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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2

"There is an order from the Lord to ask you to stop by his office after you finish dressing up."

"Yes. . . . ?"

"Hurry up."

Without knowing why, I had to wash my face, comb my hair, and wear a beautiful dress and as I stood in front of the mirror to check my makeup and appearance, I realized something became more weird.

'Who-who are you?'

My appearance in the mirror was so unfamiliar to me. She is a westerner with reddish-brown hair, has light brown eyes color, fair skin, and has a gorgeous figure.

She is pretty, but she looks a little sharp. It's a great impression for someone who is going with you to ask for a refund.

In the meantime, someone's memories slowly flood into my head. It was a memory of a 22 years old noble woman named Edith Riegelhoff, a week before her marriage.

It was strange to have the memory of a noble lady in the mind of the person living in the 21st century, but it was even more strange that her name was not unfamiliar to me.

'Edith. . . Edith Riegelhoff. I've heard it somewhere, but who is she? Oh, wait! No way. . . . ?'

I remember now. That's the name of the female villains in a romance novel I just finished reading a few days ago. It was about the cider narration. The name of that novel is 'I Refuse Your Obsession'.

'That's absurd! Did I possess the female villain body in the romance novel?'

I felt like I had lost my mind for a while. Not the main character, but an extra and a villain! No, I possessed her before she became villainess!

"Please wait in your room for a while. I will come back after I get permission from the Lord for you to visit." The maid, named Sophia, said bluntly and left without hearing my answer.

I quickly recalled the content of the novel, trying to calm my pounding heart. I had to pull myself together at this moment.

'The main character of the novel is Lizzy Sinclair, right? The male lead is Cliff Ludwig.'

I felt a bit panicked, but thankfully, I could put myself together. Since it was a novel that I really enjoyed reading, I was able to recall a lot of content about the story.

Lizzy Sinclair, the main character of the novel, has a bright heart, innocence, and she's beautiful like a goddess of spring.

However, every protagonist has a handicap. She is the illegitimate child of Count Sinclair's affair with his maid. Count Sinclair registered Lizzy's name on his family, thinking that someday he could use the beautiful and clever Lizzy. However, the Sinclair family treated her harshly and bullied her.

When the persecution of the family got worse, the Duke and Duchess of Ludwig, who had been staying in Sinclair mansion at that time, felt pity for her and took Lizzy live as a lady in the Ludwig family.

'That's where she meets Cliff, the male lead, and Killian, the second male lead.'

Cliff and Killian are Duke Ludwig's sons, and they are brothers. These two brothers fell in love with the same woman at the same time and tried so hard to win Lizzy's heart without expressing their feelings.

They give everything what Lizzy wants and take care of everything that threatens her without her knowledge. . . . She is the main subject of their 'obsession' that is mentioned in the title of the novel.

However, like all the kind of main leads in the novel, she is a bit naive but has a bright nature as a main character, so she cleverly solves the case against her without unaware the two men's love they shower on her are 'a bit too much'.

Eventually, she marries Cliff, the eldest son of Ludwig family, and since Cliff is duke Ludwig heir, she becomes the next duchess of Ludwig family's. The Sinclair family who persecuted her regretted their action and got punished.

It's just an ordinary story, but it's still interesting to read. Edith Riegelhoff was one of Lizzy's many 'enemies'.

'Isn't she the one who will marry the second male lead in volume 3 or 4 of the novel? So, that means there's only one week left until the wedding isn't?'

Killian is the second son of Duke Ludwig, who also loves Lizzy. He was forced to marry Edith Riegelhoff, the woman he hate so much, for the sake of his family.

The Riegelhoff are villains. He pretended to get along with the Ludwig family and support the imperial faction. But the truth is he secretly allied with the opposing faction to destroy the Ludwig power.

However, the problem is that Edith, unlike Killian who hated Edith, she fell in love with Killian at first sight.

'She was blinded by her jealousy, and she did everything she could with her power to kill Lizzy!'

In addition, she was a spy for Count Riegelhoff, and she conspired with her maid, Sophia, to steal all the important documents and secrets from the Ludwig family.

'She's been working so hard until she meets the death flag. . . .'

Of course, Edith's misdeeds are discovered by Lizzy. In the end, she dies in the hands of her husband, Killian. . . .and was hanged along with the rest of the Riegelhoff family.

She really is an insignificant villain.

I remembered that there were some bad comments about it, saying that she was really suitable to be a composition of 'woman enemies' because of jealousy.

Anyway, apart from the composition of the confrontation, although I have read the whole story of the novel, I still couldn't understand Edith even a little bit.

