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Chapter 9: My Responsibility Part 1

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

No pov

Several days had elapsed since Spider-Man's fateful encounter with Dark Vulture. The events that unfolded left the city in a state of bewilderment and despair. Time seemed to momentarily freeze, only to be shattered by the sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the streets. The panic and terror that gripped the people lingered for days, refusing to subside. The authorities swiftly moved to remove and identify the fallen children, each identification bringing forth a wave of inconsolable grief.

In the aftermath, families grappled with the unimaginable loss of their cherished ones. Some were fortunate enough to retrieve the remains of their deceased children, providing them with a semblance of closure. However, not all were bestowed with such fortune. The "dust" that blanketed the streets represented the ashes of young lives, disintegrated by the force of Spider-Man's explosive abilities. New York became a breeding ground for rage, as the mourning populace transformed their sorrow into a collective outcry. It was as if the city had become a cauldron of simmering fury, with citizens seeking an outlet for their pain.

Amidst the chaos, some sought solace in alcohol, drowning their sorrows in a haze of numbing intoxication. Others were consumed by thoughts of self-destruction, trapped in a bleak spiral of despair. The bereaved families grappled with a multitude of emotions, their minds plagued by unanswered questions and an unbearable void. Meanwhile, the one responsible for this tragedy remained hidden away in seclusion, haunted by an overwhelming sense of regret and fear. Fear for how society would perceive him, and regret for failing to perceive the Vulture's cunning illusion.

In his self-imposed exile, he languished in his room, his only companions being the relentless grip of regret and the suffocating presence of fear. Hours melted into days as he succumbed to a monotonous routine of nourishment and slumber, the bare essentials required to sustain his fragile existence. Yet, it was in this state of isolation that a call from Kara shattered the numbing silence, beckoning him out of his self-imposed prison.

"Player, I think you should leave the house at least once."

(Karito) "No...I'm just gonna get screamed at..."

"You can't keep this up forever, you know?"

(Karito) "Yeah, I know... I'll probably let out some steam on some thugs... maybe a dungeon..."

"So that's what you are gonna do, huh?"

(Karito) "Well, I can't think straight right now, now can I?"

"So you're just gonna give up?"

(Karito) "Yup..."

"You can't."

(Karito) "Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"Because you are a Guardian of the multiverse."

(Karito) "I just wanna go home. Back to my room, back with my family."

"You can't you must fulfill your destiny."

(Karito) "MAN FUCK DESTINY! I'm not Thor! Who is destined to be King of Asguard! I'm not Ironman! I'm not a genius! Or any other superhero! I'm imitation of one... And I can't even do that right..."

"You said you were going to be your own Spider-Man."

(Karito) "Yeah and look where that got me! I'm a murderer!

"You couldn't have known, why are you being so hard on yourself?"

(Karito) "Why am I even talking about this to an AI?! You aren't gonna get it anyways! Now leave me alone!

"Wait Player do-"

With a heavy heart, he silenced the incessant hum of his technological sanctuary and retreated to the solace of his bed. Lying there, his body lay motionless, consumed by exhaustion and adorned with telltale shadows that betrayed his sleep-deprived state. Nightmares, relentless and unforgiving, ensnared his mind, their persistent grip preventing the respite of restful slumber. Images of menacing vultures, symbolic harbingers of his inner torment, ravaged his dreamscape, leaving him jolted awake, his heart pounding against his chest in a panicked rhythm.

In the face of this darkness, Tony Stark assumed the role of a concerned guardian, diligently checking in on him, offering small talk and sustenance to ease his physical hunger. Yet, the void within Karito remained insatiable, driving him to consume the provisions with a feverish desperation that mirrored his emotional turmoil.

Left with little else to occupy his anguished mind, he sought refuge in the digital realm of his personal computer. Hours stretched into eternity as he immersed himself in the virtual landscapes of video games, the transient distractions serving as a temporary respite from the weight of his reality. Within the confines of pixelated worlds, he found solace, albeit fleeting, as the lines between the tangible and the intangible blurred under the relentless glow of the monitor.

