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Chapter 5: My name is Ozymandias

One morning in the East Blue a pirate ship crossed the sea, its prow was shaped like a red dragon its white sails had the figure of a skull with a red mark. The ship was imposing and intimidating, known around the world as the ship of the redhead's pirates, The Red force.

In the medical cabin of that legendary ship, Cornelius was lying on a stretcher, he was covered with a bandage all over his body, and a pirate doctor was examining him.

The doctor, an old man with a gigantic mustache, took a syringe and went to apply it in his veins, he was medicating him with a dose of antibiotics in case Cornelius had caught an illness. It was not uncommon to catch an illness aboard a ship so he decided to prevent it.


The syringe broke when trying to pierce the red skin of the arm

''Interesting'' Said the doctor as he rubbed his mustache

He then took a scalpel and tried to cut the red part of Cornelius' arm a little.


The scalpel couldn't get through Cornelius's red skin it was very hard as if it were made of metal, the doctor reflected on this as he stroked his mustache.

It was unusual for a Devil Fruit to be active while the user was unconscious. He then tried to make a small cut on top of the elbow where the red part ends.

The scalpel managed to cut the arm, but this had unexpected consequences for the poor doctor.


Cornelius woke up suddenly and instantly his hand went to work catching the doctor by the neck and squeezing him so he couldn't scream.

Cornelius got up confused, that dark place the Lie was still fresh in his memory and suddenly he woke up with an old man holding a scalpel cutting him.

He took a moment to calm down and looked around. The room had medical equipment and some hospital gurneys around it as well as a medicine cabinet and a skeleton there was just the doctor and him.

''Listen here I'm going to ask you some questions and you nod your head yes or no, do you understand?'' Cornelius whispered

The doctor nodded a little desperately.

''What sea are we in? On the grand line?''

The doctor shook his head in denial.

''Are we in East Blue?''

The doctor nodded in approval.

''Are we on an island?'' Cornelius asked

The doctor shook his head in denial.

''Are we on a ship?''

The doctor nodded in approval.

''What kind of ship? a navy ship?'' Cornelius asked because he doubts that any civilian ship would have a doctor with so much equipment like this unless he is a noble or a king

The doctor shook his head in denial.

''A pirate ship? '' Cornelius asked

The doctor nodded approval.

Cornelius frowned, it looks like he was going to have to fight to take this ship. Pirates in one piece in their vast majority are bad not having scruples to kill, loot, enslave, anything that can fill their pockets they are willing to do.

''Are there any other ships around?'' Cornelius asked, depending on how many he might have an idea of what he might be up against.

The doctor shook his head in denial.

''How strong is the crew, strong?'' Cornelius asked

The doctor didn't shake his head this time.

''Answer, is the crew strong?'' Cornelius tightened his grip

The doctor then smiled

He rolled up his shirt sleeve and showed Cornelius his arm.

Cornelius almost fainted right there

On the doctor's arm was a tattoo of a skull with two swords and a red scar running diagonally across one eye. it was the symbol of the redhead pirates!

Seeing Cornelius's reaction, the doctor smiled even wider.

Cornelius cursed his luck. Of all the Pirate Ships in this world, he landed on a Pirate Emperor's ship. It looks like the plan to take the ship will no longer work. He's too weak for that.

What is he going to do now? Is he going to trust Shanks' goodwill and pray that he's a good guy? and then they'll have a beer and live happily ever after?

In the anime, in addition to the interactions with Luffy, there are a few appearances from time to time, but not much of this character is shown. he seems to be kind and doesn't seem to be violent even after being humiliated in Luffy's island bar.

On the other hand, Cornelius doubts that a Pirate Emperor who's been sailing this world for so long hasn't gotten his hands dirty, at the end of the day Shanks is still a pirate.

The doctor looked at Cornelius with a smile, waiting for Cornelius to come to his senses and surrender before he regrets it.

'Mama Cornelius taught me two things The first is never to talk to strangers The second is to never trust a shitty fictional character' Cornelius thought

Cornelius then smiled back, surprising the doctor.

Cornelius got to his feet still holding the doctor by the throat, he looked around looking for something he could use, he then noticed the bandages the doctor was using to treat him and tied the doctor down so quickly and precisely that the doctor couldn't even breathe before a bandage covered his mouth.

Cornelius held the doctor hostage!

''Be a good doctor, and maybe even get a lollipop at the end'' Said Cornelius as he put on the doctor's lab coat

Mmmph! (I'm not a kid, you motherfucker)

Mmmph! (When did you get my lab coat?)

