too soon

Clara and I were going to play a little outside of the village playing tag or climbing tree's

We were enjoying the moment until something happened

We heard howling and growl's coming from the within the forest

"Clara, get to the village and get my mom and dad!"

"But what about you!?"

"I'll hold them off for now, we don't have much time."



The surrounding area started turning cold and the nearby puddles and mud froze over

Clara ran as quickly as she could

All I could do was hold off until help arrived

What came in were a pack of shadow wolves

They're hard to read and unpredictable in movement

I summon several spears of ice and got ready

2 came in front of me while the rest watched

They observed their prey before the true hunt begins

The first one charged in while the other circled around and lunged

I shot forward 3 spear at the first one

The paw, leg, and chest I aimed for to neutralize the attack

It pierced the flesh and pushed it back

I aimed for the second ones jaw and side

Using 3 and 6 on each side and launched it at the side of the tree

The second one was incapacitated and died

The first one got up and bit off the spears

It had the force and strength to pierce the wolf but couldn't maintain its shape

As a child my emotions were much more wild and my powers are harder to control

I was at a disadvantage in numbers

The leader who I assumed came out and howled

Soon I could count 11 wolves were circling me

I could not see where one was before seeing another disappear from view

I needed the skills of a combat mage to get out of this situation

Suddenly my head became clear, images flash before my eyes and enlightened my thoughts

These were the memories and skills of Reynolds's

He was a combat mage that came to my village when he retired

His parents died from old age and he never married

So we conversed and he became a part of our home

Now his memories inside of myself are giving me strength

If his memories can do this what else can the rest of the memories I've made with them can help

I should focus on the situation at hand first

They're circling me trying to catch me off guard

So I should surprise them and make them lose they're track

I stomped my foot on the ground and ice spreaded from it

It spread so fast that before they knew it they started tripping

Now I had to dispatch them quickly or I'll lose my chance

I created dozens of spears and killed them one by one

But suddenly….

The pack leader had left its perch and was a few feet away from biting my head off

What do I do

I could strike it but it's body is much larger and stronger

I can't make anything quick enough

What can I do in this instant

It's teeth was etched into my mind

It was going to kill me


Before the wolf could lay a scratch on me a huge jet of water blasted from somewhere and crushed it against a tree

Mom came out of nowhere and hugged me tightly

"Oh I was so scared! When Clara told me I ran as fast as I can. I glad your not hurt."

Tears started welling up in my eyes and I brought my face close to her chest

"I was scared on what to do, I thought if I didn't do something Clara would have died!"

"I tried my best but that one startled me, I never want this to happen again!"

She held me tighter at my words


More wolves approached me and mom

"Kieron, get Claire out of here. I'll handle this by myself."

Dad picks me up by the arms and carried me away

I started to get drowsy and fell asleep in his strong and warm arms….


I never wanted to have a dog again

Mom took care of the wolves like they were paper

She pulled the water out of the ground and trees and slashed through them with rage

"I'm sorry mom and dad."

"What made you decide on making that decision!?"

Mom shouted

"I didn't know what else to do! If I were to go back with Clara they would have killed the both of us and possibly lead them to the village. And I couldn't protect me and Clara from them as well so I told her to get you!"

"I was scared and didn't know what else, I had to make the decision so we both could live."

Dad suddenly interrupted

"Settle down you two, we had to make choices to protect one another."

"If you were in that situation, would you not make the same choice?"

"And if you heard your child was left alone with a pack of wolves, wouldn't you worry?"

I look at mom and she looks at me

"I'm sorry."

We both said it at the same time and hugged each other

Mom has always been the one who has called the shots and always been strong

But dad has always comforted both me and mom in his own way

He could not see because he had lost his eyes trying to protect mom during the war

"I don't want this to ever happen."

"I agree."

"And never get a dog okay, not even if Lewis asks okay."

Mom and dad look at each other


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