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Chapter 68: 67: Hulk Appears! We need the X-Men!

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The notion of a transaction essentially revolved around negotiating a price and settling the payment upon delivery.

No matter how wealthy Wakanda might be, a staggering sum of 250 million for a stand-in dummy was simply beyond reason.

Lynn was well aware of this.

Thus, following a series of negotiations, the two sides eventually struck a deal that established the cost of a stand-in dummy at 10 kilograms of vibranium. Transactions would occur once every three months, with each transaction involving five units.

This solidified Lynn's belief that Wakanda boasted substantial reserves of vibranium!

The listed price was strictly for external parties. For Wakandans themselves, this item might serve as an alternative metallic currency. When they spend it, they don't feel bad at all.

In this manner, just from the trade involving the stand-in dummy, Lynn could obtain 50 kilograms of vibranium from Wakanda every three months. This perfectly matched the promised trade quota by Wakanda.

Consequently, Which means he doesn't have to pay a dime...

Coupled with Wakanda's procurement of those basic magical potions... He was poised to accumulate substantial wealth. He was probably the sole individual capable of such a transaction.

As a result, after negotiations concluded, every Wakandan, including King T'Chaka and the Black Panther, cast resentful glances at Lynn...

Previously, they had been the ones to exploit those seeking profit.

This time, roles were reversed.bThey became the ones taken advantage of. Yet, it was inevitable—the rarer something was, the more valuable.

Let alone the magic artifact that can save lives at critical moments, they have never even heard of them before. Now that they were lucky enough to come across them, is there any reason not to buy them?

Even though Lynn has clearly stated that the validity period of this stand-in is only one year...

And in any case, even though they'd reached the terms, the Wakandans were only handing over vibranium, something rather insignificant to them.

"The deal is done. Shall we now discuss technological exchanges?"

This journey had yielded abundant returns, leaving Lynn immensely content. However, he remained insatiable as he turned his gaze toward King T'Chaka, his smile widening. "Given the long-term transactions planned between mutants and Wakanda, how about appointing a liaison officer from each side?"

"Liaison officer?"

King T'Chaka was taken aback.

Previously, he'd brushed aside this notion, deeming communication between mutants and Wakanda unnecessary. Yet, his perspective had altered now.

"Recently, the new X Academy for mutants is about to commence enrolment. We're currently short on knowledgeable professors. Wakanda boasts numerous scientific and technological talents—what about assigning one to the academy as a guest professor?"

Lynn had long set a goal for himself. He gazed at the assembly behind the Black Panther. "How about Princess Shuri?"

To be fair, Lynn hadn't been overly fond of Wakanda while watching the movies in his previous life. However, this place undeniably harbored technology far surpassing current Earth standards.

In particular, Black Panther's younger sister, Princess Shuri, possessed intelligence on par with Tony Stark, if not superior. Her mastery of nanotechnology and numerous advanced technologies mirrored the pinnacle of Wakanda's vibranium prowess.

And presently, she was but a young woman in her late teens.

Taken off-guard by the sudden mention of her name, she stuttered, "Me?"

"You needn't commit to the X Academy full-time. Simply attend a few classes as time permits and oversee transactions between our parties in the process."

Upon hearing his voice, Lynn turned his gaze to her with a smile. "Naturally, I'll also dispatch a liaison officer to meet your specifications."

King T'Chaka clearly wavered.

Princess Shuri found herself intrigued. At the cusp of adolescence, she felt immense curiosity about the outside world.

"I've kept abreast of external news and heard that the academy's address now marks a gaping hole. Have they relocated to a different site?"

"The academy teems with mutants—don't they possess numerous bizarre superpowers?"

"Do the professors also exhibit superpowers?"

"Beyond superpowers, does the academy impart technological knowledge?"

Countless questions streamed from her lips.

The Black Panther silenced her with a look.

Lynn smiled and was about to respond when a phone call abruptly interrupted him. Alice soon projected a light display bearing the caller's name, "Mr. Blue."

"Speaking of professors, the recently hired chemistry and genetics professor from the academy is on the line..."

Lynn's eyes moved, a familiar arc forming at the corner of his mouth.

Mr. Blue's call meant the opportunity he'd long awaited... had finally arrived.

After a casual hang-up, he glanced at Princess Shuri. "Interested in witnessing a good show?"

"A good show?"

Princess Shuri brimmed with enthusiasm, her eyes shifting toward her father.

Initially disinclined to agree, King T'Chaka found his sentiment altered by the image Alice projected—a Wakandan energy shield possessed the capacity to isolate external signals. Nonetheless, Lynn had been able to take the call.

Did this imply that the mutants, aside from their magical civilization, also possessed technologies at least in some respects is not weaker than that of Wakanda?

Mulling over this, King T'Chaka realized that Lynn and the mutants demanded utmost attention.

Thus, under the watchful gaze of all, he granted approval.

Princess Shuri showed excitement.

"Very well then, let's proceed."

