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Chapter 11: CHAPTER 11 TESTING

When OAA arrived in the supremacy, he see outside the window. he see that the celestials, aspirants, mad celestials, eldricth gods.

He then goes outside to help the celestials, he pull out the all black sword he also see his symbio-aspirants and symbio-celestials are still fighting.

He absorb their powers and take their memories from the eldritch gods, evil gods, aspirants and mad celestials. He also make them apart of his symbiote army and taking control of them.

Aspirants, mad celestials, eldritch gods, and evil gods see this and got scared. they are being killed and become a symbiotes army for OAA.

OAA keep swinging his sword and killing them, also turning them into part of his symbiotes army.

His power also become more powerful because he gets powers and knowledge from the symbiotes army he have from aspirants, mad celestials, eldricth gods even evil gods.

He then see Beyonder are fighting with the first firmament and no surprising the dirst firmament is losing.

First Firmament :" Damn you get out lof my way."

Beyonder/frank : "Let me think....nah."

First firmament is mad then he see celestial OAA is there slaughtering anyone in his path with his symbiote army.

First firmament is rushingvto OAA but he was punched by the beyonder.

Beyonder/Frank : uh uh uh you can't go anywhere first firmament you have get through me first."

First Firmament : "Damn you beyonder." He shouts attacking beyonder, while beyonder defended easily.

OAA then see first firmament and beyonder/frank are fighting, he then get an idea why don't he absorb the first firmament.

He then commands all his symbiote army to attack the aspirants, mad celestials, eldritch gods and evil gods.

He rush to the first firmament and grabbed him. beyonder and firat firmament stop fighting.

First firmament :" HAHAHAHA you have come here to die arent, You OAA?"

OAA :" No, I am juest here to kill you and absrobed your power."

He then punch the first firmament so far that the firat firmament was hurt and stunned.

First Firmament. :" How is this possible how can you hurt me?"

OAA :" Don't wanna tell you."

OAA then punch again the first firmament but the first firmament also doing a counterattack. Beyonder/Frank see this likes to see the show in front of him and waiting for a result.

First firmament then create hundreds of cosmic balls at the size of a galaxy then throw it at me.

The cosmic balls hits OAA and OAA himself is not defending, eh just stood there.

First Firmament :"HAHAHAHAHA now you die OAA and nobody can get in my way to restore may power and rule the multiverse."

OAA :"Do you think so?"

First firmament see OAA unscatched. he was shocked that OAA can survive that can of attack.

OAA :"My turn."

OAA then summon hundreds of cosmic balls the same size and number of cosmic balls that the first firmament do.

OAA fired it at the first firmament and first firmament defend himself from OAA'S attack.

Firat frimament can't hold that much power and he got hurt by OAA attack. OAA see that the first firmament is injured and rush into him.

First firmament swa this and he was confused and mad of what OAA is going to do to him.

First firmament :" What are you going to do to me?" he asked angrily.

OAA :" You will see."

OAA then press both of his hands on first firmament body and beginning of absorbing his powers.

First firmament see and know what is OAA going to do, so he began to quickly act.

First firmament :" NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS OAA YOU CAN'T ABSROBED MY POWERS AND KILL ME." He began to struggling to get out and his effort is nothing.

OAA :" It is too late first firmament you're done."


Firat frimament is dissapearing and OAA is finnaly done abaorbing first firmament. OAA then began to see memeories.

He know that the memories he see was the first firmament how he was born, create and destroy, creating celestials and aspirants, the celestial war, the first eternity wars, how he was forced to flee to the farthest edges of being with the remaining aspirants and Hundreds of new universes were born from the First Firmament's pure substance, forming a new, collective being who was second cosmos and first multiverse.

OAA then know how to use first firmament powers he knows that the first firmament is weak beacuse his powers are shattered across the marvel multiverse, so he plan to collect them all and absorb them all.

He also knowa how to create the aspirants and the celestials.

Beyonder/Frank :" well that was quite a show, how are you feeling right now?"

OAA :" I feel very powerful right now, I can't believe that I already had this much power.

Beyonder/Frank :" alright then, I should get out of here because there is nothing to do and nothing exciting. so goodbye." After that beyonder is gone.

He then see the war is still going on, so he rushing in joinning the battle. He also seal the all space that eldritch gods are used to come and also seal the space taht evid gods coming through.

They then feel something from afar and see OAA, he then kill all the symbio-aspirants and symbio-mad celestials.

The eldritch gods and evil gods see that their portals to come here is gone. now they are panicked that they ar going to die.

A symbio-asprants and symbio-celestials kill them all and OAA using the power of the symbiote to absorb their powers and and making them part of their army.

The war is going on for long, but the war is finally over and the celestials have won the war.

They also check the casualties and the destruction they have caused. After that they gone to their own dimension.

OAA also tell all the celestials to go back to their ship to repair their armor and heal themsleves because in this war many celestials have died.

Arishem :"OAA are you okay?"

OAA :" Yes I am okay arishem I was just see and thingking the outcome of our race and also the casualties of the income."

Arishem :"OAA how about the first firmament shouldn't we just need to find him ?"

OAA :"No need for that because the first firmament is already dead."

Arishem :" Dead, but how who is killing the first firrmament." Arishem ask because defeating and killing the first firmament is no easy task even when he is weakened.

OAA :" Because I killed him."

Arishem was surprised abkut this news "How donyoubkill the first firmament?"

