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Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Levi came too first as he held his head it pounded pulling his hand away there was blood in his hair now. He felt weight on his chest and there lie aria her hair was a mess her glasses broked and she was laying across him his uniform was a mess. Vesper's ankle had a gash from glass and her arm had a few gashes but Levi was unbeknownst to her condition being better then his. Levi currently had 2 broken ribs and his skull was cracked and he was bleeding rather heavily but adrenaline rushed through him at this moment his concern was the explosion had done damage to possibly her hearing or body or head and it was his fault she brought her here. Levi scrambled grasping Vesper in one arm over his shoulder and her belongings and camera in his other arm running out to the car to get her to treatment. He laid her down carefully and stepped in the driver's seat Managing just barely to get them to a hospital his vision seemed to be cutting in an out at times he was breathless and his police badge has filthy from debris and blood as he carried her into the hospital. Help he said as he slammed his badge on the counter four maybe or was It eight he was seeing double now as he placed Vesper on the gurney two nurses caught him from falling as he began to loose consciousness from blood loss the adrenaline fading now the situation was not as dire and he soon blacked out.

Wakeing in the hospital bed shocked Vesper at first her things were on her side table her camera busted and Levi no where in sight how long had she been asleep for more so how did she get to the hospital. She thought this as a Dr. came in. "Good your finally awake I can discharge you now I stitched you up where it was needed bur overall your in way better condition then that officer that brought you in last night. He is in room 666 on the 6th floor getting prepped for surgery if you want to visit him after we patch up his broken ribs. " The nurse stated as if she knew but this only made Vesper freak out more. "Oh my God he won't die will he?" she stated tears pouring down her cheeks this was all her fault if she just gave up all that supernatural ancient astrology and mythology junk this would have never happened. Vesper rushed to get up as the nurse seemed surprised at this behavior. "I have to go how long till Levi wakes up? " she said suddenly. This baffled the nurse. "HOW LONG." She shouted frustrated and freaking out. "Look lady he will be awake tomorrow morning but if I gotta get police involved in arresting you I will he seemed so adamant on saving your life we didn't think you would be crazy. "

"I'll be here to pick him up tomorrow." she scrambled gathering her things and his keys that were placed with her things as she signed the release form. Vesper hurried down the stairs her clothes a wreck as she made it to Levi's car successfully unlocking the door and tossing her stuff in the back before getting in the driver's seat as she did she sank he was tall and she was very much not she adjusted his seat so she could drive and hurriedly headed home.

Vesper scrambled out of the car and inside up the stairs and shoved Levi's door open scrambling to the master bathroom and rumiging through the cabinets she found what she was needing. this was Levi's medication the hospital had no idea he was on it and in the morning he would need it. as she turned she stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at the black and red bedroom coated in sheer and lace pillows tossed about in a delicate fashion but that's not what drew her attention it was the red accent wall covered in hunting weapons by hunting weapons she mentioned the ones you read about in stories stakes, crossbows, chains, silver, Holy water literally labeled and placed on the wall she gasped stepping back a bit in the doorway. This she wasn't expecting. He was perfect why would he have all this he didn't belive in it either he said so then why... Vesper looked at the medication then back to the wall. "I shouldn't be in here this is his room." She said to herself as she went and shut the door behind her and made her way downstairs to her room changing her room was black and purple with hints of silver but also more office like. she stepped into the closet finding a simple purple dress with a flower design in white at the knees and she slipped on her high rise boots for ankle support. Vesper then grabbed the black apron and her yellow gloves and found the cleaning supplies in the kitchen she needed. she went over to his car and began to clean the blood careful on the leather when the car was clean it was getting late so she made herself a small cup of noodles and went to her computer sitting down she had left the medication in the car for Levi so she wouldn't forget it in the morning. Vesper sighed her head in her hands as she looked at the broken camera and hooked the USB cable to it. as she did her computer uploaded the data and it began to play across the screen. after the explosion it still recorded her attempt to save him and then her collapse. Vesper groaned feeling pathetic as she was about to turn it off she heard something voices distant but there in the video but what or more where did it come from. she tuned in more and through the scratching distortion from the cameras blown microphone she heard a simple phrase. "We live again." before the camera stopped from Levi grasping it and her things. "Wow. " she gasped "I'm going crazy yes that's the awnser absolutely crazy or I'm dead and this is my brains crazy solution. " she sighed before crawling into her bed. Vesper set her alarm for four in the morning before she finally fell asleep.

Meanwhile Levi was battling unconscious he could feel himself sedated bur was aware he was in surgery this was why he took his medication he was born different his parents said it was a condition that ran in the family and now he could feel it all the pain from the surgery was so unbearable his heart rate was sky rocketing and the dr.s couldn't figure out why he just needed his pain medication he would be fine then but they had no idea he needed it and simply stuffed him full of the happy hormones as he liked to call it so now he was feeling pleasure mixed with pain and he felt like he was going crazy he would definitely be fucked up after this for awhile. when they finished stitching him up he sighed in relief he was aware but his body was under the effects of the drug that put him in what they called sleep state but he couldn't be in this state not fully to truly sleep he had to take his medication. Levi forced himself to take a deep breath before simply letting himself be in the darkness of his own mind until the medication wore off.

Vesper made her way out the door in a simple yellow sundress and started up Levi's car knowing he would want it and drove to the coffee shop purchasing a hot cup of hazelnut coffee with extra Carmel drizzle and milk foam for him she knew what he got they stopped here every morning before classes. she made her way to the ER and checked in as a visitor making her way to the 6th floor she held the door know clenching the medication and coffee as she stepped in quietly as to not disturb him setting the coffee on the bedside table and sitting beside him. Levi heard someone come in and the aroma of hot coffee filled the room he willed his body to respond and groggily opened his eyes the light blinding from the curtain he rose his hand an iv stabbed in it to cover his eyes he was extremely pale from the loss of blood and he had dark circles under his eyes as he pushed his hair back out of his face Vesper was quickly closing the curtains. "Thanks" he mumbled grabbing the medication and quickly taking the pill drowning down the coffee he winced as he sat up.

Vesper looked at him. "I'm sorry for waking you was I to loud?"

"No I was awake just waiting for this numbing medication to finish whereing off." Levi looked at her she was as bright as a sunflower today with a few stitches she seemed mostly unscathed.

"Are you alright?" He asked carefully.

"Oh yes they said you were the one to get most the blow they couldn't figure out why I blacked out either so maybe it was just the shock. " she babbled on. Levi was simply relived she wasn't hurt. The Nurse came in she was a thin blonde with hazel eyes. "Officer Levi you can be released in an hour as long as your labs come back alright do you need any more pain medication dear? " she said in a sing song voice that made Levi absolutely pissed he hated flirty women. "I'm fine thank you." He waved her off dismissively as she left giggling. Vesper was looking out the window not bothered by this lots of women wanted Levi she already knew this her streams said it all and the whispers and the bully's she didn't let Levi know about.

"Sorry about her. " he said throwing Vesper through a loop.

"Oh its okay it's not like we're a couple or anything " she fiddled with her thumb.

"No it's still wrong for women to act like such while your here with me even if it's just as friends you shouldn't be treated like you don't exist. "

Vesper was taken aback by this she didn't realize Levi cared so much about her opinions.

"Thank you. " she said quietly as the room grew quiet Levi's breathing got heavier he was asleep. vesper sat with him waiting the hour looking out the window with so much more to think about now.

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