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Chapter 5: ×Chapter 5×Arcane Citadel Academy


*Earth*( Year 3910)

Southern Region(18th Ave)

*Doraian Hospital*

~Next Day~

Opening his eyes Navir woke up to a familiar ceiling and in his mind a thought occurred, was all he experienced thus for just a dream, a fantasy concocted by his own broken mind.

Though his cheeks were in pain he smiled forcing a sighing breath though his nostrils but lucky or unfortunately he didn't get the time to contemplate.


Sitting beside his bed and almost falling asleep was Whitney, she was just about to nod off but heard a sigh from Navir, instantly her sleepiness disappeared.

Whitney's eyes moistened as she held her chest painfully."Why are you doing this to me, why Navir, why, are you punishing me for something, why make me suffer like this, why?."She asked as she wiped away her tears to no success, one could tell that she was extremely hurt.

Navir felt a pit in his stomach almost like butterflies but the bad kind."I've grown weak, I, I will be strong again."He said maintaining his calm.

."But I don't want you to be strong Navir, I want you to be safe, I can't stand it, I can't, I just can't, I'm begging you please don't do anything so dangerous again."Whitney pleaded with him, she looked like she almost had a mental breakdown.

Navir looked at the ceiling for a bit before acknowledging."Ok, I will not do anything dangerous like that anymore."He said with a nod of understanding.

Whitney smiled with joy rubbing her eyes."Thank you so much Navir, I don't think my heart can bear something like this again, I might get a heartattack."She said half jokingly, she then remembered something."Oh yeah someone came to look for you."

Navir frowned as he tilt his head."Someone, the general?."He asked sitting up instinctively, he glanced at his bed and fixed a small wrinkle before standing up.

."Huh wait no no, it's not the general, Navir relax, you are not in the military, you don't have to do all that."Whitney said hurriedly, her poor Navir was traumatized, she wondered if he would ever get out of that.

Hearing that it wasn't the general Navir breathed a sigh and relaxed his body sitting back down."I see, then who?."He asked even more confused, he doesn't have visitors, his only family is Whitney.

."Hold a minute."Whitney said with a smile as she left the room for a bit, seconds later she returned along with another woman.

Navir had a look of realization, walking into the room was the woman he saved from those seven men.

The lady was a bit taller than Whitney, she had silver-blue eyes, long white hair and was very beautiful, she was currently in a familiar looking uniform.

."Sir Navir, my name is Illise Rosberry, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my life yesterday."Illise said bowing her head deeply with a voice filled with gratitude."If there's anything I can do, just ask and it will be done."

Navir gazed at Illise for a bit before nodding."Mm, you are welcome, I just did want I felt, I might not save you again."He said calmly.

Whitney's face paled, she glanced at Illise awkwardly, she went by Navir's ear."Navir what are you doing, she is from the Rosberry family, they live in the 7th Ave, you should try to be friends with her."She whispered.

Illise though was not offended at that she chuckled."You are an interesting man indeed, oh I've heard that you are also going to Arcane Citadel Academy?."She asked curious at that.

."Yes I am,"Navir said before slowly looking down at his dress, hospital clothes, it was probably Whitney that changed his clothes from blood.

Whitney smiled lightly, she reach under the bed and pulled out a box."Here Navir, I knew you would need this, I already pressed them, the bag I bought you, on the phone account I placed 200,000 DC for you to use and 6 packs of your favorite yogurt."She said placing the box on his bed.

Illise looked slightly surprised, she threw glanced between Navir and Whitney.'What's going on here, are they together?.'She thought as a frown creased on her face.

."Also these pills, the red one is antibacterial, the blue is anti-inflammatory, the green one is protein and the purple one is Aloe Vera gel so the two holes will heal faster."Whitney said reading off the labels putting them back into the box.

Navir nodded gratefully."Thanks Whitney, I promise to come back and visit you regularly."He said taking her hand, he place his head on the back of it.

Whitney's eyes glowed with happiness, Illise opened her mouth to say something to that but after seeing Whitney's face she didn't have the heart to do it.

."Alright let's get you bathed Navir, your room has a bathroom ther-ahh Navir!."Whitney yelped and blushed crazily as Navir started stripping naked infront of them.

