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Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Accelerator's little sister?

3 October 2:06 AM

Perched upon one of the supporting concrete columns, Misaka stood like a silent observer. Her eyes locked onto the group of girls below, studying their every move with keen interest. The wind played with her long white hair, sending strands dancing around her face.

(Those little girls had done all this by themselves?)

Looking around, she observed that the entire area lay in ruins. She had been on her way toward where Misaka#1046 was, but a sudden explosion captured her attention.

Upon reaching the source of the sound, she discovered that the place was already in disarray, and amidst the wreckage were those girls.


Interrupting her thoughts, Misaka noticed several pieces of paper floating in the air around her. Before she could attempt to reach for them and see what they were, the papers swiftly closed in on her, enveloping her like an iron maiden.

"Yoch! Mission complete. Sakuragi, go and bring her here," Rita's voice rang out.

"Ehh, I don't want to. Why didn't you ask Seike to do it?" Sakuragi complained.

"I can't carry something that heavy. That's why she asked you,"

"Man~~ Why is it always me?" Sakuragi whined.

"Stop complaining and just do your thing," Rita retorted.

"Hey, is that thing yours? Asks Misaka"


Upon hearing the unfamiliar voice in front of her, Rita involuntarily jumped back, startled by the sudden presence.

Her startled movements caused her steps to stumble on the uneven ground, and she was on the verge of falling backward, However, instead of hitting the cold ground, her head collided with someone's chest. To her surprise, it was a flat surface...

"Chill, Misaka doesn't have any reason to kill you...yet. Everything should go well if you just answer a few questions,"

Rita felt a chill run down her spine as she heard the girl's words from behind. She hadn't even noticed when the girl had moved behind her. She remained motionless.

Misaka tilted her head to one side, confused by the little girl's lack of response. She was about to speak again, when she was abruptly interrupted by the sight of two figures leaping toward her, ready to attack.

The first figure simply touched her, while the second one, dressed in a bunny battle suit, delivered a powerful punch to her face.

To her surprise, Misaka found herself unable to resist the force behind the punch and was sent flying several meters away from Rita. She only came to a stop when she collided with a solid wall.


"Y-You okay, captain?!" Seike caught the back of Rita's head as he asked.

Rita responded with silence, her body trembling, her eyes fixed on where Misaka had been sent.

(Why is she so afraid?)

"T-That's not a normal clone!" she managed to say.


Not long after Seike Understand what she means as he felt the ground beneath Him suddenly trembling.

"G-Guys, you have to look at that," Sakuragi spoke up as she pointed at the distant plume of smoke.

Following the path of her finger, their gazes became fixed as they witnessed a massive piece of debris shifting to the side, causing the ground beneath it to tremble as it falls.

Footsteps could be heard approaching from within the smoke, and before long, they saw Misaka emerge from the mist, her hand at her neck as she cracked it.

Her clothing was slightly torn and dirty from the dust. and that is it, no damage in her body can be seen.

"W-White hair... She's one of them..." Rita said, her eyes wide open as she glanced at the approaching clone.

"One of them?" Seike repeated, his confusion evident.

"The Dark May project. It was an experiment conducted on children who were abandoned in Academy City. They analyzed the thought patterns and calculation methods of Accelerator, Academy City's #1 Level 5 esper, and implanted a portion of them into espers. The project aimed to enhance and redirect their powers,"

"Wait, they conducted this experiment on a clone?" Seike questioned.

"With 20,000 clones available, it was a less complicated approach than retrieving abandoned children from the city," Rita replied.

"So, you're saying we're not just dealing with a simple clone, but a female version of Accelerator? What a pain in the ass," Sakuragi chimed in.

(I didn't expect us to find ourselves in such a situation, but no matter how much they've modified her, she is not the number one. We can still deal with her...)



Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she heard Sakuragi's cry, witnessing her being propelled away into the distant ruins.

Standing in the spot where Sakuragi had been, Misaka turned her gaze towards the remaining team members: Seike, Rita, and Itsuki.


Realizing the gravity of the situation, Seike launched himself forward to attack.

However, Misaka simply raised her right leg slightly, and as it descended to the ground, the earth cracked beneath her. A powerful shockwave was unleashed, hurtling Seike away, following his friend.

Itsuki instinctively shielded her eyes from the dust wave, waiting for it to dissipate. As she lowered her arms and the dust settled, she found Misaka standing in front of her.

"You want some?..."


Misaka extended her hand, and with a flick of her finger, Itsuki was knocked back and rendered unconscious.

She then turned her attention toward the remaining standing member of the team, Rita.

"W-What..." Rita stammered, her voice filled with shock and fear.

"Oh? So you're not deaf after all, huh...?"

Part 2:

The battlefield settled, and Accelerator emerged as the victor, although he hadn't exerted much effort this time.

