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Chapter 4: Asgard

As I was before Aria, the young girl who possessed breathtaking beauty, with her slightly curly long black hair and captivating green eyes, I couldn't help but acknowledge that she would grow up to be one of the most stunning characters in the series, even capturing Jason's heart.

"Don't worry. It was my fault for not watching where I was going," I said, picking myself up from the ground.

My unexpected response caught everyone off guard. They had anticipated that someone would face severe consequences for such an incident.

"Did I hear that correctly? He didn't harm the little girl, but instead took responsibility for his mistake?" whispered someone in the crowd.

'I'm not a demon! I'm a different person now.'

The odds of bumping into Aria were incredibly slim, but perhaps our paths were intertwined by fate, destined to fight against each other to the death, as depicted in the anime.

Extending my hand towards Aria, who remained on the ground, her fear palpable from the stories her parents had shared about nobles, especially me, I asked, "What's your name?"

She hesitated, her hand trembling, before finally answering and taking my hand.

"A-Aria Greene," she stuttered, her fear evident.

"What a beautiful name," I remarked, causing her to look up at me, surprise mingled with happiness in her expression, as if this was the first time someone had spoken kindly to her.

Realizing my blunder, I quickly closed my mouth, berating myself internally.

'No! I forgot she's only 10 years old! If this were Earth, I would probably be in trouble.'

Aria's parents lifted her up, bowed in gratitude, and swiftly departed from the area. Their reaction didn't surprise me, and I resumed my walk back to the temple.

As I walked away, Aria's gaze was fixed upon my retreating figure.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at my destination and entered the temple, a vast space filled with hundreds of rooms dedicated to various gods.

I had a specific purpose in mind: finding the Temple of Asgard.

After searching for five minutes, I discovered the room, sealed off by a powerful magical barrier. However, the barrier posed no hindrance to me as I passed through it effortlessly.

Inside the room, broken statues of gods were scattered on the floor, their fragments serving as a testament to the destruction that had taken place. Ignoring these damaged figures, I made my way towards the largest statue at the end of the room, untouched and pristine.

The statue appeared as though it had just been constructed, devoid of any dust or dirt. Placing my hand on the statue's head, its eyes began to glow blue. In response, my own eyes emitted a blue glow, and my mind went blank, enveloped in a mysterious sensation.

Opening my eyes I was met with massive gates of Asgard that swung open, I stepped into the majestic realm. The air crackled with a tangible energy, carrying a sense of awe and reverence. Sunlight bathed the surroundings, casting a golden glow upon the architecture and landscape, as if a divine spotlight had been cast upon this sacred place.

My gaze lifted, taking in the breathtaking sights that unfolded before them. Towering spires and grand halls adorned with intricate carvings stretched toward the heavens, reflecting the realm's grandeur and ancient wisdom. The sound of ethereal music and melodious laughter filled the air, intertwining with the gentle whispers of mythical creatures and the rustling of leaves.

As I took their my first steps on the gleaming, marbled path, the ground seemed to pulse with a harmonious rhythm, as if it welcomed my presence. The air carried a faint scent of flowers and freshly fallen rain, merging with the invigorating breeze that brushed against my skin. Soft, vibrant hues of green and gold adorned the lush gardens and vibrant landscapes, creating a serene and enchanting ambiance.

My eyes widened as I beheld the majestic beings that inhabited Asgard. Noble gods and goddesses, their regal presence and radiant auras illuminating the surroundings, moved with an air of graceful power. Their garments, adorned with celestial symbols and shimmering threads, seemed to embody the very essence of divinity.

With each step deeper into the realm, I could feel a growing sense of reverence and wonder. I could sense the ancient echoes of mythical tales and the weight of history that lingered in the air. Asgard embraced me, enveloping me in an ethereal embrace, inviting me to witness the extraordinary and embrace the extraordinary that lay within its realms.

Entering Asgard was a transformative experience, a journey into a realm where mortal and divine converged, and where the extraordinary became a tangible reality.

But eventually my body was teleported to a room with a throne and perched atop a resplendent throne in the heart of Asgard, Odin, the Allfather, exudes an aura of timeless wisdom and commanding authority. The grandeur of his presence is unmistakable, as he embodies the epitome of strength and power.

His majestic figure is cloaked in regal robes, woven with threads of gold and adorned with intricate patterns that depict ancient tales and celestial symbols. The fabric cascades down in graceful folds, pooling around the ornate base of the throne, as if paying homage to his magnificence.

A long, flowing beard, as white as freshly fallen snow, cascades down from his weathered face, adding to his air of wisdom and reverence. His piercing, one-eyed gaze, a testament to the sacrifices made in the pursuit of knowledge, shines with a deep and penetrating intensity, revealing the depths of his vast understanding.

The throne itself is an embodiment of grandeur and power, carved with meticulous craftsmanship from the finest materials. Its imposing structure, adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments, symbolizes the weight of Odin's rule and the importance of his divine responsibilities.

As he sits upon his throne, one hand gently gripping its armrest, the other holding his spear, Gungnir, a symbol of his authority and protector of Asgard, Odin exudes a sense of tranquility and serene confidence. His presence commands respect and reverence from those who enter his presence, and his wisdom guides the destinies of gods and mortals alike.

From his lofty perch, Odin observes the realms with an omniscient gaze, his mind ever in pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of cosmic balance. He is the embodiment of strength, wisdom, and divine sovereignty, a figure whose very presence inspires awe and commands the utmost respect.

As Odin, with his singular eye, fixed his gaze upon me, he uttered a question laden with curiosity and intrigue, "How did you know?"

Oddly enough, I comprehended the essence of his inquiry without any need for clarification.

"It came to me when I witnessed my brother receiving a blessing from Zeus," I responded, my voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within me.

In an unexpected turn of events, Odin abruptly hurled his Gungnir towards me. Caught off guard, I had no time to react, and the weapon made contact with my body. However, instead of obliterating me from existence, it appeared to permeate my being, leaving behind an intricate tattoo-like mark. The dark smoke-like design spiraled from the top left of my neck down to my shoulder, its presence both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Landing on the ground, I sat in a state of disbelief, my mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of what had just transpired.

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