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Chapter 3: The Way of the Blood Knight  

Through many hardships and struggles lord Rommath has successfully taught us the way to steal away the magic from demons, however such a way to strafe hunger only feeds the addiction more… so much more to the point of no return!

For Some of our brethren have become demons themselves! Are we so cursed to only become monsters! Either fight the addiction and fall to an undead state of being or live long enough to watch your old self wither away…sometimes, I find myself wondering if leaving our night elf heritage lands behind was the right decision... In more ways than one...

→→→→→→Excerpt from a wither journal

Day 3

[Now mongrel, pick a weapon! You may choose any of these here that fits your liking! Then head to the center of the arena to start your training.] said Jesthenis

In front of Lanthios stood many weapons from swords to axes to maces to shields of many different shapes and sizes, the trick was to pick out the best ones that suited not only taste but also viability for he was still young. But though being young he was still a gnoll, in which was a race that naturally packed more muscle even without the need of strained workouts.

As Lanthios gazed at the weapons he eyes shone like the youthful young man he was now and chose an elven short axe... Two to be precise, one for each hand, but the second he reached for the other, Jesthenis rushed at him and knocked him away saying;

[No! You filthy mongrel! We blood knights do not use such barbaric methods of fighting such as dual wielding! It is unsightly and un- graceful! I Know this is hard to understand with your dumb animal skull but do try to remember where you are at boy!]

Now visibly upset, Lanthios tightens his grip on both his axes and rushes at Jesthenis while growling through gritted teeth at him! Seeing the boy boldly ignoring what he just said, Jesthenis busted a head vein in anger and yelled while beating the ever-living shit out of the Lanthios, [ I thought… I told you; Blood knights do… Not DUAL WIELD!]

And while Lanthios was busy getting beat down like a dog, Layla was sitting at the door carefully watching everything unfold with a smile on her face thinking. [Sigh… dumb puppy… he never learns, he should know better than to challenge the adults! Being headstrong is great but… it needs to have limits… well it is one of the qualities that make him cute I guess...]

But while she had time to wishfully think about stuff, Lanthios on the hand thought. {What is the problem with me wanting to dual wield! This is real life now, not some game! Is this world really restricted by the game rules… Na can't be... That would be stupid! Also how is this damn blood elf so quick! In the game I don't remember retribution paladins having such high dodge!

Sigh, not only can I not even land a single hit on him! He's beating the crap out of me without using a single spell! But I have to give it to him, he has actual experience in real combat! But as for me, not only do I have none, I'm fighting using a body that is a lot different than my old one!

which is a lot harder than I thought it would be… but then again I never really been good at exercising before… HA but I do have to admit it's a lot more fun than I thought it would be..}

[Hey what are you smiling about there on the floor! Your reaction skills are good, but you lack serious weapon skills! Get up, your training hasn't even started yet!] yelled Jesthenis

But as Lanthios "training" continued Alanus came in yelling at Layla saying, [what are you doing just sitting there? Didn't your mother just chastise you but a minute ago! Get up! We have much to work on! We're going to test out more of your mana control skills!]

Visibly annoyed that her show was interrupted, Layla responded by saying, [I'll be right there Alanus!] She then turned to face Lanthios and while blushing a little said, [You can do it Lanthios! Keep it up! After all you need to be strong to be my servant!].

Meanwhile on the road to Ghostlands

[ugh... ugh… why are there so many trolls] said lady Julia as she just finished burning a troll alive.

[Lady Julia! This doesn't look good! They just keep coming! It's like there is no end to them!] said and exhausted blood knight

[I know but keep fighting Tranquillien needs these supplies! Sigh if only we didn't lose one of our settlements to those dam spiders!] replied Julia

But just as she was talking, an axe came flying by dispelling her shield and injuring her face. With blood pouring down her face Julia quickly cast a blink to move further away to address her wounds!

Seeing the blood wouldn't stop she decided to cauterize the wound close and while fighting the pain she started to channel a blizzard to slow down the approaching trolls. But no matter how wide her spell was, she couldn't catch them all!

For the ones that were unaffected by her spell charge in with wild abandonment! They rained axes down on the blood knights, they rained nets upon them, they sent curses and hexes their way!

With trained lions to snuff out the weak and vulnerable! It was... War! With each elf that fell the pressure would increase, with each elf that fell a troll would get vigor! They were so high on war that they didn't even notice the high cost of life they were taking just to take this small caravan, or more likely they just didn't care! For each troll would gladly give their lives to take back even a small fraction of their ancestral lands back.

And when the fight reached its apex a strange looking troll that looked like it was missing one arm and one eye stood above a hill to look down upon the battlefield and yelled,

[Their men are all but spent! Now warriors capture all the women alive! For our Loa gods demand blood! And what better blood than that, in which can give life! More so of our enemy!]

[see comments at end for weapon view]

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