He watched as Esthen placed one of her talismans on Yomikawa Aiho, who lay unconscious on the ground.

After Misaka#10032 informed him about #10046 being kidnapped, he took the pain in the ass and come to save her. He followed Aiho's directions and arrived at the location where the clone was said to be held.

There he encountered Hitokawa Hasami, the girl revived by Esthen's weird magic, fighting against some kind of huge battle-war machine.

Hasami was holding herself quite well against it. However, And for some fucking reason, the one who was controlling the machine decided to attack him out of nowhere, and the end of the story is already evident.

"She's fine, only unconscious. the life force flowing through her body hasn't been too badly disturbed"

Sighing, Acceralator reached for his jacket pocket with both hands as he turned his back to them.

"Hasami, place that girl down here,"

Esthen called her undead companion, who was holding a bag containing one of the clones.

"Understood," She nodded as she placed the clone on the ground. Esthen Approached the clone and did the same That she did with the Anti-Skill woman.

After ensuring the well-being of both individuals, Esthen stood up and approached Accelerator.

"Thank you so much!" she expressed her gratitude.

Both she and Hasami bowed to him, Which Accelerator returned with a curse muttered under his breath.


"?? What's the matter, Hasami?"

Noticing the shift in Hasami's gaze, Esthen asked, following her line of sight.

And there, both of them could see a figure approaching from a distance.

"Fuck, not her again..."

"H-Huh, what do you mean-"

"Is she okay? Asks Misaka"



The voice called out from behind, and Esthen gasped for air as she slowly turned towards the source of the sound.

Kneeling beside the clone, a figure with the same features and body structure as the clones were combing the unconscious girl's hair. The only noticeable difference was her long white hair, contrasting with the clones' shoulder-length brown hair.

Shifting her gaze towards Hasami, Esthen could see shock and confusion reflected on her face. They both had failed to realize when she had passed them by.

(He saved us once again...)

After ensuring her sister was alright, she stood up and approached Accelerator, standing in front of him.

"Thank you very much, says misaka as she expressed her gratitude, grateful for saving Misaka once again"

She was about to bow in front of him, but a hand grabbed her head midway.

"Don't fucking dare to do it again, I don't need your thanks"


She straightened her back once again, her eyes fixed on Accelerator's.

"Umm... Ah... Accelerator..."

He turned toward the source of the voice. Esthen was approaching him hastily, her gaze shifting between him and Misaka.

"...Is that your little sister?"



Misaka remained silent, although her expression tensed slightly.

"I mean, she has white hair like yours, and I can tell she's really strong... am I wrong?"

they glance at each other, before shifting their gaze back toward Esthen, they were pointing at each other

"she/He the last person I/Misaka would like as a brother/Sister"

In a rare moment of agreement, they both spoke in unison.

"Y-Yeah... I see."

(They acted as one though...)


Accelerator noticed something. He grabbed the surprised Esther and threw her aside.

Confused by the sudden change in his expression, Misaka raised her head, only to come face-to-face with a mass of steel plummeting towards her.

(That son of The b-)

The ground trembled as a massive crack appeared. Accelerator quickly retreated, observing as the Robot began to rise onto its legs. The Coffins.

These were colossal mobile weapons designed to house deceased espers. Through an unusual combination of techniques, they could harness the esper abilities of the deceased at a greatly enhanced level.

Coughing from the dust as she opened her eyes, Esthen's gaze immediately widened.

"T-The white girl, your sister! What happened to her?!"

He didn't turn towards her, his eyes still fixed on the Coffin.

"Worry about yourself first before asking..."


"OH, If it isn't Accelerator, yeah. Sorry for crushing your little girl. I was hoping to start with the main meal immediately,"

Hishigata taunted, though he remained in his laboratory, controlling the robot remotely.

"OH, it's you. You were quick to run away last time, so I didn't expect you to show up on your own like this. Also..."


Before he could hear the continuation of Accelerator's words, his cameras began to capture the large robot trembling. With each passing second, the trembling intensified.

"...She not a Nornal cockroach to be crushed on just like that"

"What the f-"

His eyes widened as he witnessed the colossal mobile weapon start to float off the ground, a massive metal block weighing over 30 tons being lifted from its previous position.

Beneath the robot, his camera captured the girl he was supposedly crushing on.

Her left arm was raised to the sky, holding the massive mobile weapon above her, while the other hand was placed on her neck, cracking it.

After a few satisfying sounds of cracks from her neck, her eyes opened, fixing her gaze on where Accelerator stood.

Although fury consumed her, it didn't show on her blank face. On the other hand, Accelerator wore a smug expression.

