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Chapter 7: Fubuki's experience


The war has been going on for over a decade and everyday more and more people die.

The fit and strong men are becoming soldiers to protect their country, but the rest? They are forced hide themself underground like a bunch of rats. Fearing the radiations from the nuclear bomb and other things.

"We won't survive long enough with just this" one of the elder that are an old man said inside of a bunker

There is 5 people inside of the storage rooms in the bunker.

"So what should we do" the other elder which is an old woman said.

"What else? We look outside and try to find some food" a man with one arm said

"But that's too dangerous!" A woman in her 30s that have a short black hair to her side and also a lot piercing said

"So what? Are we just gonna sit here and die from starvation? Or are we gonna start eating ourself now?" The Man said again sending shivers to everyone spine.

"How can you say such a morbid thing?! We are not cannibals!" A 16 years old boy said

"I am just saying, if we don't start searching for foods outside then we will start searching for foods inside. And currently the only thing we can eat here is just each other." the man said again.

The Teenager grumbled at the man but he does have a point.

"Fine, we should scout the area and try to find some food. Now the problem is who should we send?" The old man said ending their arguments.

"The Childrens are obviously out of the question, we are not even old enough to drink right now, it will be stupid to send them outside, the older ones might be able to help a little thought" the teenager said being the oldest in the childrens group

"What about the men? Can they scout outside?" The Old granny said

"Sure, My men can do it. But if we do that then we will leave the base unprotected. You sure you want that to happend?" The one armed man said in an apathetic tone.

He seriously does not care if he is the one that have to scout the area and find some food. In his mind it is either that he die here with an empty stomach or he die outside with something in his stomach.

Preferebly food but most likely it will be radiations.

"You can't, the childrens needs protection in case something happend. The old people is also out of the question for obvious reasons so, that leave the womans" The old man said. And everyone is looking at the middled aged woman now

"Sure, i'll tell my group and see which one of them want to go outside. I obviously will follow them to find some foods but i don't think they will all agree to it" The middle aged woman said

"I will also tell my men and see which one of them is willing to go, i can't dispatch all of them but if it's just half then i think it's fine" the middle aged man said.

"Great. Now that it's all done, let's get to work everybody" the old man said ending the meetings


"Going outside?"

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"What about the radiations?"

The group of womans asked their leader with a worried face.

"I know it's dangerous. But we have no other options, we will run out of food in a few days so we need to find more foods outside" the leader of the womans group said to them

"What about the food supply from the goverment?" woman #1 said. (I am too lazy to pick a name for them)

"That won't come for the next 2 weeks so we can't wait that long. The foods will run out in just around 3 days for now, by the time the supply get here we will all be dead" the leader said again.

"Then what about the men? Why don't they go out?" Woman #2 said

"As i have said in the meetings. We have no problem for going out and find some food. But we will leave our base unprotected if that happend. Or do you think you can protect this base? If you do then we will gladly go outside and find some foods" the leader of the men group said. Although some of them have doubts about going out with all of the radiations and whatnot. But their opinions are irrelevant since they won't be going out anyway

"But we won't be letting you go out alone either. We will send half our group together with you to help you find some food" the men group leader said and shocked his own group

"Hey captain, i thought we are gonna stay here" some of the men in the group confronted their leader.

"So what? Are you gonna stay here and be a pussy? Letting the girls you are suppose to protect work for you instead? Is that what you want?" The leader said to the man.

The easiest way to make a man to do his work is to attack his pride

"Well. It's not like that" he feel the pressure of the womans judging eyes and also his girlfriend.

"W-well of course! We will help as well, right guys?! Ahahahaha" he try to play it cool and it ended in an awkward laugh from him while the womans keep staring at him

The awkward laugh soon died down and they begin their discussion once again.

"Well anyhow, we need to find the supplies. It's either that or we die here out of starvation. That was guaranteed to happend. So if there is even a chance for us to survive out there. Then i would like to take my chances" the leader of the woman group said her last bit and they finally convinced to take their chance.


The womans group are preparing to head out to the outside world.

The childrens are looking at them with concern but they have been told that this is neccesary so they have to go

"Sakuya-san" a woman suddenly said to the leader of the womans group (The hardest part of this chapter is to pick a name for them. Like every time i decide to give them a name my heart will beat furiously and i will close my notepad out of embarassment)

"Are you sure this is safe? Will be alright right?" The woman said with a concerned face

"I have to stay alive to meet them again" she said in a low voice

Sakuya seeing the disstressed girl decide to put her arm around the girl and pull her in a hug

"It's okay fubuki, we will survive this war, we have stayed this long after all. I am sure the war will stop anyday now. You will be able to meet with your friends and fans again. Just like i promise" she said while stroking the girl's head in a loving manner.

They have developped a sisters relationship from all of the thing they have been through together

"Okay, but i don't think you should call me that. If the boss-man hear you then we will be in trouble" She said in a joking tone

"Ah that's right. I might lose my job if that happend" she said in an equaly joking tone.

They both giggled at each other and then continue their packing


"Look! It's a convenience store!" One of the older kid said while pointing at an abandoned 7/11

"Don't get your hopes too high kids. Chances are those place have already been raided by other people" a man near the kid said.

"But there is no harm in checking it right? It might have some leftover food or something" woman #1 said. (What? you want a name? Hahahaha. No)

"Well i guess that's fine. But be aware of traps and the likes. It is possible that somebody is using that place as a base" Man #2 said (How many people are here?)

