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Chapter 9: Supplies


"Yeah, the coast is clear, we just have to be on the look out for those monsters that escaped, I think we might of cleared most of the monsters in this part of campus" I say looking over a corner.

"Of course we did, we are just that good, but are we going to go with the same stat distribution as before?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to put some in mana, we might be able to learn some magic skills, it would only make sense, why else would be have the mana control skill." I say.

You can learn magic skills even if you dont have the class it should belong to, but only simple ones, like maybe coating your weapon in mana, or doing the same thing with your body.

Every class can do this, but those skills aren't easy to learn, they require you to figure out how to manipulate mana without the system, which is no easy feat.

Most people never tried because they had a class that had a versatile manipulation skill, like <Fire manipulation>, that skill alone is enough to do pretty much everything you would need to do.

Its not fireball or anything like that, so it is only limited by your imagination, but sadly my class doesn't have a manipulation skill, so I have to learn magic the harder way, which I actually dont know how to do.

The mana control skill, is just a measure on how well you can manipulate mana without the system, but at the moment no one can, but skills can't have a level of 0, so they just put the lowest it can, which is 1.

The people who knew how to, never revealed it to other people, so I have to do it from scratch.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense, I'm going to stick to physical stats for the moment." Jayden responds, he then adds 2 stat points to speed, 2 to strength, and 1 to endurance

Bringing them from 10, 5 and 9 to 12, 7 and 10 respectively. I instead decide to add, 3 to strength, 1 to mana, and 1 to speed.


Name: Leonardo Hendricks

Class: Clonemancer ✰✰✰✰

Level: 2

Experience: 1438/1500

Age: 21

HP: 110/110

Mana: 50/50(+10)



-Self Cloning, Lvl 1

-Parallel Thinking, Lvl 1

-Inspect, Lvl 1


-Mana Control, Lvl 1


-Intelligence: 20

-Strength: 11(+3)

-Mana: 5(+1)

-Speed: 8(+1)

-Endurance: 10

[Stat points]



I am probably going to have a strength and mana centered build, while Jayden goes with speed and strength, and maybe mana, I will have to convince him to spec into that.

"Ok, lets get going, I think we are near the supplies we have been gunning for" I say.

"What are we going to do after we get the supplies" Jayden ask, I think for a bit before shrugging.

"I dont know, we both dont have family, so just survive? Continue fighting I guess, maybe even start a shelter or something" I say, we dont really have a purpose at the moment.

I just want to get strong, but I dont know what for exactly, and Jayden just seems to want to have fun.

"Yeah guess so, we are going to be the kings of this new world!" He says boisterously, I smile and we continue onwards.


I was right, we did clear most monsters on this part of campus, there are still alot outside and on the other sides, but we have barely spotted anything so far. But of course, more monsters are going to form from people dying.

But luckily people managed to escape to other parts and died there instead.

The entrance of the university is wide open, since it was open at this time in my last life, so monsters are going to just flood in until we close it.

"Finally we have arrived" I say and slowly push open the doors leading to the campus shop, it has a kitchen at the very back of it, which our chefs used to cook food for us to buy.

I look inside and spot racks filled with snacks, and all sorts of things, and the door at the back leading to the kitchen.

The place is a mess though, there is blood staining the floor, which I assume are or were the kitchen staff. "Damn, must of been a bloodbath" I hear Jayden mutter.

I walk inside and look around hoping there is nothing here, and after checking the kitchen I relax a bit.

"Ok so grab canned food, water and sealed snacks, we can eat some of the food the staff was probably preparing before all this went down, we wont be able to store it though" I say and Jayden gets to work.

I head into the kitchen and start searching the cupboards, most of the food is actually stored in another location on campus, and I think that's where we will stop sooner or later.

I start stuffing my bag full with canned supplies, and some water and any drink really, while Jayden does the same, after I fill my bag and C1's bag I throw it on my back.

I sit down on the chairs they have here and Jayden does the same. "I think we should make this our base of operations until we decide to move out" Jayden suggest and I nod.

I grab some food that cant be stored and start munching and Jayden does the same, "Man, the power going out sucks,"

"You think we could find a way to restore it?" he asks looking up from his spaghetti.

"Maybe," I respond, I then remember I have a phone and pull it from my pocket.

I manage to unlock it and try going onto the internet, but unsurprisingly the internet doesn't work at all. My first life everyone though they towers just got destroyed.

But most of them were still up, the internet just didn't work anymore, calling didn't work either ,we later figured out the ambient mana on earth messed everything up, luckily the system came to our rescue.

Implementing a pseudo internet on our system panels, as long as you have enough mana you can create videos and send messages to people, and if you have alot of mana and are willing to give up an entire level, you can make global or regional messages that anyone can read.

It was pretty much a forum board, it was also the place where the level rankings were placed so anyone can see who is the strongest.

All of this stuff appears in a couple of days, and it sparked people to become leaders, make camps for people who can't protect themselves and so on.

And the thing during all of this, is the government practically vanished from every corner of the world, almost all of them failed at getting a handle on the superhumans and monsters roaming around.

And eventually they just didn't exist anymore.

"The internet doesn't work" I say to Jayden, he frowns and pulls out his phone and comes to the same conclusion as me.

"That sucks, nothing works..." He frowns even more when absolutely nothing that requires an internet connection works, he tries to call me and the call doesn't even start.

"Communicating is going to be hard if we are ever separated" Jayden says, "Yeah I guess so, there might be a solution in the future but for now we have to deal with it I guess."


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