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The Entropy Generated by Evolution The Entropy Generated by Evolution original

The Entropy Generated by Evolution

Author: MkHungria

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The theory of evolution

"You... how can I put it into words?... Have you ever thought about the evolution of a monster?"

The man asked the distant figure shrouded in shadows, just a rhetorical question, he didn't expect an answer. The person responsible for this question walked frantically from one side to the other, excited about the action of exposing his thoughts for a long time kept only for himself. His white robe trimmed with gold swayed back and forth with his steps, while his cape, emblazoned with six spears crossing a shield, fluttered with his step.

"Everyone knows that monsters evolve, of course, variations of mutated spiders can adapt to new types, a small octopus from the seas of Queamno is able to strengthen itself until it becomes a kraken, wyverns can become true dragons and we have cataloged cases of demon rats becoming kings of the plague." The man paused in his long speech, ran his hand through the long white beard he had noticing that some details needed more attention "I here, of course, exclude the most special species, those unique ones that not even a race can be considered because there's only one of each, like that titan who disappeared in exile."

Having accentuated the small details, the man realized he was tired. No matter how excited he was for the chance to air his ideas, he was still an old man. He looked around, his eyes wandering around the lab that had been his most treasured possession for decades.

An oval chamber, made of brown stone in the interiors of a castle. There were tables where papers with writings and drawings could be seen, slates scattered with the most diverse recipes and also shelves where glass jugs with multicolored liquids called attention. The environment had poor lighting, coming only from three torches positioned in three corners distant from each other.

The elderly man went to one of the tables and sat a little away from the individual who was resting in the shadows where the light did not reach.

"All of this leads back to the subject of my research, which of course, I suppose is the only reason you keep listening to me." The man's lips in a slow pronunciation that denoted how amusing he found that line, pronounced in a loud voice "I want to talk about goblins."

A deep snort could be heard, a tone so low and indifferent that it wasn't possible to tell if it was done out of boredom or disgust with the old man's utterance.

"I expected that reaction, but you'll understand the enormity of what I want to present here. Have you ever wondered why goblins manage to get any species pregnant? Don't look at me that way! I'm serious here." The old man always heard mocking and sarcastic reactions about what was the research he had spent years of his life on, it was annoying. "I'm serious and I won't even let you make fun of me!... Hunf, these repulsive little monsters have the greatest adaptability there is, if forest goblins move to the mountain, their descendants are born with skills appropriate for that territory. The same would happen with deserts, glacial areas or dry lands."

The man hesitated for a few seconds trying to find a way to pronounce the next sentence without sounding much weirder than he already was or worse, ending up looking like someone disgusting and with questionable tastes.

"In my studies... ahem, I ended up discovering that the sperm of this race is perfect."

And only silence followed after that curious sentence. The elderly man waited in an embarrassed way for his companion hidden in darkness to make a comment of any kind in relation to that statement, but nothing was said by him.

"Well, going back to what I was saying, this perfection is due to the fact of their incomparable compatibility. If a goblin impregnates a vampire, what is born is a ghoul. If you do it with a human, what is born is a hobgoblin. If the same happens to an elf, a superior hobgoblin is born. Ever stop to think about it? Really think about it?" The man had the previous euphoria resumed and again got up in a rush of anxiety thus again pacing back and forth without containing his restless legs "There is no other species, be it monster, demon or demi-human capable of impregnating a race other than the yours, only the goblins."

"Round and round, but not going anywhere, that's just what you're doing, doc." The man in the shadows said something, breaking his silence. His voice was deep like the inside of a cave, his tone authoritative like a monarch's "The point doctor, straight to him, or I'll show you what happens when my patience is exhausted."

"Sure, sure." The old man seemed afraid of the threats, but without really fearing them, not when he was aware of how important he was in that land "The main issue is their evolution, their potential for evolution."

"Goblins don't evolve"

"We've never seen one evolve, it would be really difficult, they are weak, dumb, the lowest monster that exists in the predator chain, even a slime is better positioned. If it weren't for the ability to become thousands over the course of a few years, no would be a threat." The doctor went to one of the several slates present in the environment and with a piece of chalk taken from his pocket, he began to draw on it. "I thought of it one day a few decades ago when I saw that vampire countess for the first time and she turned an assistant of mine into a ghoul. A noble vampire like her can turn others into ghouls or lesser vampires and that's what made me question whether all these would not be part of the same line of evolution."

"A vampire can become a noble vampire as their power increases, so they are treated like slaves."

"Indeed, but do you think a ghoul can become one?" The old man asked with a strange smile on his face.

"Never heard of it, but considering that it's possible..." The expressions of the being in the shadows could not be seen, but it was noticeable that he had just gone through a great deal of understanding "It means that a goblin's offspring can become a vampire and perhaps something even greater than that."

"So how does this not relate to the evolutionary line of the main progenitor? The one with the greatest adaptability ever seen in nature?"

"Goblins don't evolve." The one in the shadows repeated to assert his convictions "And even if they did, why a ghoul and not a hobgoblin for example?"

"Well, huahaha, well well, but why not both?!? And why not much more than both?! Let's see!"

The elderly man, who had not stopped drawing since he picked up the chalk, moved away from the blackboard allowing his partner to see the image formed in its entirety. There were icons of dozens of different creatures, from the lowest of kobolds to lizardmen, zombies to dullahans, from the simplest vampires to the highest lords. Weak species and strong species, jokey races and fearsome peoples. All of these figures had lines connecting them to a single point at the top of the slate.

A goblin.

"That doesn't make sense, why would most monsters be linked to something so mediocre?

And assuming they really are, what would all these races scattered around the world be then? Leftovers? Offshoots of a single evolutionary line? By the gods! There is no no reason at all in what you're telling me." A movement was seen in the darkness, the monarch was incredulous and denied those hypotheses.

"I can't find reason either, I only see chaos generated by this bizarre natural selection." The doctor spoke breathlessly "But I will find it, I'm close, with the tests going on we'll see the story unfold."

"Tests? I wasn't told anything! What did you do?!" The man in the shadows raised his voice and it was just enough for the other to fall to his knees and limp.

But not enough to douse the spark of excitement in him, a hot fire born of his desire to get answers.

"I just gave the kick, the push for us to see… The entropy generated by evolution. "

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