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Osaka, Japan

Kaminari Academy

July 7, 20xx

It was a peaceful and sunny afternoon, and Mike had just finished reading a book. He smiled as he closed the pages, feeling satisfied with what he had read.

He stood up and placed the book on his mini shelf. Sliding his fingers through the piled books, he read each of their titles. Just then, he heard his stomach grumble.

Realizing that hunger had caught up to him, he decided to take a look at the fridge. But, just as he was about to open it, Karin and Rinka barged in through his front door.

"Mike! You would not believe what we just bought!" Rinka exclaimed, throwing herself onto the sofa. Her feet swung in excitement as she eagerly looked at Mike, waiting for his response.

"A new makeup product from your favorite brand? A new collectible coin purse? A new dog? What is it?" Mike replied, retrieving a pack of bread from the fridge.

He opened the wrapper and smelled the bread. His nose twitched, and a grimace formed on his face, indicating that the bread was less than desirable to eat. He promptly threw the bread into a nearby trash bin and decided to get an apple instead.

"We just bought three concert tickets! T.S. will hold her concert at the local stadium this weekend, and we're going!" Rika said.

"We're thinking, maybe... You could come too?" Karin softly asked, her cheeks blushing as she averted her gaze.

Mike was pleasantly surprised by the invitation. He hadn't expected to go to a concert that weekend, but the idea sounded exciting. He looked at Rika and Karin, who were both eagerly awaiting his response.

"Wow, that sounds amazing! I'd love to come to the concert with you both," Mike replied with a smile.

Rika and Karin exchanged delighted glances, thrilled that Mike had agreed to join them. They chatted excitedly about the concert, discussing their favorite T.S. songs and speculating about what the show might be like.

As the day of the concert approached, the anticipation grew among Mike, Rika, and Karin. They couldn't wait to see their favorite artist, T.S., perform live. Messages flew back and forth between them, filled with excitement about the upcoming event.

Finally, the much-awaited evening arrived. They all met up outside the stadium, joining the sea of enthusiastic fans. The atmosphere was electric, buzzing with energy and anticipation.

Rika, with a wide smile, said, "I can't believe we're finally here! This is going to be epic!"

"I know, right?" Karin replied, her eyes shining with excitement. "I've been... looking forward to this concert for months!"

As they entered the stadium, the lights dimmed, and the crowd erupted into cheers as T.S. took the stage. The music started, and the entire stadium seemed to come alive.

"Oh my gosh, she's amazing! You should have introduced her to me sooner!" Mike shouted over the music to his friends.

"Absolutely! This is even better than I imagined!" Rika exclaimed, clapping her hands to the beat.

Throughout the concert, they sang along to every song, their voices blending with thousands of other fans. They danced, jumped, and swayed to the music, completely immersed in the electrifying atmosphere.

During one of T.S.'s slower songs, Karin turned to Mike and said, "I-I'm so glad you came with us, Mike. It's been so much fun having you here."

"Me too," Mike replied with a smile. "This is incredible. Thank you both for inviting me."

As the night wore on, the concert seemed to fly by. T.S. delivered an encore that left the crowd screaming for more. Finally, as the lights came back on and the cheering subsided, they made their way out of the stadium.

"That was unbelievable!" Rika exclaimed. "I can't believe we were part of such an amazing experience!"

"It was the best concert I've ever been to," Karin added, still buzzing with excitement.

"I agree," Mike said, nodding. "I'll never forget this night."

As they walked back to their cars, they couldn't stop talking about their favorite moments from the show. They relived the best songs, the dazzling stage effects, and the incredible energy of the crowd.

"We have to do this again sometime," Rika said, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"Definitely!" Karin chimed in. "Let's keep an eye out for more concerts and events we can go to together."

Rinka and Karin bid Mike goodbye as they hopped into a taxi cab. Mike waved at them as the cab pulled away, and then he turned and started walking in the direction of his apartment, taking his time to enjoy the vibrant night life of the city.

The city lights flickered like stars in a sea of concrete, casting a magical glow on the streets. Mike couldn't help but smile as he soaked in the bustling atmosphere and the energy that filled the air. As he strolled along, he passed by lively restaurants with people laughing and chatting, bars with music spilling out onto the sidewalks, and the occasional street performer entertaining passersby.

Feeling a sense of contentment, Mike decided to take a small detour and walked towards a nearby bridge that spanned over a serene river. The reflection of city lights danced on the water's surface, creating a beautiful, shimmering spectacle.

Leaning on the railing of the bridge, Mike took a moment to just breathe and appreciate the beauty of the night scene before him. He felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over him, contrasting with the excitement of the concert he had just attended.

Amidst the gentle sounds of flowing water and distant city chatter, his mind drifted back to the wonderful time he had with Rinka and Karin at the concert. He felt grateful for their friendship and for the shared experiences that brought them closer together.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he remembered one particular moment from the concert that had touched him deeply. It was during one of T.S.'s heartfelt songs when the whole crowd sang along in unison, creating an overwhelming feeling of unity and connection. In that moment, it didn't matter who they were or where they came from; they were all bound by the music and the emotions it evoked.

Feeling inspired, Mike decided to take out his phone and send a message to Rinka and Karin, expressing his gratitude for the wonderful evening they had shared. He thanked them for inviting him to the concert and for being such amazing friends.

As he hit send, a sense of warmth filled his heart. He knew that the memories of this night would stay with him forever, and the bond between them would only grow stronger.

Feeling reinvigorated, Mike continued his walk home, now looking forward to the next adventure he would have with his dear friends. The night was still young, and who knew what other beautiful moments awaited them in the city that never slept.

As Mike arrived at his apartment, he flopped himself onto his sofa, feeling both exhausted and relieved. His mind was still buzzing with the memories of the concert and the wonderful time he had spent with Rinka and Karin.

Before this, he used to lead a more solitary life, with only his persistent friend Shino for company. But now, looking at his life today, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the genuine friendships he had formed.

He reflected on how much things had changed since Rinka, Karin, and the others came into his life. They had opened up new possibilities for him, showing him that having friends over and spending time with others wasn't a bad thing at all. In fact, it was enriching and fulfilling.

Despite his difficult past, Mike realized that he was slowly healing, and he owed a lot of that healing to the people by his side today. Rinka and Karin had accepted him for who he was, and their kindness and companionship had helped him break down the walls he had built around himself.

Shino, too, had been a persistent force in his life. Though at times annoying, Shino's unwavering friendship had provided a sense of stability and comfort. Mike was reminded that even when he had shut people out in the past, there had been someone who cared and refused to give up on him.

As he lay there on the sofa, he felt a mixture of emotions wash over him. There was gratitude for the friends who had embraced him and made his life richer, and there was also a sense of hope for the future. He now realized that he didn't have to face life's challenges alone.

He knew that healing from the past wouldn't happen overnight, but he felt more confident that with the support of his friends, he could face whatever came his way. The concert had been more than just a night of music; it had been a turning point in his life, reminding him of the importance of human connection and the joy that could be found in opening up to others.

Feeling a sense of comfort and belonging, Mike drifted off to sleep on his sofa, knowing that he was no longer alone in his journey through life. And as he slept, he dreamt of the many more adventures and heartwarming moments he would share with his newfound friends in the days and years to come.

sylverlight sylverlight

If you are wondering when did this happen... This bonus story happened some time after the main story ended. And if you like this bonus chapter, there will be more bonus chapters to come. Take care~

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