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Chapter 11: Direwolf Clan

"My Lord, direwolf activity has been spotted by the scouts in the nearby area. What are your orders." Rigur suddenly appeared from the darkness and reported.

"Tell the scouts to not engage. I will go deal with this myself." I ordered, smirking devilishly.


Tonight, we would strike. We are the proud Direwolf Clan. For years, we were unable to take our rightful place as the rulers of Jura due to the presence of the Storm Dragon Veldora. However since recently, his presence has faded.

That can only mean one thing, that the Storm Dragon has died. And now those puny goblins and kobolds stand no chance against us. We will take over the Forest. It is now the age of the Direwolves!!

But, hidden from the other members of my clan, I, the clan leader know something else. Our expedition into Jura is not only for the sake of conquering..... It is out of necessity.

I have lived for the longest in my clan, and so I know this world well. Our clan used to live near the border of the Eastern Empire, killing lone travelers and merchants. The Empire possesses vast Grain Fields near their borders, however my clan is no match for them. The moment we step into their territory, they will retaliate, and annihilate us completely.

That is the reason we are trying to establish ourselves in Jura. I am slowly getting old, and I don't want to leave the clan in a difficult position after my death. My son, he will need time to get used to leading the pack. I have to give him time. We have to get stronger.

For us monsters, who do not require food to survive, our only goal is to become stronger. For that, we have to slay powerful monsters and humans. Hunting off weak traders will not do, we have to take this chance. It is MY responsibility to raise my clan to the top! And I shall succeed!


The direwolves had started mobilizing.

I was looking at their every movement from the sky, standing on the back of Dracula. Dracula is actually paired with Rigur, but I've temporarily borrowed him. Having Giant Bats in my Legion was very convenient.

I was flying high enough for the direwolves to not even see me. It was also night, so that helped.

Slowly, the clan, led by their leader started advancing toward the goblin village, or so they thought. The village they were going towards was a decoy set up by my Legion to lure in the direwolves. I also ordered the ogres, previously goblins, to act weak and vulnerable to fool the scouts sent out by the clan.

I had taught all of my Legion to suppress their aura at will. Especially to the ones I had sent to Dwargon. I couldn't afford to let my Legionaries get in trouble over there.

"My Lord, should I go deal with all of them? I'll bring you their corpses in perfect condition." Coatl asked.

He acted like the creepy shit he said was just a regular Tuesday.

If I was in an anime, there would be a giant sweatdrop on my head.

"No need for that, I have a plan." I replied. Coatl accepted the answer and went to rest on my shoulders.

I then commanded Dracula to move closer to the approaching clan. He slowly descended and landed a few hundred meters from the approaching direwolves.

After a few seconds, the direwolves came in sight and then stopped their advance.

The direwolf boss was looking at me with menacing eyes. To a normal adventurer, this would be a terrible situation. Even alone, a direlwolf is a C-Rank monster. However, when in a pack led by a boss, their individual capabilities could reach B-Rank easily.

This was because of the [Thought Communication] Skill of the boss, which allowed the pack to work in perfect coordination. It was truly a fearsome combination.

"I'm giving you a chance. Surrender now and become a part of my Legion. If you resist...well you'll still become a part of my Legion, it'll just be uglier." I shouted. They had enough intelligence to understand what I was saying.


"AWOOOOOOOO!!" The boss howled loudly with defiance as the whole clan started to march towards me.

"Very well then" I said to myself, a predatory grin plastered on my face. I didn't expect to feel this kind of thirst for battle.

My blood was pumping and I was feeling excited. It was a new feeling.....and I quite liked it.


I cracked my knuckles and stretched my neck I started slowly walking towards the advancing pack. I wasn't planning on using any skills or my blade. Just pure physical power, otherwise it would be a massacre. Even if I accidently sustained an injury, I could just regenerate.

These puppies would make for a good exercise.


I picked up my pace as the distance between me and the wolves decreased. Eventually I broke into a full-on sprint and ran headfirst into the pack.

The two wolves flanking the leader leaped at me first. I simply dodged the first one, but didn't have enough time to do the same with the second.

I cocked my fist and punched the direwolf in it's stomach. Of course, I held back. I didn't want the wolf to pop.


'Ooooohh!' That's some bones gone.

Not giving the other wolves a chance to even attack, I lunged towards the crowd.

I was seeing everything in slow motion obviously, so it was easy to aim my punches and dodge their lousy fangs and claws. I ran through the pack at high-speeds, slamming into wolves who were instantly incapacitated.

The wolves were howling and squealing like crazy, as they scurried around trying to land even one attack on me.

Eventually, I just grabbed one of them by the tail and used him to beat the shit out of others. I was starting to feel kinda bad actually.

A few minutes passed and things had pretty much settled down. I was covered in blood and saliva from the wolves. Apart from me, only two wolves were left standing. The Direwolf Boss, and his son. The future Ranga is really tough huh?

The boss signaled his son to get behind him as he stood his ground against me. It was very admirable. The younger wolf however, had fear clear in his eyes. I could sympathize. Seeing one human destroy your whole clan together without breaking a sweat must be terrifying.

