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Author: Tamunotonye_Brown

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1. NO CHOICE

<p>Freedom is something we all want and crave for at one point in our lives. Nobody likes to be subjected, having the privilege to make choices is so satisfying. <br/>Helping others without a bargain or agreement is not a bad idea, Instead of forcing people to do and be where their heart and soul doesn't choose especially when it comes to love.<br/>Quest for power and wealth should be pure and earned. We live in a society where people only care about their personal interest even if it would cost the happiness of their family, friends etc.<br/>They don't care about the masses. All they want is the name, the fame, the immunity, the money they'll embezzle. <br/><br/>The AKIM ADEKUNLE family is where anybody will wish to be born, they hold power, wealth, riches, everything to make life comfortable and enjoyed. They get whatever they want even if people's lives and properties will be lost. <br/>They own the most expensive mansion in The biggest neighborhood in Lagos, Nigeria called BANANA ISLAND. <br/> A heaven on Earth, a Paradise, a place where people dream and wish to stay but only few can afford. People spend millions to billions of Naira to stay there.<br/><br/>Damilola or Lola as they call her is the only daughter of the Akim's, she's what we'll see as the lucky child, born with a diamond spoon covered in precious stones. A spoilt daddy's girl, rude and crazy. She travels and go on vacations for a living. She can buy and get whatever she wants. Loves clubbing and always putting her family's name in the mud. Her parents are tired of her behavior and decided to grab a life changing opportunity. <br/>Making sacrifices is something we all do at one point of our lives. But maybe some are too extreme and also leaving you in a catch-22. <br/>Damilola's parents is ready to take her happiness and take her off her comfort zone for their selfishness. And also tired of seeing their daughter in the tabloids everyday. Quiet embarrassing<br/><br/>********<br/>It's a beautiful morning in Ikoyi, Lagos State, Nigeria. Waking up in Banana Island every morning is refreshing and wonderful but definitely not today. I tossed and turned in my soft king size bed throughout the night, couldn't even sleep a wink. I came home from Italy yesterday only for my parents to ruin my happiness. <br/><br/>FLASHBACK<br/>I arrived at the Popular Murtala Mohammed airport in my father's private jet. It feels good to be back home, I missed my parents so much, Can't wait to see them.<br/>My dad already sent someone to pick me up as usual, Yeah yeah. They took my bag from me and led me to the convoy.<br/>Life has always been this way, having everybody at your Beck and call. I don't know what else could be better. Can't imagine not having this beautiful life, I'll puke everyday. Ewww the thought of it irritates me. <br/>"Madam buy water" a dirty looking girl said. Hawking under this scorching sun. My skinnnnnnnn gosh. I ignored her of course. <br/>My phone beeped, it was a message from my dad, My dad doesn't text me except it's serious because I'm not gonna pick. What could it be this time, I didn't carry his credit card or his wallet, I've been spending from my allowance. I shrugged and open the messaged "COME STRAIGHT TO THE HOUSE" hmmmm. Okay<br/>Sometimes I go to the mall and visit friends before going home and he has never complained. I wonder why he wants me to come home quickly. Well I'll find out when I get there. I relaxed.<br/>We drove into a my father's mansion and I smiled, home sweet home.<br/>"We're here ma" My driver said<br/>"I'm not blind" I said with an eye roll "I'm not gonna open this door myself, hope you know that" incompetence <br/>"Sorry ma" He said and went down. He opened the door for me and I slowly came out like a queen that I am<br/>Maids scurried out of the house to take my bag and purse. Some are obviously not looking happy but that's the lest of my problems. I'm used to it, they don't like me. . I let out a little laugh and walked inside.<br/>I saw my parents in the sitting room, they noticed my presence and smiled. My dad opened his arms and I ran to him and hugged him.He pecked my head and I smiled. What can I say I'm a daddy's girl.