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Chapter 87: Chapter 87 1°

After the ball against Napoli, the Cagliarians celebrated;

they did something historic in the club's entire history playing against Napoli.

In all the years of its life, the Cagliari club had never managed to beat Napoli with more than two goals scored in a single game, in this last game they scored four to zero, which means, remember, they were superior in all aspects against the Napoli team that day.

Their strategies, their style, their techniques and even their physical and mental conditions surpassed Napoli's on several levels, causing a big difference in the score.

Usman and Pinilla, the gentlemen who scored the goals, were being hailed by the media as killers of the sea, they caused such great damage to the blue that they cannot imagine why it didn't turn red.

Wilian and Sofia were lying hugging each other on the bed.

Good morning, my maximum star. (Sofia)

Good morning. (Wilian)

It's the first time I've seen you wake up late because you weren't selected for the next game, what was it like being sad or taking the day off? (Sofia) I... (Wilian) Don't wait! You're not sick, are you? (Sofia)

If you're sick it's going to be really funny that one of the scariest men from the previous game got sick after massacring another team on the field I'm wondering if I should post this (evil smile). (Sofia)

Well, I'm not sick, coach Ivo is practically sparing me from the game against Torino because in a week we will have to play the European Master which is simply an extremely important game that we will have this month, as there is two games he is making me rest this game and I will play again in the next one before playing the continental cup. (Wilian)

Taking a break before the game before the World Cup, I can't say if this is a good strategy. (Sofia) Well, he simply thought of making me rest before the game, but he must have thought about my physical condition if I don't play for a game before the most important game of this season. (Wilian)

I understand, but what are you going to do, not root for them? (Sofia)

I'm going to watch the game on television, as we have points to go I'm not worried today, even if we lose I don't think it's very important. (Wilian)

The way you said it, I found you a little arrogant. Are you saying you've already won the championship? (Sofia)

No, I just don't think anything about it, I just think that we are simply the ones with the most chances of being champions. (Wilian)

Who would have thought that I would be managing a medium. (Sofia) Why don't we make some popcorn and turn on the television to watch the game? (Wilian)

They prepared salted popcorn and then sweet popcorn to watch the game.

The game will start Cagliari's formation.

GK Agazzi 1

CB Ariaudo 3 Astori 13 RB Perico 24 LB Avelar 8

DMF Conti 5 © CMF Nainggolan 4 Dessena 21 AMF Cepellini 32

CF Pinilla 50 and Nenê 18

On paper, this team was simply considered stronger than Torino and based on league statistics, the Cagliari were simply running over teams like Torino, but as nothing in football is certain, the game started with the teams maintaining possession and being played into midfield. 

The Cagliari team started playing well with Dessena and Nainggolan trying to control possession and start an attack against the Turin team. But the Torino team played deep and tried to find ways to counterattack.

The plays start to get weaker as the game develops, Dessena and Cepellini are unable to use passes to reach the attackers Pinilla and Nenê, meaning the Torino team has an advantage in being able to catch the ball and make passes.

Torino does not launch a quick counterattack as it started the game, but dominates possession on the field, exchanging passes from defense to midfield and attracting Cagliari players to advance.

The moves continue to be made to remove Cagliari players from the defensive field, until almost halfway through the first half, Torino begins a spectacular move with the players managing to approach the area on the right side and making a pass to the center.

In the middle of the entrance to the half-moon area he manages to send the ball into the area with a diagonal pass, managing to take the ball away from Ariaudo and Astori who were scared by this pass control.

The ball is calmly controlled by the Torino striker who manages to position himself and shoots it into the left corner of the goal from goalkeeper Agazzi's side, Agazzi is unable to save.


Cagliari 0 x 1 Torino.

Torino scores the first goal of the game.

What it was? Why are you making that face? Didn't you say it doesn't matter if they lose?! (Sofia)

I don't care, I'm just surprised how they managed to score when they are the strongest defense in the league especially against Torino. (Wilian)

Just because they haven't conceded many goals, they can't take goals from Torino, what kind of thinking is that? (Sofia)

Like it's a little hard to believe, because in the last 5 games we conceded a goal when we played against Juventus and of course Juventus is in 3rd place when we conceded while against the others, even Napoli being in 4th, they were far from scoring a goal against us , but Torino simply managed to do it easily in the first half. (Wilian)

As far as he remembers, the last game he didn't participate in was against Fiorentina in the 9th match of the championship, he and his teammates were exhausted from trying to maintain consecutive victories.

