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Chapter 2: The wizard

After several hours of running in the forest, Theodore stumbled upon a stream nestled within the heart of the woods, The moon hung luminously in the night sky casting it's ethereal glow upon the waters below, which added to the natural charm of the stream.

Unable to resist the allure of the stream, he pulled his tired body and took a dip into the water, as his body came in contact with the water the reflection of the moon danced delicately across the water surface creating an otherworldly atmosphere, it was beautiful and soothing, it made him a bit relaxed but then slowly but noticable an unexplainable sense of unease began to creep within him.

After washing himself clean, just as he prepared to leave the soothing embrace of the stream, he heard a noise in the forest approaching his direction, at first he'd thought it was the masked men but he could only hear the footsteps of one person approaching, Theodore picked up the dagger he'd taken from his mom's corpse and steadied himself in a fighting stance but he knew too well how weak he was.

He was only able to kill those guys because he was overwhelmed by rage and his body just happened to move on it's own.

The footsteps sounds got louder and Theodore steadied himself aiming to strike whatever it was that was approaching before it had time to react.

Slowly a figure emerged from the forest which halted Theodore's attack, if Theodore wanted to attack before now he couldn't, the man before him had a chilling aura around him, even if he didn't show it his looks alone was enough to make Theodore think twice about attacking him.

The man's hair were a gunmetal colour which was meticulously tied in a ponytail and his eyes possessed an uncanny shade of grey that seemed to pierce the depths of ones soul, if felt like he was looking past the physical aspect of Theodore, though his grey eyes could have been interpreted as blindness, anyone who was sensible enough could tell that he could see, even Theodore trembled in fear as he felt like an open book before the strange man.

His expression was blank almost cold which somehow added more charm to his attractive face.

"Who are you?" Theodore asked, trying to sound stable but his trembling voice betrayed his question.

The man cocked his head to the side then back to Theodore, with an eerie calmness he responded "my name is Eren!" His voice devoid of emotion, " may I ask why a young soul like yours is in the woods by this time of the night?." He said walking closer to Theodore.

" S..Stay back, don't come closer I'm warning you.." Theodore warned, His heart was beating so loudly that he thought it'd jump out from his body, he was barely able to mask his trepidation.

Eren however continued walking obviously unbothered by Theodore's threat, " you're no wolf, but you bear their scent.." He mused almost to himself.

Theodore's fear intensified he'd try to say something but it came out as a whisper.

Theodore had a confused look on his face, he'd wondered why his voice came out as a whisper. He looked at the man approaching then around himself, he noticed that the stream had a misty substance which was slowly enveloping him, he tried to move his body but his consciousness began to slip away.




In a dark room, where the only source of light came from a small window the bright glow from the moon penetrated through the window making the dark room a bit brighter, two bright green eyes snapped open as Theodore jolted up in shock, looking around he checked his hands to see if he'd been restrained, he had expected to be captured or killed or maybe sold to slave traders, surprisingly he was in a dark room in an unknown location filled with the smell of herbs and he was not even chained.

'Thinking back he really didn't show hostility or anything of that sort to me' Theodore thought, he searched his side of the bed and was surprised to find his dagger lying beside him.

" I don't get it, why did he keep my weapon besides me?" Theodore wondered as he thought of different answers and possibilities.

The sound of a door creaking jolted him from his thoughts and at that moment he'd wondered if he'd found refuge or peril.

His senses gradually sharpened just enough for him to notice the presence of another in the room.

Eren's chilling voice pierced the silence, "you're awake" he stated matter–of–factly.

Theodore looked at the strange man but he didn't say anything, thinking back at the incident which occurred in his pack, Theodore expression hardened and his urge for revenge intensified.

Eren placed down a wooden plate filled with a herbal mixture on the small table which was besides Theodore.

" Drink this, it'll help, you've been asleep for two days, your body condition isn't in any state for you to move around!" Eren said, before walking over to a small wardrobe in the room, he pulled out a dress and gave it to Theodore.

Theodore stared at the man, then the cloth and slowly his gaze turned to the location of the table, he took his eyes back to Eren, "I don't take things from strangers" he told.

Eren didn't even seem to be paying attention as his eyes were glued to the pile of herbs that lay on the bigger table.

" Well it's your choice it you don't want to take the medicine and cloth, but if you leave here now in your current condition then the people chasing you will most likely capture you."

Theodore flinched back, baffled by the information he'd just heard, but it wasn't the information that baffled him, rather it was the fact that he knew what happened to his pack.