She sighed and narrowed her eyes. "YOU! Blond hair, take Misaka#10046 and the Anti-Skill woman and move to the side, approximately... umm... 70 meters (230 feet) away, orders Misaka"

Her gaze remained fixed on Accelerator the entire time.

"Y-Yes, Hasami."

Her undead girl nodded and effortlessly took the two girls with her, swiftly moving to the location indicated by Misaka.

(What is she trying to accomplish? Using her esper ability? Wait, what is her ability in the first place,... super strength? But she just a clone, aren't their esper abilities are all around 2~3 level electro-master)

Misaka's body tensed with anticipation. She shifted her weight, gathering all her strength onto her back leg. Gripping the robot tightly with her left arm raised high.

And then, with all her might, she forcefully propelled it towards Accelerator. The movement was swift and powerful, as the massive robot hurtled through the air with the intention of colliding with its intended target.


Accelerator remained motionless, standing steadfastly as he faced the approaching flying mass. Just as it was about to strike him, it abruptly changed direction, redirecting itself back towards Misaka.

Which, she responded with another punch, sending the robot once again towards Accelerator.

Esther watched from afar as both Accelerator and his <Sister?> engaged in a peculiar game of volleyball, using literally a war machine robot as the ball.

(Tch, this is insane! What's wrong with their power? And did they use this clone in The Dark May experiment? Then how did they change her esper ability type?)

Red alarms flashed on all the screens surrounding Hishigata. He clenched his lips crushing the once lollipop in his mouth, As he tried to regain control of the robot.

Misaka tightened her grip around her fist, preparing to launch the robot back towards Accelerator.

However, the machine suddenly planted its legs firmly on the ground, slowing down its movement.

Seizing the opportunity, Hishigata manipulated the remaining momentum of the robot to attack Misaka, using its head as a weapon. In response, Misaka delivered a powerful punch from her side, determined to counter the attack.

Despite the incredible force behind Misaka's punch, which far surpassed that of the machine, she found herself being pushed back instead of the robot, sent flying several meters away.


As she landed, she noticed drops of blood dripping from her head. Raising her right hand to her field of vision, she discovered that her fingers were broken, and her arm was soaked in blood.

However, after a few moments, all that remained in her arm was the blood, as her hand returned unscathed.

Tensing her grip and then releasing it, Misaka raised her gaze toward the machine once again.

(What was that just now? It's like my power went through nothingness at the moment of impact...)

"OOOOOOOOH, so that's how it works! HAHAHAH, interesting. Could it be that you're the unknown ranked 6 Level 5? Or perhaps a new Level 5? Or maybe you're just a Level 4 whose potential wasn't elevated to Level 5 due to a weakness? HeHeHe~ Man, I have sooooo many questions," Hishigata exclaimed, filled with curiosity and amusement.


(Her regenerative factory is incredibly fast that even during intense physical exertion, when muscle fibers would normally tear, they heal and grow stronger instantly. The process is repeated until reaching the strength necessary for the task at hand... However, the human body would reach its limit before being able to withstand the weight of something over 30 tons. This means she must have another trick... Come to think of it, she was surrounded by some kind of electric field...)

He stole a quick glance at the camera screen, expecting to see Misaka standing there, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Hmmm, where did she-"

The answer came swiftly as his camera captured her standing beside Accelerator on the other side, engaged in a conversation with him.


"So, what do you think? says Misaka as she explains what had happened, believing that Accelerator had a better vantage point to understand."

"...It used some damn pathetic trick to stand on the same level as that bastard,"

"...He really gives you PTSD, didn't he..."


"Misaka said, do you have any plan? Asks Misaka as if she not lying or anything..."


"HeHeHe The previous low-level espers were compared to this! Yeah! I want to put both of them in the coffin! then some amazing things would happen! Yeah!"

Hishigata shouted in excitement, his face lighting up on the screen as he watched both of them. However, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Turning around, he came face to face with a naked teenage girl, her long hair styled into twin tails, Hirumi.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Let's focus on our initial goal. Yeah."


"...For now, we will rely on destructive power. It's just a machine, so there must be a limit to how much power it can unleash..."

As Misaka heard his words, she kept a vigilant eye on the coffin, which remained eerily motionless in its place.

However, the stillness was short-lived. Suddenly, the Coffin moves again with hexagonal honeycomb patterns appearing around Both of them capturing Misaka#10046 within its grasp.



"Now, yeah. How about the second round, Totie. Hundun. Qiong Qi,"

Misaka and Accelerator watched as Hishigata unleashes two more coffins materialized alongside Qiong Qi.

"I brought them all this time. Yeah. I guess I'll be taking this," Hishigata said, clutching the clone between the arms of the coffins. The robot began to retreat.

However, unbeknownst to him, the earth beneath Both of them started to crack.

"He's dead..." they both chanted in unison.

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