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Chapter 2: Babylon

Phastos have return to the Domo, skillfully he maneuvered the ship away from the field, with the intention of finding a more suitable location to park. Meanwhile, Makkari and Ikaris assumed the crucial role of scouts. She utilized her incredible super-speed, swiftly surveying the area, while Ikaris took advantage of his flying abilities to gain a different perspective in the sky. Together, they scoured the skies and scouted the ground, vigilant for any survived Deviants lurking around in the shadow. Elsewhere, Gilgamesh, Thena, and Kingo worked diligently, clearing away the remnants of numerous now-ruined tents, creating an open space for the group. As for you, standing near Ajak, you observed Sersi and Sprite as they provided comfort to the traumatized villagers, guiding the injured towards Ajak's healing touch, offering solace and aid one by one.

"Seidon, Sersi, Sprite, you're up," said Ajak.

The command from Ajak echoed through the air, and you rose from your kneeling position, feeling the coolness of the ground beneath your right hand. The lifeless Deviants below seemed momentarily subdued as you stepped forward, entering the space that had been cleared for you. Taking your place between Sersi and Sprite, a silent understanding passed between the three of you as you turned your collective focus towards the open expanse ahead. Sersi gracefully kneeled with one knee, her palms making contact with the earth. You and Sprite extended your palms, unleashing a surge of cosmic light that radiated from your eyes.

Harnessing your elemental power, you channeled it with care, causing the earth to tremble gently as you drew forth its hidden waters. Sersi skillfully utilized the soil and water you summoned, shaping them to bring about a transformation in the lives of humanity. At the same time, Sprite wove her illusions, shielding the minds of those who beheld your work, protecting them from the overwhelming changes. Where once stood tattered remnants of tents, the amalgamation of water and earth transmuted into sturdy piles of bricks. Tender gusts of wind carried the bricks upward, carefully placing them one by one, until the ruined tents were replaced by rows of humble abodes.

Sprite's voice broke the moment, filled with genuine admiration for the fruits of your labor. You turned, catching sight of the still entranced human populace, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief. In a mischievous spirit, you looped your arm around Sprite's shoulders, playfully tousling her hair while unleashing a tickle upon her.

"Not too shabby yourself!" you chuckled as Sprite's laughter mingled with her attempts to escape your grasp. A comforting presence materialized beside you, Ajak joining the trio. A hand gently settled upon your shoulder, grounding you in the shared accomplishment.

"Nice work," acknowledged Ajak.

"Thank you, Ajak," you responded, releasing Sprite from your playful hold. She ceased her illusions, allowing the returning humans to snap back to reality, their stunned expressions mirroring the transformation that had taken place in their living conditions.

Ajak's hand remained on your shoulder as she motioned towards the other members of your celestial family. Together, you began a unified stride, walking side by side, each step carrying a sense of purpose and camaraderie. Phastos's report guided your path, leading you toward the location where the Domo had been parked.

As time flows ceaselessly, the transition from days to months and months to years becomes a tapestry woven by the passage of countless moments. In this profound journey, the weight of existence accumulates, and you find yourself immersed in the tapestry of time, having traversed the earthly realm for over a century. The ebb and flow of days, the changing seasons, and the dance of celestial bodies have shaped your experience, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and a deep appreciation for the fleeting nature of life. In this expanse of time, you have witnessed the rise and fall of generations, witnessed history unfold, and etched your own indelible mark upon the fabric of existence.

Over the course of hundreds of years, all your efforts have had a profound impact on the human race. Each one of you has utilized your unique abilities, the Thinkers and the Fighters alike, to propel humanity forward. With your mastery over the elements of fire, water, soil, and air, you have patiently guided humans to understand and harness the power of these natural elements. With great care, you have taught them how to manipulate fire for warmth, water for sustenance, soil for agriculture, and air for their everyday needs. Sersi, in her nurturing way, has played a crucial role in advancing the human race's knowledge of agriculture. Through her guidance, they have learned to cultivate the land, discovering the secrets of planting, tending, and reaping bountiful harvests. Thena, Gilgamesh, and Kingo, the formidable warriors among the Eternals, have stepped forward to train and empower humans in the art of self-defense. They have imparted their combat expertise, teaching the people to protect themselves against any threat that might arise.