Time Skip a few days later...

With a glimmer of hope guiding his actions, Tony Stark managed to coax Karito out of the confines of his seclusion. Recognizing the need for a change of scenery and a respite from the suffocating weight of grief, Tony embarked on a journey alongside Karito, their destination set for the vibrant land of Japan. A subtle observation made during his visits to Karito's home informed Tony's decision—the young man's fascination with anime. It was a small spark of inspiration, a thread to be woven into a plan that might offer a semblance of solace.

As the plane touched down on foreign soil, the air tingled with anticipation, carrying whispers of unfamiliar adventures. Stepping onto Japanese soil, Tony and Karito were greeted by a tour guide, a bridge between the foreign realm and their own realm of shattered spirits. She introduced herself with grace and warmth, her presence a beacon of hospitality amidst the uncertainty that lay before them.

(Tour Gide) Bows "Good afternoon, Sir. My name is Suzuki Tomura and I will be your guide for your one-week stay here, in Japan!"

(Tony Stark) "Can you take us to the hotel? We are exhausted, we will do the activities with my friend over here."

(Karito) "..."

(Tour Guide) Gestures to follow him "Yes Stark-Sama and Karito-Sama. Follow me to the car."

Stepping out of the bustling airport, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of a new chapter, the trio emerged into the open expanse, where a sleek and luxurious private limousine awaited their arrival. With practiced grace, the guide opened the door, extending an invitation to a world of comfort and exclusivity. Tony and Karito gratefully accepted, their weary souls finding solace in the plush confines of the vehicle.

As the limousine smoothly glided through the vibrant streets of Japan, the rhythmic hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop, the atmosphere within transformed. Shedding their hoodies, Tony and Karito let their shoulders relax, their bodies settling into the embrace of plush seats. The weight of their burdens, if only momentarily, seemed to dissipate as they allowed themselves a moment of respite, enveloped in the luxury of the ride.

The world outside the tinted windows offered a captivating panorama of the cityscape, a tapestry woven with the threads of tradition and modernity. Skyscrapers reached for the heavens, their glass facades reflecting the glow of the setting sun. Streets teeming with life, a symphony of color and movement, while snippets of conversation and the distant sounds of bustling crowds wove a rich auditory tapestry.

(Tony Stark) "Alright, today we are gonna check the room. I rented the best one there is."

(Karito) "Then I doubt it's a hotel room. Might as well be a penthouse."

(Tony Stark) "Welp, you got me."

(Karito) "That's alright. I haven't been to Japan so...I'll make the most of it."

(Tony Stark) "That's it, we are going to Party until we pass out!"

(Karito) "I don't think that's a good idea."

(Tony Stark) "Hey, let loose man. I need to control myself because I have Pepper... but you? You can go absolutely crazy!"

(Karito) "I- I uhh..."

(Tony Stark) "Go apeshit man!" Gives Karito beer

(Karito) Grabs it "Well..." Sigh "Fine, let's do this then."

(Tony Stark) "YEAH, LET'S GO TOKYO!!!"

Time skip a few hours later...

Night time

Upon arriving at the illustrious VIP disco, the velvet ropes parting to grant them access, Tony Stark's influential status opened the doors to a world of exclusivity. With a nod of gratitude to the bouncers, Tony and Karito stepped into the lavish venue, the thumping bass and pulsating lights engulfing their senses.

Guided by their desire for a moment of respite, the duo made their way towards a private room, an oasis within the bustling energy of the disco. The room, meticulously arranged and adorned with opulent furnishings, exuded an air of sophistication and comfort. It stood as a sanctuary, a space where Tony had thoughtfully ensured that Karito could find solace if the need arose.

As Karito settled into the plush surroundings, his gaze fell upon the menu thoughtfully provided within the room. His eyes scanned the culinary offerings, and a particular item caught his attention—a hamburger that spoke to his cravings and promised a familiar comfort. With a nod of determination, Karito signaled to the attentive waitress waiting just beyond the room, pointing out his selection with a gesture that conveyed his desire.

