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Chapter 22: Blastey Jr

Katsuki couldn't shake off his growing concern for Izuku. Her absent-mindedness and sudden bouts of laughter were becoming more frequent, and he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something was amiss.

One day, as the class gathered during lunch break, Katsuki decided to address the issue. "Alright, listen up, losers! What's up with Izuku? She's been acting all weird lately, and I'm getting tired of her dodging my questions."

The rest of the class exchanged puzzled glances, trying to piece together the puzzle of Izuku's odd behavior. Mina's eyes widened, and she gasped in realization.

"Guys, I think I know what's going on!" Mina blurted out, unable to contain her excitement. "Izuku might have a crush!"

The classroom fell into stunned silence as Katsuki's eyes narrowed. He clenched his fists, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "A crush? On who?"

Mina shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Who knows? That's why we need to find out! We should follow Izuku and see what's really going on!"

Katsuki begrudgingly agreed, knowing that he needed to get to the bottom of this. With the rest of the class on board, they formulated a plan to discreetly tail Izuku and uncover the truth.

Later that afternoon, as Izuku walked through the halls of UA, giggling to herself, she had no idea that her friends were watching her every move from a safe distance. They followed her stealthily, blending into the background as she headed towards an empty classroom.

Curiosity and concern filled Katsuki's mind as they observed Izuku from outside the classroom. He watched as she entered, closing the door behind her with a soft click. Katsuki motioned for the others to stay quiet as they pressed their ears against the door, eager to catch any snippets of conversation.

Inside the room, Izuku's giggles grew louder, her voice laced with excitement. "Oh, you're just too adorable, aren't you? I can't wait to show you to Katsuki!"

Confusion furrowed Katsuki's brow as he exchanged bewildered glances with his classmates. What was Izuku talking about?

As they continued to eavesdrop, they heard a rustling sound followed by an ecstatic cry from Izuku. "There you are! Look, everyone! Look at this cutie!"

Katsuki's eyes widened as he realized the truth. He swung the door open, revealing Izuku standing there with a small, fluffy creature cradled in her arms.

"What the hell is going on, Izuku?" Katsuki demanded, a mix of frustration and relief flooding his voice.

Izuku's eyes widened, a sheepish smile on her face. "Surprise! Meet Blastey Jr.! I adopted a pet bunny, and I've been taking care of him secretly. He's my little bundle of joy!"

The class erupted into laughter, their concern dissipating in an instant. Even Katsuki couldn't help but crack a smile as he saw the sheer joy radiating from Izuku.

"You've been acting all weird over a damn bunny?" Katsuki exclaimed, his voice a mix of exasperation and amusement.

Izuku nodded enthusiastically, holding Blastey Jr. closer to her chest. "He's not just a bunny, Katsuki! He's my partner in crime, my confidant. Blastey Jr. brings me so much happiness!"

The class couldn't help but be charmed by Izuku's dedication to her new furry friend. They surrounded her

, cooing over Blastey Jr., who seemed to revel in the attention.

As laughter and joy filled the room, Katsuki couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. It wasn't a crush causing Izuku's strange behavior; it was simply her boundless love for a fluffy bunny.

And from that day forward, Blastey Jr. became an honorary member of Class 1-A, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone's lives, especially Izuku's. As for Katsuki, he couldn't deny that Blastey Jr.'s antics and Izuku's infectious joy had a way of melting even his explosive heart.

With Blastey Jr. now a beloved addition to the class, the days at UA took on a new dynamic. Izuku and Katsuki would often bring their furry friend to school, and Blastey Jr. became the unofficial mascot of Class 1-A. His adorable presence brought a sense of warmth and lightheartedness to the sometimes intense environment of hero training.

During breaks, the students would gather around Blastey Jr.'s designated spot, showering him with affection and playfully competing for his attention. Mina would bring treats, Ochaco would playfully tease the bunny, and Denki would attempt to teach Blastey Jr. a few tricks using his quirk.

The teachers, too, couldn't resist Blastey Jr.'s charm. Aizawa, who initially tried to maintain his stern demeanor, found himself secretly enjoying the bunny's antics. Power Loader would often sneak into the classroom, armed with an assortment of bunny toys, and join the students in playing with Blastey Jr. His infectious laughter echoed through the halls, earning him bewildered stares from passing teachers.

One day, during a particularly rigorous training session, Blastey Jr. made a surprise appearance. As the students were busy honing their quirks, Izuku unleashed a new creation - a modified version of Blastey that doubled as a portable obstacle course.

The class watched in awe as the transformed Blastey whizzed through the training area, creating hurdles and challenges for the students. It was a spectacle of agility and precision, leaving everyone speechless. Izuku, wearing a mischievous grin, reveled in the astonishment she had caused.

Aizawa and the other teachers, who had been observing the training session, exchanged stunned glances. Aizawa finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and disbelief. "Izuku Bakugou, just what kind of support hero are you going to become?"

Izuku's eyes sparkled with determination as she replied, "The kind that surprises and supports her friends every step of the way!"

The class erupted into applause, cheering for Izuku's ingenuity and unwavering dedication to her role as a support hero. Blastey Jr. hopped around excitedly, seemingly aware of the impact he had on everyone's lives.

From that day forward, Izuku and Blastey Jr. continued to innovate, creating new gadgets and contraptions that pushed the boundaries of support hero capabilities. Their teamwork and unyielding spirit became an inspiration to the entire class, reminding them of the power of friendship and the limitless possibilities that lay within each of them.

And as Blastey Jr. hopped onto Aizawa's shoulder, nibbling on his capture weapon, the stern teacher couldn't help but crack a rare smile. After all, even the toughest heroes need a little dose of bunny-induced laughter to brighten their days.


and the winner is



now it's everyone favourite part..... CHOSE THE SHIP!!

but let's set some rules okay

1- you can choose any character you want as long as it's not illegal, and you know what I mean :D

2.if you chose an older character it will be aged down,

3.respect the others opinion and choice of ship

4.No attacking other people ships or stating war ships in the comments.

5. I'm sucker for 1v1 romance so I'm sorry I can't do more than two people romance, sorry polyshipers I have nothing against you I swear, it's just a personal preference :(

6. let's have some fun shall we :)

the ship that get higher votes will be used!! and this time everyone please vote and say what do you think! it will only take a moment!


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