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Chapter 9: CH - 09 Kirigakure

Ryugestu Hozuki, a renowned member of the Hozuki clan of Kirigakure, prided himself on his exceptional skills. Being an elite jonin, he had been entrusted with the task of leading the army in the attack on Uzushiogakure.

Inside a tent that served as a meeting place, where they awaited the arrival of other important individuals, Ryugestu turned to a young ninja standing behind him, Takumi, who also happened to be his subordinate. He inquired, "Takumi, is everyone in position? And what about the squad responsible for breaking the Enchantment Barrier.? Are they ready?"

Takumi, a talented shinobi from the Yuki clan known for his ice-based kekkei genkai, nodded and assured him, "Yes, Captain, they are in position." However, a trace of uncertainty flickered in Takumi's eyes as he hesitated, glancing back at his commander before voicing his concerns in a low tone, "Captain, is it right to attack the Uzumaki clan without a clear reason? We may be responsible for sparking a new war."

Takumi's daring to ask such a question stemmed from his personal relationship with Ryugestu, as he had served under him as part of a team during times of peace. Ryugestu raised an eyebrow, not fully addressing his subordinate's query, and dismissively replied, "You don't need to contemplate, just follow orders. Understand that this is for the better future of Kirigakure."

"This decision was made by the higher-ups of Kirigakure. If you have any complaints, address them with those in charge," Ryugestu added, a hint of irritation creeping into his tone as he noticed his subordinate's lingering desire to say something.

In normal circumstances, Ryugestu would not have been perturbed or angered by such questions from his subordinates. However, given the nature of the battlefront, any hint of doubt or questioning of the village's decision could potentially dampen the army's morale.

The subordinate, humbled by his captain's reprimand, averted his gaze. Observing his subordinate's compliance without further argument, Ryugestu couldn't help but sigh inwardly, noting that Takumi still possessed a touch of naivety. He gently patted Takumi's shoulder and offered a soft reassurance, "You needn't worry about others. The responsibility lies solely with the Uzumaki clan. If they had granted us what we desired, this battle would not be necessary."

After a brief pause, Ryugestu's expression shifted, and a smile played across his face as he continued, "Furthermore, you need not be concerned about triggering another war due to the Uzumaki clan. Their fate has already been sealed by all."

The subordinate appeared stunned by this revelation, his voice filled with shock as he questioned, "What do you mean? Everyone..." Realization washed over his face, transforming his expression into one of astonishment as he posed the question to his captain, "Are you saying that other villages will also attack Uzushiogakure?"

Amused by his subordinate's reaction, Ryugestu chuckled and patted Takumi's shoulder, motioning for him to lower his voice slightly. "Yes, every village has decided to deal with this long-surviving clan from the Warring States period. They too see the Uzumaki clan as a threat," he explained with a hint of disdain. "However, unlike Kirigakure, they won't send a significant number of shinobi troops. They will take advantage of the situation discreetly. We are the only ones attacking from the front."

Ryugestu's contemptuous tone revealed his belief that the other villages saw this as an opportunity to weaken the Uzumaki clan without committing many resources. Although even Kirigakure had not dispatched more than 30% of its ninja forces, nor any kage-level ninja, that was still sufficient against a single clan like the Uzumaki.

This information remained exclusive to the higher-ranking officials. As a prospective candidate for a high position, Ryugestu possessed knowledge beyond that of lower-level shinobi. The lower-level individuals were only aware that their village was at war with the Uzumaki clan, oblivious to the larger context. In fact, not only Kirigakure but other villages held the same understanding, known solely by their respective higher-ups.

Noticing that Takumi had absorbed this information, Ryugestu nodded approvingly. When the captains of the squads arrived in the meeting tent, he addressed everyone present with determination, "Now, let us prepare for battle and demonstrate our strength to Uzushiogakure. For Kirigakure!"

"For Kirigakure!" echoed through the assembled ranks as they fervently repeated their allegiance.

An elderly voice declared, "They are ready," capturing the attention of everyone present as he peered through a crystal ball. The elders and Kazuki nodded, acknowledging their understanding of the situation.

If Akira were present, he would have instantly recognized the crystal ball as the one the future Third Hokage used in the anime to peep….*ahem* to observe Konoha for security purposes. However, Originally the crystal ball's monitoring capabilities were limited to the area within the enchantment barrier. Once the enchantment barrier was broken, the monitoring capability would cease.