Tony, observing Karito's interest in the menu, leaned in with a curious yet caring expression. He posed a question, seeking to engage his troubled companion in conversation. His voice tinged with a mix of genuine concern and genuine interest, broke the silence that enveloped them.

(Tony Stark) "Aren't you going to the party?"

(Karito) "I am, I'm just gonna eat something before I go."

(Tony Stark) "Smart, I'll do so too! I'll be right back! Got some friends from here I'm gonna say hi too."

(Karito) "Okay."

Tony Stark left Karito to his own devices within the private room, allowing him to find solace in the tranquil surroundings. Patiently, Karito awaited the arrival of his food, his mind filled with a mix of anticipation and weariness. Minutes stretched on, the passage of time marked by a gentle flicker of the room's ambient lighting.

Finally, the long-awaited sustenance arrived, presented by the apologetic waitress who acknowledged the slight delay. Karito, displaying a calm demeanor, reassured her that the wait was inconsequential. With measured composure, he embarked on his culinary journey, savoring each bite of the burger that had tantalized his taste buds. As he ate, his gaze turned introspective, fixated on the floor as if lost in a cascade of thoughts and emotions.

Gradually, the rhythmic consumption of his meal drew him closer to the realm of slumber. Balancing the remnants of the burger in one hand, Karito's eyes began to grow heavy, yet his focus remained anchored in the present. The residual drowsiness played upon his senses, blending with the pulsating music that permeated the air.

Having concluded his burger, Karito's appetite remained, prompting an order for bread that swiftly arrived to satiate his lingering hunger. He partook in a few more bites, finding comfort in the sustenance that sustained him. With a renewed sense of energy, he rose from his seat, drawn towards the vivacious spectacle unfolding beyond the confines of the private room.

Venturing into the midst of the exuberant crowd, Karito's eyes surveyed the pulsating throng of revelers, immersed in their uninhibited revelry. The infectious electronic beats reverberated through the space, intertwining with the palpable energy that coursed through the room. Entranced, Karito observed a spirited dance battle unfolding on a central stage, bodies swaying in perfect synchrony to the rhythm of the music. He absorbed their movements, captivated by their mastery of movement and the raw expression of their souls.

Further exploration led him to an area engulfed in a vibrant drinking competition, laughter, and mirth resonating amidst the clinking of glasses. A cacophony of voices filled the air, intermingled with raucous cheers and bouts of intoxication. Amidst this intoxicating atmosphere, Karito's gaze fell upon a mysterious red curtain, enticing his curiosity. Emboldened by his surroundings, he approached the guardian, who granted him passage with the assurance of his connection to Tony Stark.

Beyond the threshold, he entered a realm of allure, momentarily contemplating if he had inadvertently found himself in a seductive haven. The ambiance pulsated with a unique energy, emanating from the diverse array of women captivating the attention of intrigued patrons. One woman, driven by her allure, sought to entice Karito with her tantalizing allure, her exotic form pressed against his. While momentarily enticed, Karito ultimately opted to keep exploring, offering a gentle apology as he diverted his attention elsewhere. Undeterred, the woman pouted, extending an invitation for a rendezvous should he desire a more intimate encounter. Unmoved, Karito graciously declined, his focus shifting to the spectacle unfolding before him.

Seated amidst a sea of chairs near the pole dancers, Karito observed the fervor of the crowd, their exuberant whistles, and animated gestures directed towards the dancers who adorned the stage. Money rained down upon the performers, their sultry movements and seductive artistry capturing the attention of the enthralled audience. In contrast, Karito remained a silent observer, his eyes locked upon one dancer in particular, drawn to her enchanting performance upon the pole.

Amidst this mesmerizing scene, an unexpected presence materialized beside Karito. He glanced upward, his gaze meeting the piercing eyes of a man he instantly recognized—Logan, a figure with an enigmatic aura. While recognition flickered in his gaze, Karito maintained an air of composed nonchalance, his composure masking the excitement that stirred within him at the sight of this unexpected encounter.

