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Supreme commander (Cybran SI) Rogue commander Supreme commander (Cybran SI) Rogue commander original

Supreme commander (Cybran SI) Rogue commander


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Cybran

Enigma seven:POV

Five years, five years I have been hiding since I arrived in the supreme commander universe with an ACU.

Armored command unit or ACU for short it Houses the Commander. Combination barracks and command center. Contains all the blueprints necessary to build a basic army from scratch.

ACU i have is from supreme commander two a Cybran ACU that is vary Power fully upgraded and able to build structures very quickly.

To make matters more crazy i my self is a Symbionts a individual with a AI implant for the first few days I thought I was just very smart and never knew it. tinkering around with my ACUs computers on those first lonely days made me realize the reality of my new situation.

Symbionts like me are slaved by the loyalty program by the UEF because this timeline I'm in is still within the infinite war.

A war between three factions of UEF, Aeon Illuminate and the Cybran Nation The war between these factions have been raging on for 1000 years.

I don't remember everything completely from the series that I played a long time ago but now that I'm here I think I can do some good biggest example is that the planet I'm on is called Millwood A world filled trees that produces lumber for The UEF and other resources.

Thanks to my stealth technology that my ACU is equipped with making me invisible to radar.

Within my first year here, I constructed my own base underground by using my own ACU Reclamation beam, which is normally used to reclaim mass from wreckage.

Underground base I set up several jammers so that the energy that my bases produce does not show up on the colonies radar.

On my third year, I set up a small city underground and some factories are constructed. Factories Here has been pumping out units nonstop, as well as my research stations. I constructed to help me move along with my technology that I would require in the future.

I researched all the technology that was available to me and after that was all researched, good to go, I had my research station focus their efforts elsewhere send each one of these research stations were operated by advanced VIs that are used for research purposes only.

Which gave me my first heavy unit that was not experimental, but one that can be produced from my normal factories for land based units I called the punisher, a heavy tank with multiple lasers and several mini shield generators.

It was slow, but it packs a punch and able to rapidfire like crazy more so than my loyalist assault bot.

With everything set up, I was ready to liberate this planet from the oppression of the UEF and to free my fellow, symbiont, brother and sisters which I've created my own version of the liberation program, which we return all functions to the symbionts, and would actively block or destroy any trace of the loyalty program.

They will be truly free to make their own decisions, and unlike Dr. Brackman i'm not going to wait for possible endgame to end the war i'm going to win it the hard way and the way that my people should've done but I also understand why they didn't. They just didn't have the technology and the fire power to oppose the two other powers.

Hopefully with myself on this game board will finally make a difference for the Cybran people.


Third person POV

The world of Millwood peaceful planet, rich with rob minerals resources for the UES to exploit, and for colonist to begin, the new lives away from the front lines of the infinite war.

Although this planet assigned with their own ACU Commander to defend the planet from possible invasions.

The day started out as any other day to the people of this world as they went about their daily lives, as well as the symbionts continue to do their tasks without complaint, and because of the secret loyalty program, making each symbiont a prisoner in their own body.

Every single one of the symbionts was a volunteer to receive the AI implant, but the moment they did, they became prisoners in their own body just another piece inside the endless machine known as the UEF.


Symbiont Cassandra POV

10 years for 10 years, I've been a prisoner in my own body. I wouldn't signed up for the AI implant program, if I knew this was gonna happen, I would never have taken it. I had high enough score to the school to be a commander for a ACU.

But I felt like becoming a symbiont would do better, and I could help the most people through my efforts of a more intelligent brain. Thanks to the AI implant.

I was wrong so wrong for 10 years I slaved away for the nation. I once called home, but no more now I see the real face of the UEF that it's nothing more then a nation of control freaks.

All the things I learned about growing up just propaganda is amazing what you can learn if your masters believe you docile.

That was not even the worst of it before I was transferred to this world. My last posting to me was a hell on earth. The higher ranked officer, to be a good idea to play, with, with some of the female symbionts for their own twisted form of harems.

I was used I was defiled, and I couldn't resist, but Follow there orders forcing me to satisfy there sexual desires.

When they got caught by the higher rank offices above them, all they were given was a slap on the wrist and the rest of us who were sexually abused, transferred over to a different planet.

There are days I wish for death as I stared at different pieces of code throughout my daily work schedule as a symbiont.

Every day out when I start work, I pray for something to kill me often times I pray for those crazy zealots to show up on this world and kill everyone so I could be put out of my misery.

And here I am poking myself up to my symbiont devices in order to complete my task for the day this time I noticed something different in the code, an extra piece, not supposed to be there, glowing purple.

Forced to examine the code because of my job task I noticed it was very different as I went to touch it with my mind within the cyberspace it lashed out at me. At first, I was truly frightened then it started to integrate with my own software.

I begin to change my settings as bit by bit. The control functions of the loyalty program was eliminated. I started to move my own body after so many years. It is mine again.

I also received a small mental package from the strange piece of code that freed me.

[Status: sister symbiont liberated]

[Beginning stage two]

[Proceed with plans, provided by enigma 7 if you wish to live your life again]

Enigma 7 ? That is a strange name I thought to myself, but that didn't matter because I noticed the other symbionts that shares my workstation are also freed there's so many years and slave to the loyalty program. Many of them started whipping out loud.

UEF Officer: chip heads get back to work you're not allowed to slack!!!

My fellow symbionts, and myself were very annoyed by our observer, one in charge of our group before any of us had a chance to react. One of our fellow brothers, stood up and went straight up to the observer.

UEF Officer: I said get back to wor….

He did not get another word in as our Symbiot brother punch, the observer straight in the face, and since most of us are augmented in both body and mind, the observer went down like a sack of bricks unconscious on the floor.

Symbiont, brother: let's go if you want to come on. This is our chance to get the fuck out of here. I don't know about any of you, but I'm not being a slave again.

Myself and the rest of our brothers and sisters followed him. He's going the same direction that each one of us received instructions from the piece of code that set us free.

One thing ran through my mind. Who was Enigma???


{ authors note: here's my own take on the supreme commander universe. My commander, my own OC his stuff is from supreme commander two, but he will be able to utilize his own version of heavier units. The first example is the punisher, a tier 3 heavy tank. If anyone has ideas, or if you wish to continue to read this story please send out your comments and power stones}

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