Usually, they wouldn't have been aware of such a jutsu's existence, but Akira had mentioned the concept to Kazuki at one point. It was during some conversation that Kazuki had asked the elders if they knew anything similar. Surprisingly, one of the elders possessed a prototype he had created for some forgotten purpose. They had made some improvements and connected it to the sensing barrier, expanding its range beyond that of the enchantment seal barrier. As a result, they could now observe events both inside and outside the sealing barrier.

They were gathered in a meeting room, awaiting the final preparations before going to war. However, two individuals were noticeably absent. Kazuki nodded and turned to the other elders, inquiring about the status of the other villages.

"They are also nearby. Our sensory ninjas have detected their imminent arrival," an elder informed him with a grave tone, providing details about the positions of the other village's ninja. The sensory ninjas possessed the "Mind's Eye of the Kagura," enabling them to detect other ninjas even at considerable distances, even in some cases surpassing the capabilities of the Byakugan.

Kazuki paused, allowing the news to sink in. "Very well. As previously decided, the Fourth, Second and Fifth elders will lead the battlefronts in the other villages," he stated, gesturing toward the respective elders. Continuing, he added, "The First and Third Elders are already positioned at the Kirigakure front. We can trust them to handle the situation."

The other elders nodded in agreement, and as Kazuki turned his attention to Hiroshi, the First Elder, he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"I understand what you're going to say. You want me to assist Akira and others in case of an emergency while you defend against those 'backstabbers' . However, I believe it would be better if you went to assist Akira and others, and I go to defend against 'them'," Hiroshi interjected, his tone serious as he spoke. "After all, I know them better than you do. In the event that our plan fails or things spiral out of control, you should escape with Akira and the others."

Even if the likelihood of something going wrong was small, it was better for Kazuki, the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan and leader of the village, to remain with Akira and the others. There was always a slim chance that unforeseen circumstances could hinder their planned escape. Kazuki couldn't help but consider his role as a husband and a father, desiring to protect his family from unexpected attacks. Yet, as the patriarch and leader, he couldn't choose the easiest option available.

Speaking of which, convincing Akira to leave with the others had also been a challenge. Until the previous night, Akira had insisted on participating in the battle. It was only when Kazuki reminded him of the potential consequences to his mother and Kushina that he reluctantly agreed.

Now that Hiroshi had expressed his willingness to personally confront Konoha, Kazuki's internal conflict diminished. Nevertheless, his responsibility as the village leader prevented him from wholeheartedly agreeing. However, when he considered his family, he couldn't help but succumb to a momentary sense of selfishness, slowly nodding at Hiroshi's words.

The other elders observed the various conflicting emotions on Kazuki's face and a smile formed on their lips. Hiroshi patted Kazuki's shoulder, his own smile conveying understanding. "Don't worry, we understand."

Kazuki was momentarily taken aback, and Hiroshi chuckled at his reaction, resembling a child caught by their parents after breaking something he thought had gone unnoticed.

"Anyway, We aren't going to necessarily die today, Don't forget that we all possess shadow clone seal scrolls. So, We actually no need to take unnecessary risks," Hiroshi explained with a smile, speaking on behalf of every elder. His expression turned slightly more serious, and a hint of emotion colored his tone. "Promise us that, no matter what happens today, you will protect them and lead them to a safe place, especially... Akira."

Hiroshi's words struck a chord with Kazuki, fully comprehending their meaning. From that moment onward, he would be the sole leader of the Uzumaki clan, as the elders retired. There would no longer be any elders, and he alone would make decisions for the clan.

However, Kazuki couldn't find joy in this realization. Unlike other elder-leader relationships in different villages, their relationship within the Uzumaki clan had been exceptionally harmonious. It was not merely due to their shared clan affiliation, even large clans like the Uchiha and Hyuga had their internal factions. Despite the Uzumaki clan having a council of six elders, along with Kazuki as the patriarch, their relationships were more harmonious than any other clan.

Kazuki's gaze shifted around the room, observing the nodding elders. They indicated their agreement, and a sense of déjà vu washed over him as he realized that Akira had been in a similar position. Just like his son, Kazuki felt the weight on his shoulders grows heavier at that moment.

On the other side, A shinobi was seen hurriedly getting into a tent with a symbol on the flag outside of the tent which seems to symbol of Kirigakure. He entered the tent before he asked permission of entering the tent after he got in the tent. The shinobi handed the scroll to the Ryugestu inside and bowed his head "Sir, We have successfully broken the Enchantment Seal Barrier."

Kaiszer Kaiszer

In the early chapter, due to the focus being on the whole Uzumaki clan fighting I can't focus on the MC POV alone.

Remember that before any complains.

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