<br/>"Hey Dad" I smiled breaking the hug" I missed you" <br/>"I know, I missed you too Princess" he said and pecked my forehead again making me smile harder<br/>"Hi Mom" I waved and she frowned, I know she's jealous and I enjoy seeing it<br/>"Where's my hug" she said with a pout<br/>"Your mom is jealous" my dad said and we laughed and mom frowned<br/>"It's not funny" my mom whined and we laughed more<br/>"Sorry Mom" I said and ran to her. I gave her a tight hugged and she reciprocated almost choking me. I missed her smell so much, we broke the hhug and she smiled<br/>"I'm okay now" She said and I shook my head, mom can be pretty dramatic sometimes<br/>"You look beautiful as always my daughter" my mom said while tucking my hair behind my ears and I blushed<br/>"Thank you mom" I kissed her on the Cheeks<br/>"You're welcome" she said while caressing my face lovingly<br/>"So daddy, what's up. you sent me a text" I quickly remembere<br/>"Yes I did" he sat up straight. Hmm this is serious<br/>"Anything the matter?" I said Worriedly<br/>"Yes princess, you see you're 25 years old and I think it's time for you to settle down. You're not getting any younger" My dad said and I laughed, seriously I thought it was something else<br/>"I've told you dad, I'm not ready yet, besides 25 doesn't mean I should get married" <br/>"When will you be ready?I got married to your mom at 24 and she was 22" not again<br/>"Dad we're not the same" I rolled my eyes<br/>"Who says we can't be the same thing" he frowned<br/>"Daddy" I went to sit besides him and held his hand "don't worry yourself okay, I'll bring a man home soon. Just give me a little time" I gave puppy eyes hoping it would work.<br/> "You've been saying the same thing for years" he shouted and withdrew his hands<br/>"Dad come on, very soon I promise. Pweaseee" gave him a peck "Just be patient" <br/>"Definitely not anymore" He said and I frowned, why is he angry. Will I marry myself?<br/>"Besides I don't have a bofriend, let alone a husband, how do you expect me to get married. Oh I know, walk up to a stranger, go down on my knees since I'm the man now and ask him to marry me. Noted" I joked and dad gave me a hard glare<br/>"Don't be silly Damiloa, learn to read the room. This isn't Time for your playfulness" he got angry. Alllllllright <br/>"But daddy this is funny isn't it" I asked<br/>"No" he said<br/>"Then?" I asked, I don't understand him anymore<br/>"That's where the Chuckwudi's come in" he said and got me more confused<br/>"Are they marriage experts?" I asked and my mom laughed while my dad still kept a serious face<br/>"No, they aren't sweetie. I'll allow your dad to break the news" she said. What news is she talking about. <br/>"Well my dear. They have a son and I think the two of you will be perfect for each other" my dad said and my mom smiled<br/>"I don't get you" I asked sincerely<br/>"We want the two of you to get married" my dad said looking at mom<br/>"Whatttttttttttt" I screamed "wait wait wait where's the camera? When am I supposed to laugh because this is a joke, it has to be" I stood up <br/>"This isn't a joke Lola, I'm not like you. I'm a serious person" dad said and I frowned and rolled my eyes<br/>"Please Daddy make me understand" I sat close to him again<br/>"We're getting the two of you married as soon as possible" he said and took a sip from his juice like it's the most normal thing ever<br/>"Mom, dad this is a prank right?" <br/>"No princess, I'm serious" my dad said with a serious face <br/>"But daddy I've told you working on it, I'll bring a man very soon" <br/><br/>"Even the building of Dubai didn't take this long. Nahhh, don't bother anymore. I gat you covered" my dad said. This is unbelievable. I still don't get it. This can't work. I cannot be tied down with marriage never. <br/>"Daddy I can't marry Chuckwudi or what is name his" I said firmly<br/>"His name is Nelson" dad said, silly name I thought. <br/>"Nestle, that's a name of a beverage company. Oh I get it you guys want free chocolates. You could have said it. We could make ours. But dad do you want to kill me with diabetes. I can't imagine getting fat, this my perfect body, no way" I laughed and mom joined <br/>"You're crazy, I said Nel...son" he stretched. Of course I heard it the first time.<br/>"Oh Nelson" I said acting shocked<br/>"He's very handsome" mom winked<br/>"I don't care mom, I've seen a lot of handsome men. They don't even interest me anymore." I hissed and mom wiggled her brows<br/>"Remember that guy at the supermarket the other day" mom smiled and I did<br/>That man was so fine I kept staring, jezzz. I heard mom laughing<br/>"Say that to someone that doesn't know you Lola" mom said and I laughed. Over to dad<br/>"Dad I didn't ask you to help me search for a husband" I whined<br/>"I know you didn't but this is for the benefit of both families" My dad shrugged. <br/>"What benefit are you talking about?" <br/>"You see, Chuckwudi's father wants to become the next governor of the state, he needs my help" my dad said<br/>"Okay so where do I come in all of this, how's that my business" I shouted<br/>"Watch your tone young lady, I'm still your dad" My dad shouted<br/>"I'm sorry" I said with a low tone<br/>"Well I don't want to help him for free, he has a son that's not married and I also have a daughter that's not married. <br/>So I told him that if I'd help him if his son will agree to marry my daughter" My dad said and I was shocked<br/>"And he agreed?" I asked with disbelief<br/>"Of course, who wouldn't?" My dad shrugged as if it was a very normal thing. I turned to my mom<br/>"This is a joke right" I asked but she didn't say anything. Damnn they're serious. But I'm definitely not getting married to a complete stranger. Ewwww<br/>"I'm sorry dad but I won't" I said firmly<br/>"Then get ready to live on the streets" He shouted<br/>"Are you threatening me dad" I asked<br/>"I don't care how you see it child" My dad said. He fucking looked me in the face and said that<br/>"I'm not scared" I said, I have a lot of money with me. I can live on my own and besides I have my share from the company. Nothing to worry about. I relaxed<br/>"Sorry to burst your bubbles princess" He laughed. "I'll take everything from you and freeze your credit cards, not even a single dime" He said and I looked at him with wild eyes.