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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1

This is my first story I'm publishing here. There will be a lot of mistakes but I know with your help, I can do better. Let's hop into the story...

This is a love story between two incredible people named Tina Anderson and Malvin Connor. Tina, who was in 6th grade with Malvin had a crush on him but couldn't tell him. This was because Malvin had to move from North Carolina to a new city, London, in Britain.

This was extremely painful especially to Tina because she saw the love of her life just slip away from her. Malvin's father was extremely rich so he wanted the best school for his son. With this, Malvin and Tina were seperated for many years.

But Tina believed in her love for Malvin so much so that Tina was willing to wait, stating, "if we are meant to be together, we will be together". This was very brave of her considering she never knew if Malvin would be back to North Carolina or not.

Back in London, Malvin attends St. Nicholas' school. It was one of the most renowned school in London. Malvin was extremely happy to try out a new experience. Malvin was an extremely talented and intelligent individual so he didn't really find it difficult settling in school in London.

In North Carolina, Tina attends school, passes her exams and does very well but she feels something is missing from her life, and that something is Malvin Conner. She never gave up on him though, because she had hope he will be with her.

Time fled by and boom, after several years, Malvin came back to North Corolina. This was because his parents got divorced and his mother, Miss Angela, won custody of Malvin.

This was music in Tina's ears because her long wait was over . Her man of dreams was back. The love of her life was home to her as she wished.

Martin was extremely tired so he stayed indoors on his return back home.

The next day he had to get ready for school . Meanwhile, Tina was overly joyed because she would have the chance to speak to her crush in school on that day.

They both got to school and Tina made the first attempt...

"Umm...hi...I am Tina" she said

"Oh yeah cool. I'm Malvin" he replied

"Catch you up later" Tina said blushing

"Yeah sure" Malvin said as they stared at each other and left

Tina walked excitedly because she finally got the chance to speak to her crush. She was blushing the entire day. It was break over and the Mathematics lesson was next. Interestingly, one of Tina's was favourite subject was maths especially the aspect that deals with geometry.

But she absolutely hated the teacher that was teaching them mathematics. She claimed his methods are outmoded. So during his class hours, she doesn't listen to a single word his and sleeps in class.

Her mates really hate it when she sleeps in class because the way she snores is annoying as fuck. The maths class was the last lesson of the day so after the class, they all head home.

Tina sees Malvin from far and calls out his name.

"Malvin! Malvin! Malvin!" She screamed tirelessly

"What!?! What do you want?" He asked in a mean tone.

"Uhmm...I just wanted to say uhmm...see you tomorrow" She said in a shaky voice.

"Shit! Was that why you were shouting calling out my name" he asked.

"ye...yea...yeah" she said.

"Okay, fine. Bye bye" he said.

This conversation really confused Tina because it was not long ago she met Malvin and he was nice but just right now he is screaming at her as if she did something bad.

But what could she do?

She just walked slowly home with that conversation still ringing in her damn ears.

She was asking herself questions like

"Why did he speak to me like that?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"Was I smelling?"

"Or he doesn't like me?"

Those were the questions she was asking herself as if her head was gonna blow off the roof. She continued walking back home. That night she couldn't sleep because she was thinking of what had just happen between her and her crush, Malvin. It was an extremely sad night for her.

The next morning, she was really not in the mood of going to school so she lied to her mom, Brie, that she was ill. Her mom was so worried and decided to call in a doctor but Tina tries to stop her. After several failed attempts to stop her, Tina finally yielded and let her mom call the doctor, he told her he will be there soon.

The doctor, whose name is Bennett, arrives at the home of the Andersons. He came in and told Mrs. Anderson to move out so he can check on her. She immediately obeyed his instructions because she was looking out for what was best for her child.

The doctor examines her and finds nothing wrong with her but she pleaded to him that he should lie to her mom that she, Tina was not well and she needed rest.

The doctor asked why but she told him it's really not a big deal but she wants him to tell her mom she was ill. The doctor was reluctant as first but agreed later on.

So he goes downstairs and tells Tina's mom that Tina was indeed not well and she needed some kind of rest. He didn't prescribe any medicine, he just told her she needs rest. Mrs. Anderson thanks the doctor for helping her daughter, Tina. The doctor smiles and walks away.

Mrs. Anderson went to check on her daughter in her room but Tina pretended to be asleep so she left.

Back in school, Tina's best friend, Victoria, was very worried about her best friend not being in school so much so that, she couldn't concentrate in class. She decided she will visit her best friend after they close from school.

Whiles with Malvin, we see him blushing after seeing a girl from her back. He was smiling the whole day and even told his friend, Benjamin he thinks he has found the perfect girl for himself. Benjamin really looked happy for him.

Back home at the Andersons, Tina woke up from sleep and was on her bed pressing her phone, bored. There was a knock at the door and when she went to open the door, it was her best friend, Victoria.

"Oh hey, why weren't you in school?" Victoria asked, worried.

"Girl, let's go to my room and talk" Tina said.

They both head to the bedroom of Tina.

"What's wrong girl?" Victoria asked.

"Mmm…I actually lied to mom I was not well" Tina said.

"But why did you lie?" Victoria asked.

"It's because of Malvin" Tina answered.

Tina narrated everything that happened between her and Malvin during closing time to Victoria thoroughly. Victoria being a good friend told Tina everything will be alright. He nodded and they both hugged it out.

They went on to talk about other entertaining and engaging stuff. They both had a good time and it was time for Victoria to head home. Tina didn't want her to go but she had to go.

"I hope tomorrow you will be in school?" Victoria asked.

"Yes, hopefully I will" Tina assured her.

"Gotta go. Bye" Victoria said.

"Bye" Tina replied.

Both of them hug one more time before Victoria left for home.

The next day, Tina decided to go to school. She got ready for school and when she got to school, she saw Malvin and pretended as if she saw no one. It was almost as if he didn't exist anymore.

She wanted to snub him but at the same time she wanted answers to as to how and why he gave her that attitude on the other day. She saw Victoria and called out her name. She came and they walked to class.

The first lesson was English Language and she didn't really enjoy the lesson because of the thought of Malvin still in her head. She heard absolutely nothing the teacher during the class.

During break time, Malvin surprisingly walked to Tina and said he wanted to apologize for whatever he said and did the other day. He said he didn't mean them and then he was genuinely sorry. Tina was actually puzzled by this because she did not see it coming.

But she tried to organize herself and tells Malvin it was okay, she understands. Malvin thanks her and walks away.

Tina was so confused as to what to think. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. She shakes it off and gets some snack and enjoyed it.

It was closing time and this time when she was heading home, Malvin called out her name and offered to join her and walk her home. They walked about 2 kilometers and finally they reached Tina's home.

When they got to Tina's place, Malvin was ready to walk back home. Malvin winks and smiles at Tina and she also does same.

"Was really interesting walking with you today" Tina said joyfully.

"It's my honor" Malvin said.

"Catch you up in school tomorrow" Tina said.

"Yeah sure, catch you up too" Malvin said as he walked away from Tina's home.

Tina was overly joyed on that day because she finally had a good time with her man of dreams. She didn't sleep because she kept on think about it and she kept on fantasizing about things she would love to do with Malvin. It was one of the nights of her life indeed.

First chapter done. Would love to hear your thought on it. Working on chapter two and it will be out soon. Stay safe guys…and as always, peace.

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