In the presence of Logan, a flurry of thoughts swirled within Karito's mind, reminiscent of the enigmatic encounters that seemed to manifest themselves around the enigmatic figure. The questions tumbled and danced, like fleeting shadows in the depths of his consciousness. What significance did Logan hold in this moment? Was his appearance an indication of a temporal disruption, a shift in the intricate tapestry of timelines?

Karito pondered the intricate threads that wove their way through his existence, contemplating the delicate balance between cause and effect. The notion of altering the course of events, of unwittingly steering the currents of time, lingered as a haunting possibility. With each encounter, it seemed the fabric of reality grew more malleable, each meeting with figures like Logan serving as a reminder of the intricate interconnectedness of past, present, and future.

(Logan) "What are you looking at, Bub."

(Karito) "Nothing, I just thought you looked cool."

(Logan) "Keep the flattery to yourself."

(Karito) "Sorry..."

In the midst of the lingering silence between Karito and Logan, a feminine voice rang out, its timbre laced with an allure that cut through the heavy atmosphere. The words seemed to possess a magnetic quality, tugging at Logan's attention with an irresistible force. He turned towards the source of the voice, his eyes momentarily clouded with a mysterious mix of curiosity and familiarity.

(???) "Logan! Why are you over here? We told you that we were gonna have fun as a group!"

(Logan) "The music over there is too loud, in here it's a bit more chill...I guess."

As he angled his head further, a flicker of recognition sparked within him. Amidst the crowded venue, his gaze alighted upon a familiar figure, one that elicited a curious mixture of intrigue and apprehension. It was Jubilation Lee, known to many as Jubilee, a vibrant member of the X-Men.

A sense of disquiet settled upon him, for this unexpected encounter heralded yet another convergence of the X-Men within the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. The presence of Jubilee stirred a disconcerting realization that he may have unwittingly stumbled upon a disruption in the carefully crafted tapestry of the MCU.

Each occurrence of an X-Men character appearing within this new realm engendered a lingering sense of uncertainty. How could such an improbable fusion of worlds transpire? Was it a mere anomaly, a cosmic quirk that defied explanation, or did it portend a deeper significance yet to be unveiled?

Karito's gaze lingered upon the two figures before him, his eyes drawn to Jubilee's striking presence. As his attention fixated on her, an unexpected wave of admiration washed over him, momentarily eclipsing his surroundings. Her captivating beauty was undeniable, a resplendent blend of grace and confidence that held a magnetic allure.

Yet, in the midst of his appreciation, a flicker of self-awareness swept through Karito's consciousness, compelling him to avert his gaze and relinquish his momentary lapse of focus. He recognized the impropriety of staring, conscious of the fact that such scrutiny might be perceived as intrusive or unwelcome.

Unbeknownst to Karito, Jubilee had noticed his gaze, her keen intuition attuned to the subtle shifts in her surroundings. Her gaze met his briefly, an exchange of fleeting acknowledgment that carried an unspoken understanding. There was an unspoken invitation within her eyes, an invitation to look beyond mere appearances and engage in a deeper, more meaningful connection.

(Jubilee) Looks up and down "So, keeping the old man company?"

(Karito) "He came beside me, I tried to talk to him but he's pretty stingy."

(Jubilee) Giggles "That so you Logan."

(Logan) "Not another word from you."

(Karito) "So that's your name? Logan? It's a pleasure to meet you." Offers hand "Names, Karito."

(Logan) Looks for a second and takes his hand making a firm grip "Didn't ask but pleasure."

(Karito) Keeps a firm grip "Don't worry, I'll make you like me."

(Logan) Smirks "I'll like to see you try, Bub."

(Jubilee) Interrupts "Well if you two are done measuring dicks, I'll like to present Karito to our group. He seems chill."

(Karito) "Well, I got nothing better to do so sure. Let's get out of light district and return to the disco."

