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Chapter 58: 2.4 Did We Finally Get An Actual Quest? (4k)

Why go down by myself, if I can take a few others along?

'Jumping into the river to save myself from a pursuer' tactic didn't achieve the results I had imagined it to.

"I think we finally stopped moving." Pratyusha manifested a small ball of yellow fire, stuck her face to the wall of our spherical barrier created from my remodified Kundalini fogs, and peeped into the soil beyond it.

We have been on a long, dark, and rocky journey for the last few hours, where we followed the river and the landslide while buried under layers of sedimentary rock. Only the Gods know where we are going to end up ultimately on the map.

"What if we are currently at the bottom of the ocean?" Jevin was genuinely panicking, sweat drops glistened against the yellow light on his forehead.

"It will take a lot longer than just a few hours." Aditi mentioned flatly and rolled her eyes at Jevin.

"Are you doing okay, Vivikta?" I asked, trying not to gawk at her limbs slowly regenerating from the organ regeneration potion she took. The healing process was now at a stage where muscles were slowly wrapping around her exposed bones. It was super creepy yet interesting.

"Never felt better." She showed all of her teeth in glee. "To have my cute students work hard to keep me safe... How can I ask for more?"

Her smile vanished for a few seconds before she put up her mask again. "Things never seem to change for the better." She mumbled softly, trying not to let us hear her afterthought.

"The others will continue their journey as intended. We have to meet them in Somnath by the stipulated time." Pratyusha kept tabs on the group that was separated from us.

'Good luck Vaibhav.' I could only pray for him with my eyes closed. The girls with the worst attitudes are now on the other team with him.

For the last few days of trekking through the mountains, I've only heard whining and complaints from them.

They probably don't know that their actions are being scrutinized by the Gods who associate themselves with the one who has blessed Pratyusha.

"Jevin." Aditi called out to him in her usual laidback tone, "Dig from the side and gradually inch upwards. We'll be ready to cast barriers if water starts rushing in... Assuming we are currently under a river."

Jevin surprisingly followed her instructions and started digging a tunnel through a small hole I created on my barrier. I managed to witness Aditi's split-second smirk before it vanished from her face.

As Jevin kept digging, more and more soil kept sliding into our barrier, since they had nowhere else to go.

"I have depleted all my arrowheads. Or I could have blasted away the soil above us."

"Don't worry. I have got something." Pratyusha was again munching down on her stash of preserved food while chatting with the separated members of our team on KalpaYaal.

"Jevin, thanks for your fruitless efforts. Come back and chill around." I pulled back his legs sticking out of the hole he had stuffed himself into. I closed off the barrier after he reentered.

Suspecting oxygen deficiency setting in, Vivikta asked Pratyusha to deactivate her fire orb and regularly released fluorescent green blobs of Air-based Kundalini that pumped oxygen inside the barrier. Thanks to that, we probably won't be dying of asphyxiation for the next few hours.

"How long is your barrier going to hold?" Aditi's voice echoed in the darkness lit only by a little from the greenish tint of Pratyusha's status window.

"The rate at which my storage gem is depleting... Maybe two hours at max."

"And how long will it take you to regain enough Prana for the strategy you're concocting?" Aditi asked Pratusha next.

"Forty minutes." Pratyusha's meek voice followed her munching noises, "If only the meat was a little more tender."

I wondered whether checking out my status would get rid of my boredom, but I decided against it. Status windows only brought back memories of Panna.

"Wake me up when it's time." I said and closed my eyes.

As if only a minute later, Jevin's strong grip on my arm woke me up.

"That was some impressive half-dead sleep you were in. I have been shaking you up for the last five minutes or so." His voice cleared my groggy mind.

My mouth felt sticky, and my stomach was not faring well. Not to mention the weird sensation in my lower abdomen.

I needed to go answer the call of nature. Very soon.

Concentrate on something else. You can do it. You can keep the pressure under wraps...

"I'm starting." Pratyusha's voice was heavenly considering the situation I was in.

