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Chapter 64: Chapter 64 Meeting The Family

The awkward silence filled the air as both Gwendolyn and May were just sitting inside the carriage both unsure how to move forward after, Gwendolyn's meltdown.

There was not a lot of time left so both of them wished to talk about a plan of action yet due to their previous actions they were unsure how to start the conversation.


Seeing that they were getting nowhere, May decided to make the first move even though she did nothing wrong (in her mind) she still chose to begin with an apology.

"I'm sorry for saying all that before but now we need to talk about the plan, you can hate me later when you are a duchess"

"...." Gwendolyn spent some time just looking at May unsure how she should feel at the quick change of behaviour but she still knew the importance of communication so with a sigh she started participating in the conversation

"What do you have on your mind" Gwendolyn tried to return to her cold voice and emotionless facial facade but it was surprisingly hard when a moment before you were yelling at the same person you were trying to fool.

"I'm not sure but I have some main points first we will need to have your father ingest the poison, that will have to be done at least ten minutes before the duel as the poison takes ten minutes to start weakening the host, so you will have to make him drink it maybe add it into his tea"



May was once more slightly annoyed at her one-word answers but she chose to hold her peace as the last thing they needed was another yelling season.

"My thoughts were to go there and tell him you got married and that you will discuss it more at dinner and if I know anything about disappointed Father's he will probably go get a drink a strong one most likely so add the poison into that and remember to add it into the glass, not the bottle after all don't want to waste perfectly good booze"

"I am not dumb I understand the basics of how to use poisons"

"Yeah probably"

A giant vein once again made an appearance on Gwendolyn's forehead.

"What's that supposed to mean ?"

May sensing an incoming fight decided to do a tactical retreat before it turned into a battlefield.

"It means I love you, Darling"

The vein got more prominent and at that moment May knew she screwed up.

[10 minutes of Yelling later]

"We are here"

With Gwendolyn's statement, May quickly went to look out the window and what she saw left her in shock.

"How is that a mansion that's a bloody City !"

Yes, in front of May was something she would call a city in her old world in the middle was a castle surrounded by walls and on the other side of those walls were a bunch of stone houses with a lot of people walking on the streets it was plain to see that this place was very lively, probably due to the fact they live close to the ruling Lord hence their safety is guaranteed.

As the carriage continued they drew closer and closer to the Castle.

As May was looking around with extreme curiosity, Gwendolyn was unable to stop a small smile from forming she was extremely proud of her home, the communities that her mother built here and how everyone lived in peace and harmony in her home there was not a single hungry child, not a single criminal that went unpunished her mother made sure of that so it brought her some level of happiness knowing that her mother's work was not unappreciated.

As The Carriage pulled into the castle and came to a stop in front of a row of servants May once again faced Gwendolyn

"Last chance to back out"

Gwendolyn scoffed at her remand she gave no response she just opened the door and walked out, May followed after her.

May was nervous she felt like a girlfriend going to meet her boyfriend's family and she kinda was but even tho their relationship was fake it still did not take away from the nervousness of the situation.

As Gwendolyn passed the row of servants they saluted and began casting magic and throwing it into the air, May was unsure what they were doing until she saw the small ball of magic explode.



Gwendolyn saw how May was behaving and on one hand, she wanted to reprimand her not to act like a country bumpkin and on the other hand she wished to pull her cheeks and call her cute, at the end her first half won over

"Don't act like a savage, remember to bring out the confidence you had when first meeting me and remember always keep an emotionless face as when we go through those doors it will be a war zone and everything can be used against you even your expression"

May was touched by Gwendolyn's concern so she right at that moment chose to be on her best behaviour to not embarrass Gwendolyn.

May followed Gwendolyn as she entered the 'Mansion' They said no words just one leading and the other following, Gwendolyn lead them to a door that May thought screamed 'I'm an important piece of shit' but she did not say anything she watched on as Gwendolyn knocked.

"Enter" The gruff voice May recognised sounded from the other side of the door.

With the duke's confirmation, Gwendolyn opened the door and entered, May still followed.

The Duke raised an eyebrow at Gwendolyn and May clearly surprised at the company his daughter was with, Gwendolyn and the Duke both wanted to start the conversation for different reasons and purposes.

But before either one of them could open their mouth May ended up interrupting the fierce staring match.

"Hello Father-in-Law!" May said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.



End of Chapter 64



Name: May Parker

HP: 100/100% | MP: 740/740 | Level 26 EXP: 316413/327680

Race: Amazonian | Sex: Female

Status: [Corrupted]

Strength: 157(-15%)

Agility:100[Limitor Removal Required](-15%)

Vitality: 100[Limitor Removal Required] (-15%)

Endurance: 100[Limitor Removal Required] (-15%)

Dexterity: 64 (-15%)

Intelligence: 37 (-15%)

Wisdom: 42 (-15%)

Luck: 25 (-15%)

Status Points: 70 | Skill Points: 17



Secondary:All Elements/100%

Skills: Math Lv 6, Cooking Lv 9, Cleaning Lv 7, Bite Lv 1, Sprint Lv 5, Stealth Lv Max, Sword Mastery Lv 5, Skinning Lv 3, Danger Sense Lv 4, Throwing Lv 2, Dumb Luck Lv Max, Fire Resistance Lv 3, Pain Resistance Lv 7, Mana Manipulation Lv 8, Fire Magic Lv 5, Elemental Magic Lv 3, Unarmed Combat Lv Max, Business Sense Lv 8, Religion Management Lv Max, Teaching Lv 4, Alchemy Lv 1


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