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Chapter 2: Unfamiliar place

Kuber stared in disbelief at the holographic message that materialized before him, his eyes widening with each passing second. He couldn't comprehend the gravity of the situation unfolding before him, and his mind struggled to process what he was witnessing. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, causing them to turn red, hoping that it was all just a hallucination or a trick of the light.

But as Kuber glanced around, he realized he wasn't alone in his bewilderment. The people beside him wore the same expressions of shock and confusion. Amidst the chaos, Alvin attempted to communicate with Kuber, but his voice was drowned out by a deafening explosion. Kuber's hearing temporarily deserted him, leaving him in a state of sensory overload.

As panic took hold, the situation became even more unfathomable. Some of the officers vanished into thin air as if they had tapped an invisible button and disappeared. Kuber's heart raced, and a knot formed in his stomach. Fear gripped him as he struggled to make sense of the inexplicable events unfolding around him.

Suddenly, Alvin rushed toward Kuber, gripping his shoulders tightly and shouting into his ears. Kuber felt a jolt of pain, but it snapped him back to reality. Gradually, his hearing returned, and Alvin's words began to register.

"Youn... master..." Alvin's voice finally reached Kuber, although it was strained and frantic. Kuber focused on Alvin, his gaze filled with confusion and a desperate need for answers.

"What is happening?" Kuber shouted, his voice betraying his fear and disorientation. Alvin gestured towards the disappearing officers, his face a mask of terror and urgency. Kuber's eyes widened as he watched the officers fade away as if being erased from existence itself.

Meanwhile, Freddy, stood paralyzed, mouth agape, staring at a screen in front of him. His expression mirrored the horror that gripped them all. Kuber was grateful that, at least for now, sanity had not abandoned them completely.

Kuber maintained his calm demeanor as he turned to Alvin, seeking support in this bewildering situation. "Do you see this, Alvin?" he asked, his voice steady but filled with concern.

Alvin nodded in agreement, his face reflecting a mix of fear and uncertainty. "Yes, young master. It seems like the end of the world is looming upon us," he responded, his voice filled with a rare hint of vulnerability. He stared at the colossal tower before them, its imposing presence intensifying their apprehension.

Suddenly, Freddy rushed towards Kuber, his pants wet and his words tumbling out in a panic-stricken ramble. "Mr. Walton, this is the end of the world! We're all going to die! Everything we've achieved will turn to dust!" In a state of distress, Freddy grabbed onto Kuber's hand tightly, shouting frantically near his ears.

Kuber took a deep breath, suppressing his anger despite Freddy's irrational behavior. He remained composed, recognizing the urgency of the situation. To bring Freddy back to his senses, Kuber decided to take a different approach.

"Enough, Freddy!" Kuber's voice was stern as he raised his hand and slapped Freddy gently but firmly. "Pull yourself together. We can't afford to panic right now."

Turning to Officer Emily, Kuber reached out and grasped her hand gently, trying to emphasize his point. "Look at Officer Emily here. She's younger than both of us but still maintains her composure, helping others instead of succumbing to fear. We need to follow her example."

Officer Emily, startled by the sudden turn of events, freed her hand from Kuber's grip. "Actually, I'm 33, Mr. Walton," she responded with a hint of hesitation. "I'm older than both of you."

Kuber's confusion was evident as he gazed at Officer Emily, who seemed hesitant after his misunderstanding. Unaware of her true emotions, he addressed her with genuine politeness.

"I apologize, Officer Emily," Kuber said sincerely. "You have a youthful appearance, and I assumed we were of similar age. My mistake."

Officer Emily's cheeks flushed with shyness, though secretly she felt a sense of joy at being perceived as younger. She mustered a small smile and responded, "It's alright, Mr. Walton. These things happen. Thank you for your kind words."

As Officer Emily spoke, Freddy, still in a state of panic, approached Kuber and lightly grabbed his shoulder. His voice trembled as he contemplated the dire circumstances.

Kuber's annoyance at Freddy's lack of understanding was palpable, his frustration evident in his expression. He couldn't help but feel the unfairness of their circumstances, where someone like Freddy remained wealthy while Kuber had lost everything.

"Seriously, Freddy?" Kuber's voice carried a hint of exasperation. "Can't you grasp the gravity of the situation? Writing your will won't help if we don't find a way to escape this predicament first."

Freddy fell silent, deep in thought, finally recognizing the urgency of their situation. He glanced around, taking in their surroundings, only to find some of the officers trying to hold back their laughter at his wet pants.