"There is nothing left to fight for. Just surrender....that way you can protect your child too." I said to the boss. Of course I had taken care not to kill any of the wolves. It wouldn't matter since I would be reviving them anyway, but not killing them would help in gaining the boss' trust.

Seeing the continued defiance on his face, I said, "Okay, here's the deal. You surrender to me and join my Legion. And in turn, I will heal your pack, give you names AND make you stronger!! Doesn't that sound like a good deal to you. You have NOTHING to lose."

Hearing the words 'heal', 'name' and 'stronger' seemed to change something in the wolf. Deciding to give him some time to think, I just sat down.

The direwolf boss looked towards his son, then towards his fallen pack, and after a few more minutes of contemplation looked towards me......... and bowed his head.

Well, that was quick. I smiled and got up, "Good choice Boss."

Now that that's done with, time for preparation. I activated [Soul Realm] to bring out the Giant Bats along with Rigurdo.

"I'm here my Lord. What are your orders." said Rigurdo, not even commenting on the scene all around as he knelt down to greet me.

'Damn he's professional'

"Take all of these wolves to the decoy village. Handle them with care, they're our allies now. Also lead the boss and his son to the village. I will be there soon. Assemble the Legion in an hour for a meeting." I gave out my orders.

Rigurdo nodded and soon the Bats were each carrying a few wolves and flying to the decoy village.


'That was a good fight'

'Hey, [Great Sage] can you send the memory of this fight to Veldora through the Soul Circuit?' I asked.

<Received. Yes, it is possible. Would you like to execute this command?>


'Yeah do it. I want him to see how badass I am. I was totally like Madara there.... Okay maybe not AS cool, but close enough.' I said to myself.

'Now I should get going. I have to introduce the direwolves to the Legion and name them.'

Just then I also remembered. When Rimuru originally named Ranga, the son of the direwolf boss, the name acted as a title for the whole direwolf clan.

This time it would be a bit different as the direwolf boss was also alive unlike in canon. I planned to name at least the boss and his son, I didn't know what would happen to the rest of the clan though.

It took me a few minutes to reach the decoy village. I was chatting with Coatl the whole way.

When I finally reached, I could see the whole Legion assembled in perfect order, along with the wolves who were lain down on cloths on the ground.

The direwolf boss and his son were resting near the rest of their clan, still weary of the large gathered crowd.

"I have assembled the Legion upon your orders, my Lord" Rigurdo reported. As soon as they noticed me, all my Legionaries bowed.

"You can all relax. Today I've called you to add and introduce new members to the Legion. They are the direwolf clan, treat them well." I announced.

"Now, let's begin." I shouted. The direwolf boss and his son got up and stood beside their fallen pack as they prepared themselves for whatever they thought I was about to do to them.

I reached out to their souls and metaphysically grabbed them as I activated [Soul Seize]. Dark miasma surrounded all the direwolves as they their bodies began to rise. The boss and his son were surprised but showed no signs of resistance. They seem to have given in to me.

The darkness slowly dissipated to reveal around a hundred direwolves standing, completely healed. All of them looked astonished at what had happened. But the best reaction was of the boss.

He looked like he was trying his best not to break down.

"AWOOOOOO" the boss howled in delight.







All the wolves followed his lead. Soon even the ogres joined the celebration, yelling with happiness.

It lasted for a while, after which the boss approached me and fully bowed down his head. Every single wolf mimicked his actions as all of them bowed to me.

"Wait wait, there's still more left." I remarked.

I went towards the boss and kept my hand on his head.

"I, ASHBORNE PENDRAGON, name you 'GARMR'!! Carry that name with honour." I yelled. I felt my magicules going into Garmr, as his evolution was triggered.

'Hey [Great Sage] can you delay their evolution for a few minutes?' I inquired.

<Recived. Only effect of your magicules can be delayed. Once evolution has started, it cannot be affected.>

'That's good enough. I need to do one more thing.' I then stepped towards Garmr's son.

"From now on, call yourself 'RANGA'!! " I stated.

Soon, all of the wolves were engulfed in a bright light as they fell asleep, undergoing evolution.

'That's good. Just like canon, the whole pack is undergoing evolution.'

But if I remember correctly, wasn't the reason for their collective evolution, Ranga's 'All for One' mentality. This time however, Ranga is not the leader, but Garmr is.

<Received. It is theorized that the individual 'Garmr's will to ensure his whole clan's survival triggered the collective evolution.'>

'Is that so.....then that's good. I wonder what they'll evolve into. I don't think they'll become Tempest Wolves like canon, due my influence, just like how the goblins evolved into 'Dark Ogres'.'

Well, we'll see what happens. I reckon they'll need a day to fully complete their evolution and assimilate their new power.


A/N: First of all, Sorry for not uploading for 2 days. But the new chapter is here!!

I enjoy writing from other characters' perspectives quite a lot, so you can expect too see that often.

RANGA is finally in the Legion! Along with his father, Garmr.

Next chapter will be out the day after tomorrow.

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