<br/>"You can't do that" <br/><br/>"Try me" He gave me a death glare<br/>"Dad tell me all this is a joke?" I cried<br/>"No, and by the way they're on their way" My dad said<br/>"Whatttttttt? So soon. I haven't even agreed " I shouted. <br/>"Yes, the earlier we make the arrangements the better" My dad said with a smile<br/>"But I don't even know them, you can't do this dad" I pleaded.<br/>"Well I know them very well, his dad is my very good friend" dad said.<br/>"But you never can tell Dad" I said<br/>"Oh my dear I can tell" why is he so relaxed and mom isn't saying anything. I know how my dad can be, even as a Daddy's princess, I know how he can be. He ha freezed my debit card once. Worst moment of my life<br/>"Daddy please" I cried<br/>"I'm sorry but I've made up my mind" he said firmly and I knew he wasn't joking. How could he? .<br/>"Mom say something" I turned to my mom with pleading eyes<br/>"I'm sorry Damilola but it's time you get married, we're tired of your extravagant lifestyle, everyday you rub our faces in the mud. One day one story. Marriage is the only option to stop all this" My mom shouted<br/>"Mom, dad I'll change I promise" I begged, almost on my knees<br/>"Sorry Princess but our mind is made up" My dad said and my mom nodded<br/>"You can't just marry me off to a total stranger" I cried<br/>"But you follow strangers home from clubs" My dad said and tears rolled down my eyes. My own father called me a whore <br/>"My decision stands and make sure you talk to them with respect when they come" He added and stood up.<br/>I feel on the couch and started crying, my mom came to console me but I stood up and ran upstairs to my room. <br/><br/>Few hours later Someone knocked on the door<br/>"Who's that" I shouted, what is it again. Haven't they done enough<br/> "Miss Damilola your dad asked for your presence'' a maid said.<br/>"Tell him I'm not coming" I shouted And cuddles my teddy bear more<br/>"He said if you don't come right away he's going to take drastic actions" she said. <br/>Why's dad doing this to me? this is not fair. I don't deserve this, he even indirectly called me a whore. <br/>"Miss Damilola are you there" she called again<br/>"just get out, tell him I'll be there in five minutes" I said angrily. <br/>I decided to change my dress and watch my face, hope the stupid boy his worth it.<br/>I wore a pink flowery knew length gown, didn't bother to brush my hair. I inhaled and exhaled deeply and left the room.<br/> Chattering and laughter could be heard in the dinning room. What are they laughing about<br/>"Oh here she is" My dad pointed at me and all eyes were on me. Felt like prom<br/>"Come and sit dear" my mom patted the sit for me but ignored her and sat close to the man I assumed to be Mr Chuckwudi, because that was the only free chair. I have no choice.<br/>"Princess" my dad called and I reluctantly looked at him. What is it<br/>"Meet Nelson your fiancee to be" my dad introduced my supposed Husband to be and I rolled my eyes.<br/>I looked at him and met him staring already, He doesn't look that bad. <br/>"You know that's a lie" My subconscious said.<br/>Okay fine, he's so handsome. Damnnn he looks like he was carved by angels. His broad shoulders, brown eyes. Everything about him is perfect. I love handsome guys jezzzzz<br/>"Like what you see" My mom teased and we broke the eye contact.<br/>I didn't say anything and they started laughing.<br/>"I think they like each other already" Nelson's mom said and they nodded, except me and Nelson.<br/> He looks as if he was forced to be here and there's somewhere else he'll rather be. I don't even blame him, I know his parents must have forced him to be here. Poor boy<br/>They kept talking about our marriage and planning on how they want it. Whereas I and Nelson was murdering each other with our eyes. He's so not my type<br/>After talking and talking they finally finished and left with a promise of coming back over the weekend. I don't want to see them again. My parents escorted them out and I went upstairs.<br/>I got to my room and cried myself to sleep. I really don't deserve it. I don't. I'm a sweet personnnnnnnnnn<br/><br/>**********<br/>AUTHORS NOTE: <br/><br/>I'LL TRY MY BEST TO TRANSLATE EVERY SLANG THAT WOULD BE USED IN THE NOVEL.<br/><br/>I LOVE Y'ALL <3</p>

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