Poor Doctor tried to say. But he was all bound up in a bandage, his hands were behind his back bound in an incredibly elaborate knot and his legs were bound too. He looks like a mummy now

Cornelius ignored the doctor and looked around he needed to think of a plan, Someone could enter this cabin at any time. if all goes wrong he needs at least one ace up his sleeve

So he had an idea

Cornelius started to go through the doctor's things, he went through everything very quickly with the help of his devil fruit, he assaulted the pantry where the medicine bottles were and started to take some of his and put everything he took on the table

Cornelius looked at the doctor, he approached

''Sorry Doc but I'm going to have to blindfold you'' The doctor didn't even have time to moan before he was blindfolded. Cornelius also took his watch discreetly without him noticing.

He then took off the doctor's lab coat and made a few extra pockets on the inside of the lab coat with a needle and sheet from an empty gurney.

He then took the watch and placed it on the table along with everything he needed.

''I hope it works'' Then Cornelius started using his akuma no mi powers

The doctor who was blindfolded heard some strange noises along with the noise of electricity.


After Cornelius finished doing his Ace, he took the medicine bottles from the table and put them in his pockets along with some syringes he was about to get the doctor when he stepped on something


The floorboard was a little loose, curious Cornelius pulled the board out and found a safe!

"Doctor, Tsk tsk tsk hiding a secret from me? '' Cornelius smiled

The doctor hearing this began to shake




''Doing this just makes me more curious'' Cornelius then proceeded to rip all the boards around inside, he then used the power to analyze his devil fruit, a red light went towards the vault and started to cover it and after a while, it came back to his hand bringing a stream of information along with a small headache

''I'm getting better at this,'' said Cornelius as he entered the combination to the safe.


Opening the safe Cornelius saw five books, a bottle of whiskey that looked pretty expensive, and a Devil Fruit!

''I must be the worst patient you've ever had, right doc? Sasahahaha'' Cornelius snickered as he stuffed everything into the pockets of his lab coat. The Akuma no mi he placed in a more protected part.

He put it in his underwear

After checking that everything was right, he put the watch on his wrist and took out a bottle of anesthesia and a syringe.

''If my experience as an ex-addict is worth anything. this should make you groggy and then knock you out after 10 minutes, but first let's make sure the good doctor doesn't spit the bean'' said Cornelius as he drew the medicine from the vial using the syringe.

So he took off the doctor's gag

''Please I beg you, stay with the Akuma no Mi just don't take the boo...'' Cornelius then applied some of the anesthesia directly to the doctor's tongue and then took the bottle of Whiskey and opened it

He then gave the doctor a drink, after which he threw some of the whiskey on the doctor's clothes.

The doctor took the drink 'I was saving this bottle to drink with my brother when we met again' thought the doctor with his tongue numb

''Good stuff you had, don't you think Doctor?'' Said Cornelius making his final preparations, taking a shot for good luck. Then he put the bottle in his lab coat

''Hey Doctor the food is on the table, come eat'' Said an unknown voice coming from the cabin door

Cornelius took off the Doctor's blindfold and glared at him.

''If you try anything I'll rip your throat out, do you understand?'' said Cornelius with a frightening look in his eyes.

The doctor shook his head positively as he cried

Cornelius then dragged him by the neck to the front of the door while standing behind the doctor holding him by the neck in the other hand Cornelius had a syringe with anesthesia

'Ok Ok Ok let's do this, I can do it, I can do it, I have to. Oda-sama protect me' Cornelius prepared himself mentally

So he applied all the anesthesia straight to the doctor's ass

'10 minutes' thought Cornelius

He then kicked the door as hard as he could.

''Doctor are you there? I'm coming in-'' The poor pirate was hit by the door and it went flying towards him.


''What was that?'' One pirate said ''What was that noise'' another said ''it came from the medical area'' another pirate said ''Did the doctor get drunk again?'' a pirate said snorting ''Could be, let's check it out'' another said

Hearing the footsteps coming towards him Cornelius left the cabin with the doctor dragged by the neck, there was the door that Cornelius kicked and under it, there was a pirate

''WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOCTOR, I ALMOST.....!!!!!'' The pirate who was under the door stopped screaming when he noticed Cornelius Holding the Doctor by the neck

Cornelius was at the end of a closed corridor of the ship, in front of him beside the pirate lying on the ground, there was the corridor that had several cabin doors, and at the end of the corridor, there was a path that led both to the left and to the right.

