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Chapter 68: [Part 2] Chapter 11 - Factions

"So, what do you guys think they'll have us do first?" Max asked casually, absentmindedly poking his nose with his pinky finger.

Julian, pushing a lock of hair out of his eyes, turned to address Max's question. "Typically, new recruits have to undergo physical training for the first three months. I heard It's pretty rigorous. After that, they usually assign us to specific faction based on their needs."

Ethan listened intently, absorbing this new information.

Ethan's interest piqued as Julian mentioned the assignment of recruits to specific factions. Lucas, equally intrigued, leaned forward. "Factions? That's the first I've heard of that. What are those?"

Julian nodded, ready to explain. "After the initial training period, soldiers are assigned to one of four factions. Each faction is represented by a color and aligns with a particular element. They determine your role and duties in the kingdom's military."

As Ethan reflected on Julian's explanation of the factions, a realization dawned on him.

He remembered the soldiers he had seen earlier, each wearing a tunic of a different color—deep blue, red, green, and brown.

It clicked in his mind that these colors corresponded to the factions Julian had mentioned.

The varied hues of the tunics were not merely for distinction or decoration; they symbolized the specific roles and specialties of each soldier within the kingdom's military.

"First, there's the blue faction," Julian continued, "also known as the Water faction. They're primarily medics. The water element is associated with healing and restoration, so these soldiers are trained in medical skills and battlefield triage."

"Then we have the green faction, aligned with the Wind element," he added.

"These soldiers are scouts and reconnaissance experts. They're fast, agile, and adept at gathering intelligence and navigating challenging terrains."

Lucas nodded, absorbing the information, but it was Max who spoke next, curiosity in his voice. "What about the brown faction?"

Julian shifted slightly. "The brown faction, linked to the Earth element, are the protectors. They're tasked with defending the kingdom, manning fortifications, and ensuring the safety of our borders."

Ethan listened intently, trying to imagine where he might fit into this structure. His thoughts were interrupted as Julian's tone grew more somber.

"And finally, there's the red faction, associated with the Fire element. This is the group most soldiers hope to avoid. They're assigned the most dangerous tasks—frontline combat, war missions, and expeditions against dark creatures. It's high-risk without the luxury of high-reward."

As Julian finished explaining about the red faction, Lucas's eyes lit up . "That's exactly what I'm aiming for!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable. "As an aspiring knight, facing the toughest challenges is the best way to prove myself. The red faction sounds like where the real action is!"

Max, reclining back, raised an eyebrow at Lucas's eagerness. "You're keen on jumping into the fire, huh? Well, as for me, I'd prefer the brown faction. Staying within the kingdom's walls, guarding the fort – sounds like a steady job. Less about charging into danger and more about keeping steady watch. Seems like the easiest task if you ask me."

Julian, who had been listening thoughtfully, chimed in. "I'd lean towards the blue faction, personally. I think I'm pretty quick at picking up new skills and I'm handy with details. Learning medical and first aid skills could be really useful. Plus, helping others directly like that... it's appealing."

"Though, I have a preference for strategy and planning, it's unfortunate there isn't a specific faction dedicated to those skills."

The conversation turned to Ethan, all eyes on him as they waited for his preference. Ethan hesitated, unsure where he fit in this spectrum of roles. Before he could articulate his thoughts, Julian interjected, noting his silence.

"In the end, it might not matter much what we want," Julian pointed out pragmatically. "We're not usually given a choice in the selection. And since we're a team now, we'll likely all end up in the same faction. It's about where they need us most as a unit, not just as individuals."

The idea of being placed in a faction based on the needs of the military, rather than personal preference, was sobering. It brought home the fact that they were part of a larger system, one where individual desires were secondary to the collective needs and strategies of the kingdom's defense.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as the flap of the tent swung open, revealing the soldier who had brought Ethan to the camp. His expression was stern and businesslike, a clear indication that the time for casual talk was over.

"Alright, you four, on your feet." he commanded briskly. "Follow me. It's time for your orientation."

The four recruits exchanged quick glances, the weight of the moment settling upon them.

They stood up almost in unison, each mentally bracing themselves for what was to come.

They stepped out of the tent and fell into line behind the soldier, who led them towards the central part of the camp. The sounds of the camp's activities grew louder as they approached.

The group reached the training grounds, a vast expanse filled with rows upon rows of cadets, all standing in disciplined, orderly fashion. Each group appeared to be a team, similar to Ethan and his companions, marked by their identical stances and focused expressions.

The soldier leading them spoke over his shoulder. "Pay attention to everything you're told and show respect to your superiors. How you perform in these next months determines a lot about your future here. Make it count."

Their escorting soldier led Ethan and his team to a specific location within the training ground.

He pointed to a spot, his expression stern. "Stand here, and don't move an inch. Stay quiet." he instructed in a no-nonsense tone.

"The person in charge of the camp will address all of you shortly. I expect you to listen attentively and show the utmost respect. Any lack of courtesy will not be tolerated."

Ethan and his teammates nodded in acknowledgment and took their places, standing side by side. They looked around, taking in the sea of faces, all new recruits like themselves.

They couldn't help but observe the array of expressions on the faces around them. Anxiety, uncertainty, and even fear were evident in many of the young recruits' eyes. Some looked around nervously, trying to mask their apprehension, while a few were barely holding back tears.

It became increasingly clear to Ethan that many, if not most, of these recruits were here not by choice but due to the kingdom's enforced military conscription law. They were young men and women plucked from their previous lives and thrust into this new, daunting one.

The training ground fell into a hush as a figure of authority, presumably the person in charge of the camp, stepped forward. This individual carried an air of command, and their presence demanded attention.

He was of medium height but carried himself with an imposing presence that made him seem larger.

His posture was upright and confident.

His eyes were sharp and piercing, scanning the crowd of recruits with a gaze that seemed to take in everything and miss nothing.

His hair was cropped short, a practical style that matched the no-nonsense demeanor he projected.

He wore a uniform that set him apart from the standard military attire around the camp.

While it maintained the authoritative design befitting his rank, the uniform had a distinctive shade that edged closer to red.

This detail caught the attention of Ethan, leading him to a realization: this man was most likely a member feared red faction.

Indicating his involvement in the most challenging and perilous faction the kingdom's military offered.

It suggested a career marked by frontline engagements, strategic warfare, and perhaps direct encounters with dark creatures – the very tasks that defined the red faction's reputation.

As he stood before the assembled recruits, all sensed that he was not just a leader by rank, but a leader by respect earned through years of dedication and sacrifice.

The authoritative figure cleared his throat, capturing the full attention of the recruits.

In a voice that resonated across the training ground, he began, "I am Commander Alden, and I welcome you all as the newest recruits of Calydora's military."

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