Illise covered her blushing face with her hands but still peeked through her fingers with wide eyes not wanting to miss anything, Whitney seeing this moved infront of him blocking her vision.

."Mm, what's wrong Whitney, I have to bathed don't I?."Navir spoke looking at her strangely, he shook his head at her antics, he naked as the day he was born walked to the bathroom.

Illise eyes unintentionally glanced down and her face almost exploded in a blaze of fire."Hey stop looking!."Whitney exclaimed in a panic, she didn't want anyone else to look at him.

."Navir surely doesn't mind it."Illise said still mesmerized by the sight of a lifetime."He is indeed a strange man, my family would love him."

Whitney's eyes darkened and overshadowed."Don't you fucking dare, leave Navir alone, I'm warning you, don't have any thoughts about him."She said looking at this snake of a woman.

Illise recoiled in surprise at this sudden change in personality."N-no I'm not planning to do anything, that was just a random thought."She said almost a bit confused.

."Good, you do not understand Navir, you won't be able to take care of him so just do what I say and cease what's thoughts you thought you had."Whitney said relaxing slightly with a sigh of relief.

Illise shook her head.'This lady is crazy, is she holding him hostage?.'She thought taking glances at her.

Both of them stood waiting for Navir with their own thoughts and creatively strange ideas and perceptions of each other.

Time quickly passed and Navir opened the bathroom door fully dressed in his uniform which Whitney handed him, his uniform was a blue long pants, a plain white under shirt and a blue and black blazer with an Arcane Citadel Academy insignia.

Both Whitney and Illise gazed at him for a bit as he walked out."Woah."Whitney was amazed, those clothes suited him perfectly, maybe a little too perfect.

."Sir Navir you look very handsome in your uniform."Illise said with a smile praising him, she kept her eyes straight cause she could see Whitney eyeballing her.

Navir fixed his color looking down at himself feeling great."Thank you, I never wore something like this before."He said calmly.

."Yeah you look great Navir."Whitney said also, over the years the only time she ever saw him in something else besides hospital gowns was yesterday, so it is really a positive change.

Navir nodded pleased."Thanks Whitney, will you come with us, to see me off."He asked her, he doesn't know why but something is telling him he may not see Whitney again for some time.

."Of course Navir, that was the original plan, till this, this, this sweet young lady showed up."Whitney said smiling brightly, with a great amount of will power she forced herself from spilling her thoughts.

Illise chuckled awkwardly as she looked away.'Sure, she definitely doesn't want me dead, I wonder, what did I do to her again?.'She thought.

With that they were ready to go, once again for the third time Navir got discharged from the hospital, Whitney was feeling extra guilty as some of the other nurses she knew gave her odd glances.

.'I know, I know, no need to make me feel even more guilty.'Whitney thought shrinking a bit smaller as she tried not to get eye contact with anyone.

They quickly arrived outside and parked by the entrance was a black limousine, one of it's doors were opened and standing holding it was the chauffeur.

The chauffer was an elderly man with an air that resembled a butler, upon seeing Illise he placed his hand on his chest."Lady Illise, we have return as ordered, the time now is 8:21am, the ceremony starts 8:45am."He said with vigor unlike what his appearance suggests.

."Thank you Sabbath, we'll get going now, oh this is my savior sir Navir Blackthorn and this lady is Whitney Basel his friend."Illise said suddenly switching to a noble lady, her figure now swayed elegantly as she entered the limo.

Chauffer Babbath gazed at Navir and Whitney motioning to the limo, Navir got in and Whitney followed tightly after him.

The old chauffer closed the door for them, went around to his side getting in and took

Inside the car Navir was feeling pretty cozy, he had sat down close to Illise and Whitney sat at his otherside almost hugging his arm even though the limo could hold seven more people.

Today for him was a good day, he got to do alot of things for the first time, especially ride in a limo, of course he knew it was a luxury vehicle, his ignorance was not like that of a complete shut in.

."Sir Navir, did you receive the overview of the academy, like how it works and stuff, it's much different than usual mortal world schools isn't it."Illise said glancing through the window at the people they passed.

Navir shook his head, Whitney on the other hand found her wording a bit strange."Mortal world, what do you mean by that?."She asked.