''Which way is the deck?'' asked Cornelius as he showed his hostage to the pirate.

''Go left then go up the stairs you'll reach the Middle Deck then go up the stairs again and you'll reach the Main Deck'' The pirate said after calming down from the fright, he was an experienced pirate after all.

Step! Step! Step!

''What's going on here?'' At the end of the hall came four pirates. They then face Cornelius and draw their swords. From the cabins around the corridor, more and more pirates began to come out.

"bunch of drunks stop making noise I'm trying to sleep....'' A pirate who left the cabin was going to say as he left the cabin until he saw what was going on

Then more and more pirates started to leave and as soon as they saw the situation they started to draw their pistols and swords.

In the end, the hall was crowded with pirates all staring and pointing their guns at Cornelius.

Cornelius didn't underestimate these pirates after all even a normal pirate from the Pirate Emperor crew was extremely strong compared to a pirate from a normal crew. Cornelius is doubtful if he can fight one alone, he would surely die if he tried to face them all.

''I swear if it's a fight again I'm going to kill someone'' One last pirate came out of a cabin, but this one was different from the others he was all muscled and had long blonde hair wore sunglasses, and a black beanie with the redhead pirates symbol

''Limejuice-sama the doctor has been kidnapped'' A pirate said

Limejuice then looked at Cornelius who was holding the doctor by the throat while using him as a human shield.

''Listen here, I ate the Hand Hand No mi my hands are strong and fast. If anyone tries anything, I'll rip the Good Doctor's neck off'' Cornelius says as a bead of sweat breaks out on his forehead.

''HAHAHAHA you don't have the nerves'' Limejuice said laughing as he took over the situation

''Try me,''

Said Cornelius as he squeezed the doctor's throat, one of his fingers even pierced the skin causing a little blood to come out.

The doctor started crying and babbling but his tongue was numb.

''Wait, okay what do you want?'' Limejuice asked as he grew more serious.

''I want you to put your weapons down and open the passage in the hall and let me through,'' Cornelius said.

Pirates are looking at Limejuice wondering what to do

''Alright, put down your weapons, let him pass,'' said Limejuice as he gave a discreet look to a nearby pirate. The pirate understood the signal and began to retreat discreetly, he was going to warn the Captain.

Cornelius didn't see this exchange, as Limejuice was at the end of the corridor and all the pirates lowered their weapons and moved at the same time, opening a passageway in the middle of the corridor for Cornelius to pass through.

''Now, no sudden movements, or the medic is gone,'' Cornelius said as he moved slowly, as dragged the medic by the throat.

''I must say, you have balls. but you are being brave on the wrong ship'' Said Limejuice at the end of the open row of pirates

''Is it? why?'' said Cornelius as he walked slowly through the pirates

''We are the Redhead Pirates,'' Limjuice said as he pointed to the skull in his lair.

''I don't know who you are'' Cornelius lied as he walked in the middle of the corridor, the pirates he passed followed behind him as he passed and followed him calmly just waiting for the opportunity to act.

''Oh really? Well, one thing is for sure. this is not going to end well for you'' Limjuice said as Cornelius approached with the hostage doctor

''You know, we're pretty strong. the best thing for you now is to let go of the Doctor and surrender, if you do that we won't hurt you'' Limjuice said as Cornelius walked very slowly

''It doesn't matter how strong you are. what matters now is if you are fast enough to rescue the doctor before I break his neck.'' Said Cornelius as he reached the end of the corridor and faced Limjuice who was in front of him

''Get out of the way'' Said Cornelius as he squeezed the Doctor's neck a little more, you could even hear a small crack.

Limjuice then opened the passage and Cornelius took a left and went up the stairs while Limjuice and the pirates followed.

Arriving now on the Intermediate Deck, Cornelius took a look around. It was the deck where the cannons of the ship are located, the cannons were gold plated with engravings, and they seemed to be very sophisticated, the room was more open to allowing the pirates to move around while they were in a naval battle. in the middle, there was a staircase that due to the sunlight Cornelius guessed that it led to the main desk.

''Nice ship you have here guys'' Cornelius said as he went to the ladder

''You think? Glad you liked it, We took good care of him'' A voice came suddenly, it wasn't the voice of Limejuice or any other pirate that was following him

''In fact, we took such good care of him that we considered him one of our crew. A dear friend of ours, we would do anything to protect him'' The voice said.

The pirates who are following Cornelius started to smile. Cornelius started to sweat more now, he knew that voice. Swallowing his own fear Cornelius climbed to the main deck.

