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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Die 10,000 times

The garden was bathed in a warm, reddish glow as the sun set, casting a serene ambiance over the scene.

Misaka Mikoto, the academy's third-ranked Level 5 esper and one of only seven Level 5 espers, stood frozen, her face a mixture of shock and confusion, as she locked eyes with two figures bearing an uncanny resemblance to her.

Questions flooded her mind, each more bewildering than the last. but

Just as Mikoto attempted to make sense of the situation, one of the clones greets her with the most unexpected of greetings: "Meow—"

"Meow? What does that mean? Is it her name? Is she associated with an organization called Meow? Or did I mishear her?"

Before she could make sense of it, the clone clarified, "—says the four-legged creature who is in trouble"

Rising her head to the tree branch. "a cat?"

"earlier, while passing by this way, I discover a baby, that was left inside a car that was parked on the street. since there was a danger of heat stroke, Misaka used her electrical power to help, but the started creature climbed up the tree and became unable to come back down says Misaka kindly explained the situation, while the other Misaka tried to sneak away"


"Sneak away!" Startled by the realization, Mikoto abruptly turned around, only to find Misaka-10000 on her toes. Reacting swiftly, she extended her hand and tightly grasped the clone's shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Um... ah... Misaka suddenly remembered she has something to do, says misaka as she tries to Justify her attempted escape". Despite her hollow expression, beads of sweat adorned her forehead.

Mikoto frowned. "You're not going anywhere until I get some answers," she declared, her gaze shifting to the other clone. "And the same goes for you. I expect an explanation for everything."

However, the other clones seemed wholly absorbed in the cat stranded on the tree, paying no attention to her demand.

"Cat, so that it's named, says misaka as she learned something new"

Sighing, Mikoto directed her gaze toward a bench on the side. "Go sit there while I talk to her," she demanded.

Nodding obediently, Misaka-10000 moved to the bench and took a seat.

As she observed the original Misaka struggling to engage in conversation with the other clone, her mind drifted elsewhere. "She's not a bad person, I can tell that for sure, says misaka"

But, does being a good person enough for her to assume she would risk her life for them? Was it sufficient for her to act as a hero, a savior for them?

Misaka-10000 saw a glimmer of hope, a chance to survive. With a Level 5 esper by their side, they would stand a fighting chance against him.

All she needed to do was share what she knew and add a touch of drama to evoke sympathy from her.

A faint smile appeared on her face, barely noticeable unless one focused intensely.

"I can win, says misaka as she rises both hands in victory"

However, the taste of triumph quickly soured as her eyes caught Mikoto firmly gripping the clone's hand as if she were about to remove it. Before she could comprehend the situation, the original Misaka turned her gaze toward her.

"You! Answer my questions. Why does someone like you exist? Who is in charge of this project? And for what reason were you created?" the original Misaka demanded, her voice filled with determination and a hint of anger.

A gasp escaped her lips as she heard the words. She had intended to share the information willingly, as it made sense. After all, they were her clones, and Misaka-10000 would gladly disclose everything she knew, even without being asked. as long as it meant getting her assistance.

But as she opened her mouth to respond:

"Return, Misaka doesn't know anything."

The words that escaped her mouth were not the ones she had intended to say. It was as if her mind and her voice were disconnected, betraying her true intentions.

Why did she utter those words instead of the explanation she had prepared?

"I see, I understand," Mikoto said, releasing her grip on the clone's hand. She realized that trying to force answers from these clones wouldn't be helpful.

"No, wait! I'll tell you everything!" Misaka-10000 desperately tried to stop her, but once again, the wrong words slipped out.

"Return, Misaka apologizes for not being helpful."

The clone's eyes widened in disbelief, realizing her words had once again betrayed her intentions.

"I'll just follow after you on my own, I am sure you'll head back to the same facility or laboratory sometimes. once there I'll snatch up your manufacturer, and get my answers straight from them"

Upon hearing the phrase

Misaka-9999 headed towards an unknown destination, disregarding Mikoto's previous words.