."So you didn't get that information, then I can't tell you anything sorry, only those of that world can have it."Illise said raising an eyebrow, she almost got herself in trouble.

Whitney frowned."So why can you know and not me, you are just joining the academy just like Navir, what makes you different."She asked not liking that answer.

Illise sighed."It's not as simple as that, you have to understand, the world council is the most powerful group in the world and we all pay them a tax, some just pay more, so they gain more."She said, every civilization has its fair share of darkness, it's how the economy keeps operating.

There can never be a world with no evil or problems, so the ones given authority over it can only try to balance things out as much as possible.

That means some evil things or even just important things done will have to be kept secret and those who have contributed to keeping it secret would of course be rewarded.

This balance is the cornerstone of any and every civilization, keeping both evil and good at bay.

."Ok.."Whitney said looking away and going silent, even she knew of things like that, on the surface the world may have gotten better but there was still houselese people, gangs, criminal masterminds, corruption etc.

The only things that changed completely were the faces and maybe that the world looked a bit better as technology definitely reached a new level, especially with the addition of the pixel element.

Navir remained silent not having an input, whatever went wrong with the world was definitely partially his fault as well, he contributed heavily.

."Navir can I ask a question, I hope it's not too personal."Illise asked looking at him and Whitney.

Whitney hearing that her heart skipped a beat, that last time someone asked that of Navir it wasn't a good outcome.

."Yes you can."Navir said not seeing anything wrong, for the most part he was unconscious when he threw his tantrum so he didn't know the trigger words.

As Illise gathered her thoughts Whitney gained a nervous sweat."I heard Whitney say she gave you some money, sorry for snooping but I know you did military service."She said."Were you, not compensated for your services?

Whitney was suddenly stunned, Navir also was slightly surprised."I was supposed to receive money?."He asked her back.

Illise was speechless, she glanced at Whitney who was still in shock."What the hell, yes you were."She said feeling angry for him."At the end of the war, with the creation of the World Council and the currency conversion for the new age, all the most powerful families donated a total of 100 trillion DC."

."So..?."Navir still didn't see what that had to do with him.

Illise sighed."That money was to go to the development of the world but a part of it was to be compensation to the surviving soldiers and the family of the deceased."She said touching her lips with her finger gently."This is a problem."

.""Lady Illise, we have arrived"".

The chauffer saw from the front seat getting out the car, Navir and Whitney glanced outside and were amazed by a sight to behold.

Infront of them was an amazing mega-structure unlike anything none of the two had ever seen before.

Enclosed by a large wall with an equally big white gate was the Arcane Citadel Academy, it resembled a skyscraper but instead of see-through glass it was completely pitch black.

The gates were opened wide and behind them were a group of more than 100 seemingly new and equally confused students.

."Woah, that's more people than I expected."Whitney said as she looked through the limo window, in her eyes a twinkle of jealous could be seen.

Navir looked at Whitney's face a bit."Whitney, see you later."He said gently, he took her hand and pulled her into his embrace, he then heard a slight sniffle."I know."

Whitney who had wanted to keep strong and maintain her strong appearance just couldn't do it, for the first time in 9 years she will not get to see him, how can she keep going forward, tears gathered in her eyes.

."*Sniffle* Navir *Sniffle* Navir, I wish you could just stay, but I know, I can't be so selfish, you have to take care of yourself, please, for me."Whitney said as tears came from her eyes, her hands trembled slightly but she suppressed it as best she can.

Illise felt a tickle in her heart seeing this."Don't worry miss Basel, Navir saved my life, I promise I'll take care of him well."She said honestly.

."That's why I'm worried."Whitney whispered under her breath, she sighed feeling bad inside.'Just one year, next year, I will have enough money to buy my way to NineEther.'

."Alright we have to be leaving Navir, it's almost time, miss Whitney my driver will carry you home."Illise said taking up her bag and getting out the car instantly gaining the attention of a few students.

.""Hey, isn't that Illise?"".

.""Illise, who is that?"".

.""Uncultured bastard, how don't you know lady Illise Rosberry, top 100 most beautiful girls in the world and her father is one of the riches men"".

.""Oh really, that's pretty awesome"".