'She has a perfect pretty face, perfect body, healthy, has a good family and a lot of money. . . . but why is she so obsessed with her husband ? If she were me, I would give up on that man and live a good life.'

I knew very well that people in love often make irrational choices, but it took me too long to realize that because I didn't have enough money.

My wish is to live without worrying about money or worrying about my health. I come from a poor family since i was young, and i even got leukemia diseases in such a family being.

Although I received my brother's bone marrow transplant and was declared to be cured. However, I'm not yet completely healthy because my whole body has been suffering from strong medicine and chemotherapy for too long.

On top of that, my brother, who hadn't finished his high school properly, was moved from job to job and fell into a gambling. He also steals my money using the bone marrow transplant as an excuse, and my parents don't have the strength or will to stop him.

So, love is not a luxury to me.

So, in terms of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, I was in a precarious position, barely meeting my physiological needs.

The reason I had a boyfriend is because I still needed someone to lean on. I needed someone to protect me or perhaps. . . . I was hoping someone like the male lead in the romance novel would save me. Of course, I know that wouldn't ever happen. That's why I envied Edith more than Lizzy, and I was frustrated by her choices. Why didn't she leave her husband who loves another woman?

If only she had given up on her love for her husband, she would be able to live a comfortable life.

'She should be grateful to have a harmonious family, money, and good health. But why is she so desperate to win her husband's heart by hurting others?'

Edith must not have realized how happy it was not to worry about money and to be healthy, even if she was in a position where she wasn't noticed by others. Why does she desire something else?

'I'd rather take Edith's place, I'm really confident that I would do well.' That's what I thought before. But I didn't expect that god would really give me the Edith role. I thought those words wouldn't become seed for nothing. . . .but wait! Come to think of it, my wish came true. . . . ?

'That's right, I possessed the villain in the romance novel?!'

If it was someone who does not know anything, it would have been overwhelming, but still, this situation was like a dream to me, who had mastered all kinds of cliches in romance novels. My perplexed mind gradually turned to joy.

'Yes, this must be the price of my unfair death! hooray!'

Edith Riegelhoff's memories hadn't completely come to my mind, but it started to appear slowly to me, which was much better than starting without knowing anything.

Apparently, this evening, two families were having dinner together before the wedding. It seems that God took pity on me by giving me the memory of the original character memory, which is very rare in romance novel stories.

After a while, the maid Sophia returned. "Miss. the owner has given you permission to visit."

"Alright. I'll go."

I took a deep breath and headed towards the Count Rigelhoff's office, as Edith's memory told me.

"Good morning, Father."

It felt so weird calling him father since he was a stranger to me, but what is so difficult to be an idiot of a rich family daughter. Even if he asks me to act cute, I would do it until he got bored. However, Count Riegelhoff's reaction was quite different from what I expected.

"Isn't it too late to call this morning?"

His gaze, looking at me up and down as if trying to find a mistake, was familiar with manager Park's gaze at my workplace.

For a moment, Edith's memory slowly began to appear in my head. Only then did I realize Edith's situation within the Riegelhoff family.

'Huh? W-What is this!'

I don't remember all of the special content of the novel, but Edith was obviously an arrogant villainess and always put her chin up because she grew up finely. However, according to the memory that just popped into my head, it was just an external image act made to deceive the people around.

Edith Riegelhoff was nothing more than a puppet doll of Count Riegelhoff. They dressed Edith in a fancy dress and expensive jewelry to show off the family's wealth, and with her arrogant manner, the dignity of the family stands out confidently. Edith's beauty, voluptuous figure, and flamboyant style were billboard dolls for the Riegelhoff family.

In reality, she was a physically and emotionally abused daughter who desperately wanted to be loved by her parents and brother.

'This is a scam! How can this happen!'

Count Riegelhoff spoke in a sharp tone as I was still in shock. "You shouldn't make any mistakes tonight. The Ludwig bastards seemed to be anxious because they couldn't catch the grip on the situation."

". . . .Yes, father."

"I will negotiate with them that you want to bring three of our family's maids to work under you. You have to tell them bluntly that you won't entrust your body to anyone other than our family's maid, understand? It would be great to scratch their egos if they couldn't allow that much. You can do it well, right?" I don't have any ideas of what he's talking about, but I had to pretend that I knew.

Count Riegelhoff, who had been waiting for tonight's scenario for a long time, began to curse the Ludwig family without paying attention to my answer. It was after that I began to understand why Count Riegelhoff so desperately wanted to destroy the Ludwig family.

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