This time they are much more stable both physically and mentally, especially since they were maintaining a certain amount of distance in points from 2nd place, which could cause them to show laziness in some of the games against teams at the bottom of the table, but losing Just because there was an advantage in points was not a good thing to happen.

This caused the team to lose the desire and advantage to be champions.

The game kept going and the Torino team managed to maintain enormous pressure on the Cagliari team, after conceding a goal the Cagliari team started to play more on the wings, playing between Avelar and Perico to advance and play in the middle.

Torino, as time passed and they got closer to finishing the first, lost the ability to maintain pressure and speed on the Cagliari team that began to regain possession of the ball and advanced to the attack.

Dessena plays the ball to Cepellini, Cepellini dominates and looks around touching the ball to Nainggolan.

Nainggolan receives and leads, moving towards the half-moon where he touches the ball to Nenê.

Nenê dominates the ball and continues driving diagonally to the right while dribbling the Torino defenders and advancing inside the area, he is able to calmly pass the defenders and face the goalkeeper where he

kicks the ball into the goal.

The ball goes towards the goal and passes to the right side of the goalkeeper who, despite positioning himself to defend the shot, cannot react quickly enough to catch it, the ball passes by his side and enters the goal.


Cagliari draws and they are back fighting to win the match after suffering horribly against Torino in this game.

It's his Nene!

Cagliari 1 x 1 Torino.

With the equalizing goal, Wilian, who was watching, had a small smile on his face.

Hey (mocking expression) didn't you say you don't care if they lose the game because you're smiling? (Sofia)

Because they draw we have a better chance of being champion there are still 12 more games left after this just for the championship and as we will play in the continental cup if we can get through the stages we will have the same number of games as we have before the halfway point of the championship we will be exhausted trying to get consecutive victories again to be champions if we lose 3. (Wilian)

Other than that, when I play I will be increasingly marked by the opposing team, even if my physical and technical capabilities are worse than my teammates in the same position.

I am not the fastest or the best at positioning, I am the most versatile in itself and I can I scored by getting very good passes from midfield players like Cossu and Nainggolan, as well as simply having a lot of breath to compete for shot chances using my creativity, but I still often fail with the chances I get in each game. (Wilian)

If I had Pinilla's ability, I wouldn't doubt scoring in every game. (Wilian)

Sofia looked at Wilian talking about everything she was feeling and was happy to see that he is not arrogant as he seems on the field, she approached him and placed her hands on his face.

Wilian was mesmerized looking into her eyes and brought his lips closer to hers.

Their lips met and they continued giving charming kisses.

The kiss was wonderful and sweet for having spent a happy and peaceful time.

1 kiss 2 kisses the small kisses became longer and longer and when they realized they were kissing and trying to put their tongues in each other's mouths they forgot to watch the end of the first half, but it wasn't worth watching besides the chance that Pinilla had achieved after the game restarted by stealing the ball from Gazzi and advancing close to the area trying to finish on goal from outside the area and the ball hitting Gillet, nothing more impressive happened in the game.

 They continued kissing and making out on the sofa to the point where they were lying next to each other and started trying to remove their clothes.

Wilian would put his hands inside Sofia's shirt and take the opportunity to grab those two melons she had, while he was trying to figure out how to go further, at that moment he continued playing with them.

Smoothing it with his finger or thumb, he tried to find ways to play games while enjoying the sweet taste of Sofia's lips.

Sofia, on the other hand, didn't stay behind when it came to satisfying her partner, she brought her hands down, which were perfectly smoothing that split abdomen, and placed them inside Wilian's shorts.

She picked up that giant anaconda that was inside and started rubbing it to try to tame it.

Back and forth her movements were slow and rhythmic to simply make the most of the moment she just focused on the big pistol until they simply stared and realized that the 2nd half was about to begin.