Adjusting his vision to the sudden glare, Cornelius looked around.

He was completely surrounded!

The pirates cornered him in a circle where in the middle, on one side of the circle was none other than the captain of the red-haired pirates Shanks wearing his imposing black coat while facing Cornelius mortally.

"Now, release the doctor," Shanks said in a firm tone.

''Before I release it I would like to explain myself. If you listen to me I will release the doctor, and surrender'' Cornelius said

''Captain, I told you he couldn't be trusted. let's kill him'' Said Beckman while pointing the pistol at Cornelius, he was very suspicious of Cornelius because he was using Geppo a skill known more for being used by the world government and the navy.

''Wait, let's hear it, explain yourself'' Said shanks

''I have no memory of how or why, But I woke up on a desert island six months ago, There I managed to survive and learn Geppo thanks to the powers of my Hand Hand no mi then I crossed the ocean with Geppo and got caught in a storm after that I was flying for five days before I lost consciousness'' Cornelius said half truthfully

''Captain this is nonsense no one can learn Geppo in 5 months'' Said Limejuice who was now also surrounding Cornelius

Shanks didn't say anything, he just mulled over this story. 'He doesn't know he has a Zoan Mitica' he thought

''Then why are you holding our doctor hostage?'' Shanks asked

''After I woke up, I found myself on an unknown ship and the first thing I saw was a drunk doctor holding a scalpel by my side. Wouldn't you be wary too? Here's an olive branch'' Said Cornelius as he threw the doctor toward Shanks

Shanks then got the doctor, the doctor smelled like expensive alcohol and was all drunk.

''Here, take care of him'' Said Shanks as he handed the drunk doctor to a pirate beside him.

Then Shanks looked at Cornelius and thought about what to do, all the pirates were just waiting for him to give the order and they would jump on Cornelius

''What's your name?'' Shanks asked

Cornelius couldn't answer because a flash of memory came to his mind from the dark place where he had spoken with the Lie. He then felt that drowning sensation, Shanks seeing that he wasn't going to answer said

''Well, it doesn't matter. Young man In all your history you've only made one mistake. That doctor you kidnapped never opened or shared his expensive whiskey with us, he was keeping that whiskey for 10 years to drink with his brother, so why would he open it now?'' asked Shanks

Cornelius felt that drowning feeling growing stronger, he felt the chill of death knocking on his door. He then gritted his teeth and used Geppo as fast as he could.


Cornelius jumped in the air but he didn't go far when Limejuice appeared on top of him.

''I told you you'd regret it.'' Said Limejuice as he kicked Cornelius in the back sending him flying straight to the ground.


The kick was so strong that Cornelius fell straight to the ground, smashing his body through the ship's floor, crossing the main deck, and going straight to the Intermediate deck.

''Who do you think we are?'' Said Beckman who was waiting for him, Cornelius got up as quickly as possible and threw Shigan.

Tobu Shigan: Machinegun

Several bolts of compressed red air shot out of his fingers, but Beckman simply dodged them all with tremendous ease, moving calmly as if he knew where each one landed.

''You're slow,'' he said as he appeared behind Cornelius giving him a butt blow to the head with his rifle that sent him flying across the room.


Cornelius didn't even have time to fall into anything when Beckman appeared from across the room and punched him in the stomach and knocked him to the floor. Cornelius, his head bleeding all over, threw up from the punch in the stomach.


Seeing Cornelius vomit, Beckman said ''You're weak'' dragged him by his hair, and slammed his head into the cannons.












The cannons, once gold and clean, now had a trail of blood on them that followed for 10 cannons each cannon had more blood than the next.

Beckman then looked at Cornelius who was holding his head which was spurting blood, he then caught him with one hand.

''Know your place ant'' He then poked Cornelius's right eye with his thumb

''Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!'' Cornelius screamed in pain

He then grabbed him and threw him up with force. Cornelius hit the deck again and crashed through and it didn't stop there he continued to soar through the air.


Now with one eye, Cornelius flew up. He felt that drowning sensation consume his body calling him to rest, he gritted his teeth and used Geppo to stabilize himself.

''Sorry young man, but you asked for it'' Said Yassopp who was on top of the ship's mast waiting for him. Cornelius was surprised but his hand moved quickly, pulling three scalpels from his pocket and throwing them at Yasopp.