OAA :" It is a secret and I prefer to keep it for myself."

Arishem went silents and thinking of how did OAA kill the first firmament.

OAA arishem :" Arishem check the other celestials and help them, also tell the celestials to keep your guard on and safe because I don't want them to get killed."

Arishem nod at this and go tell the others.

OAA see arishem is gone and he thinks that he will go to the dimension that have celestials in it and see what is inside.

He then go to his speaceship and leave a message to the celestials that he has a mission to complete.

OAA then set the coordinates in the ship and enter hyperspace.

OAA then go to the training room and command hia ultimatium armor to seperate from him.

He looked at himself and was shocked that he was different now.

The color of gold and blue now was replace by a pure white color with golden stripes running along all over my body. I also looked the inside of me and was shocked.

The inside of me not just a universe, but a multiverse, omniverse, and beyond that. I realise that inside my body is the beyonderverse. I have beyonderverse inside my body and that means I am a beyonder.

The Beyond Realm is a existence that is beyond and older than the current Marvel Omniverse, Originally a realm that was from the Original Beyonder and due to retcons is currently housed by the Omnipotential beings known as The Beyonders.

The Beyond Realm was originally a being known as the Beyonder it was an infinite realm beyond the Marvel Multiverse (or Omniverse), and was the sum of everything outside the multiverse and that the Marvel Multiverse (or Omniverse) was a drop in the sea compared to the Beyond-realm. Making it infinitely bigger than the known Marvel Multiverse (Or Omniverse) at this time it is believed Here, that the Beyonder (Originally) is/was the all-powerful God, Creator, Ruler, and Inhabitant. He is everything and everyone in this realm as everything is him. His mere thought became reality anything he dreamed of was his and his alone with him in this Plane of Existence it would be utterly nothing. Post-Retcon Beyond Realm was when the energy escaped to the Beyond Realm making a Infinite Universe here it was like the planet earth and having Beyonder as the absolute ruler until Kubik came in and shown that he isnt in control of this existence between it was revealed this Universe was a simple Gift from the Beyonders and where this retcon ended and a new take its place as the Beyond Realm is like a Giant Observing Room which they did many tests and experiences upon many races.

The Beyonders used the Beyond Realm to observe and experiment with the given Omniverse (as The Living Tribunal stated in the scan above) they have abilities that surpasses the beings And the realm itself is beyond reality, time, and space its known as the "Wild white Space".

As existence is built with the fundamentals of space,time,matter, energy and other such things this place of reality is not it is absent of it, only the Beyonders have control over it, molding it, and making it whatever they please, the basis of their operation is the former Omniverse the 2nd Omniverse.

Making this realm above many numbers higher than quintillions making it pridmorial in nature.

I also have the powers from the Beyonder( pre-retcon), Beyonder(cosmic cube), and Beyonders "Ivory kings".

I manisfated mayself inside my body and walk there is nothing in here except white space. I began to search and read memories of the beyonders and beyonderverse.

A few minutes later I woke up an was amazed by the knowledge and the technology they have. It is beyond anything I have seen no wonder the beyonders are so powerful espacially the pre-retcon.

Inside me also no one cannot enter it If someone enter my body wether they inside my universe, multiverse, omniverse and beyonderverse all their soul, body and mind will be erased and destroyed.

I then exit myself from inside my beyonderverse and tell my ultimatium armor through my mind to attach to me.

EVE :" sir we have arived at the destination."

OAA :"Alright eve I will be right there."

OAA arrived at the control room and command eve to use screen projection to see what is outside.

OAA is confused that he only see that there is just a space, stars and many space dust.

OAA :" eve are you sure we are in the right coordinates?" I was unsure if this is true.

EVE :"yes sir this is the coordinates that you give to me." eve said.

OAA thought 'Dammit is TOAA messing with me there is nothing here but a dust of space and stars. where is the gateway to this dimension?'

I then remember my conversation with TOAA, he then got an idea 'TOAA said that he see and get there but by using his powers since he the only one who knows the location and I also have TOAA powers so maybe it will be the same,' he thought.

He then close his eyes focusing and using TOAA'S powers. He open his eyes and see there is a road there.

'So it is using the power of TOAA to know where the road to the dimension, thank you TOAA' he thought.

OAA :"eve I will command the ship myself and give the control of my ship to me."

eve is unsure about this but she nods and give the control ship to OAA.

OAA then follow the road he sees and he carefully follow the line and maintaining speed because in the memories TOAA gave him if you get sidetracked you will be killed and destroyed.

He carefully follow the line and tell eve.

OAA :"eve where is our location now?"

EVE see the hologram screen and confused

"sir I don't think we can't track our location because in the screen there is only blank."

'As I expected we are alone now after getting inside the space dust.' he thought.

A few minutes later OAA can see a golden and space gate in front of him. He was shocked that the gate is wat to big it was it looks like a million miles tall and a million times wide while the sorrounding is full of space and golden space dust.

OAA then tell eve "eve I am going inside alone and guard the ship, oke?"

EVE :" But sir it could be dangeruos in there, what if you got killed, what if you not come back, what if-"

OAA :" eve don't worry ok trust me I got this."

EVE sam him and nod her head, OAA them get out od the spaceship and touch the door.

He then feel a connection to the gate and the gate opens. He looked at eve one more time before look back at the open door and get inside.

EVE look at him go with sadness and worry, she said " good luck,sir."

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