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Chapter 6: Special Gift

As the night crept along, the rainy atmosphere wrapped everyone in a cozy embrace, making it easier to drift off into a peaceful slumber. There was something truly magical about the rain that worked wonders on both body and mind, lulling into a blissful state of deep sleep.

As the morning dawned, the rain continued to pour relentlessly from the sky, showing no signs of stopping. Most travelers had risen from their slumber, indulging in a hearty breakfast. Amidst the sounds of lively conversations and laughter, it almost seemed as if the previous night's atmosphere had seamlessly carried over. Yet, amidst the cheerful ambiance, discussions about the unyielding rain lingered, leaving many pondering when they could resume their journeys.

Unperturbed by the rainy weather, Ethan diligently carried out his responsibilities as a waiter and devoted son. However, a lingering thought occupied his mind—the scholars from the previous night. He yearned to witness the moment they realized the truth behind his words, eagerly awaiting an apology he felt he rightfully deserved.

Seated at their table, the three individuals in question exuded an air of confidence, as if certain that the rain would soon dissipate. Little did they know, the minutes stretched into hours, and the morning had now transitioned into mid-afternoon. Ethan keenly observed their growing annoyance as they realized they would have to wait even longer for the rain to cease.

Driven by curiosity, Ethan approached the kitchen and swiftly prepared three steaming hot teas. With a mischievous grin, he placed the beverages before them.

"Huh? We didn't order anything." one of them remarked, perplexed.

"It's on the house," Ethan replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You all seemed a bit on edge. These hot teas will help you relax. It's quite remarkable how persistent this rain is, isn't it?" he added, his voice laced with a playful sarcasm that couldn't be missed.

The two scholars, who had mocked Ethan the previous night, were now confronted with a mirror reflecting their own disrespect. Their pride as scholars felt wounded, and they struggled to comprehend how a mere six-year-old child could display such audacity towards them. After all, they held esteemed positions in this world, diligently seeking knowledge, unraveling mysteries, deciphering ancient texts and runes, and imparting wisdom and guidance to the uneducated.

"You! How dare you—" one of the prideful scholars began, ready to retaliate against Ethan's sarcastic demeanor. However, he was abruptly interrupted by his companion, who erupted into uncontrollable laughter.


"Teacher?" the interrupted scholar questioned, puzzled by his companion's sudden outburst.

The scholar who was previously the most respectful and polite within the trio was now the one laughing heartily. It dawned on Ethan that this man was indeed the teacher, and the other two individuals were his students. The revelation intrigued Ethan, sparking his curiosity about the dynamics between the trio.

"Haha! Kid, I must admit, I've never witnessed a child who behaves like an adult. You truly intrigue me," the teacher remarked, amusement evident in his voice.

"Teacher!" one of the students interjected in a panicked tone.

However, with a simple gesture of his hand, the teacher silenced his student, instantly restoring quiet. Leaning forward, the old man resumed his conversation with Ethan.

"Tell me, child, how much longer do you think it will take for the rain to finally cease?" he inquired, genuinely fascinated by Ethan's perspective.

Ethan's surprise at the old man's question was evident. He sensed that this wise figure was genuinely taking his 6-year-old response seriously. An inexplicable feeling of responsibility washed over him, understanding that his answer could leave a profound impact. There was something distinct and special about the old man, and Ethan realized that he had a rare opportunity to leave a lasting impression.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan met the old man's gaze with determination, his young eyes shining with sincerity.

'Individual cumulonimbus cells typically dissipate within an hour once rain begins to fall, resulting in heavy but short-lived rainfall,' Ethan thought to himself. 'However, this prolonged rain seemed to go against that expectation. It appeared that multicell storms had formed within the clouds, giving rise to this enduring storm.'

Internally contemplating, Ethan swiftly made his way outside, fixating his gaze upon the sky. He attentively observed the shape of the clouds, the rate at which the rain descended, and the intensity of the blowing wind. The onlookers within the inn were taken aback, puzzled by why this young man had suddenly dashed outside, willingly embracing the falling water.

Moments later, Ethan approached the old man, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes, and spoke with assurance: "It should come to an end in approximately 10 minutes."

The trio found themselves utterly taken aback by the audacious suggestion made by the young man. Ten minutes seemed like an outrageous claim to them. They had expected a response of an hour or even a couple of hours at best. To receive such a precise duration was completely preposterous.

"Hahaha!" The old man burst into uncontrollable laughter once again, finding the situation rather amusing.

Ethan stood his ground, unwavering in his gaze, determined not to show any sign of faltering or amusement.

The old man gradually regained his composure, his gaze fixed on the young man's unwavering eyes. With a calm demeanor, he addressed Ethan.

"Very well, young man. If the rain does indeed cease within the next ten minutes or less, I shall grant you a special gift."

"A special gift?" Ethan inquired, curiosity piqued.

The old man smiled mysteriously, replying, "You will see, if your words hold true."

All four of them remained rooted in place, their anticipation palpable as they silently waited. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, heightening the suspense. One minute ticked by, then two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. As the ninth minute approached its end, a sudden voice echoed through the inn, filled with excitement.

"Look! The rain! It's finally stopping!" exclaimed a traveler, their words bursting with elation.

As the traveler's voice echoed through the inn, all eyes turned towards the windows. Their gazes were met with a captivating sight- The rain, once falling with a heavy hand, began to lighten up, like a dancer gracefully pivoting towards the end of its performance. The rhythmic sound of the heavy rain transformed into a gentle sprinkle, as if the sky had grown tired from its passionate downpour. The raindrops became scarce, leaving only a soft mist lingering in the air. The atmosphere filled with a sense of tranquility, as if nature itself had found its peaceful equilibrium once again.

The trio remained in a state of confusion, unable to make sense of the unfolding events. However, the old man rose from his chair, his eyes filled with curiosity as he gazed at the young man.

"Fascinating! Truly Fascinating! As promised, here's your gift, young lad." the old man declared.

"T-Teacher! You can't! If they were to find out, you'll be in big trouble!" one of the students interjected, concern etched on his face.

"Quiet!" the old man commanded, silencing his student with a stern look.

The student obediently stepped back, mouth shut.

With a solemn expression, the old man extended a book towards Ethan. The book appeared substantial, its weight hinting at the knowledge contained within. Ethan couldn't help but feel surprised. A book as a gift? he pondered. Nevertheless, he was not one to not accept one's sincerity behind their gesture and quietly accepted the book from the old man's hand.

"Thank you." Ethan uttered.

The old man's gaze turned serious, and he spoke with a sense of concern.

"Listen carefully, kid," he began.

"Huh?" Ethan responded, puzzled by the sudden change in tone.

"Strive to comprehend the contents of this book before you reach your coming of age. When the imperial military arrives at your doorstep to take you away, express your desire to undertake the "Academy's recruitment trial" the old man advised, his words carrying a weight to it.

"Academy?" Ethan pondered, his curiosity piqued with questions about the old man's words. But before he could say anything, they had magically vanished into thin air, as if they were never there at all. Ethan's eyes darted around, searching for any trace of their presence, but they had completely disappeared.

Confused and standing alone, Ethan's gaze fell upon the book that had been placed in his hands. He slowly lowered his head, his eyes fixating on the title that adorned the cover:

[Introduction to Magic Theory I]

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