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Chapter 3: I became Horikita Suzune?

You know, dying by getting a hug from Truck-sama isn't that ideal. The pain is immense, seeing blood is traumatizing, and the fear as you star feeling that you are slowly loosing the sense to feel does a number on you.

I wished for certain cheats for preparing for my next life, but it simply didn't go my way. I received no cheats at all.

Well, not that I am complaining about cheats. Atleast, my new world isn't that peaceful like Attack on Titan or some zombie apocalypse.

The world I came to is of 'Classroom Of The Elite', 'COTE' in short. It is just like modern world in which the story starts in 2014 in ANHS school in Tokyo.

While I was a guy in my previous life, becoming a hot chick like Hokita Suzune was not a problem for me. In fact, if I had to choose between becoming Ayanokoji and Horikita, I would have chosen Horikita in a heartbeat.

I became Horikita just after Manabu had left for ANHS, that means I had two more years before I entered the same high school.

From the memories I got, Horikita's parents have died in a traffic accident when she hadn't even entered the Kindergarten. Though she was lucky that her parents were fairly well off, with a gradpa who was too old, and no other relatives to snatch property, she was alienated from the start of kindergarten due to children being little psychopaths who don't care about others' feelings and instinctively bully ones who are different, like not having parents.

Since she had no one to look up to, she followed into her genius brother's footsteps by imitating him. Perhaps, kid Manabu didn't like the once cheerful Suzune immitating him so he tried to push her away. Well, he was a child too  at that time.

But that doesn't excuse his shitty behaviour even when he was growing up. You don't treat your younger sibling harshly, but try to understand them and then make them understand patiently. Imagine living in a house with your sibling who continuously ignores you, and doesn't shy away from scolding you as if he is your parent.

Well, I guess that's it. Horikita's monotonous life didn't have any another story.

Horikita is really smart, and her 13 year old body is way fitter than the 22 year old me. I can do martial arts and memorize much more easily than I was at this age in my previous life.

Living as a girl is interesting, with all kinds of clothes and freedom to dress as I want without people calling me weird. Honestly, nobody talks about how much stereotypes male face in the society.

A girl can wear both skirt and pants, but a boy cannot. Everything that a boy has has a female version to it, but the opposite is not true. A girl can choose to not earn and people will not say anything, but if a boy chooses to be a househusband, I am sure that he won't be able to become a husband in the first place. Women get their special train cars, bus seats, don't pay any fees throughout school under Single Girl Child Policy, get admission into much better colleges despite much lower scores, can get boyfriend anytime they want, don't pay on dates, entitled to get offended and never apologize, this and that, etc. etc.

You know what, I hate feminism. In my region, female population always had much favourable position than male population until it got colonised. Property was owned and managed by women, and even the kingdom was run by the Queen. It was men's job to die in wars. Be it a common man or the King. I don't care that French didn't give them power votes, historically, women had much better life from as far as 2,500-10,000 BC till the 17th century AD. Okay, they were oppressed too and the education system was destroyed that women's safety became such a big problem.

But men died more than women, they committed more suicides, they got more false allegations, and nobody cares, even though most of the court judges and politicians are men. Atleast they shouldn't give preference to girls in getting admission in colleges! My classmate scored about 2/3 rd of my score and still got a better college than me.

Sigh, there is no point in ranting. There is no point in being frustrated in my new life because of that horrible girl who lied about taking pills. I became a top-notch girl, and that is important.

Afterall, being a girl in 21st century is a privilege. And I should enjoy it.


I started my life as Horikita Suzune by being the loney ice princess type girl. Because I was almost a college graduate in my previous life, I had it easier to get high scores, atleast in Science and Maths. English was much easier than my previous life, so I aced that too. You wouldn't understand how getting a 100 in English made me cry.

Though I had to study Japanese and Japanese History more intensely than previous Hori. Atleast I was capable in Japanese due to inheriting her memories. I can't imagine how difficult it would have been to learn Japanese when you are not a baby.

I invested more of my time in physical activity and my Judo and Akido.

Speaking of investing, I invested in Bitcoin. Kuahaha! I will become rich! While it needed Grandpa's name for investing, I had a contract with a proper lawyer for the investment to become mine as soon as I turn 16. I don't want that shitty overrated Manabu to use my money.

Anyway, I noticed that being a girl is not all sweet and sunshine. First, periods hurt like crap. Whoever introduced this monthly cycle into humans must be a pervert. I mean, anybody does not think about having a kid every month! Maybe, it could have been made once a year?

And don't even talk about the trains. I entered into a general bogie, filled with smelly office workers, and some pervert tried to grope my ass. Hey! I have entered into more crowded trains in my past life with my sister! Nothing like this ever happened to her, or any of my 100+ relatives! And Japan was supposed to be safe!

From then on, I only used Female reserved bogie while traveling. Atleast I got to know why there is a separate reserved one for girls.

And, I don't know why but many boys all linger around thighs, socks, boobs, and even the nape! Who the heck has nape fetish! Though every girl has ridiculously short skirts, which allowed me to fit in easily. Again, cultural difference. Aunties had their bellies and whole backs exposed and nobody cared, though skirts a bit shorter than knee was frowned upon.

And regarding boys' intense hormones, I think it is either genetic differences or because of it being an anime world. Being lusted upon by the gender I used to be sends shivers down my spine. Good thing I am not in the US where people will cancel me for saying this.

Well, another thing to notice is that my boobs didn't grow more than novel's starting. They are not big, nor small. Just the perfect shape and size. Though it remained inconsistent as in the novel's starting school swimsuit illustrations they were good, but anime and later novel  illustrations made her flat. Good thing I am not flat.

And just like that, my 2 years of solitude passed, and I passed the entrance exam of ANHS without any difficulty. Though I am uncertain now if I will get into the same class D because I didn't necessarily had the rude speech problem of Hori, though I ignored people on purpose because I couldn't care less to interact with brats. All girls talked about was love, and all boys talked about was either video games, or about boobs and butts. Just how clichéd anime NPCs can get?

Anyway, I did not interact with Kushida throughout my middle school, and she also just striked conversation once or twice and went away after not getting positive response. Afterall, my middle school had many more students than ANHS, and Kushida was not wicked before the incident. I may have tried to do something, but I am not a therapist and I don't care. It is best to stay away from psychos afterall.

Though I did collect some good evidence by keeping a recorder in her class the day before graduation, and saging her blogs, both on my cloud storage so I can access them in ANHS, if I can. Honestly, seeing the recording was not good. Anybody would have snapped like Kushida if they were in her situation.

But I can't care less. It is better to be prepared and root out the tumour before it grows deeper and harder to remove.

Anyway, I have my Bitcoin investment to make me rich, and it wouldn't be too bad to look out for other career choices than being the engineer every parent wants.

Anyway, looks like my bus has arrived, and I can only hope that it is not that particular bus.

Because, I am going to break the cycle of Horikita being Ayanokoji's tool even in fanfics.

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