Within the dimly lit confines of the private booth, Karito's eyes surveyed the gathering of individuals, his gaze ultimately settling upon a figure that commanded attention. It was Scott Summers, known to the world as Cyclops, exuding an air of quiet authority and unwavering determination.

Karito's gaze veered to the right, drawn to the figure that radiated an ethereal allure amidst the dynamic setting. There, amidst the pulsating lights and vibrant energy of the disco, stood Jean Grey, a woman of captivating presence and profound mystique.

Her eyes, both gentle and fierce, mirrored the enigmatic depths of her soul, hinting at the immense power she possessed within. Jean's countenance exuded a sense of serenity and wisdom, as if she had traversed the corridors of time and emerged with profound understanding.

Karito's gaze was momentarily diverted, his thoughts drifting to a more lighthearted realm. As he laid eyes upon Kitty Pryde, a sense of whimsy and curiosity sparked within him. Amidst the gathering of extraordinary individuals, her presence stood out, a beacon of youthful energy and unassuming charm.

The enigma of Kitty Pryde's presence in the disco piqued Karito's interest. He contemplated the dynamics of her abilities, her power to phase through solid matter and the intricate nature of her interactions with the physical world.

Yet, beneath the surface, Karito's thoughts danced with a hint of jest, as he pondered the curious coincidence of encountering such an assemblage of alluring individuals. The allure of their physical beauty was undeniable.

In his musings, Karito couldn't help but wonder if there was a cosmic magnetism at play, drawing together these striking figures. Perhaps it was a cosmic prank or a twist of fate that led them to converge in this vibrant setting, intertwining their lives in ways both profound and mysterious.

Jubilee's introduction cast a spotlight on Karito, drawing the attention of the enigmatic figure known as Scott Summers. With a measured and guarded stride, Scott approached Karito, his eyes masked behind a crimson visor that concealed a power capable of unleashing destructive force.

(Scott) Offers a handshake "Hello there Karito, my name is Scott Summers. This here is my girlfriend Jean and she's Kitty Pryde or Kitty for short."

(Karito) Accepts it "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

(Everyone else) "Likewise."

As Karito settled into his seat beside Logan, a palpable silence settled over the group, punctuated only by the hushed murmurs of the surrounding patrons. The weight of unspoken thoughts and emotions hung in the air, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation and intrigue. Each member of the group seemed lost in their own contemplation, perhaps pondering the enigmatic nature of their meeting and the uncharted paths that lay before them.

In this silence, the ethereal figure of Kitty Pryde emerged as a catalyst, breaking the icy stillness with her warm presence. With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes and a playful smile gracing her lips, she cast a glance around the group, as if inviting them to join her in the dance of conversation.

(Kitty) "Well, Karito. What is it that your doing here?"

(Karito) "A friend wants me to let out some steam."

(Scott) "Work has gotten you stressed?"

(Karito) "Yup...very"

(Jubilee) "What is it that you do?"

(Karito) "Classified..."

As the group's attention turned toward Jean, her ethereal presence exuded a sense of calm and introspection. With a subtle shrug of her shoulders, she acknowledged the collective curiosity lingering in the air, coupled with an unspoken caution that veiled her telepathic abilities. Jean's gesture spoke volumes, a silent admission that delving into the innermost thoughts of the newcomer could potentially unravel a web of untamed and unpredictable chaos.

In Karito's mind, a swirling symphony of thoughts and musings danced, intermingling with the absurdity and humor of memes.

(Karito) "Hey, Logan..."

(Logan) "What do you want?"

(Karito) "Do you wanna drink challenge?"

(Logan) Smirks "You are challenging me?"

(Karito) "Yup, I am."

(Logan) "You are going to regret that, Bub."

(Karito) "Tell the waitress to bring a shit ton of Fireball Whiskeys."

(Logan) "You're speaking my language, Bub."

(Karito) "I told you I'll make you like me."