The ground above us started rumbling and shifting as a golden light seeped in through the gaps of granular soil.

"I'm creating a cylindrical barrier that expands outwards from a point, removing everything in its way. Dhruva, get ready to pump energy into your barrier. The earth between mine and yours will be subjected to immense pressure from both sides." Pratyusha being a Surakshak had quite the practical knowledge on barriers.

Her barrier started as a point, then to a thin vertical pipe, and finally turned into a well by increasing its radius.

After a struggle of fifteen minutes to coincide the edges of the two barriers, break through the ground, and open up the upper end of the cylinder above the surface of the river, things were finally set up properly. We were then carried up by Jevin, who went up first, with my fogs again converted back into ropes. After jumping down from the platform expanded around the circular edge of the barrier, I trudged across the muddy, knee-deep glacial river to its closest bank.

Setting up the bio-toilet tent in just a few seconds from my dimensional box, I refreshed myself, thinking about what we were going to do next.

The best ideas always come while on a bathroom break.

"How far are you guys from your destination?" I asked in our room group, which contained Saiyan, Anik, Dweep, and me as members.

"Mansarovaar is not that far to the east from our Ashrama. But scaling the mountains and looking for passes is taking a lot of time." Dweep's message came in an instant.

His team is out on a scout mission to check out anomalies appearing near the twin lakes: Mansarovar and Rakshas Taal. They might also get to witness the abode of Lord Shiva, the unscalable Mountain Kailash in the meantime.

"I'm nowhere close. Going south following the rules of a pilgrimage will take us months to get there." Next came Saiyan's message.

He's going to visit one of the six abodes of The God of War Lord Murugan, son of Lord Shiva. He's also known as Lord Karthikeya in the North. Same God, different names.

I waited for a while but as usual, Anik didn't reply.

"What about you, Anik?" I asked, trying to break the ice like I've been trying for the last few weeks.

"We'll reach without problems. You don't need to worry about me." Came his curt reply.

From what I've heard, he's also going South. To visit Vayu Lingam, a manifestation of The God of Wind. Being the blessing holder of his team like Pratyusha, his hands must be full with leading his team.

"Are you done?" I heard Jevin outside my toilet tent.

"Almost. Too much fiber makes you constipated."

I heard him chuckle. "We found something interesting. Hurry up."

After freshening up and making sure everything was clean for the people going next, I walked out to find Jevin skipping stones on the bank of the sluggish muddy river.

"It will take some time for the river to clear up what we brought with us today." He said, clicking his tongue at the stone that jumped thrice and disappeared with a plop.

I looked around marveling at the scenery in front of my eyes. I was so close to shitting my pants that I didn't even bother checking my surroundings.

We were at a place where the deep mountain gorge opened up to a flat valley. The river divided itself into three parallel shallow streams, flowing over a bed of dark brown granitic rocks dotted with innumerable white limestone and marble pebbles.

The mountains on both sides of the river bed were tall and majestic, their icy peaks hidden behind swirling white dense clouds. They would sometimes reveal their white crowns for a split second before covering themselves again with a fluffy cotton blanket.

The sun above was only a white ball, deficit of its heat and vigor. Cold wind would rush down at irregular intervals along the mountain slopes, rustling the dense forests of deodars and pines.

Those jungles slowly grew sparse at the middle of the mountain where they revealed the naked structure of the landforms, filled with yellow-brown rocks and stones that would make scaling them a nightmare.

"Let's go. We met some interesting people." Jevin ushered me back to where the others were.

Two middle-aged women in heavily embroidered woolen dresses were talking with the girls, surrounded by sheep. Their hair also had colorful beads strung together in web-like patterns.

"They sure do have some interesting fashion sense." I said and joined the party.

Jevin stared at me funny. "You never saw travel vlogs of these areas back in Alik? These are their go-to clothes. Very beautiful I must say."

I only nodded at his remark. Him being this aesthetic came as a surprise considering he rarely talked about things other than protein and exercise.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, joining their conversation midway.

