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It was almost sun down and i was sitting under an oak tree. The gentle breez blew against my face. I was really boared and all i could do was throw dagers. I should be out hunting, but barbra still wasn't back yet. She should have been back half an hour ago for the hunt but here i was still tossing dagers. I imagined things differently when i woke up today.

The life of a young prince in Eden is really stressful. From when i wake up till i retire to my bed. I'm either giving a speach to the people of Saber, not that i hate it or anything, or i'm in a meeting with other world leaders trying to avoid wars and enemy treats. Serious enemy treats. You have no idea how many wars i have fought in my eighteen years. But don't worry, i'll tell you, it's a lot. Even after all these victories i'm still not allowed to leave this extremly huge castle. I mean why build it so big.

let's move away from that shall we. after all the days countless hard work which i failed to mention , this is the only time I get to go wild. Just barbra and i, hunting down wild life befor supper. The cook particularly doesn't like it when i eat her food when it's cooled. wait till i don't show up at all. she would make me stay awake all night while she cooks supper all over again. The worst part is i always fail to wake up early since she kept me awake all night, then i'll have to rush through almost every thing. If i continue this way i might not make it to twenty. But trust me on this , i will have my hunt if it kills me. I just have to locate barbra. where could she be.

I stood up and went into the forest to try find barbra. no long after went in i had to stop . Staring at me a few meters away were a pair of glowing red eyes. it got closer and seemed to glow the more as it did yet i didnt move a muscle. It wasn't because i was scared or anything i just figured out who it was. barbra.

"you can come out now barbra. I can assure you you have failed."

"oh yeah? wat if i do this." and just as the words end a she pounces out of the bush cover towards me. amazing. You see barbra is actually a saber cat. You can tell from just one look. I mean the entire saber shaped canines kind of say every thing. Unless you aren't from here then you wouldn't know it. But something seemed off about barbra . it seem as if she was just thirty percent of flesh and seventy percent void. Almost like an ... illusion my eyes widen as it hits me, barbra has got a hold of her illusion magic. Even though it was sloppy its a good start. Where could she be then . I use my senses quickly and find out she right behind me. I use my really agile body to turn around and catch here in a bear hug position . If someone were to see this they would have thought i was done for. and seeing the wicked smile on barbra's face she seemed to belive in that theory but i had other plans. First i pushed my leg back to gain more stamina to counter here body weight and force. Then i turned the tables around and slamed her on the forest floors. to me and you this happened between twenty to thirty seconds. but to the ordinary eye it happend befor a humming bird could flap it's wing. The look on barbra's face wasn't very happy. for years she has tried pin me but it never happens and when she thought she finally had her illuaions, i still pined her.

"Must be really fustrating huh, it will take more than illusions to pin me you big ugly saber." I say while wretling her.

"how about my canines!" she says with a roar.

"h-hey no bitting r-remember. You promised ." I hardly formed my words. You see barbra isn't any normal saber. She is part of a spices of magical adaptive sabers perculiar to this land. They used to be everywhere but everywhere didn't like. Instead they hunted them for whatever sick reason. They fleed looking for shelther. My grandpa, a really cunning man accepted them if they would help in wars and protection and stuff. They also had to stay away from the cattles and the people. one bite to a person can kill him way befor the pain or bleeding due to the fact that they release really toxic waste magic into their victims. The last time she bit me it took me a week to properly heal.then I was just eight. Now i'm ten years older and i could heal i an hour, properly. But i didn't have an hour, and seeing barbra's eye, i knew she won't stop so all i did was run.

after she eventually caught up to me, we had to come to an agreement to cool her off. You see it's not her fault that she's acting this way. She can't help it, it's her blood rage. The only reason why she hasn't devoured me is because we are friends.

blood rage is present in any magic capable creature. and it varies from creature to creature too. Magic can be a gift and it can also be inherited. But blood rage is not inherited. it's in everything, even simple mortals that can't use magic, but they call it adrinaline and we call it blood rage. It is that sudden burst of hidden energy in you that has been trigered by your emotions. Think of it as a dam. Behind the walls lay a vast amount of water, so calm and peaceful. But when these walls are broken or opened or destroyed, then this once peaceful amount of water will rush out all at once . Destroying anthing in it's way.

That is exactly how blood rage works in creatures.Our power is stored in us and is slowly distributed to us when we call on it. But when this stored power in us is released due to some emotional reasons and distributed to our body at once then we have blood rage. It can also be trigered by some life and death situations. So you can think of creatures with this ability as inactive volcanoes that become active at some point. Blood rage isn't a bad thing, actually it proves helpful when people are in serious danger. The problem however is controling it. When a dam breaks the only solutions that can stop it is building a new one to stop it and trust me that's not easy, especially with the continues out pour of stored power. You could also try creating a new path as to divert part of the raging flood. This would be easier, but you need a volunteer, the person must be a powerful person like you or more. otherwise bad things could happen, serious bad things. Last but certainly not the least, is to watch as the flood continues it's course , destroying everything in it's part including people. It will settle, that's for sure, but the damage would have already been done.Whether the damage would have positive or negative outcomes depends on the user.

I would also like to state the fact that barbra is a one of a kind saber. This is simply because, unlike other powerful creatures out there, she can decide the level of damage she wants her blood rage to do. I don't know how she does it but she just does it. period.

Well after our negotiation, we ventured into the forest under the guidance of the moon to start our hunt.

Listen here, i know you haven't caught my name yet but that's because it has not been nice meeting you. ever since i meet whoever you are, nothing has gone according to plan. But no worries, if you can venture into the forest with me, on this hunt, then maybe, just maybe you might catch my name.

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