The atmosphere within the group flickered with a mix of nervous anticipation and lighthearted amusement, underscored by the underlying sense of curiosity that lingered among them. Jubilee, ever the catalyst of excitement, couldn't help but relish in the knowledge that she had introduced a truly intriguing individual to the fold. The dynamics between the group members danced on a delicate tightrope, balancing the weight of their past experiences with the excitement of new connections forged in the present.

As the minutes passed, the arrival of the waitress bearing a tray adorned with an assortment of fiery libations brought an added layer of intrigue to the table. The flames flickered and danced, casting a warm glow upon the faces of the group. Karito, having procured the coveted detoxification skill at great cost, gazed upon the fiery concoctions with a calm demeanor that belied the impending challenge that lay before him.

Logan, the epitome of confidence, met Karito's calm gaze with a knowing smirk, silently acknowledging the forthcoming contest that would put their mettle to the test. It was a moment where friendly rivalry converged, intertwining their fates in a battle of endurance and resilience. The air crackled with an electric anticipation, as the group readied themselves for a display of endurance and fortitude

(Kitty) "Ready? GO!"

With a swift and purposeful motion, both contenders clasped their hands around the first bottle of fiery elixir, their gazes locked in a silent agreement to embark on this daunting test of endurance. As the liquid poured forth, a cascade of amber hues flowed down their throats, igniting a spark within their beings.

Wolverine, the epitome of resilience, swallowed the fiery concoction with practiced ease, his adamantine resolve unyielding. A slight shake of his head signaled his readiness to embrace the next challenge that lay before him. In an unrelenting display of unwavering fortitude, he reached out for another bottle, the fire within his eyes matching the intensity of the liquid he was about to consume.

Karito, while seemingly unaffected by the initial consumption, displayed a subtle squint that betrayed the subtle impact of the potent libation. Yet, buoyed by the power of his acquired detoxification skill, he maintained a calm demeanor, allowing the mystical forces within him to mitigate the effects of the drink. The skillful interplay between the fiery liquid and his body's innate ability to cleanse itself unfolded, creating a delicate dance between indulgence and control.

A poisonous substance was detected...




The substance has been removed.

Karito, his intention never being to succumb to the inebriating effects of the drink, felt a sense of satisfaction as the potent elixir dissipated within him. His purpose was not to indulge in the libations, but rather to engage in a playful exchange that would provide him with a source of amusement in the future. The thought of taunting the infamous Wolverine, despite the potential consequences, held a certain allure that outweighed any potential backlash.

As the spirited contest unfolded, the two contenders continued to imbibe the fiery whiskey with unwavering determination. However, the telltale signs of Logan's rapid consumption became evident as his once sturdy countenance began to blush with a crimson hue. The healing factor that typically aided him in recovering from such indulgences proved insufficient in preventing the onset of intoxication. The precarious line between maintaining composure and succumbing to the effects of the drink began to blur for the indomitable Wolverine.

In stark contrast, Karito exhibited remarkable resilience, gracefully navigating the challenge as he effortlessly quaffed the fireball concoctions. The repetition of the act familiarized his palate with the distinct flavor, allowing him to consume it with ease. The powers bestowed upon him by his acquired skill of detoxification acted as a steadfast sentinel, diligently purifying the libation and keeping his mind and senses unclouded.

The small group surrounding them marveled at Karito's unwavering composure and seemingly boundless capacity to withstand the effects of the potent beverage. The astonished gazes of his companions reflected their admiration, their eyes tracing his every movement as he continued to drink, unfazed by the swirling emotions and intoxicating allure that surrounded him. Meanwhile, Logan's struggle became apparent as he excused himself, seeking solace in the refuge of the restroom.

Laughter reverberated through the air as Karito emerged victorious, his resilience and ability to maintain sobriety earning him the coveted title of the winner. The group applauded his triumph, their mirth-filled voices mingling in a harmonious chorus. Congratulatory words of admiration and camaraderie filled the space, affirming the bonds formed through this lighthearted contest.

(Kitty) "I never thought you would actually beat Logan on a drinking contest."

