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Chapter 21: Mathew's New Case

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"Oh if you are saying so then it's a good thing I didn't skip today's call." The man on the other end of the video call said. He was a man in his late thirties with droopy eyes. Just as he heard what Jakuna said a smile appeared on his face. 

"What is that supposed to mean Deepak? I have told you no drinking before my call for at least a few hours." Jakuna said to which Deepak said "It's 5.30 in the morning here…I am not drunk but sleepy. So what happened?" 

Jakuna started to explain his meeting with Jared and the things that Jared told him about. Deepak started to laugh as he heard that and said "If I had read this somewhere on the internet then I would have assumed it to be a conspiracy theory of some kind."

"It would be hard to find even the existence of SHIELD on the internet. What are your thoughts on this? Have there been anything suspicious movements in SHIELD?" Jakuna asked.

"I do have a few spies planted in SHIELD but I haven't received any new information from them. SHIELD has always been secretive about every project or data of theirs no matter how small it is. But I have been receiving reports of the agents close to Alexander Pierce getting more and more important positions. It is as if they are replacing the ones that support Nick Fury to their fullest extent." Deepak said.

"You never told me this." Jakuna exclaimed.

Deepak just shrugged his shoulders and said "It was obvious that Alexander Pierce wanted to gain power within SHIELD. He did it at a very slow pace so that no one would be alarmed by it. Him replacing Nick Fury as the Director is not something that would trouble us. In fact, with the help of Alexander Pierce, we have been able to quell many problems that arised in the Indian Ocean so we always considered it as a good thing for Alexander to gain power within SHIELD."

"Hmm…Alexander has always supported me when I had them create safe houses in Asia to secure our country's interest. It would be a bad move to go against him then." Jakuna said while thinking deeply.

Deepak shook his head sideways and said "Even if there is a one percent chance what that man told you is true then we must take action. Alexander is a cautious man but also ambitious. Just like you I also don't trust this man but for now, the only thing he has requested from us is money which we have an ample amount of. If spending some money can help us clear a doubt about Alexandar and also gain some foothold in the US then we should take the chance."

"I would have thought the same, but he wants to have total autonomy over the team that he makes. He doesn't want to be controlled by anyone. I am not in the business of charity."

Deepak smirked and said "No matter what he says the fact that we are the ones that hold money and resources, means we hold the reigns. If he is that knowledgeable about SHIELD and HYDRA then he knows fully well that no matter how much he tries he cannot escape SHIELD's eyes if he does things on his own. He needs us every step of the way and that's how we tame him." 

"Good…I expect nothing less from you. We will do whatever we can to keep our people safe. He has asked to meet you next week so you have two days to leave India. I will notify you about the other details later. Tell the people planted in SHIELD to keep their eyes and ears open at all times from now on." Jakuna said to which Deepak nodded and then hung up the call.

Jakuna took a deep breath and said "I hope I have taken the right decision by handing this over to Deepak. I don't know what the aim of forming 'THE THIRD EYE' is but once I put my foot in this pond then I won't come back unscathed."

Jakuna who had inherited his family's legacy and grown it 3 times in his tenure as the Chairman has taken every decision in good faith whether it be business or family. By joining the World Security Council, he was proud of himself for being one of the hands that helped support the world in difficult times and now his entire legacy was threatened. If he decided to help Jared and create 'The Third Eye' and it turns out to be a mistake then everything his family worked for in the last century or so would have been tarnished. 


While Jared had something sinister planned in his head and Jakuna had pushed his dilemma onto Deepak, there was a lot of chaos going on at the warehouse where Jared was just at. The entire warehouse was surrounded by police squad cars and among them, one black SUV had just arrived.

"Why do you think Captain sent us here?" Elise asked her partner Mathew as she got out of the car. Mathew shrugged and said "I don't know…I had already informed him about taking the case of those two black-suit Asians. It's odd for him to pile up cases on us."

The two detectives walked toward the entrance of the warehouse which now had tape around it saying 'NYPD KEEP OUT'

Seeing the badge on the two of them the cop who was guarding this perimeter lifted up the tape to let them pass in.

"The sergeant informed us that detectives from another precinct will be handing over the case. Your coroner is already here." The patrol cop said and walked them inside the warehouse.

As they entered the warehouse, the smell of blood assaulted their nose and they quickly made a scrunched face. They saw 2 Asian men in suits lying on the floor and two white guys as well. They also looked down and saw a trail of blood go outside the warehouse and end at the railing which had the ocean on the other side. They both looked at the railing and saw bloodied hand prints on them. They also saw a car inside the warehouse a few cops were wiping for fingerprints and other stuff.

Elise looked at the two black suit Asians in front of her and said "Now I know why the captain sent us here."

"Yeah we have 4 dead people possibly from the same organization in the same week." Mathew said and walked toward the coroner who was now examining one of the dead white guys.

"What have we got here Dr Scott?" Mathew asked to which the old doctor looked up at him and adjusted his glasses while saying "An overtime for all of us for starters." Mathew and Elise both chuckled as they heard that. Dr Scott may be an enthusiast in his field but he loved his private time.

Dr Scott also gave a smile but his face became serious quickly as he said "These people didn't have an easy death that is for sure."

"Why do you say so?" Elise asked to which the dr pointed towards the man's neck and said "All these people have a knife wound on the side of their neck which pierced their carotid artery but that is not the odd part."

"Then what is?" Elise asked confusedly as she looked at the knife wound.

"Not all of them died by that knife wound. At least 2 of them were already dead when this wound occurred."

"Huh? Why would someone kill a dead man? That doesn't make any sense doc." Elise said.

"It does if the one who made the wound didn't want to take any chance for them to be still alive. And the knife from which this wound was made is also here." Dr Scott said as he pulled out a bloodied knife from his ME backpack which was in an evidence ziplock.

"This knife looks a lot like the knife you showed us that was used to kill Ronan Carbrey" Mathew said as he took the evidence bag in his hand and looked at the bloody knife.

"It is the same kind of knife. A Tanto. The case of Ronan Carbrey is connected to this one because of the knife and this case is connected to the two guys who died with water in their lungs." Dr Scott said.

Elise looked at Mathew who was still staring at the knife and asked "Does all of this make any sense to you Mathew?"

Mathew nodded and said "We don't know if this is the same knife that killed Ronan Carbrey but seeing how these two Asians and the two in the morgue are wearing the same clothes and are Japanese, it won't be a stretch to say they or someone from their organization killed Ronan Carbrey."

Mathew then looked back at the railing and the bloody hand print on it and said "I guess there was another Asian with these two…he must be extremely injured so he used the knife to make sure all these people here are dead and then jumped into the sea."

"That is some next-level dedication to protect the organization's secret…whatever it may be. You are kind of right because the sea isn't a good place to escape especially when there is a good car standing right inside the warehouse." Elise said. She was about to continue but Dr Scott's phone rang.

"Hello…who is this? Yes…that's me…WHAT??" Dr Scott exclaimed in shock.

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