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Chapter 23: 023

Moonlight City Public School is the main school inside Moonlight City, and most students are enrolled here, with a whopping 50,000 students from K-12 as the school holds classes for every grade level. The school had been in session, however, Alex hadn't needed to go to school. He had already gotten enough credits to graduate, and all he needed to do was walk. Of course, this would be the perfect time to change his admission status from his old school to this one. Alex was already about to arrive at the school. The school day was still in session and would go for another hour. Alex looked at the normal-looking high school that was just larger than usual. He went inside the front office, and upon looking around, he noticed that it was spacious. The front desk was separated from the door by a glass window, and behind the window were staff members chatting and gossiping. Once someone noticed Alex, they quickly sat down and waited for him to approach.

"Hello, how are you today?"

"I'm good. I'm just here for admissions. I brought the relevant documents and just want to get it done quickly."

"Mhm, I can get that done real quick. I just don't know when you'll be placed in classes."

"Oh, that's alright. I already have enough credits to graduate."

"Oh, then that makes it even easier."

"Well, you're all set. You are now officially enrolled here."

"That's great. Could I have a quick tour of the school? I'd also love to be able to sit in on classes."

"Well, I don't see the problem with the tour, however, I'll have to ask the dean about the other request."

"That's fine."

"Here, let me call a student to give you your tour."

The person Alex was just talking to went and called someone. She talked on the phone for a few seconds and then hung up. She then looked at Alex and said,

"Alright, I just called a student up here, so sit tight."


Alex didn't really care who showed him around as long as he understood the layout of the school. If Mia shows him around, that would be even better. However, what were the chances of that happening? Alex waited until finally someone came to the office. Of course, Alex was surprised to see her as he didn't believe she would be showing him around. The person in question was as surprised as him. She exclaimed,

"Hey! It seems we met faster than we thought."

"I didn't think I would run into you here."

"Well, I'm still in school. Anyway, I guess you're the new student they want me to show around."

"That's correct. However, weren't you working this morning? Why are you here?"

"Oh, well, I only have 5th and 6th hour."

"Oh well, let's get into this tour. Shall we?"

"Mhm, let's go!"

Claire first explained about the office, and that she would only be showing him the high school section of the school. The first place she showed him was the cafeteria. Even though school was almost out, it was full to the brim with students. While they walked throughout the school hallways, they kept getting stared at. Alex was too curious not to ask,

"So, are you popular or something?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm sure I've seen every guy stare at you. I've even seen the girls staring too."

"What, are you jealous?"

"Yeah, I am."


"Pfft! Sorry, you just look so cute when you're flustered."

"Tch! Whatever, idiot."

Alex watched how Claire sped up in front of him to hide her embarrassment. Alex liked watching her squirm or have her face flushed red. Alex just shook his head and caught up to her. They continued on with the tour, with the gymnasium and the music rooms next. The gymnasium was large and was the area where the PE classes were held. It also had a basketball court, with folded-up bleachers on each side. The music rooms were right next to each other. They had an orchestra, band, and a classical music room. The music rooms were in use, so they couldn't go inside. However, she explained that she was a part of the orchestra class. She played the violin and even had a solo act in an upcoming music concert for the school.

"Well, if you give me the time and date, I'll show up."



"Hehe, well it's in around a month on March 3rd at 7:00 pm."

"Well, I'll show up then. I can't wait to see your splendid performance."

"Mhm! I won't let you down."

Claire seemed in a happy mood from her wide smile. Of course, Alex didn't miss the faint blush on her cheeks, but he didn't say anything. Claire then showed him the math, science, history, English, and other classes inside the school. They were done with the tour when the bell signaling the end of the day was about to ring. Claire seemed to notice this and asked,

"Hey, I need to get my stuff from the class I left. I hope to see you around the school, or even in some of my classes."

"Well, that might be hard. I won't be put into any classes officially because I already have enough credits to graduate."


"I've asked to be able to sit in classes, so we might still see each other."

"Hehe, then hopefully I'll see you soon."

"Quick question, do you know a Mia Soft?"

"Mia? Yeah, I know her, however, I've never talked to her. Why?"

"Could you tell me what class she's in? I need to talk to her."

"Why? What's your relationship with her?"

"Oh? Are you jealous?"

"What!? No!"

"Then, could you tell me where I can find her?"

"Fine, she's in classroom 201 taking AP English."

"Thanks, Claire."

"Wait! Before you leave, could you tell me your name? You haven't told me yet."

"Oh? My name's Alex, Alex Morning."

"Well, see you later, Alex."

"Mhm, see you later, Claire."

Alex and Claire started to head different ways, one to the AP English room and the other to the Orchestra room.

Alex arrived at the AP English room just a couple of seconds after the bell rang. With students going out of the classroom, Alex saw the person he was looking for. The student was different from the other students. She was isolated from the other students. Her hair was cherry red, while her eyes were sky blue. She wore black long sleeves, with a white skirt. Her eyes were dull and lifeless. Alex looked at her with sorrow, he knew why she was wearing long sleeves. He also knew why her eyes were so dull. While Mia grabbed her bag systematically, Alex had begun to walk toward her. The other students looked on with interest, and some even began to gossip.

"Hey, why do you think that hot guy is here?"

"Yeah, also why is he walking to that weirdo?"

"I'm not sure."

Alex started to frown and picked up his pace.

"Hey Mia, how are you? I know it's been awhile, however, I just want to talk."


Mia just stared at him with slight annoyance and confusion. She didn't know who he was. Alex simply smiled at her response as he had expected this. He then said,

"Do you remember when the old hag used to wear the refrigerator key around her neck?"

"Huh? How do you know about that?"

"Well, it's been awhile, so you remember the boy you hit? Actually, I'm pretty sure I was the only one you hit at that house."

"Huh? Alex?"

"Oh? You remembered my name? I didn't expect that."

Mia just put her head down like a child waiting to be scolded. While Alex wanted to comfort her, he didn't want to touch her for fear of making her cry. So he just said in a soft voice,

"Hey, don't be down. While I'm not sure what you're down about, I'm sure it will be alright. Okay?"

"Mhm. I-I missed you."

"Huh? Really? I had thought you hated me, as you just ignored me most of the time."

"I'm sorry, I-I was dealing with some things."

"No, you're fine. You also don't have to apologize. I completely understand, we all went through something we shouldn't have had, and that's why we were put in that house. That was why only the truly broken were put into that house."

"Yeah. Anyway, why are you here?"

"I wanted to ask you about something. If you don't mind, of course."

"Well, I'm free right now."





Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a good rest of your day or night.

If you like this book so far you should check out my other work, A Last Wish!

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