Yassopp seeing this attack coming waited for the right moment to act, The scalpels flew through the air going straight to Yassop, He then quickly drew his pistol and fired a shot





The bullet hit the first scalpel and rebounded to the second which then rebounded to the third which finally rebounded straight into Cornelius's chest



Cornelius then fell out of the sky due to being shot in the chest. But before I even hit the ground

''Hold on, young man! HAHAHA'' Lucky Roux gave Cornelius a full belly punch, sending him flying into a pile of barrels


Cornelius looked up at the sky, his head was bleeding, he lost an eye, his back was broken, he was shot. 'What else can I miss?' then Cornelius spit blood and two teeth came out with the blood.

The pirate crowd then made a circle around him.

''This is for you to learn not to mess with the redhead pirates,'' said a random pirate with a smile on his face.

''Get him''

Then the pirates began to beat Cornelius who was lying down


thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

thump! thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!

''ENOUGH'' Shouted Shanks

The pirates' fists were covered in blood and hearing their captain they stopped. And then they made way for the captain to see.

In the pool of his blood, Cornelius was all beaten up he was lying there not moving

''Do we need to kill him, captain?'' Yasopp said with remorse

''We are pirates, Yassop. and he was our enemy, nothing else matters'' Beckman said as he lit a cigarette

Shanks then sighed, he didn't want that. but he couldn't leave that Devil Fruit to a stranger. Before Cornelius took the doctor hostage he was thinking of recruiting him for his crew, if he accepted he would let him live but if he refused he would kill him

''If only you didn't have that fruit'' Shanks then started to leave, but

" didn't want to know my name? '' Cornelius said as he struggled to his feet

All the Pirates were shocked

''I-Is he still alive?'' Everyone said

''My name....'' Cornelius reflected on, who was he? Was he still Cornelius? The world he now knows has been replaced by another, An entirely new world where Kings dictate the rules, Unlike the old world of Cornelius where Kings only had the illusion of power and were inevitably swallowed by the sands of time.

Here in this new world, the Kings have the power to lean on, Real power not lying power. Cornelius is no more, he died on that island. and a new person has arisen, one who will no longer be obedient to the rules of any strange King.

This new person will dictate his own rules and will become a new King.

''My name is Ozymandias,'' Ozymandias said as he stood up. all covered in blood, with one eye missing, holding itself together only by his willpower.

The mood changed when Ozymandias said his name the pirates were wide-eyed and pointed their guns at him even Shanks was wide-eyed.

''and I am a Cipher Pol agent responsible for supervising East Blue, Agent M1713's code you copy?'' Ozymandias said as the pirates were now confused

''Proceed, Agent M1713,'' a voice came from the watch that Ozymandias had taken from the doctor. Ozymandias then extended his sleeve and showed the pirates his watch, It was a den den mushi!

''Reporting The lost angel has been found I repeat the lost angel has been found he is on Dawn Island'' The pirates who were going to shoot now, Stopped. They know very well this island was Luffy's home island!

Ozymandias, seeing the situation, covered the watch with his hand.

''Lost Angel is a code for saying that one of the Devil Fruits the World Government wants most has been found, and I just said the location''

Shanks hearing this widened his eyes he felt fear, not for him but for Luffy. did they find out about him? As if reading his thoughts Ozymandias said smiling

''Yes, I found out the truth about the boy in the straw hat. Imagine my surprise to see a person with your straw hat that looked like the straw hat you were wearing, Curious I investigated it and found out that it was your straw hat thanks to the good citizens of Fuusha Village and the photos of your old wanted poster. And not only that I found out that the boy had eaten a very special Devil Fruit'' Ozymandias lied

Shanks now froze

''But I haven't told the World Government about the boy, nor the exact location of where he is, they probably won't find him. See I came here to propose you a deal'' said Ozymandias

''What would stop me from killing you here then?'' Shanks said with his hand now on the hilt of his sword.

Ozymandias then smiled

''You could kill me, but Cipher Agents always travel in packs. I and my partner found out the whole truth about Monkey D Luffy. what is the true identity of his akuma no mi, the relationship that the redhead pirates have with him, we even found out who his father is. did you know that he is the son of the most wanted man in the world?

now imagine if all this is reported to the World Government what they won't do to get their hands on such a person?'' Said Ozymandias while facing Shanks.

''But you haven't done it yet, what do you want? what's the deal?'' Said Shanks a little desperate, He doesn't want to see Luffy be captured by the world government, He knows very well what the world government is capable of doing to him.

Take Ohara as an example that was wiped off the map for daring to study the poneglyph

''My partner and I are the only ones who know that, if you give us A billion Belly in gold and put it all in a boat and let me go we won't tell the government what we found.