Aren't you going to watch? (Sofia)

But. (Wilian)

I'm not going to run away, if you haven't forgotten we live together we can do this in 45 minutes, right? It's your first time following your teammates from this club without being with them, isn't it better to watch and see what they do on the field without being there? in one is your first having a complete panoramic view. (Sofia)

Okay. (Wilian)

What it was? Are you mad that I delayed it for 45 minutes? (Sofia)

Hmm. (Wilian)

Sofia looked at Wilian with a huge and bright smile on her face, let's not be like that, you know very well that I will only be all yours when we sign a big contract, because just like Aliyu, I think it's better to have a child early, because the older and valuable you become richer and more responsibilities you will want to have socially, politically, economically, environmentally and even educationally in the future you end up being an inspiration to many and even our children will be attention in the world without doing anything so the sooner they come The better it will be because they will follow the growth of their father and mother. (Sofia)

The game started with the Cagliari team once again suffering enormous pressure as Torino is advancing against them using control of the field and the construction of passes to maintain possession of the ball.

This time the Cagliari team was better prepared and retreated to reinforce the defense as much as possible.

Nenê and Pinilla retreated and remained close to Cepellini's position, calmly taking care of the sides.

Dessena and Nainggolan focused on providing support from the side and the center, Conti covered the center as much as possible close to the midfield defense line and also close to the entrance to the area, preventing Torino from using the advantage of possession of the ball and control of the field to continue advancing on Cagliari to score goals.Torino started to get unnecessarily nervous with their lack of creativity and their loss of possession quickly when they managed to dominate the game again at the start of the 2nd half they were confident of advancing towards the Cagliari goal to score, but this time They found a much more organized defense than before which meant they were unable to score to gain an advantage.

His moves, which were having tremendous momentum, were broken by Cagliari's defensive formation and lost a lot of attacking capacity against Cagliari, of course he was still better at controlling possession of the ball in attack, but he still wasn't able to do anything with the ball in his feet.

The Cagliari team that managed to organize gained momentum to start attacks against the Torino team.

The plays created were made by passes between the midfield and full-backs Dessena and Avelar on one side and Nainggolan and Perico on the other side, they tried to make plays to advance, but the moves didn't work out and it continued to be a game of fighting in the mud. , as the two teams fought for possession of the ball and were unable to pose any threat to each other, resulting in a game that some would consider slow and others would consider tight, as either they both had a terrible attack or both were excellent in defense.

The game continued with several repeats until 85 minutes into the game, Cepellini managed to steal the ball from G. Rodriguez near the Torino area.

Cepellini takes the ball close to the half-moon of the area and takes a long shot!

The ball hits Ogbonna who manages to block the ball.

Damn it! (Wilian)

I can't believe that a shot like that that could cause danger was blocked by the defender, now for the first time I feel why the fans, coaches and reserve players shout more than the players on the field, I'm more tense off the field than on it, that's why something common? (Wilian)

I don't know how to say it yet, as you are above my expectations I'm just taking advantage, maybe when you or I have more experience about this I can give an accurate opinion. (Sofia)

After Cepellini's blocked shot, the teams stole the ball from each other and maintained a cold game until the referee whistled the end of the match.

After the end of the game, the teams were leaving the field and journalists interviewed the game's MVP.

How does it feel to be considered the best player in today's match? (Journalist)

I feel a little happy to be considered the best player in this game, but I firmly believe that I wasn't the best player on the field, I was just considered. (Baby)

Is there anything you want to talk about after getting a draw in this match? (Journalist 2)

Well the only thing I can think of to say is to apologize to Gladiator for our failure to keep winning. (Baby)

For what purpose do you come to apologize? (Jor)

Well, I thought a lot before starting the match and after the first half ended, we are a team that has never come as far as we have now and we are competing on three lines, not just competing at the beginning, but competing to be champions which It puts us under greater pressure than the other teams when we play each match. We have to acquire as many points as possible now before we start competing in the European Master Cup. (Nenê)Thank you very much. (Journalist)

With the draw against Torino, Cagliari lost the opportunity to open points against Roma and Juventus.

The next game would be against Parma.

GK Agazzi 1

CB Rossettini 15 Ariaudo 3 RB Agostini 31 LB Danilo Avelar 8

DMF Conti 5 © CMF Nainggolan 4 Dessena 21 AMF Cossu 7

CF Nenê 18 and Usman 10

Today we will have a game against Parma, they are not considered a good team this year, but you should know that in the previous game Torino was also not doing well this year and even so we had a draw, so I want you to take the field today and not Do not underestimate your opponents in any way. (Ivo)

Do you understand this? (Ivo)

Usman looked at his teammates and saw that some of them had a very expressive expression of sadness on their faces, as they participated in the last game and failed to win the match.