As news of the settlement spreads, other human populations in the region become aware of the flourishing community established by the Eternals. Fascinated and inspired, people from far and wide embark on pilgrimages to witness the marvels firsthand. The gathering of pilgrims concerns Ajak, as she foresees the potential danger of attracting more Deviants to the settlement. To stay vigilant, Ikaris and Makkari take on the responsibility of regularly scouting the surrounding areas, searching for any signs of Deviant activity that might threaten the newfound harmony.

And Ajak was right.


575 BC - Babylon:

The Glorious Ishtar Gate, adorned with vibrant blue tiles and glistening gold foil, stood as a proud testament to human creativity and perseverance, basking in the radiant sunlight. Though human progress had been slower than anticipated by some, the overall advancement was undeniably impressive. Through their diligent utilization of the knowledge you had imparted, they had transformed an empty canvas into a thriving city.

True to Ajak's foresight, as more humans sought solace within the city's protective walls, the relentless Deviants grew increasingly brazen in their attacks. Inside the bustling Domo, where each of you was engrossed in your own pursuits, the tranquil atmosphere was abruptly shattered by the ominous sound of approaching footsteps. The piercing wail of the alarm swiftly followed, signaling the menacing presence of the Deviants.

Responding with swift resolve, the five valiant fighters donned their gear, their movements fueled by a shared determination. Sersi, Sprite, Druig, and Phastos rushed toward the city gate too, all of your resolve unyielding. The ever-watchful Thinkers stood ready, poised to offer assistance should any humans require aid during their desperate escape from the ensuing battle.

Meanwhile, your own instincts propelled you to command the air, to ascend to the pinnacle of the Ishtar Gate. From this elevated vantage point, you witnessed the swirling dust clouds stirred up by the determined humans on the outskirts of the town, desperately endeavoring to make a run for the safety of the city's embrace.

From your elevated perch atop the Ishtar Gate, you beheld a scene teeming with urgency and determination. The incessant flow of humans surged past, their faces etched with a mix of fear and hope, seeking refuge within the sanctuary of the city's protective walls. Your gaze shifted to the five formidable fighters stationed alongside you, each embodying a unique strength and purpose. Ikaris soared gracefully by your side, a symbol of unwavering vigilance. Makkari, Thena, and Kingo strategically positioned themselves in strategic formation, ready to unleash their formidable skills when the time demanded. And there, steadfast and unwavering, stood Gilgamesh, a towering figure embodying indomitable strength, his presence a formidable deterrent to any threat that dared approach. Together, you formed an unyielding bastion, a united force ready to defend against the encroaching darkness. As the humans hurried past, their lives hanging in the balance, a surge of determination welled within you, echoing the shared resolve of your fellow defenders. The fate of the city hinged on your collective courage and unwavering resolve, as you stood united against the encroaching storm.

Imbued with extraordinary senses as Eternals, the world unfolded before you with unparalleled clarity. As your gaze swept over the scene, you witnessed the initial surge of humans, their determination etched upon their faces, propelling them towards the gate with an urgency born of desperation. Makkari, a blur of motion, swiftly led the way, extending a helping hand to the vulnerable among them—the elderly, the injured, and the young children—guiding them back to the safety of the city's embrace. Following closely behind, Thena and Kingo exuded a palpable aura of power, their abilities magnified as they strode forward, prepared to face any challenge that dared to confront them. And amidst the tumult, your enhanced hearing caught the dreaded cacophony—the distinctive screech of the abhorrent beasts, an ominous warning of the imminent danger that lurked in their presence. Ikaris, ever vigilant, pierced the sky with swift flight, his keen eyes locking onto a flying Deviant as it descended, his determination propelling him to intercept the threat head-on. As the chaos unfolded, your enhanced senses united you with your fellow Eternals, each embodying a unique role in the unfolding battle, a force of extraordinary beings poised to confront the encroaching darkness and protect the vulnerable humans who sought refuge within the city's walls.

A surge of determination ignited within you as the sight of the encroaching Deviants and the vulnerable humans being hunted fueled your sense of purpose. With unwavering resolve, you dedicated yourself to safeguarding the innocent from the ensuing chaos. As your eyes shimmered with ethereal radiance, a manifestation of your celestial power, you called upon the very fabric of the air itself. The atmosphere responded to your command, as the soil beneath escaping human and encroaching Deviants rose skyward, forming an impenetrable barrier, thick and towering. It stood as a formidable shield, a testament to your unwavering commitment to protect those in need. Behind this elemental barrier, you safely separated the humans from the advancing Deviants, offering them a precious respite from the encroaching danger. Your act not only shielded the innocent but also lightened the burden upon the valiant fighters who now had the freedom to focus solely on engaging the enemy forces. The weight of protection shifted from their shoulders to yours, as you fortified the line between chaos and sanctuary, allowing the defenders to channel their unwavering attention towards vanquishing their adversaries. Amidst the tumult of battle, you stood as a guardian, your actions a testament to your boundless compassion and unwavering commitment to shield the vulnerable from the storm of chaos that raged around you.

