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Chapter 3: Logging In

"That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial. At a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom. You can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free...of.... cost!!!"








''s no way, right?'

Cain asked himself in disbelief at the situation. How could he not question the authenticity of this news? Because if this was true, then without a doubt he might be able to at the very least regain his old life, albeit for a short time.

However just as he was about to question it once more, the man's voice along with the woman's voice could be heard.

"Good evening everyone, it's your host Diva Kire, and welcome back to another episode of metro-views, today we have a very important guest on-site to interview today, please Mr. Jona if you may, can you introduce yourself."

"Good evening, morning, or night, to everyone across the world wherever you are. My name is Jona Eqrisum, youngest son of Lord Orion, or as you all may know him by The Founder."

The soft voice of a young teenage boy said aloud, as he introduce himself, meanwhile, Cain was surprised to hear who it was.

Jona Eqrisum. To many across the various galaxies, he is known as the son of the dragon in the real world. But in the virtual space known as Pandora, he is called the king of light, the light bringer, the divine sadist, the one and only Spirit King Evan Dawn a level 773, Highest Grade Divine Light Spirit, ironically enough being the son of the Founder you would think that Jona would be in the top 10 or top 3 players in the world right.

Well No! Apparently, all the children of the Founder are not even considered players, but instead, they take on the role of high-level nonplayable characters or raid bosses.

And so far, Jona is one of the hardest bosses to beat in the game. Hell, he is called the Divine sadist because he kills his enemies in the most fucked way possible, for instance shoving a light spear up your ass, and somehow making it impossible for the victim to die right away.

'I wonder if he is here to announce the reason they are making Pandora free, for a single month, well, of course, Sherlock, why else would he be at an interview right after showing that commercial.'

And just like Cain said, Jona began to speak right after Diva thank him.

"Hahah... Well, it's good to have you here young master Jona, although we know you are a busy man, so let's begin this short ten minutes interview."

"First of all, the viewer, no the world itself would like to know why Eqrisum decide to make Pandora free on a worldwide scale. Can you enlighten us?"

Jona of course began to speak.

"Well, I won't lie to you Diva, as a matter of fact, the news will come as a shock. As you all should know it's no secrete that Eqrisum LTD is the richest company across 8,342 different galaxies. You can even say we are doing this to boost sales as well, however, the main reason why we are doing this is because the Founder my father, is dying."



Cain couldn't see anything, but this big news could turn the entire world upside down. He was so shocked he couldn't think properly at all, the only thing on Cain's mind was.

'The Founder is... is...

"Dying you say? I'm hearing that correctly right?"

Diva said with a shocked look on her face, this news was both tragic and serious. After all, Orion Eqrisum was one of the brightest minds that have ever graced humanity, even though no one has ever seen his face, his company created groundbreaking inventions such as the first hyperjump engine, the anti-bot vaccine, and his greatest invention of all the Celebrium.

And to find out he was dying was something rather shocking to hear. Diva herself shares the same thoughts as Cain and wanted to know how, so she asks.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, but if I may, can you give us some insight on what is causing the founder's death, from what I know human bionics, supercells, and nanobots can easily live forever if they so choose, so I'm rather confused on how the founder is dying."

Jona smiled at the question, which made Diva a little uneasy as he said.

"Sorry, with all due respect miss Diva, that question is a little bit too personal, but I will answer why his death is triggering this event."

Diva could tell she went ahead of herself and almost crossed a line she shouldn't have, so she bowed and apologize while saying.

"Ah. My apologies young master Jona, please enlighten us all."

"No worries miss Diva, I'm not mad, it's just that father's approaching death is a family situation outsiders don't need to worry about. And as to why the founder's death is triggering this once-in-a-lifetime event like I said before he is dying."

"And you and everyone who plays Pandora should know the golden rules of the game, seeing that we made this clear from the very first time Pandora aired and flood the digital gaming market."

"And if you don't know what I'm talking about. then I will keep it short, my father Orion Eqrisum is a man that believes that a person's hard work and dedication prove one value and standing, because of this belief, he wants to give the title of the founder to the lucky person who manages to finds the thirteen crowns of power, and prove that they are worthy of such a title, and this event is to increase the chances of that happening."

"And so far, ten of the thirteen crowns have been found by a select few among the three hundred trillion plus players across the local star group who play our games. Of course, we won't disclose their information for obvious reasons, but let it be known, that for those who want power, for those who want change, for those who want to be the ruler of two worlds, then I wish you the best of luck. And remember there can only be one supreme ruler of both worlds, so if you want to be that ruler, use any and all tactics at your disposal to assure that position as yours, but also remember to have fun, although Pandora isn't for the weak of heart either."

Those were Jona's words, meanwhile, Diva said.

"For now let's take a quick commercial break."