Yes boss! Players

The Cagliari team started with consistent plays and touching the ball with speed, they always tried to play the ball towards Parma's field and played with each other while trying to find a way to enter the area, breaking through the defense, but the Parma team was playing for draw and was strongly holding the Cagliari team playing backwards, the game allowed itself to stay that way with the attacking moves with Dessena, Nainggolan and Cossu trying passes to Nenê and Usman.

The team was focused on trying to get into the area to finish on goal and ended up missing several opportunities to score the goal in their attempts to do so because the Parma team was blocking passes by intercepting and blocking the players, when they couldn't do it they made the pass. offside line.

Their plays were defined by spending as much time as possible even if they were losing possession of the ball, they lost the ball time by a little more or less 1 to 3% less than Cagliari.

The Cagliari team, with their moves, managed to maintain consistency for more than half of the beginning of the first half, but towards the end of the first half they began to lose space on the field and time with the ball, causing Parma to begin to loosen up and pursue towards the attack.

They made passes from one side of the field to the other and tried to infiltrate the area playing from the side, the passes were played to the center and then to the side, they were played from one side to the other, which made the Cagliari players The ones who were most tired were the full-backs, who had to maintain total focus on defense, without being able to go on the attack, so as not to receive plays from behind.As it neared the end of the first half, Parma attacked completely from the side and lost the ball to Avelar.

Avelar no longer held back and advanced, taking the ball from the left wing.

Avelar takes the ball quickly towards the Parma field where he sees Usman running through the center unmarked.

Avelar makes the pass to Usman quickly.

Usman calmly controls the ball and advances with it, driving through the midfield.

Usman faces the Parma defenders near the edge of the box.

Usman pulls it to his right leg and finishes the ball into the goal!

The ball heads towards the goal in the right corner of the goal near the owl corner!

It's gooooooooooooooooool!!!

Usman runs towards Avelar to jump on top of him and hug him for the pass.

His teammates ran towards him too and gave him a group hug. They had managed to score at the end of the first half, putting the pressure completely on the Parma team that was playing at home.

Now in the 2nd half it would be a contest of attacks, as Cagliari would continue trying to score the goal while Parma would try to equalize.

 Boss! (Usman)

Do we focus on defense or continue attacking? (Usman)

Keep attacking, in that time they will be putting all their effort not into beating them but into taking them down, so maintaining defense is asking to be slapped. (Ivo)

...Patreon*Take it easy on the criticism, I don't know how to write lemons, I just tried. (Mr. H)

Not being able to put it after the game came here. (hahahahah)

How about we continue where we left off? (Wilian)

I'm surprised you still remember. (Sofia)

Wilian carried Sofia in his arms while carrying her he kissed her lips.

Those succulent, soft lips were a precious, very sweet drug that drove him so crazy that he didn't realize it was like flipping a switch and he would devour her.

He started kissing her and putting his tongue inside Sofia's mouth, with the desire growing inside him he started to go down from her lips and kiss her neck he couldn't resist while kissing her neck he didn't allow her to remove her shirt and simply tore it up.

Those pink mounds were practically another of the temptations that existed, if you were to compare it, it was like an (anpan, dream, or even other types of delicious sweets from some country) the more he sucked, the more delicious he found it, nothing came out the more he got each increasingly horny when licking and biting.

Oh! (Sofia)

Damn, you really like it when I do it hard, don't you.

He put his hand down and removed her shorts that were in the way, he put his finger in it and started moving it back and forth inside that hole.

She started to move, but still made a contemptuous expression as if she wasn't at a good enough level yet.

Wilian seeing this smiled and placed two fingers.

Oh! (Sofia)

Sofia could no longer keep that expression of being on top calmly and moaned moment after moment while Wilian moved her fingers and sucked the big sweets on Sofia's body.

As soon as she couldn't hold it in any longer she simply started convulsing.

Damn her! I'm going to cum! (Sofia)

Hahahaha look at this delicious syrup we have here evil smile. (Wilian)

Wilian went down further and put his face between Sofia's legs and started licking the delicious ice cream there. Ice cream with syrup is something delicious no matter which country you live in.

He started moving his tongue up and down looking for ways to make Sofia release her juice again, trying to make her make it rain through the lips she had, what people called crying underneath was something that few men could do. with women and he was trying to achieve this several times in one night, as the first time he had already achieved it.

Don't miss the next chapter

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Sorry for taking so long to update, I've been a bit depressed lately, I'll try to update more quickly, as I've already thought about the story until the end of this season at least.

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