(Jean) "Are you sure you're okay?"

(Jubilee) "You kidding? He looks good as new like he was drinking water or something! What is your secret man?!"

(Scott) "That's one liver of steel."

(Karito) "Well, that was fun. I wonder if Logan is alright... I'm still unfazed."

(Jubilee) "You're breath doesn't even reek of alcohol!"

(Jean) "Seriously?"

(Scott) "Dude is literally built differently."

Laughter cascaded through the private booth, infusing the air with a harmonious symphony of mirth. As the group reveled in the aftermath of the spirited drinking contest, a moment of unanticipated hilarity ensued. Just as the jovial atmosphere reached its crescendo, Logan, struggling to maintain his equilibrium, stumbled precariously towards the table. A near-collision with the furniture seemed inevitable, until Karito, ever watchful and quick-witted, deftly intercepted his wayward companion, preventing an undignified tumble.

(Karito) "Woah there Logan, be careful."

(Logan) "Oh, I'm sorry Karito. You know..." Hiccup "You are something else." Laughs

(Karito) "No problem Logan."

A collective sigh of both exasperation and amusement rippled through the intimate gathering as the group's attention shifted toward the recumbent figure of Logan, who had succumbed to the effects of their spirited indulgence. With an air of resigned familiarity, the trio cast their gaze upon their inebriated companion, his form sprawled in an almost comical fashion across the seating arrangement. Their exhaled breaths, tinged with a subtle blend of fond exasperation and genuine concern, carried an undertone of shared experiences and a silent understanding of the cyclical nature of these moments.

Meanwhile, Karito's laughter, buoyed by a mixture of lighthearted mirth and a touch of mischievous delight, reverberated through the private booth. Amidst the shared chuckles, his joviality served as a counterpoint to the collective sigh, adding a touch of levity to the scene. It was a momentary reprieve, an ephemeral release of tension as the weight of their adventures and the responsibilities they bore temporarily gave way to the unrestrained joy of the present moment.

(Jubilee) "You are crazy man." Mumbles "I like it..."

(Kitty) "Jubilee, not again..."

(Jean) Leans in closer to Jubilee "Umm Jubilee..."

(Jubilee) "Tell me he's a good guy please!" whispers

(Jean) "I don't know..."

(Scott) "How can you not know?"

Karito, sensing the need for a momentary respite from the revelry, gracefully excused himself from the midst of the mirthful gathering, his intention to briefly withdraw from the present company conveyed with a polite assurance. Uttering his intention to visit the facilities, he navigated the lively ambiance of the VIP disco, his measured strides carrying him toward the sanctuary of the restroom, where solitude awaited him. The group all gets close to each other once Karito left the room.

(Scott) "Jean, you can't read his mind?"

(Jean) "I can but he's been thinking about memes this entire time."

(Kitty) "...What?"

(Jubilee) "Seriously?! Who can think of memes, drink, and make conversation at the same time?!"

(Jean) "Guys...I have a feeling he knows..."

(Scott) "That we are mutants?"

(Jean) "Yeah, he was thinking critically before he saw us but when he got here his mind was just set on one thing."

(Jubilee) Sad "S-So...that means he might be one of the people who want to capture us or kill us?"

(Scott) "Yeah, let's get out of here then."

As fate would have it, just as the group was preparing to disband from their close-knit circle, their connection momentarily interrupted by the imminent departure of one of their own, Karito emerged from his brief hiatus, rejoining the gathering with a newfound composure. In his hand, he carried a culinary indulgence—a meticulously crafted burger, its tantalizing aroma mingling with the air, an olfactory delight that beckoned to their senses.

(Karito) "Guys? You are leaving all of a sudden?"

(Kitty) "U-Um yeah, it's getting late so we are going!" Start to leave

(Karito) "I'm sorry guys."

(Jubilee) "Sorry for?"

(Karito) "Please don't be alarmed...I know what you guys are..."

All of them freeze and prepare themselves for a fight.

To Be Continued...

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