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Chapter 25: Skipping School

As Luke tumbled out of his shadow form and back into his room, he fumbled for a moment. The agony of his shoulder jolted him back to reality. Gritting his teeth, he stripped off the pilfered jacket and shoes, grumbling to himself about life's ironies. He was the city's dark vigilante, yet he was now wounded, skulking around like a child who'd sneakily stolen a cookie from the jar.

The image of Gwen in her nightwear flashed across his mind again, eliciting an unexpected blush that warmed his cheeks. "Okay, okay, get it together, Luke. You're just delirious from blood loss," he muttered, shaking his head as if he could physically dislodge the image.

He padded cautiously towards the bathroom, his bare feet cold against the floorboards. Fumbling with the tap, his heart pounded loudly in his chest. The anticipation of the cold water stinging his wound was almost worse than the prospect of the pain itself.

As he turned on the shower, the icy water sprayed down like a hundred miniature ice warriors attacking his wound, causing him to hiss in pain. His knees buckled as he fought the urge to scream, and he hastily twisted the tap to shut off the water.

Standing there, trembling in the chill, Luke couldn't help but laugh—a nervous, slightly delirious chuckle. "Yep, I'm officially losing it," he murmured, a grim smile playing on his lips.

His second attempt at showering was with water at a more tolerable temperature. Each droplet felt like a tiny needle piercing his skin, but he forced himself to remain standing, his teeth grinding together as he quickly cleaned himself.

After enduring the most agonizing shower of his life, Luke stepped out and gingerly toweled himself off. Catching sight of himself in the mirror, he paused to examine his wound. It was an ugly, red gash, with the torn flesh an unwelcome reminder of the bullet that had been lodged there. The surrounding skin was bruised and inflamed, and he could see the beginnings of an ugly scar forming. "This is going to be fun to explain," he mumbled to himself.

As he stood there, the pain gradually gnawed past his endurance. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision. He squeezed his eyes shut, hot droplets trickling down his cheeks. "Dammit, this is stupid," he muttered, berating himself even as his tears fell freely.

With a trembling hand, he conjured a shadow, manipulating it into a makeshift bandage. It was a crude solution, but it would have to suffice for now. As he wrapped it around his wound, he gritted his teeth, the pain escalating with each movement.

Suddenly, the room began to spin. His vision darkened, his knees buckled, and he found himself sinking towards the cold bathroom tiles. With a thud that echoed ominously in the silence, Luke crumpled to the floor, unconscious. His last thought before darkness consumed him was a fleeting wish that he had hugged Gwen when he had the chance.

The sound of persistent knocking stirred Luke from his unconscious state. He blinked, his vision blurring as the cold bathroom tiles pressed uncomfortably against his cheek. His shoulder throbbed with relentless pain, echoing his racing heartbeat.

"Luke? Honey, are you alright?" His mother's voice echoed through the closed bathroom door, tinged with worry that felt like a weight on his chest.

Grunting, Luke managed to push himself up from the floor. His shadow bandage had somehow stayed intact during his bout of unconsciousness, providing a dull sense of pressure against the wound. The pain was still intense, but at least he wasn't bleeding out on the bathroom floor.

"I-I'm fine," he managed to croak out, wincing at how gravelly his voice sounded. "Just, uh... passed out in the bath. Think I've got a headache. I'm gonna skip school today."

The silence on the other side of the door was palpable as his mother processed his words. He could almost hear the gears turning in her head, worry undoubtedly etching lines into her forehead.

"Alright," she said finally, her voice shaky with concern. "Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

The word 'hospital' echoed ominously in his mind, flashing images of doctors, nurses, and too-bright lights. "No, I'm fine," he rushed to say, pushing himself up off the floor and stumbling towards the sink. His reflection stared back at him, pallid and disheveled. He looked awful, but it was better than ending up in a hospital. "Thanks though!"

In his state, a hospital visit was the last thing he needed. Any check-up would undoubtedly reveal his bullet wound, leading to questions he couldn't answer and a subsequent compromise of his secret identity. The very thought sent shivers of dread down his spine, intensifying his pain.

With a pained grimace, Luke assessed his weary reflection in the mirror. His complexion was as pale as winter's snow, starkly contrasted by the dark circles under his eyes. He looked more like a worn-out college student who'd been up all night cramming for finals, not a high school kid.

From behind the locked bathroom door, he heard his mother's concerned voice. "Alright, just shout if you need anything, okay?"

"I will," Luke replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He let out a quiet sigh of relief when he heard his mom retreat down the hall, his subterfuge seemingly successful.

Limping back to his room, he sank onto his bed, the persistent throbbing in his shoulder amplifying the exhausting ordeal of maintaining a facade of normalcy for his mom. But before he could give into the allure of sleep, he had to take care of one more thing.

Pulling out his phone, he quickly shot off a text to Max.

Luke: Max, I'm skipping school today. Had an awkward encounter with Gwen yesterday and not really looking forward to round two. Can you cover for me with the coach? 7:05 AM

The response was immediate, a testament to Max's habitual early morning texting.

Max: Dude, spill the beans! Did you guys make out? Or...did you score a home run?! Remember, her dad's a cop, man! He'd haul your ass to jail! 7:06 AM

Luke chuckled at Max's wild imagination, wincing as the movement sent a jolt of pain through his shoulder.

Luke: Calm your horses fam! It's not what ur thinking. Just some awkwardness, that's all. But don't feel like facing it today. 7:07 AM

Max: Gotcha, I'll tell the coach you caught a rare tropical disease from a mosquito. That'll keep him off your back! 7:08 AM

Luke: Dude, just say I'm sick. Don't need the whole school thinking I've got some weird disease. 7:09 AM

Max: Where's the fun in that? Anyway, get better soon. We have a game next week, remember? 7:10 AM

With Max's promise of handling the coach situation, Luke decided to handle the other pressing matter. Putting on some loose basketball shorts and a baggy shirt, he shot off a quick message to Gwen on snapchat.

TheLuke: Hey Gwen, not feeling well, so won't be in school today. It's nothing about yesterday, so no worries. 7:12 AM

He watched as Gwen's icon appeared and then disappeared without a response. Anxiety knotted in his stomach. Was she mad? Confused? He wished he knew.

"Maybe she just needs some time to process…" he mused aloud, trying to convince himself more than anything else. "Or she is just busy from what I did at her place last night…".

His conversation done, he plugged his phone into the charger and gingerly lay down on his bed. As the room fell silent, he closed his eyes, embracing the fact that his day was going to be filled with a unique blend of pain, self-pity, and wondering what Gwen was thinking.

Penpool Penpool

Promise kept, here's another chapter.

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