They then begin to to approach the convenience store

They see the store front door that have been smashed open just like the windows

"Yup, looked raided. I will be surprised if something is still here" The leader of the men group said

"Come on gard-san. Don't be too pessimistic. Look there is still some cleaning set right there. This is not completely raided yet" Man #3 said (i decide to give the leader a name. A name that i thought for 2 seconds and that's it, i was thinking about garp and also a guard, then i realise i can do gard. So there you go)

"Go eat that then. We are here for foods, not soaps" but some of the womans in the woman group have already collected it.

"What? We need to take what we can, what other chances will we have to find these kind of things?" Woman #3 said (seriously how many people are here?)

Gard just look at them and decide that it's not worth the effort of telling them not to so he just sigh and let them be

"I am going inside. See if they have some foods stocked in the back" Gard said and he do just that

Gard look around and found a lot of locked door.

'That's weird' Gard try to open the door but it's locked so he kick the door open.

'So the door can be destroyed. Then why is it still locked?' Gard thought.

Almost all of the buildings left in this town are not locked.

Mainly because it has been raided already so why would anyone locked it? It's empty

So the fact that there is a locked door here meant either one of the two.

"It's either somebody is living here or this place hadn't been raided yet. Maybe they just take what's in the front and forget the back" he look around the room and found a lot of files, books, and a computer desk complete with the computer in the middle.

'it looks like an office. Maybe it's the managers office or something' he look around and try to fund anything usefull.

"Damn it. Why did japan have to be such a strict country. If we are in america there should be one or two guns here" he said after turning the room upside down.

"Fine then. Let's try the other rooms" he said leaving the office room behind.

He keep opening door after doors and most of them are only a few staff rooms with nothing but papers on it.

"Jackpot" until finally he arrive at the storage rooms.

The storage rooms is still cold surprisingly.

'How does this even happend?' it's been 10 years since the war started. So if the store had been abandoned around that time then it's impossible that the food will still be cold

"Well doesn't matter. Most of the foods and drinks here is still good anyway, i better give the good news to the guys" he said while leaving the storage room

"Hey guys! I found a storage room in the back filled with foods. Help me gather it up" He said and the people's faces all light up with excitement.


"That fast?!"

"As expected of our captain!"

"Woohooo!" They all cheered up at the great news the captain tell them.

"Alright alright, everyone stop yelling or we are gonna attract some unnecessary attention" Sakuya, the leader of the womans group said calming down their excitement.

"Okay, now can you lead us to the storage room Gard san?" Sakuya said after they have calmed down

Gard nodded and walk back again.

"It's really strange that it's still cold here. Maybe it's been used recently?" Man #3 said.

"If it has would there be any food here?" Man #2 said

"Maybe they died just recently and this is their stockpiled foods?" Man #3 said.

"Yeah right. There is no sign of humans here at all. No trash no nothing. It's just a big pile of food" Man #1 said

"Well, maybe they like to clean their stuff? Have you ever thought about that?" Man #3 said

"Enough. If you have time to argue then you have time to carry more stuff. Doesn't matter if someone was here or not. What matter is that they are not here currently. So we will be taking their food with us" Gard has had enough of their argument and shut them down

"If somebody was here then. Isn't this technically stealing" Woman #4 said. (They just keep spawning out of thin air!)

"Obviously. But we need to this to not die. It's either them or us at this point. And it is our choice who get to live" Gard said seeing that currently they are the one that have the foods in their hands.

"But that's... Kind of too cruel don't you think?" Woman #2 said

"Again. It's either them or us. There is no other choice. if you wanna blame someone, blame the wars" Gard said again ending their questions.

After a few minutes of looting the place they have finally gathered all form of foods and drinks their.

Granted with their rather big group this foods will only last a few days but still better than nothing.

And the next supply will come in 2 weeks anyway. If they ration these food enough then they will manage.

The kids might get a little angsy but who cares, as long as they are alive, they can cry as much as they want

But as they are about to walk out of there they hear a foot step.

"Who's there?!" They hear a sound coming from outside.


It is so f*cking boring!!!!

Why am i making this kind of story?! I want action! I want blood! Not this!

Sorry if the chapter came so late. It's because frankly i can't write it.

Wanna know how i write stuff? Simple. I open my notepad. Stare at it for a few seconds and my mind will generate the stories that are linked from the last one

I don't even know what i am going to write before i write it. You can say that it's automatic.

But what happend when the stories is boring? Then i won't write it. So i just stare at my notepad waiting until something interesting comes to my mind but nothing does.

It's a story about an apocalyptic warfare world. And there is no action like guns because they are in japan. People don't have guns in japan

And also. There won't be any people because they are all afraid of the radiations and stuff like that.

SO HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO MAKE THIS INTERESTING?! Maybe i should read more about plot making and stuff

I am almost tempted to just make another story and leave this one because i am stuck. I can't do it. Or maybe i should just skip this stupid explanations chapter and go right back to the main story. like that is more interesting than this stupid flashback.

but this is important for the plot. but it's boring. why!?

you know what? You know what?!

i am gonna make a vote.

vote here if you want the flashback

vote here if you want to just skip right to the main story. (i will finish the flashback but you will be able to see that i really skip it. there won't be any detail just straight up end the plot and go back to the main story)

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