My partner is listening to this communication channel right now if I don't communicate again in a day he will hand over all the documents and evidence we collected to the world government'' Said Ozymandias as he lied wildly

He didn't want the money, he just wanted to run away but if he asked for that Shanks might be suspicious

''Captain we can't trust him, what if his partner hands over the documents to the Government?'' Yasopp rightly said

''My partner has the documents if you agree I'll tell you his location, He has all the evidence we found'' Said Ozymandias

Shanks mulled this over. He appeared to actually be an agent of Cipher Pol because of all the Rokushiki abilities he showed. He prepared well, with his partner elsewhere he could leave with all the money before they could get the documents. Luffy's safety was worth more to Shanks than money, so having no choice Shanks agreed. ''How do we know your partner will give us the documents?'' asked Shanks

''My partner is old, he got sick and he doesn't have much time left, he's willing to sacrifice himself to leave some money for his family, now what do you say?'' listening to this Shanks came up with a plan

''Prepare a boat give him the money'' Shanks commanded

The pirates listening to his command had no other choice and put barrels full of money and gold on a boat. A billion berries was a lot of money but nothing a pirate emperor like him didn't have.

''You're gonna have your gold, now where's your partner?'' Shanks asked

Climbing into the boat with a bunch of barrels full of gold Ozymandias said

''Partys Bar'' was the bar that Shanks knew very well, it was there that Luffy ate the Devil's Fruit. Ozymandias then cut the lifeboat's ropes and gradually pulled away from the Red Force.

Seeing the boat pull away Shanks turned to Beckman and said

''How fast can you get there?''

Beckmen then took a drag on his cigarette and reflected

They weren't that far from Dawn Island and Beckman was the fastest of the crew of the redhead pirates, in one piece we are shown that even Kizaru who can go at the speed of light hesitated to fight him.

''Six hours if I go full speed,'' said Beckman.

''Then go, the rest of you get ready we're going to chase him. Let's keep a good distance so he doesn't see us'' everyone moved then

Beckman grabbed a Den en mushi and took off at full speed, he's an excellent Geppo user.

They then chased him for hours always keeping a good distance with Yassop's observation haki knowing where the boat was, but suddenly Yassop felt something strange the presence on the boat suddenly changed to two presences, and then the other disappeared.

''What?'' Yasopp was confused, but how could he still feel the presence he ignored

So time passed and they continued chasing the boat until

"purupurupuru, purupurupuru, purupurupuru" Den Den muchi called

Taking the Den Den Muchi Shanks answered


Shouted the snail that almost left Shanks deaf

''What?'' Shanks got serious


Beckman had arrived on the island and went straight to the bar but when he got there he didn't find anyone he then spoke to Makino and Mayor Woop the two never heard of government agents stepping onto the island.

Shanks then got furious

''Yasopp where is he?'' Shanks said as he dropped the Den Den Mushi

''In that direction captain'' he then pointed

Shanks then stomped to the ground with all his might and jumped so hard that his slipper left an imprint on the ship's deck.

He cut through the air at an impressive speed in a single bound and reached the boat that Ozymandias was on.

On the boat, Shanks was shocked at what he saw

Lying on the ground was a fleshy freak that was all misshapen and had a fish-like appearance. he was writhing fiercely in agony.

There was also a Den Den Muchi clock but it wasn't moving like before, Shanks then took the clock and examined it the snail was just a painted statue

Shanks looked around at the rest of the boat but there was no sign of Ozymandias, Shanks tried using his observation haki to look around but couldn't feel anything.

"BASTARD," said Shanks as he drew his sword and slashed upwards.


The clouds split in two with that blow causing an impressive scene. the cut was so great that the pirates on the ship saw it and were shocked.

Then it started to rain

''Ozymandias, Ozymandias, Ozymandias, Ozymandias.'' Shanks repeated the name as he remembered the moment Ozymandias said his name.

''We'll meet again, after all, the sea always finds a way to gather those who have the Conqueror's Haki'' Then Shanks smiled

At the bottom of the ocean

There was a diving bell made of wood on top and gold on the bottom. Inside the bell was an unconscious Ozymandias, almost dead actually. with a syringe stuck in his chest.

He managed to escape

DiaboV DiaboV

This chapter took some work. Thanks to everyone who commented, I was very happy with all the positive comments I received. You have no idea how much you motivated me to keep writing Thank you so much guys you are awesome

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