Meanwhile, Misaka-10000 stood rooted to the spot, realizing this was her chance. Even if she couldn't talk, she could guide Mikoto to the laboratory. With a determined mindset, she started walking in the opposite direction.

Mikoto hesitated for a moment, torn between the two paths. But in the end, she made her decision. She chose to follow Misaka-10000.

Catching a quick glimpse of Mikoto following behind her, Misaka-10000 breathed a sigh of relief. She had been afraid that Mikoto wouldn't choose to follow her.

Continuing their journey, Misaka-10000 led the way with Mikoto a few steps behind. They walked in silence, not exchanging any words.

"I always feared this day would come, the day when a clone of myself suddenly appeared," Mikoto thought, her eyes fixed on the clone in front of her.

Misaka-10000 came to a sudden stop and looked around before continuing to walk.

"This isn't exactly what I had imagined..."

As they continued walking, something caught Mikoto's attention. She turned her head and realized that the building they were approaching looked familiar.

"Wait, is that...?"

Mikoto's eyes widened in realization as she saw the familiar park in the distance. They had unknowingly circled back to their starting point.

"Is she mocking me?" Mikoto was about to voice her frustration to the clone, but she hesitated as she noticed the clone's own confusion.

Though the clone's expression remained emotionless, Mikoto sensed that the clone was even more perplexed than she was.

After a few moments of silence, the clone resumed walking in the same direction she had chosen earlier, and Mikoto continued to follow closely behind.

True to Mikoto's expectations, they found themselves back in the park once again.

"It's just like that night. I know the way, but I keep ending up back at the starting point, whispers Misaka in confusion."

"Hey, what's with your terrible sense of direction? I don't have this problem. Did they mess something up in you?" Mikoto remarked.

turning toward her sister, "Misaka doesn't have any problem says misaka as she denies her sister's false accusation"

"Then why do we keep coming back here? Are you doing this on purpose?"

"No idea, says misaka"



Silence hung in the air as Mikoto contemplated their situation. Her gaze fell upon her bucket, where she kept her Personal Data Identifier (PDI).

"What to do? Would it be quicker to try to decode the other clone's password?" Mikoto thought, reaching into her bucket.

However, as she tried to retrieve her PDI, something fell to the ground with a soft thud.

"...A Gekota pin? asks Misaka"

"you know Gekota?"

"Positive, says misaka as she tries not to show her desire to obtain the pin"

"Hmmm? Hold still for a moment," Mikoto said, kneeling closer to the clone. She carefully attached the Gekota pin to her blazer.

"This is a lot more straightforward than looking in a mirror. looking at it this way, it's quite passable"


shifting her gaze to the clone's face, She could tell she was happy.

It was quite easy for Mikoto to know how the clone felt, even though her expression remained blank.

"Did I just lose my pin right now..."

Mikoto soon regrets this decision, feeling hesitant to take it back.

"Thank you for the gift, sister, says misaka as she felt a strange sensation stirring in her chest."

smiling at the clone, Mikoto's sense of regret vanished. It was worth it after all.

"I won't get anywhere at this rate, I'll check the net instead" she sighed, "I've had enough for today,"

Watching as Mikoto was about to leave, Misaka-10000 remained silent. The opportunity for survival seemed to slip away, but was she really certain she wanted to involve someone as good as Mikoto in something like this?

Being a Level 5 didn't mean she wouldn't get killed by getting involved.

Noticing Misaka-10000's gaze, "Do you want to say something?"


That's right, Mikoto was a good person who deserved to live her life to the fullest.

"—Nothing at all, says misaka"

Unlike himself, Mikoto was a successful person with a bright future.

"Then it's farewell, sis,"

his life wasn't worth sacrificing someone like her.