And like that the viewing went on a commercial once more, meanwhile, Cain was left speechless, if what Jona said was true then without a doubt the legendary VR MMORPG game Pandora was free only for today, and the free subscription time would last one single month before he had to pay a $1,000,000 to continue playing for another month.

'Hehehe... hehehe... hehehheheHEHEHEEHEHHEH! I see... so this... this is what happiness feels like, hehehe... I totally forgot how it felt, ahh... if I had eyes I would cry, yet despite this being good news to ears, why does it feel so unreal, am I dreaming, no it's impossible, thanks to my Celebrium sleep is something that is now optional in today's society.'

'It's been a while since I have done this, but maybe it will still work, although it might be a little outdated, But nowadays, updates for these things, are just mods, or other benefits that come into a package deal you can utilize permanently to apply to your everyday living... my Celebrium is without a doubt outdated but I'm sure you don't need the up to date version of the Celebrium to play Pandora, and beside that, it cost a lot of money to even update the damn thing, but lets try it.'

'C2, can you hear me, are you still functional?'

Upon asking this, words started to beam in my head, it wasn't a voice but more like the AI sending me a response.

[C2 is still functional, what does the owner desire for this unit]

'Am, I know I still have the first default version of the Celebrium chip implanted in my brains, but I want to know if the store is still available on the 1.5 version of the Celebrium network?'

[Yes, the store alongside the Calculator, Weather, Lishan Bank, and Cosmic Map application is currently still available in this unit, would you like to make a purchase in the universal store, keep in mind that some applications will require a higher version to operate, such as the developer type application]

'Wait really, I thought that the updates were just additional modifications to make one life easier ahhh Dammm please don't make this an L, an opportunity is right before me, and I can't waste it, C2 please check if Pandora can be played on this current version of the Celebrium.'

[Notifed. Now checking the necessary stats for the game Pandora, please wait one moment]

With that said Cain began to pray to every god in the high heaven, it didn't matter who answer the prayer, for once, just once, he wants a single (W) in his life.

And for the first time in a long time, he receives good news.

[After checking the statistics of Pandora Online, your Celebrium can indeed play Pandora smoothly, would you like to download it? Currently there doing a free 1-month-tri...

'Yes please, download it right away.'

[Affirmative. Now Downloading Pandora online, please keep in mind that the download time will take three hours see that it will take that much time to download and install 855 yottabyte worth of data on the Celebrium]

'Three hours ha? Well, I have been like this for ten years so what's another three hours, but still; 855 yottabytes worth of content is insane when you think about it.'

'Men Orion is a godsend genius indeed, I'm still confused about how he was able to invent the Celebrium.'

Now you must be wondering, what exactly is the Celebrium. Well, Celebrium is the latest new-gen technology that has taken the world by storm a couple of years back. It became so popular to the point it became part of everyday life.

You see the Celebrium is a particle-size super-advanced cognitive chip, programmed with an assistant AI that communicates with you via text, the Celebrium is basically what 21st-century humans would call a cell phone, only way better.

But what makes the Celebrium so groundbreaking is not that you can control it with just your thoughts, but rather that fact it has infinite storage space. And with the Celebrium you can store virtually any amount of data within it.

And with the more updated software available, you can even manipulate your own brain function as you please with the different applications available, making you do some crazy things like slowing down your cognitive speed, telepathy via brain waves, increasing learning speed, controlling hormone levels, manipulate your own dreams, and many more things, although like previously stated it cost a lot of money to even do these things in the first place, as applications are very expensive.

But that's basically what the Celebrium chip is, it's like a second mind, an assistant, and also a literal life hack, although it's not omnipotent, albeit it could make you do superhuman feats impossible for a normal person.

'Hehe... Thank whatever God made this wish possible, although on a serious note, if all the rumors about Pandora do turn out to be true, then maybe, I can finally free myself from this accursed body at last, for instance, my consciousness is still active, maybe I can download my existing consciousness with the body of a biogenetic android, although even bio android is expensive as hell these days, then and again a Mercury base body would be more convenient, than nano type body.'

'Well I'm still new to all of this, I will just have to wait and see when I log into the game, for now, I must wait.'

And like that, Cain waited for the three hours to pass by, and to be honest it felt like three years to him seeing how excited he felt, however, the download of the game was eventually complete, and words of its successful installation came before him.

[Notice. Pandora Online has been successfully installed]

Cain didn't wait another second eager to feel alive once more he mentally said the activation code to log him in.

'Commence deep dive.'

And like that, for the first time ever in ten years Cain saw an array of colors that look as if he was traveling in hyperspace, because at that moment Cain's self-aware consciousness fell deep within the virtual space of Pandora, via the assistance of the Celebrium.

And what came next was the voice of an alluring woman, as she said in a very natural tone, unbefitting of an AI and closer to a human being.

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected.

Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream.

Checking Compatibility...





Compatibility... 100%

"Welcome to the world of Pandora."

Load failed, please RETRY

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