"Hey, that one was mine!" Amidst the chaos of battle, a spirited cry pierced the air as Kingo, the embodiment of exuberance, voiced his playful protest. With anticipation coursing through his veins, he yearned to showcase his prowess by downing as many Deviants as possible. Yet, time and again, his eager trigger finger found itself upstaged by Thena's swift and precise strikes. Let it be clear, Kingo held great admiration for Thena, recognizing her as one of the most formidable warriors among their illustrious group. But, alas, there existed an incongruity in their fighting styles that prevented him from fully embracing the synergy of their partnership. For Kingo, the thrill of battle was intertwined with a joyous dance, a sense of exhilaration that painted the very fabric of his being. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment whenever Thena's calculated efficiency extinguished the sparks of spontaneity he craved. Though they fought side by side, their divergent approaches to combat left Kingo yearning for the explosive, unpredictable moments that once defined his battles. Nevertheless, even in the midst of this gentle internal conflict, Kingo's admiration for Thena's unparalleled prowess remained unshaken, a testament to the intricate dynamics and contrasting temperaments that wove their way through the ranks of the remarkable eleven.

"Oh, never mind!" The battle raged on, each moment fraught with danger and swift decision-making. Kingo's focus sharpened as he snapped back to reality, his instincts honed to perfection. In a split second, he swiftly raised his weapon and dispatched the incoming Deviant with unerring precision, silencing its screech. Across the battlefield, the combined might of Ikaris and Makkari unveiled a formidable display of teamwork. Ikaris descended with unmatched swiftness, his immense strength a shield against the looming threat. In a daring move, he shielded a defenseless human girl from the ravenous claws of the spider-like Deviant, pinning one claw to the ground with a vice-like grip. His attention momentarily diverted, Ikaris seized the opportunity to strike, his movements a symphony of grace and power as he swiftly severed another claw, depriving the creature of its weapon. With the opening created, Makkari unleashed her extraordinary speed, her movements a blur as she employed her sonic prowess. The air crackled with energy as Makkari's sonic boom propelled the towering Deviant forcefully towards the side, its monstrous form staggering under the impact. Unyielding, she darted back and forth with astonishing agility, her relentless assault pinning the Deviant against the wall. Her flurry of strikes ceased only when the creature, unable to withstand the relentless onslaught, succumbed to gravity and tumbled into the pit you had skillfully prepared, a testament to your strategic foresight and the cohesive synergy of your team. In the midst of chaos, your combined efforts stood as a testament to the unwavering strength and resourcefulness of the Eternals, carving a path towards victory one decisive moment at a time.

You all had taken care of the majority of the incoming Deviants, but one enormous one remained.

"Oh boy, that is a big one..." exclaimed Kingo.