"Yeah, mm hmmm, see you,"

Misaka-10000 stood still momentarily, watching Mikoto's back as she walked away. Then, she turned around and continued on her own path.

Part 2:

As darkness fell and silence enveloped the night, Misaka-10000 stepped off the bus, finally arriving at School District 17. She only needed a 5-minute walk to reach the switchyard.

Glancing at the post clock, it showed <20:13>.

"47 minutes left before the 9999 experiment starts, huh? And tomorrow would be my turn...says misaka as she heads towards the switchyard."

For now, Misaka-10000 had a specific plan in mind—a surprise attack.

"Although I have to be cautious and make subtle movements so he doesn't suspect my plan," she thought.

Despite her analysis indicating that her plan was destined to fail, she strangely didn't care. It could be said that she had somehow accepted death if it came to her.

"After all, I've died once. How bad could it be if I died one more time? says misaka"

She couldn't quite explain the emotions she was feeling at that moment. No, that wasn't the appropriate way to describe her state.

Her mind was blank, simply waiting for the worst to happen, longing for the chance to rest.

As five minutes passed by, she didn't notice the passage of time. Now, she stood at the entrance of the switchyard.

"Now let's see what we have here, says misaka"

Taking her first step inside. She wandered around, her eyes analyzing the surroundings.

Even though there were no lamps to illuminate the area, the light from the Academy City from afar served its purpose.

As Misaka-10000 marked the spot she intended to use, a figure appeared in the distance.


Drawing closer, she initially thought it might be a security guard or someone similar. upon closer inspection, she realized that the figure had the appearance of a teenage girl, kneeling on the ground as if burying something.

Getting even closer, Misaka-10000 recognized the girl.

"Another clone? wonders misaka"

"Oh, following sister, we meet again, greets Misaka"

"Again? asks misaka"

"Yeah, when Misaka and Misaka meet sister, says misaka as she stands up"

"Oh, so she was the one from before. But what is she doing here?" Misaka-10000 wondered.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to be in my spot in 30 minutes for the experiment, says Misaka as she bows before leaving"

"Experiment? That means you're Misaka with the serial number 9999, right? What were you doing here? asks misaka hoping for an answer."

"Just a plan, answers Misaka"

With that, the clone departed, leaving Misaka-10000 tilting her head in confusion.

Part 3:

As the clock struck 21:09, Misaka-10000 completed her survey of the area and decided on the spot she would use. She tightened her grip on her bag, ready to leave and return to the dormitory to rest. So much had happened in just one day.

"The experiment has already started. She's probably dead right now, says misaka."

She felt sorry for the other clone, No discussion on this.

but her main concern was her own survival. She wasn't the type to play the hero character. She saw herself more as a side character, not the main protagonist with a bunch of plot armor.


The ground shook beneath her, and a sense of déjà vu washed over her. As she looked ahead, she noticed a cloud of dust approaching, steadily getting closer. It triggered a memory of what she had been told earlier: the plan.

In a rush, she sprinted towards one of the marked spots she had identified earlier, a hiding spot above one of the containers. Immersed in the shadows, she observed the unfolding scene before her.

The other clone was nearby, visibly struggling to maintain her balance, blood staining her injured hand. Misaka-10000 remained hidden.

She know that as long as she didn't make a sound, she would likely go unnoticed. Even if he did discover her presence, he would let her go, believing they would meet again tomorrow.

Technically, there was no reason for her to feel fear. However,

her body trembled uncontrollably, her breaths came in deep and irregular gasps, and her heart raced as if it wanted to escape her chest.

"Hey, you, are you all broken already, that's no fun"

his voice echoed in her ears, and she could almost see his narcissistic smile, despite closing her eyes and covering her ears long ago.

She could feel everything.

She felt the pain of the clone's injury on her right arm.

As if it was her own.

The desire to live and the pain ran deep within her heart.

As if she herself was the one trying to escape.

"I'm not sure if I can really achieve Level Six like this..."