As Lynn had said, he lightly stepped, causing red flames to erupt into the sky. In mere moments, a complex and enigmatic magic circle was scorched onto the ground around him.

This was a sub-array, linked to the main array at the X Academy.

The next instant, under the shocked and watchful gaze of the Wakandans, the teleportation circle lit up, and the white-haired, leather-clad Storm emerged into view.

"Allow me to introduce Mrs. Ororo, a professor from the X Academy. She will oversee the subsequent transactions with Wakanda," Lynn introduced, nodding at Princess Shuri.

Both stepped onto the teleportation array and disappeared in a blink.

The light from the magic circle faded, and Storm smiled at King T'Chaka. Her eyes shifted to the Black Panther, and her expression subtly shifted:



The panther's expression also changed at the same time.

King T'Chaka felt taken aback.

He well understood that Lynn had selected a dark-skinned mutant to match Wakanda's predominantly black population. Storm, for her part, was an ideal candidate for this liaison role.

However, witnessing this scene, he couldn't shake the peculiar feeling that perhaps... this was pure coincidence?



The light dimmed, and Lynn materialized at the X Academy.

The teleportation circle, originally concealed within his room, had been moved to the playground, where future new students would report for duty.

Shadowcat and Professor X awaited there.

Wolverine leisurely smoked a cigar. Catching sight of Lynn, he jested, "Our honorary headmaster is back? Feeling good about taking a leisurely break while everyone else is swamped?"

Having destroyed William Stryker's base, Wolverine was in high spirits. He'd gradually shed the bitterness and resentment that once consumed him.

Lynn smiled and responded, "Mr. Logan, you don't appear to be running around either."

"What can I say? The college has sent out enrollment information, but no one's signed up all this time!"

Logan shrugged.

Upon hearing this, a rare expression of sorrow flickered across Professor X's otherwise composed face. "Lynn, it appears that shifting public opinion hasn't yielded the desired effect. It's a bit premature for us to open enrollment..."

"The timing is just right, Professor."

Lynn countered with a different perspective. "The image of the X-Men has solidified, and knowledge of the X Academy's existence has nearly become universal. Mutants who refrained from registering are merely hesitating in their hearts. They're still gauging whether this might expose their identities... An exposure not just to regular humans, but also to other mutants."

Both Professor X and Logan grasped the point he was making.

Ultimately, it wasn't just ordinary people who held skepticism towards mutants. Even mutants scattered across the globe harbored reservations about X Academy.

After all, revealing one's identity carried immense risks.

More critically, nobody could predict whether the X Academy could sustain operations. Its open enrollment had clearly crossed the line for high-level humans, ensuring they'd counter with considerable force!

"Our prospective students are hesitating. Our job now is to dispel their doubts and assure them that Academy X can provide protection.This requires an opportunity. Right now, that opportunity has arisen."

Lynn refrained from immediately introducing Princess Shuri. Instead, he regarded Professor X with methodical eyes. "This is why I had Katie call you here."

Professor X and Logan exchanged glances before inquiring simultaneously, "What opportunity?"

Lynn's gaze then shifted to Shadowcat

Fully prepared, Shadowcat retrieved her cellphone. A light display projected, showcasing the Daily Global's evening news headline:

"Following the Hulk, another violently destructive Hulk emerges in New York City, battling the military."

"New York lies in ruins, with countless casualties and injuries."

"This is..."

Professor X and Logan both paled.

Before they could react, Shadowcat switched to another screen.

This one featured Daily X's mutant channel.

Since its launch, this channel had only broadcast a single X-Men documentary. Now, all the original comments under the video were deleted, replaced by a singular, repeated phrase:

We need the X-Men!

We need the X-Men!

We need the X-Men!

Countless messages flooded in, with thousands more appearing each second.

"Professor, Logan, this is the opportunity!"

Lynn's voice retained its customary calm, but in Professor X and Logan's ears, it thundered, overwhelming and resounding!

They instantly understood—

Swaying public sentiment was an opportunity!

Previously, whenever disaster struck, people instinctively cursed mutants, associating the two green behemoths with monstrous gene mutations.

Now, however, the very notion of the X-Men surfaaed in their minds first. This marked an incredible leap.

Through Lynn's multi-pronged tactics, public sentiment against mutants had substantially shifted. After a series of meticulously executed steps, triggered by this crimson behemoth, an increasing number of people recognized...

Mutants could save the world.

In response to their unified calls, the X-Men emerged resolutely, vanquished the Crimson Giant, and saved countless lives. The X-Men and X Academy's reputation would undoubtedly soar to unimaginable heights!

By then, any lingering doubts or hesitations held by hidden mutants across the globe would vanish!

This was the monster wave, the surging tide, that Lynn had alluded to!

"Logan, call Scott and Jean. We're setting off immediately!"

Professor X drew a deep breath and issued the command without a moment's pause, his demeanor suddenly a decade younger.

"I'll lead the operation myself!"


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