"According to what these women are saying, this seems to be 'The' Saraswati River." Aditi explained, "The one that disappeared from Alik thousands of years ago. It empties itself into the western salt desert, the largest in the world. Very much near to our destination."

"I didn't know you were a geography nerd." I remember her answering most of the questions related to this topic till now.

"In case you forgot... Me, Esha, and the others hail from this general region of the country. In Satya, it comes under the Kingdom of Ayodhya and is often described in detail within the epics. Also, they usually teach a state's geography before moving on to the whole country. It's just a matter of matching up the information from the two dimensions." She mentioned as if it was no big deal.

What she said was indeed true. I knew more about the eastern part than the others. I should ensure that my knowledge encompasses a multitude of topics from now on. You never know what might come in handy later.

"So... We can just follow this river?" Jevin summarised.

"That will take a lot of time, considering we can either walk or use means of transport developed by ourselves. That includes animals tamed by us." Pratyusha mentioned.

The two women understood our situation and fell into deep thought.

"Tell us in advance if there are more meaningless rules like these..." Jevin asked Vivikta. Her wounds had already recovered by now leaving not a single clue of how badly injured she was just a few hours ago.

"Usually Tirthas are undertaken by adults... So they have a lot more restrictions in general. Like, keeping themselves pure, not touching alcohol, gathering their food, shaving, bathing... The list goes on. As children who haven't reached puberty yet, you don't need to bother with those." Vivikta gave a smirk looking at Jevin. "The fact that you awakened the Sacral Chakra first tells me how innocent you are."

Jevin seemed genuinely confused wondering what Vivikta meant. Aditi and Pratyusha glared at Vivikta, frustrated at her antics.

I liked Vivikta for this very reason. She's really fun to be with and always acts like a friendly older sister. Just not a reliable one.

"You all can stay in our Village tonight." The two women nodded at each other and suggested, "We won't be able to offer much, but atleast there'll be a bath and a roof overhead. Students from the Ashrama often take out predators from these mountains to make sure we are safe. This is the least we can do."

Thank you, good seniors.

"Really?" Vivikta jumped with happiness, almost hugging the two women with her dirty clothes. Aditi managed to pull her back while Jevin, in a split second had disappeared from my side and stood like a wall before the well-dressed ladies in a defensive starfish pose.

Pratyusha's contagious giggling at their actions forced me and the mountain ladies to break into a smile.


"The moon and the stars are beautiful." Jevin exhaled in frustration.

"Stop sulking. We can't see shit with those clouds blocking the sky." I sighed.

"Thank Gods the mosquitoes here are not as big as I had thought." Jevin noticed voicing his realization sarcastically.

I finally swatted away the bee-sized mosquito that had been humming beside my ears for a while.

"What is this discrimination? They'll be fine sleeping outside on threaded cots like us. Won't they?" He complained next. "How are we that different? Didn't we essentially get the same training?"

"This guy... Go and tell them all this. I'll be right behind you."

"Aren't you too accepting of situations like these?" Jevin was now throwing verbal jabs at me.

"Believe me... This is nothing. Be glad you're not sleeping on the ground, outside. Let's just hope these mosquitoes won't carry us into the jungle in our sleep." I turned away from him, closed my eyes, and covered myself with a blanket from head to toe.

Weren't villages supposed to be peaceful? I could still hear the alcoholic uncles singing at the top of their lungs back at the village center.

What a day...

As soon as we arrived at the village nestled into the side of the mountain, we found ourselves surrounded by orange orchards and their citrusy smell. There was another smell I couldn't put a finger on, something I had never smelled in my life.

The houses were a mix of impressive stone-cut architecture and woodwork, separated by deodar trees in between. The central plaza had two temples, but I didn't get a chance to take a look inside. The whole village was situated on a series of seven-step terraces, the lower ones had their gardens and orchards while the upper ones contained housing facilities.

The children and women got excited at the arrival of guests, making food together and roping us into it. In the meantime, the men went to hunt for boars.