"How do you know I was being chased?" He questioned with a panicked expression but he quickly masked it.

"The lake you were taking a bath in was filled with a mist emmited by mermaids, a few minutes later and you'd have been retarded and eaten." Eren informed, his attention still on the table with herbs. " I had to use a spell to stop it from messing with your head further but the side effects of the spell made me inherit some of your memories."

"That means you're a wizard and a powerful one at that for you to get into my head without me getting a recoil, you don't know me and I don't know you so why are you helping me, what's your motive, who sent you?" Theodore questioned with a distrustful gaze.

"I am quite aware you've gone through some troubled times and have recently lost those close to you, however not trusting isn't always a good thing, besides I can't disclose any helpful information to you right now but you'll know in time."

Theodore shifted uncomfortably on the bed, his hands slowly reaching for the dagger but his eyes never left eren.

Eren chuckled at Theodore before pulling out a grimore from the shelf, " you do know it's useless to try attacking me, I am not in the league of those who were chasing you."

"Let's just say I'm a friend of your mom or rather I owe her a big favor, take the herbal mixture and get dressed, it's not poisoned I assure you if I wanted you dead I would have done so cause I had plenty opportunities to kill you."

Theodore said nothing but proceeded to drinking the herbal mixture then he took the clothes and went into the darkest part of the room to change.


After changing Theodore returned to his former position, there was an awkward silence in the air which Theodore had no intention of breaking.

He was still distrustful but he felt more at ease compared to before. He stared at eren drawing some rune engraved circles on top the shirt he previously wore.

It wasn't long till eren decided to start up a conversation.

" Young lad, do you know why you were being chased? " Eren questioned while flipping through his grimore.

Theodore didn't trust him enough to answer, but the fact that Eren already knew about the incident made him reply, " they attacked our pack members with the intention to kill, I was the last to escape so it's only reasonable that they'd chase after me".

" Well you aren't wrong little Theodore, that would have been the case if this was just something as simple as a pack massacre."

"What do you mean?" Theodore questioned, gripping his dagger tighter.

" What I mean to say is that, the pack massacre wasn't as simple as it seemed, you were the reason they decided to attack your pack, so it's also on point to say that you were their motive right from the beginning and that is why you're still being chased."

The information hit Theodore like a meteor landed on him, he shook his head in denial, refusing to believe what he had just heard.

" You're lying, I have never had an encounter with any of them, so stop saying lies I...i.."

" I know you find it hard to believe but have you taken the time to ask why you were being chased, what you are? Do you think you're a human?" Eren questioned in a calm manner. "You're not a human nor a wolf neither are you a vampire, you're something more dangerous, so dangerous that your kind was deemed an abomination.."

" s.stop saying lies, I'm weak, I couldn't protect them, I'm pathetically weak, I was only a burden to them.. you telling me I'm part of a dangerous race is just bullshit."

Eren stopped looking through the grimore as he turned to face Theodore " I never said you were part of a race, what you are you'll have to figure out yourself I can't disclose any more information to you... I'll be opening the portal to the earth realm now so get ready."

Theodore still had more questions to ask but he knew he couldn't get more information than he already had from Eren.

Gritting his teeth he stared at the spell Eren was creating which had already manifested in the form of a small gate getting bigger with time. " Eren.... answer me this, do you know of a person called Irene? It was the last name my mother uttered and you mentioned you were an old aquintance of my mother so you should know something about Irene."

Eren's body froze in surprise but he quickly composed himself, " young lad, there are things you're better off not knowing at the moment, less you meet your demise, you'll find out about Irene when the time is right."

Theodore couldn't do anything but bite his lips in frustration but he didn't express it much. Eren finished the gate he was working on then glanced towards Theodore, without Eren saying anything Theodore already understood that it was time for him to go.

He walked towards the gate but stopped when Eren called his name.

"Theodore, even if you leave the mystic realm don't forget that you're being hunted, they're going to be people in both realms who wants you, so be careful... Also there are other mystic realmers in the earth realm be wary of some of them." Eren warned as Theodore nodded.

" I'll be careful... Thanks." Theodore hesitantly said before passing through the gate which felt like he was passing through liquid, it wasn't long until he arrived on the other side as the view of a mordern looking building greeted him.

He stared at the name which was engraved on the door, the word 'crowe' was boldly written on the door, the same name which was on the letter his dad left him, without wasting much time he pressed the doorbell.

Regis_ Regis_

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