Meanwhile, Alvin approached Kuber, his footsteps light and his voice a hushed whisper. "Young master, why don't we consider accepting the invitation before us? There might be a chance for us to figure something out before it's too late."

Kuber let out a weary sigh, his hand rubbing his chin as he contemplated Alvin's suggestion. He understood the potential benefits, but he also recognized the complexity and risks involved.

"I understand your point, Alvin," Kuber responded, his tone laced with uncertainty. "But this situation is far from straightforward. We witnessed officers vanish when they accepted the invitation. What if it's a trap? What if we get transported to an inhospitable place?"

Alvin understood Kuber's concerns and respected his hesitation, stepping back from his suggestion. However, amidst the confusion, Officer Emily's urgent call caught Kuber's attention, prompting him to turn towards her.

"Mr. Walton... Mr. Walton, look at the giant clock on the tower," Officer Emily said, her voice filled with a sense of urgency.

Kuber's gaze shifted to the tower, and his eyes widened as he saw a massive clock materialize, its ticking resonating ominously. The numbers on the clock began counting down rapidly: '59', '58', and '57'. Time was running out, and the urgency of their situation intensified.

Breaking the silence, Alvin spoke up, his voice laced with a newfound conviction. "Young master, I believe we must accept the invitation. We may not have the luxury of waiting any longer. Time is running out."

Kuber still fixated on the ticking clock, felt a sense of urgency welling up within him. He knew they had reached a critical juncture, and the decision had to be made swiftly.

"You're right, Alvin," Kuber agreed, determination in his voice. "We can't afford to delay any longer. Let's accept the invitation before it's too late."

Following Alvin's suggestion, the remaining officers discussed with each other, their eyes focused on the clock, their actions now driven by the need for survival. One by one, they tapped on the accept button.

Freddy, who had been apprehensive before, finally summoned the courage to join them, realizing that their collective action was their best chance at overcoming the unknown threat they faced.

"I will see you on the other side," Officer Emily said before disappearing.

With the others having already disappeared, Kuber turned to his trusted butler, Alvin, his voice barely audible.

"If we get separated, Alvin, you have to find me," Kuber whispered, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and trust.

Alvin's smile remained gentle, and he stood tall, offering reassurance. "Do not worry, young master. No matter where I end up, I will come searching for you."

Kuber's heart swelled with gratitude, but he masked his joyful smile, not wanting to reveal too much to Alvin. He shifted his attention to the screen before him and tapped on the accept option.

In the blink of an eye, Kuber found himself transported to an unfamiliar place. His vision blurred from the sudden displacement, he reached out and grasped onto something solid to steady himself, fighting off the dizziness.

As the disorientation subsided, Kuber regained his senses and surveyed his surroundings. His eyes fell upon Freddy, who was hunched over behind an oak tree, vomiting continuously. Concern etched across his face, Kuber approached Freddy cautiously, offering support.

"Are you alright, Freddy?" Kuber asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Take your time, we need to gather our bearings."

Kuber's concern for Freddy remained evident as he lightly tapped Freddy's back, offering support. However, Freddy assured him that he was fine, though his unhygienic sleeve-wiping action raised some eyebrows.

Just as Kuber and Freddy were trying to regroup, a voice similar to Alvin's caught their attention from behind. Kuber turned towards the source, intrigued by the familiar tone.

"It's good that you are here too, Alv..." Kuber trailed off, realizing that the person in front of him resembled Alvin but was a different individual.

Confusion and suspicion filled Kuber's mind as he closely examined the young man's face. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

The young man, seemingly taken aback by Kuber's question, appeared perplexed. His brow furrowed, and he stammered, "I-I am Alvin, young master. It's me, your loyal butler. Have you... have you forgotten me?"

"You see, young master, this is my special knife, a gift from your father," the young man said, his voice filled with confidence.

Kuber's eyes narrowed as he examined the knife carefully, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. Freddy, sensing potential danger, maintained a defensive stance, ready to intervene if necessary.

"You are right, this is indeed Alvin's knife. But I remember Alvin being 48 years old, so why do you look like you're 30?" Kuber questioned, his confusion growing more apparent.

The young man's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to Kuber's words. He began to examine his own hands, pinching his cheeks in disbelief, to check it was all just a dream.