"Quickly, inside the gate!" The urgency in Gilgamesh's voice pierced through the chaos, his commanding words serving as a rallying cry. With a resolute determination, he ensured that every last human found safety within the protective confines of the gate. Satisfied that the innocent were shielded from harm, a warm smile graced his face, a brief respite amidst the relentless turmoil. With unwavering courage, he redirected his focus towards the colossal adversary that stood defiantly in his path. The sheer magnitude of the creature seemed inconsequential in the face of Gilgamesh's unwavering resolve. A pillar of strength and unwavering loyalty, he squared his shoulders, ready to face the formidable beast that dared to challenge him.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun..." A glimmer of anticipation danced in Gilgamesh's eyes as he unleashed the full extent of his power, channeling it into a devastating punch. The force behind his strike was enough to launch the beast skyward, its massive form flipping through the air in a disorienting whirl. But in the midst of this triumphant moment, the creature gathered its bearings and retaliated with a vengeance. With a thunderous blow, it connected with Gilgamesh, sending him hurtling through the air with a disheartening force. His trajectory carried him far from the chaotic battleground, an unyielding momentum propelling him toward an imminent collision with the unforgiving ground. Yet, just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a streak of lightning burst forth. Makkari, with her unparalleled speed, raced through the air like a guardian angel, snatching Gilgamesh from his perilous descent. In a breathtaking display of agility, she intercepted him in mid-flight, her sure grip halting his descent mere moments before his impact with the earth below. The heroic duo, united in their determination, stood as a testament to the bonds forged amidst adversity and the unwavering commitment to safeguarding one another, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The realization that even the mighty Gilgamesh was being tested by the overwhelming presence of this formidable adversary cast a solemn shadow across the battlefield. With unwavering determination, you maintained your vantage point atop the gate, a steadfast sentinel overseeing the chaos below. Ikaris, a beacon of power, soared through the sky, his watchful gaze scanning the unfolding battle. Meanwhile, on the ground, Thena, Kingo, and Makkari recognized the need for unity in the face of such an imposing threat. A shared resolve ignited within them as they made the decisive choice to combine their individual strengths, forging a formidable alliance. Bound by a common purpose, they moved in unison, their actions synchronized with a harmonious precision. Each warrior, empowered by their unique abilities, contributed to the collective effort, weaving a tapestry of unparalleled might and unwavering resolve. In this pivotal moment, the Eternals exemplified the true essence of unity, as their combined forces became an indomitable force, poised to face any challenge that dared to confront them.

With synchronized precision, the six of you unleashed a barrage of blows upon the colossal Deviant, each strike finding its mark with unwavering accuracy. While your companions utilized their extraordinary powers in their relentless assault against the beast, you channeled the very essence of air, commanding its invisible force to ensnare and immobilize the creature. The elemental embrace of wind and gravity conspired against the Deviant, holding it firmly in place, unable to evade the unrelenting onslaught. Exploiting this strategic advantage, a resounding sonic boom reverberated through the battlefield, propelling the creature towards the gate with staggering force. The impact was cataclysmic, as the Deviant crashed against the gate's formidable structure, triggering a shower of shattered fragments, remnants of the exquisite tiles that once adorned its grand facade. In its wake, a path of destruction was left, a testament to the unwavering resolve of the Eternals and their unwavering dedication to protect and defend.

"Guys, watch the gate!" you exclaimed in annoyance. You were on the verge of summoning the ground to swallow the beast, but to your dismay, the Deviant regained consciousness and prepared itself for one final, desperate fight.

The thunderous sound of the Deviant's restless movements echoed through the air, capturing the attention of the vigilant Gilgamesh. In a display of unwavering determination, he channeled his immense strength, infusing his fist with a surge of power before unleashing a devastating blow upon the beast. Simultaneously, you maintained your unwavering control over the swirling winds that ensnared the creature, firmly pinning it to the ground and depriving it of any chance to rise.

With a resounding "Bam!" the last remaining Deviant was vanquished, its formidable presence extinguished by the combined might of your team. The battlefield fell silent, the echoes of the battle fading into the distance as the dust settled. The victory was hard-earned, but it was undeniably yours.

As the exhilaration of triumph coursed through your veins, you commanded the wind to gracefully lower you from your elevated position atop the gate. In a gentle descent, you rejoined your valiant comrades on the ground, a seamless blend of power and grace. The battle was won, and the bond between you and your fellow Eternals stood unyielding, a testament to your shared purpose and unwavering resolve.

"It's a long process for me to replace those," you protested.

"Sorry~" Gilgamesh playfully ruffled his hair and stuck his tongue out. In response, you let out a sigh.

A puppy dog face usually doesn't go well with brute strength, but in Gilgamesh's case, it was the opposite. Because of that, you could never really get mad at him.

"I'll inform Ajak that the assault has been taken care of," you said to the others.

As you ascended toward the pinnacle of the city building, your hands aglow with cosmic radiance, the air obeyed your guidance with remarkable precision. With each calculated movement, you propelled yourself closer to the destination—the ethereal haven of the hanging gardens. A tranquil aura enveloped the surroundings, as if nature itself held its breath in reverence. Atop the structure, bathed in soft sunlight, lay the sanctuary where Ajak sought solace during this sacred hour. The hanging gardens, resplendent with vibrant foliage and delicate blooms, offered a sanctuary for contemplation and introspection. It was here, in this harmonious oasis, that Ajak communed with the cosmic forces and delved into profound meditation, finding solace and enlightenment amidst the beauty of the tranquil surroundings.

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