As night fell and the festivities died down, we were sent to this 'guest house' separate from the village and with strong fences. A clear set-up for something ominous to come. I bet the others have felt it too. It was insensitive of them to leave two members outside, vulnerable to Gods know what lurking in these jungles.

Eating only the dumplings we made by hand for dinner, Jevin and I were sent out as guard dogs coming back to where I was right now.

Only the men stayed up late singing late 80's film songs while their wives and children slept inside.

I wanted to sleep but couldn't. Even with all my clothes, I felt naked. All my blooming arrowheads had already been used up. My fogs had dissipated from the continuous change in forms and the depletion of my Kundalini storage gem, which provides them energy to maintain their structures and their connection to me.

Cold mountain air rushed in and stung my whole body. Maybe, we should go and ask for some space in one corner of the single-room guest house we were provided.

I heard rustling from where Jevin was lying on his cot. I turned around and found him sitting up with a blank look in his eyes.

I held my breath trying not to make a sound in anticipation of what was coming.

"Rakshaks in my village? Very interesting." A deep male voice came from Jevin's mouth.

"Anything you need? You wouldn't take over his body without a reason." I asked without going into who he was or where he came from. It wasn't important right now.

"Jevin. Possessed. Bhoota. Help. Quick." My urgent keywords were sent over to the Pilgrimage group in an instant.

"You just asked for reinforcements."

I stayed silent.

Jevin gave a creepy smile when the door of the house swung open and the girls rushed in.

"You're good. Made my things easier." Jevin laughed creepily.

Vivikta's hand burned with a blue Space-based Kundalini right before she imprisoned Jevin's body inside a translucent cuboid like those training voids we used during the league and classes.

The barrier shattered like glass in an instant.

"You must be low in Kundalini to convert your Prana to cast that spell. Don't bother wasting time trying to defeat me. I need you all in top condition for my errand." Jevin sat in a meditation pose on his cot.

We stared at each other and sat on the ground below him.

Is he a God? Errand? Quest?

"What are the rewards?" Pratyusha asked stealing words from my lips.

Jevin chuckled heartily. "Then you already know that you have to go through my trial to proceed further. Glad to see another promising Rakshak here. Ananta's incarnation chose an interesting Manava to bless."

"Those two temples must have allowed you to descend here," Vivikta asked, "You're Brahmarishi Jamadagni, aren't you? I was surprised to find a temple dedicated to a sage here."

"Despite your previous shortcomings, you seem to have learned from your mistakes, Vivikta. I've been watching you grow for a while."

What is this name game going on here among the sages?

Vivikta turned pale eliciting another laugh from Jamadagni.

"Let's not go into that today. I'm currently acting as a messenger of Devi Saraswati. It had been foretold that Kali Yuga's atrocities would fully manifest once the three sacred rivers wither away. We are merely trying to delay the process." Jamadagni started his unskippable NPC dialogue, "Find the final Shatasahasra Lotus that had been hidden away by Lord Shiva to test Rama's sincerity, earnestness, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others. The last one he couldn't find and had to pluck his eye out to offer a total of thousand and eight lotus flowers."

"We are supposed to find something not even the Avatar of Vishnu could find?" Aditi expressed her genuine concern.

"Because it was still a bud at that time. Fate willed that flower to start late yet continue blooming for this very day. Even the plans of Gods can be thwarted by the threads of fate." Jamadagni's voice suddenly grew serious, "All this time, the Lotus had been storing water from the purest snow melt by the first rays of sunlight. Be careful while using it."

Pratyusha was taking notes, bringing out a pencil and paper from her dimensional box.

"As for your reward. Devi Saraswati herself will take care of that." He ended his talk after glancing at Pratyusha as if finally acknowledging her question.

Jevin's body plopped down and the back of his neck hit the edge of the cot.

"Ughh... This Descension thing is pretty scary." He sprung up again and sighed, cracking his neck and flexing his shoulders. The earlier damage seemed negligible to him.

"When are you thinking of replacing those bandages?" I asked eyeing his greenish-brown strips of cloth.