"L-Level six—agh!"

a sudden pain struck her back, causing her to huddle and clutch herself even tighter in the darkness.

"Misaka doesn't have an accurate grasp of the target's abilities"

As the pain subsided slightly, she began to hear faint words echoing in her ears. Despite covering her ears, the words reached her.

The voice sounded weak and exhausted.

"However, based on the experimental results so far, it is believed that the target creates some form of barrier around himself. Assuming that he steps on the ground to walk, it is concluded that his ability does not extend downwards or at least not to the soles of his feet..."

As a new sensation filled her heart and the familiar sound of analysis reached her ears, she slowly opened her eyes to the scene before her.

"...So it is concluded that a surprise attack from such a direction would be the most affected"

Upon hearing those words, her eyes widened in realization. Accelerator took another step forward, triggering an explosion that shook the ground and engulfed the area in a cloud of smoke and dust.

"She got him, using the same tactic I had thought of..."

She had been right. Someone before her had thought of the same tactic to take him down

"Did we win...?"

The dust settled, revealing Accelerator standing unharmed, mocking the defenseless clone lying on the ground.

She knew what was about to happen, so she closed her eyes tightly, yet the scene still played out vividly in her mind.

With a menacing presence, Accelerator ruthlessly seized Misaka-9999's delicate left leg, showing no mercy. With a forceful tug, he violently tore it away from her body.

She covered her ears, yet the clone's piercing screams reached her despite her attempts to block them out. The scene unfolding before her was a simulation of her own impending fate and the outcome of her plan.

In the next moment, as the final blow landed, everything fell into silence. The clone's cries and pleas for help faded away.

Darkness enveloped the surroundings as it should be, She could no longer see his sadistic grin.

"So, what do you think of the performance?"

A familiar voice, one she had hoped not to hear for a while echoed nearby. Opening her eyes, she was once again confronted by his sardonic smile.

"Now then... she was the 9999th one, so what's your number?"

She trembled uncontrollably, her words refusing to escape her lips.

"Heh, don't tell me you're so scared that you can't even speak?"

He knelt down, gripping her jaw tightly, locking eyes with her.

"T-Ten thousand, answers Misaka"

"The 10,000th one? Pfff HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH!" He burst into laughter.

"So, you're next. We'll meet again tomorrow. What a joke HAHAHHAHA."

He moved his hand to her hair. "Hey, why don't you just give up and run away? You've seen what will happen tomorrow, right? You can't defeat me!"

She didn't respond. She simply continued to stare at him.

"Tch." He raised his hand slightly and slapped her.

"Come on, just say yes, and you can go. How hard can that be—"

Suddenly, an electric wave from behind interrupted his words. "Huh?"

Misaka-10000, looking beyond Accelerator's figure, caught sight of a familiar girl running towards them.

"Sister?" A faint glimmer of hope ignited in her eyes. She was here to save them, like a true hero.

But then her gaze shifted, realizing that Accelerator's eyes were fixated on her.

"Hope? HAHAHA HAHAHA, I see. Is that the original coming to save you?"

He jumped back onto the ground. "Watch as I shatter your last hope right before your eyes."

The boy with white hair lazily confronts Mikoto, who unleashes all of her power onto him by summoning a typhoon of iron sand to his location. For a moment, Mikoto thought that she has the upper hand, but the boy remains unmoved and unscathed where he stood.

"Come on, your sister is watching. Do better," he taunted, unable to contain his laughter.

"It can't be..." Mikoto was shocked to witness her attack leaving no mark on him. However, the moment her eyes glance at the mangled leg of her clone, Mikoto loses control of herself once again.

Using her powers over electromagnetism, she pulled nearby rails from the ground and used them as javelins to strike down on Accelerator.

"...!" However, Mikoto finds herself in trouble as some of the rails come flying back to her.

"Oh, come on. I'm sure you know this is useless. You're a level 5 too, right? Show me your full power. Come on!"