"What? I look like a 30-year-old?" The young man's voice carried a mix of astonishment and wonder. "How did this happen? How did I become so young?" His eyes welled up with tears as he realized the transformation that had taken place. "Young master, do you see this? I've become younger. I can now fight without spraining my ankles," he exclaimed joyfully, genuine excitement radiating from him as he marveled at his rejuvenated appearance and the softness of his hands.

Kuber, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to believe, could only shake his head in frustration. "Stop it! That's something only Alvin would say... Argh! I am really confused now." He sat down on the ground, holding his forehead in an attempt to ease his growing headache.

As Kuber surveyed his surroundings, he found himself completely enveloped by a dense forest of tall oak trees, obstructing their view of the outside world. Their movements were confined by a blue translucent square barrier that formed a boundary, preventing them from venturing beyond its limits.

To their astonishment, they realized they were not alone in this peculiar place. A considerable number of people had gathered within the confined space, each person displaying a different reaction to the bewildering situation they found themselves in.

Some, like the young man claiming to be Alvin, examined their own hands or pinched their cheeks in disbelief, exclaiming with excitement, "I became younger!" Their expressions were filled with a mix of wonder and exhilaration.

Others, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, huddled quietly in corners, their eyes darting nervously as they tried to make sense of their predicament. The air was thick with anxiety and confusion.

Some couples were kissing passionately as if it were their last day together.

Amidst the crowd, Kuber's attention was drawn to a familiar sight. Emily, the woman in the police uniform, stood with her colleagues, waving her hands to catch Kuber's attention. Relief washed over him, and he reciprocated the gesture, waving back at Emily.

Without wasting a single second, Emily rushed towards Kuber, followed by her colleague officers. Exhaustion was evident in her voice, she expressed her relief at finding Kuber unharmed.

"I am so relieved that you are okay, Mr. Walton," Emily said, her words tinged with both exhaustion and genuine concern.

Kuber offered a polite smile in response. "I am glad that you are okay too, Officer Emily."

Though relieved to have found Kuber and his companions safe, Emily couldn't shake off her unease. They were trapped in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by towering trees and enclosed within an unknown barrier. The circumstances were suspicious, and anxiety gnawed at her.

Amidst the confusion, a brave and confident man approached the blue barrier, his determined eyes fixed on its surface. He reached out, attempting to touch the barrier, but someone intervened before he could make contact.

"Hey! What are you doing, Victor?" protested a young man, stepping in to stop Victor's reckless action. "We have no idea what might happen if you touch this barrier without caution."

In a fit of rage, Victor forcefully pushed the young man aside, his frustration boiling over. He confronted the young man, his voice filled with anger. "What else are we supposed to do, Andrew? Wait here indefinitely?"

Andrew, taken aback by Victor's aggression, decided it was best not to intervene any further. He took a step back, resigned to let Victor make his own choices. "It's your life, Victor. Do whatever you want with it," Andrew responded, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and resignation.

Undeterred, Victor mustered his courage and extended a trembling hand toward the blue barrier. To his relief, nothing seemed to happen as he made contact. Bursting with excitement, he turned to Andrew, his voice brimming with triumph. "You see, Andrew? Nothing happened to me!"

Suddenly, a screeching noise pierced the air, causing Victor to recoil in fear, collapsing to the ground. All eyes turned toward the source of the sound, only to be met with a terrifying sight.

Before them stood a creature resembling a wolf, but with dark black fur and blood-red eyes. It exuded an aura of malevolence, clearly not a normal creature but more akin to a monstrous entity.

The creature relentlessly scratched at the barrier, its gaze fixed on Victor as if he were its prey. Panic gripped the onlookers, especially the women, and children, as they witnessed the creature's attempts to break through the barrier. The air was thick with terror and uncertainty.

Amidst the screams and chaos, a burst of chilling laughter cut through the air, sending shivers down the spines of those present. It was a voice that did not belong to anyone inside the barrier, nor to the wolf-like creature that had caused such terror. Rather, it emanated from an enigmatic being—a hybrid of an angel and a demon.

"Hahaha... that's the reaction I love seeing. Do it again," the hybrid being taunted, its voice laced with wicked delight.

Floating in the air with black wings, this entity possessed a striking appearance. With blonde hair, blue eyes, red horns, and sharp teeth, Its presence juxtaposed both angelic and demonic qualities. Its figure seemed angelic at first glance, but the menacing teeth and horns told a different story, leaving everyone perplexed and terrified.

As Kuber observed the hybrid being, a question lingered in his mind. Was this enigmatic entity truly a being of angelic or demonic nature?

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