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Chapter 7: Arrival of The Last Nagasaur

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"A Lore sheet you say? Interesting; Hmmm say "P" Can you please explain what the Lore sheet is? Seeing that you never went into greater detail, about this so call Lore sheet."

Ophis asked "P" with great interest, the topic was after all a rather interesting one, to say the least.

"P" was of course more than happy to answer, nonetheless as well as "P" said.

"A Lore sheet is a rather special thing in the world of Pandora, it is something that can only be used once, and that's when someone makes a character for the very first time. The Lore sheet serves a purpose, and that is to make the players feel like they are the main characters of the story, by becoming a part of the story itself. So what the Lore sheet would do is write the player an origin."

"Now what this mean is that the world that you would be spawned at would automatically be registered as your home world, and before you ask me what is a home world."

"Then the answer to that question would be that a home world is your place of origin, the place where you can create your own story."

"And yeah other people from across the galaxy of your original world can also share a home world with you, now lore wise everything falls in place because the Lore sheet makes it so you assimilated properly with the story of your home world."

"P" announced casually. Meanwhile, Ophis hold his chin and said to himself.

"In short a home world is like your own personal storyline. That can go good, or horrendously wrong."

Ophis thought to himself, although he needed to also confirm something else at this moment.

"By the way "P" will I spawn in the same dimension that the Nagasaur hail from?"

"P" replied as such.


"I see, so tell me a little bit about the world that I will spawn into."

"The world in question is called planet Paragon. It is a futuristic world just like your original world, only more advanced, mysterious, chaotic, and unfair, its premises are set up in a dystopian-like world with many odd humans referred to as Virals or Mutants. In this dark world, people live their everyday life in fear or prejudice, Ironically enough it's always the ones that are looked down upon that end up becoming mercenaries. Which is a job that involves storming into the ancient ruins of the old world for profit, power, and fame."

When "P," said this, immediately after Ophis's eyes had dollar signs in them as he said this while rubbing his hands and licking his lips at the thought; completely ignoring the standards of society.

"Did you say profit?"

"P" figured that this was the reaction one should expect from someone like Ophis and dissapointley replied.

"*¡Sigh!* Yes, I said profit, honestly I shouldn't even be surprised about your obsession with money at this point, but to keep it short and simple with you, then yes you can make a lot of money in this world, after all, it's a high-level world, you run the risk of alien invasions, type 6 level of hostile machinery going down your throat, betrayal, disloyalty, greed, it all here. But you know, where there is danger, there is also profit, seeing that artifacts sell for a lot of money."

'Now you're speaking my language, hehehe.'

Ophis mentally celebrated with glee. To others, people would say money is the root of all evil, but to Ophis money is the source of all happiness.

Of course, Ophis response to this, was as followed.

"I mean it's all about the hustle "P", after all, money can solve all of life's problems, and trust me I have a lot of problems in my life that need solving."

"P" just sighed, and decide to drop the topic, after all, this human was just one of the more honest ones, he is the type of guy that acts first and then talks later if necessary.

In layman's terms, he is the type of guy that would beat you half to death, then leave without deliberating further.

Its interaction with Ophis had been a short one but even "P" great self know that Ophis was a lost cause. It knew he would find money more attractive than anything else in this world.

And because replying would just be a losing argument, "P" didn't pay it any mind, and decided to end their first interaction like so.

"Well your actions and belief are yours, either way though, I believe it's time for us to part ways. Your character is ready, so let's begin the transfer."

"P" announced. To which Ophis replied.

"Well let's begin then, I can't wait to start playing Pandora Online, hopefully, I can make a lot of money in this free month."

"Hahaha. Well, I wish you the best of luck Ophis, I look forward to seeing how you developed in the near future, and one more thing the time difference in Paragon when compared to Earth is 3 to 1, meaning 3 days in Paragon is 1 day on Earth, so in actuality, if you stay the full month inside, you have 3 months to change your life over for the better. With that said Ophis may the box be with you."

And like that "P" voice fade into the distance, and what was heard was the same nameless female voice from earlier.

[Now beginning singularity jump in 3...

'Hehehe... So this is how my story begins.'


'It truly has been hard these ten years, and now...


'I will correct everything with my own hands, in this world full of selfishness, I will be the most selfish of them all.'


'And, with this chance, I claim profit and happiness.'

[Reality shifting is now beginning]

[Reality shift complete]

[Welcome to Paragon]


[Planet Paragon]

[10:56 DT]

[November 23rd/ 11,890 AOTNG]

[Ryykan Ruins]

In a world covered in thick red and black clouds caused by multiple nuclear fallouts over the course of 3,009 years.

The land beneath became a wasteland, plagued by the "Eternal rain", the sky rained thick gooey black substance similar to oil every single day without rest.