"Pretty soon. I'll also ask for the ointment when it's time. Don't worry, I've got it under control." He answered.

"Well, I thought Jamadagni was a Saptarishi. Did he lose his seat or something?" Aditi asked Vivikta bringing back the siderailed topic.

"They always keep changing. If you ask them they will start teaching you maths about when they'll get to become a Saptarishi next. Our tiny brains won't be able to comprehend that. Best to call all of them Brahmarishis." Vivikta was a little too lax in these areas. Hopefully, the opposite party won't take much offense.

"So the Saptarishis are like seven special seats and not about the sages themselves?" Aditi clarified.

"Complicated. Honestly, I don't remember. Go ask someone else when you're back at the Ashrama." Vivikta answered moving her hands in an annoying shooing manner.

"Tsk. You and your answers. You didn't study properly, didn't you?" Aditi got a little angry and raised her voice, changing Vivikta's expression.

"Sleep early. We'll set out early in the morning." Vivikta got up and walked back to the guest house.

"We aren't learning anything like this." Aditi complained.

"Keep yapping and you'll have to share a cot with those two." Vivikta allowed Pratyusha inside but stopped Aditi at the door.

"Sorry ma'am. Let me in, will you?" Aditi returned to her usual expressionless voice.

"Can we get a small corner inside?" I asked, "It's too cold out here."

The three exchanged glances.

"C'mon in. We would have called you inside anyway. We were just testing how obedient you guys were." Vivikta ushered us inside as if our struggles outside till now amounted to nothing.

Jevin already had a few blood vessels popping on his temple. Control bro, control.

"There's no problem with Jevin, considering his awakened chakra. But you Dhruva. No funny business inside." Vivikta had a teasing smile on her lips. She's again in her fun mode. "I've already caught you eyeing me several times."

So this is where you're going with that...

Jevin and Aditi looked confused. Pratyusha looked at me in disbelief.

What a slander.

"Ohh please, Vivikta. You're nowhere close to her." I jabbed back. "You indeed look quite young despite your age, but as far as charm goes, you don't compare."

"Her?" She latched onto my bait.

Aditi's reaction juggled between calculating inside her head and looking confused. Pratyusha suddenly seemed a little too engrossed in her toes.

Vivikta was smiling as if she finally found some good entertainment. "Finally the girl talk I've been waiting for. Even though it centers around a boy. What are you two even doing?" Her verbal pokes were now flying all over the place avoiding only Jevin. The girls weren't being spared either.

"What happened then? You got dumped?" Vivikta pressed me for further information.

"Ofcourse." I shrugged, trying to look mature. "I hurried a bit too much. A good lesson to learn early. Next time, I'll take some more time. But why did you have to assume the worst directly?"

Vivikta giggled, "You give off that dumped guy energy. Just an intuitive feeling we get sometimes."

"What the..."

"Come to me for suggestions next time. I'll patch you up nicely." She smirked.

"I have some serious doubts about that. Well, I'll keep it in mind. Don't think I'll need it anytime soon." I lay next to Jevin on a straw mattress provided by the villagers. Placed on the floor.

"What now?" I saw Vivikta still looking at me expectantly.

"That's all? I want more details!" She complained.

"Let me sleep now. I don't want to remember those things and cringe myself to death."

"What a spoilsport," Vivikta said crossing her arms in disappointment.

"Indeed." Pratyusha agreed with a slight smile.

"You guys are having too much fun watching someone experience first-hand embarrassment." Aditi managed to stop the two understanding my plight.

I gave her a salute and covered myself with a blanket.

It was embarrassing yet heartwarming. Tomorrow morning, we'll embark on an actual quest like I've been yearning for some time. As an avid enjoyer of RPGs, this whole pilgrimage affair was right up my alley.

Looking at the scenery today, made me wish to see more of this world. It made me wonder, what kind of views awaited me in this dimension. For the last few days and even now, my world just keeps getting bigger.

Speaking of RPGs... Should I whip out my status and allocate my stored stat points for the first time in a while?

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