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Chapter 9: preparing for the dungeon dive

"Mmmm so soft" feel the soft warmth of a fluffy bed as I awakened from a dream about a funny little octopus thingy that I think was trying to talk to me

"you know Gabriel if you sleep in my bed anymore people are going to start a rumor about us" hearing the voice of Alex made me open my eyes

"and what? why would I care of a rumor it's not like I care about my reputation or anything" my response seemed to make her angry because I can see her eyebrows twitch

"you need to start thinking about myself more you are almost a adult and yet you put others needs in front of yours" this was probably the hundredth time she has told me the same thing

"why should I think more about myself? it's not like I have a greater purpose than helping others" that seemed to make Alex even more furious at me

"why do you have to act like such a child sometimes it's like whatever I say just flies over your head"

"why can't you just think about yourself once in awhile and not go out of your way to help someone and then collapse on my front door" she looked like she was about to start crying so I stopped her by hugging her

"ok I understand I will try to be a little bit more caring for myself is that ok?" she nodded her head as she stayed in my embrace for a uncomfortable amount of time

"here have this I saw that your equipment is broken and thought you might need some money" she passed me a small pouch full of coins that I wanted to refuse to take but she stopped me

"no take it think it as me sponsoring your dungeon dives and also I heard there are groups of people who need help going into the dungeons so maybe join one of them" although what she said sounded like a suggestion I can tell she won't take no for a answer

"thanks I guess?" after she left I went about doing my business as I got cleaned and dressed an after that I spent my time going around Vindel looking for what I can buy with the money

first I went to a lather shop to buy some lather armor to better protect myself and have a actually protection

next I went to the smithy to buy some new swords since my last once were destroyed and so I left with two new iron short swords

and my last stop was a general store so I can buy some supplies for when I need to spend more then one day in a dungeon

when I was looking around for Alex I found her talking to a group of people who looked to have similar equipment as me

"Gabriel perfect time here is one of the groups I was talking about" she introduced me to the four people that made up the group

first there was Jake was a big dude that seem to love jokes because he laughed really loud and supposedly he has the fighter class and is the leader of the group

next was the mage and priestess of the group Fiona she was well shy as she couldn't even look at people in the eyes

the archer of the group was next and well she was a bitch that is all I can say about her

and last of the group was Tulan he was small but the backpack on his back is massive and he has a class called scavenger

"you must be Gabriel it is nice to meet you but may I ask how many class changes have you gone through?" Jake was asking about how many classes I have to see how much I know about fighting monsters

I checked my status because I haven't looked at it in awhile

[soul status]

name:Gabriel Silverfang race:Bloodkeeper

bloodline:angelic demonic draconic vampiric eldrich lycan

level:20/100 exp:15% stage:0

health:130/130 stamina:110/110 mana:55/55

[soul rank]

body rank:E‐

mind rank:F-

soul rank:E-

[soul stats]

strength:15 constitution:13 defense:13

endurance:12 agility:12 dexterity:13

intelligence:11 wisdom:12 charisma:12

will power:12

[soul class]

class:(apprentice rogue)

class level:12/100 class exp:35%

class history:(apprentice fighter)

(apprentice priestess)

[soul skills]

active skills:(power strike LV:2)

(turn undead LV:2)

(lesser healing magic LV:2)

(quick step LV:1)

passive skills:(danger sense LV:3)

(beginner weapon mastery LV:3)

(eyes of guidance LV:2)

titles:[monstrosity of the crimson moon]

"three" giving him a short quick answer was all I did but the reactions I got from wasn't small at all

"to have three class in not even a week is amazing" the shy Fiona eyes sparkled with amazement as she looked at me before looking away shy after I noticed her staring

"its not that amazing when you she has only gone into a dungeon by herself until now" Alex wasn't happy to say that I had been soloing dungeons

"yay that would do it"

"well Jake before you go into the dungeon I need to privately tell you something about Gabriel that you might need to know" Alex walked to Jake and started to whisper something into his ear

"wow that is good to know and thank you again for finding us our last teammate" Jake and the others start to walk to the dungeon entrance so I walked with them

"get ready everyone we are entering a monster infested dungeon we most be prepared for battle" activating the dungeon entrance we found ourselves in a graveyard

that had walking corpses

"great fucking undead it seems today is going to be a long day of work" Jake pulled out his great sword as we saw zombie slowly stumble our way

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