"Tch!" Mikoto prepares a Railgun for the boy in front of her

"Why are you involved in this project? Why are you complicit?"

"what? this so sudden..."

"Answer me! What is your reason for working on this crazy project? did you have something against her?"

"Reason? Ah, yeah, reason... For absolute power. For the power that makes even confronting me unimaginably. that my reason, happy?" he tilted his head with a smirk, trying so hard not to laugh.

"YOU! For something like that? YOU KILLED HER!" With sparks of electricity crackling around her, Mikoto unleashed the Railgun towards the boy's head...

"...!?" Only to witness the Railgun being deflected into the steel rails just behind her. Mikoto froze as the boy before her treated her most powerful move like nothing.

"Man, no wonder those clones were so boring to fight. After all that something flows in the veins of the original," he slowly approaches Mikoto

shifting a glance at the spot where the clone had been, she was no longer there. His smirk widened, "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow,"

Part 4:

Walking aimlessly into the unknown, her steps faltered, lacking any sense of direction. It was as if she was in a drunken haze, unable to find her way.

The clock struck midnight, but she was far from the safety of her dormitory. Despite hours of walking, she hadn't made any progress. It wasn't due to that strange curse, but simply because she had lost her purpose.

Tripping over a stone, she collapsed onto the ground, her body sprawled under the faint glow of a lamppost.


The surroundings were eerily empty, devoid of any signs of life in the deserted park. It was to be expected at such a late hour.

Her mind was in disarray, her carefully crafted plan proving to be a colossal failure. The hope she had placed in her sister had evaporated. Even another level 5 esper was no match for him.

She comes to a conclusion.

She had just one day left to live, after which she would have to decide how she would meet her death—whether it would be at the hands of Accelerator or through the actions of Academy City itself.

"..." The silence of the park was shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps, growing louder with each passing moment.

"Return, I can feel your pain"

Without needing to lift her gaze, she already knew the identity of the speaker. though she felt a different sense from this one. a unique presence.

"What do you want? asks Misaka"

"Return, Tomorrow is your turn, and I am here to help"

Misaka slowly lifted her body into a seated position, her eyes locking with the clone's.

"Help? What can a mere clone like you do—"

"How can I defeat someone I don't even fully understand? sighs Misaka in defeat"

Misaka-10000's eyes widened in surprise. "Those words... How did you—"

"Return, What if I give you the 'opportunity' to fully understand? What if I offer you a chance to defeat someone you don't yet comprehend?"

"... what do you mean, wondered Misaka with wide open ears"

A smile formed on the clone's lips, causing Misaka-10000 to momentarily freeze in confusion. She had never realized that the clones were capable of such expressions.

"Return, The 20,000 clones that were created form a network, connecting through similar brainwaves. It allows them to communicate and share information"

Misaka-10000 lowered her head, her mind processing the information she had just received.

She had already suspected something like this, but she couldn't believe it was actually true. It explained everything she had witnessed in the switchyard...

"So, what does this have to do with the 'opportunity' you're talking about? asks Misaka"

"Return, I thought you were a smart one, it seems it's the other way around"

"Did you just mock misak—"

"Return, well, I'll forgive you. After all, you're about to suffer,"


"Return, over 20,000 clones were created, with 9,999 of them already killed by Accelerator. However, their memories and emotions continue to flow in the network, encompassing everything from their births to their deaths,"

"Wait, you mean!..."

"Return, you can experience the lives of every deceased clone. Their emotions, memories, experiences—everything, including their deaths"


"Return, by accepting the offer you will experience being killed over 9999 times, though I don't think that's an issue for you, after all, you already got killed once, what another 9999+ would be any difference?"

Misaka-10000 remained puzzled at the offer, she had to die over 9999 times in exchange for a single chance at life

"return, so?" she smirk even more, "would you take the opportunity or let it slide"




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