The residue of nuclear base ashes and weird minerals resembling coal as small as a pebble and as large as a human head comes crashing down like hail along with the oily rain, tainting the land in toxic black even more.

The temperature of the land drop significantly at night, causing the phenomenon known as "Black Winter" to occur, tainting and mutating the flesh of all bio-organic being who comes in contact with its accursed black snow, and its corrupted winds of death making traveling by night impossible.

The land is filled with muted plants called the "Yagdrils" Meanwhile animals life is by far more furious and can be bred and procreate at extremely fast rates, birthing millions of each variant every day, and like the plant life the mutated animals are referred to as the "Adiments".

However, if the environment alone wasn't a giant middle finger to the inhabitants of Paragon. Advanced technological beasts ranging from type I to VI were created by mysterious factories. These beasts also plague the world, crippling humanity severely to the point that only 26 great cities are remaining labeled from A-Z, which are encompassed within an anti-radiation Dome.

What was once a population of thirteen billion humans, was reduced to a laughable sixty million humans, and out of those sixty million; 30% of them are mutants, with 10% of the rich living their everyday life as cyborgs.

But despite the odds the share resilient of humanity's will to live, has pushed them to new heights, after all, this race is like cockroaches, hard to kill and disgustingly resilient even more so than dinosaurs. Unlike them, this race has survived a total of 5 mass extinction events.

Hit by a giant meteorite.

Invaded by aliens.

Live through an Ice Age.

World War of the Old war that still affects the new world today.

Monsters and robots of many varieties empowered by radiation and technology are now out of their throats.

Truly these humans have it rough without a doubt, however, a new threat was slowly approaching them not of this world. However, the bigger question is, which side is it on? Well, only time can tell, after all, greed is a sin that all living beings share.

And now something with immense greed was approaching this dying planet, with only its interest on its mind.

Because deep into the very ancient vacuum of Null space. A large square-like spaceship was traveling at a speed that can't be measured, although it was faster than light for sure.

The ship was black and blue, and the ship in question had an AI, one that predate time itself, and one from a different universe together.

And Ai for the first time in billions of years began to speak.

[A suitable universal bubble has been spotted]

[Checking damage down to the ship]

[98% of the ship systems are down, however, it's enough to break through one more wall of infinity, to enter a suitable habitat zone for the chosen life form of Nagasaur to regain his power]

With those words said, the ship began to channel a huge amount of immeasurable energy beyond the imaginative imagination and shot a large blue ray at the universal bubble, causing small holes to be pierced into the wall of endless cardinal sets of infinities that separate, and contain an infinite amount of parrel and alternate universe essential to this multiverse essential space-time continuum, so it doesn't leak into the thanks sea causing disbalance.

Although this wasn't permanent because the hole was already closing, of course, the ship at that time, already left the Null space also referred to as the zero seas, which was a 4th-dimensional space containing everything within the concept of time, of course, this was merely one of many layers in this totality defines essential reality.

And after crossing into this particular universal bubble of infinite possibilities. Consisting of "It is!" and "What ifs?" the space shuttle in question, found the universe it pronounces as suitable for the Nagasaur inside, although it did cost it a lot of energy to crossover.

But as the ship roam the vast multiverse of this universe, the chosen universe it decided to enter has long been decided a universe with advanced technology which before the eyes of Nagasaur was primitive junk when compared to theirs, but it was better than nothing.

A small amount of time passed, and the ship was flying towards a large planet 20× the size of the earth although it was completely red and black, to the point sunlight didn't touch the surface at all.

A lot of scouting technology, along with several thousand anti asteroid, anti armada weapons were sense on the plant, there was even a large planetary barrier surrounding it.

The barrier of course seem to be similar to a bandage as it was slowly filtering the radiation from the planet's atmosphere, although with the speed it was going, it was clear that this planet won't be seeing sunlight for another two thousand years.

But the ship was far more advance than anything within this universal bubble, it slipped passed all the security measures of the planet and entire the radioactive atmosphere of the planet.

And within seconds a large city that look abandoned came into view, but unlike the movies the ship didn't make a crater, no this ship was sophisticated. And so it landed on the helipad of the tallest skyscraper of the abandoned city, without being seen, or without making a scenery.

But as it landed it began to melt into a black glue revealing an unconscious Ophis in his elder Naga form.

But if you look close enough the ship began to transform and fused with Ophis, as it become the glowing scales under Ophis two eyes, and the last thing the female Ai said before permanently shutting down for the time being.

[Battery life is now at 0%... The universe in question doesn't have enough energy to charge this unit, however with the immortality of the Nagasaurs this unit is confident that one day that Jrandr will win the fight against evolution and restore the legacy of Nagasaur]

[Now powering doWWWWNNNnnnnn...

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