Illise ignored the comments she heard, she is used to them by now, she also knew that almost all of them were rich spoiled brats as well.

Navir got out of the car afterwards and a few of the guys face went sour, he also saw some dirty looks thrown his direction, he made no reaction as he was watching the limo leave with Whitney.

This is probably the furthest he had knowingly been away from her and he wouldn't admit it out loud but he was a bit nervous, but as he was overthinking he felt a tap on his arm.

He glanced back and saw Illise smiling at him reassuringly."It'll be fine, if we work together nothing can go wrong."She said confidently.

."Mm."Navir acknowledged, he was not worried about the academy, but it seems that she was so he just went along with it.

Both of them entered through the white gates and almost magically they began to close behind them, the students gazed at this scene a little nervous as that was the only entrance.





Suddenly the sound of an old day clock rung out loudly bringing an ominous tone to the already odd atmosphere, after all they were here but no one came out to greet them or give them direction.

.""What's going on!"".

.""Dammit I should've stay home, what the hell is this"".

A few students started to freak out and some began to feel unwell, Navir glanced around calmly looking for any strange signs, he looked up to the tower and frown."A clock's on the tower."He said out loud.

Hearing that a number of students noticed a small clock on the pitch black tower identifying that's where the noise was coming from.

.""8:44, does that mean the teachers are waiting till 8:45 to come out and greet us, that's pretty stup-"".


From the tower as the clock showed the time 8:45 as a terrific sound of metal clashing together reverberated leaving one with a trembling heart.

Just at the tower's base a small door opened up and just above it were the beautifully crafted words "enter in order".

Everyone glanced around at each other nervously and for very good reason, the tower was black so they couldn't see anything inside, even though they are from big families they had little to no information on the academy, it was definitely too mysterious.

At different points in the group of students were a few especially odd ones, some that stood alone, they were usually the most dangerous and some that stood at the head of a group, it could spell trouble, but they were not idiots so they stood back and waited.

.""Man, all of you are cowards, get out of my way"".

From the crowd a voice sounded with pride as he stepped forward, the man in question was a muscular young man, his medium length red hair defied gravity as they spiked upward and his similar red eyes were like that of a beast.

."Leon Heart is my name, the great beast of the north, let me show you how to do it, follow my lead and don't fall behind, come!."Leon said with vigor as he shouted, his confident energy washed the atmosphere clean bringing comfort to some.

Leon without even looking back marched onward through the almost portal like door, some seeing this though still nervous followed after him slowly and entered the door.

Navir was kind of impressed with that guy."Wonder why I never saw him on the battlefield."He said casually, he knew it was probably another complicated mess.

."He is Leon Heart, child of the heart family in the north, they own one of the biggest martial arts firms in the world and they are most famous for being extremely brash and would fight against anything even the wind, so no one bothers them."Illise said with a chuckle, it was ridiculous after all.

Navir nodded then he quickly glanced around feeling an intense gaze on him, his eyes finally rested on a young woman.

She had long black hair, fiery violet eyes and a true hourglass like figure resembling a model, standing to her 4 major blindspots were four students seemingly guarding her.

She was staring at Navir with extreme intensity as her eyes almost glowed, Navir tilt his head, he leaned closer to Illise."Who is that woman over there looking at me."He asked her.

."Who, Mm."Illise asked as she saw her and frowned."I'm not sure, I never saw her before, she also seems to have bodyguards within the school, she's dangerous."

Navir hummed and just decided to ignore her for now, with that he took his first steps to a new world also entering the door with Illise.

The woman who was staring at Navir smirked as he disappeared."Keep an eye on that guy for me, don't miss any details at all."She said amused.

.""Yes Miss Maria"".


Inside the black tower it was much different than they all expected, instead of being like some dark dungeons, they appeared instead in a grand hall, rows and rows of benches filled the space separated by a path to wall.

At the front was a large stage with a podium and behind that was a giant screen showing a bouncing cat for a sleep screen.

From a door in the corner five people walked out, 3 women and 2 men, the 2 men and 2 women were at one side and a younger woman was in the middle, they walked up by the podium.

.""Good morning new student, I hope you all are well, my name is Ophelia Iris the student council president of the Arcane Citadel Academy"".

infinityGod infinityGod

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