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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 wolf metamorphosis

"I already know what I'm going to do. It may not help me much, but I've always wanted to see it in the world of cultivation," Liu Feng said excitedly. He began describing his magic:

- Magic Name: Werewolf

- Type: Transformation

- Effect: Transformation into a werewolf with heightened sense of smell, enhanced vision, and increased physical attributes.

Liu Feng finished his description. It didn't turn out as well, but for a first magic, it should be fine. He clicked "OK" for the system to process the magic.

<Magic being created>

<Magic Name: Lupine Metamorphosis>

<Type: Transformation>

<Mana Cost: 20 per minute>

<Effect: When casting this magic, the caster gains the ability to transform into a werewolf, acquiring various enhanced abilities and physical attributes. The transformation effects include:

1. Sharpened Senses: The caster gains a highly developed sense of smell, capable of detecting subtle scents and tracking prey over long distances. Their hearing also becomes more acute, allowing them to hear even the faintest and distant sounds.

2. Enhanced Vision: The caster's vision is enhanced, enabling them to see in the dark with ease. Minute details and subtle movements become more noticeable, facilitating threat identification and environmental analysis.

3. Increased Physical Attributes: The transformation grants a significant boost in the caster's strength, speed, endurance, and agility. They become more agile in combat, capable of performing impressive jumps and acrobatic maneuvers. Physical strength is amplified, enabling powerful attacks and efficient defense. Physical endurance is also heightened, allowing them to withstand more severe injuries and recover rapidly.

4. Sharp Claws and Fangs: During the transformation, the caster develops sharp claws and fangs, which can be used as natural weapons in combat. The claws can tear through opponents' armor and inflict deep wounds, while the fangs are ideal for fierce bites and potentially infectious attacks.>

<Cost to acquire the magic: 1 skill point>

As Liu Feng read the magic's description, a wave of excitement surged through his body. However, he made an effort to stay calm and not let the excitement completely overpower him. Carefully, he stuck his head out of the bush, checking for any imminent danger. While the initial impression seemed to indicate he was safe, Liu Feng remained alert, aware that appearances don't always reflect reality.

After ensuring he was safe, Liu Feng decided to step out of the bush. His eyes focused on the price of the magic that had piqued his interest: it cost a single skill point. Although Liu Feng had only one point available, the excitement on his face was evident. He was so thrilled that he didn't hesitate to purchase the magic. As soon as he completed the transaction, a bright message appeared right before his eyes, confirming the acquisition of the magic.

"<Magic successfully purchased!>"

Liu Feng was determined to use magic to locate the flame wolf. Although he had no idea how to do it, he decided to trust his instincts and the magical energy pulsing within his body. With a mix of excitement and hesitation, Liu Feng began to focus on his mana.

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in his own magical essence, allowing his connection to the energy to strengthen. The magical power flowed within him like a gentle and comforting current. Liu Feng realized that the magic didn't feel strange but rather an integral part of his own nature.

<-20 mana>

Liu Feng was stunned when he saw the system message and immediately felt an intense change in his body. An unsettling sensation started to spread through his being, and he realized he was transforming into a werewolf. Fur began rapidly sprouting all over his body, covering him like a second skin. With agility, Liu Feng quickly removed his cloak, fearing it would tear under the uncontrolled growth.

As the transformation progressed, Liu Feng felt his bones breaking and realigning, but something strange happened: he didn't feel any pain. This absence of painful sensations left him puzzled and curious about the nature of his metamorphosis. He wondered if it was a sign that his fusion with the werewolf form was destined to be a less painful experience than expected.

As the transformation continued, Liu Feng noticed that his size was increasing significantly. His body expanded, muscles and limbs strengthening as he became more powerful. The ears that were once at the side of his head began slowly moving to the top, adapting to his new form. Liu Feng's face started stretching, shaping into a lupine muzzle, and his regular teeth began growing, sharp and menacing. All of this happened within seconds, a rapid and incredible metamorphosis.

Although Liu Feng was surprised by this impressive transformation, he remained calm and tried to adjust to his new form. He realized that this metamorphosis could be an advantage in his search for the flame wolf, granting him enhanced abilities and heightened senses that could be useful in the task at hand.

Liu Feng could hardly believe the intensity of the transformation that had taken place. He was incredibly excited about his new form. His vision had completely changed, allowing him to see over long distances and even in dark places. Excitedly, he exclaimed:

"This is amazing! I can't describe the sensation I'm experiencing right now. It's simply incredible!"

Curious to explore all the capabilities of his new form, Liu Feng began testing his enhanced sense of smell. With his new werewolf snout, he took a deep inhale, feeling a burst of sensory information. He was amazed by the variety of distinct scents flooding his consciousness.

"Wow! I can smell all sorts of scents! It's absolutely fascinating. I never imagined I would be able to perceive so many aromatic nuances. This transformation has truly heightened my senses!"

However, Liu Feng knew he couldn't linger too long in this form. He had only 4 minutes before the lack of mana forced him to revert to his original appearance. The excitement he felt was immense, but he was aware of the time limitation.

"I can't let myself get carried away by excitement. I have to stay focused. I only have 4 minutes to make the most of this transformation before my energy runs out. I need to use them wisely in the search for the flame wolf!"

Liu Feng's left ear suddenly twitched, catching a distant sound of a wolf's roar. Liu Feng wondered to himself, "Could it be the Flame Wolf? I'm not sure, but I hope so." Despite the uncertainty, he decided to check it out as he preferred not to waste any time. Starting a swift run, now on all fours, Liu Feng imagined he would feel a difference, but surprisingly, everything felt as natural as if it had always been that way.

While Liu Feng was in a nearby location, an anguishing scene unfolded. A pack of red wolves, their fur ablaze like flames, had surrounded a pink chicken. Trembling in fear, the poor chicken knew its fate was inevitable. Five hungry flame wolves circled around it, yet strangely, they didn't attack, as if waiting for an order. Right behind these five flame wolves stood an even larger flame wolf, possessing much greater strength than the others. The leader wolf looked at the chicken, mouth watering, anticipating the feast about to happen.

The leader wolf was ready to give the attack order to the others, urging them to attack the miserable pink chicken. However, before it could give the command, something caught its auditory attention.

"I've found you! What a relief!" The voice echoed with a mix of happiness and relief. The leader wolf turned its gaze to the unexpected visitor, feeling confused to encounter such a peculiar creature. It had never seen anything like it before. This upright creature resembled them, the wolves, but stood at a height of three meters. The leader wolf felt somewhat intimidated by this imposing presence.

The leader wolf became alert, its heightened senses capturing only a sudden breath of wind brushing against its neck. It shivered, desperately trying to break free from the grip enveloping it, but what held it captive was an overwhelming, relentless force.

"Please, stop! I don't know if you understand me, but I can't let this chance to enter the sect slip away," Liu Feng pleaded, his voice brimming with determination. He was determined to prove that his magic surpassed all known cultivation techniques. He couldn't allow this opportunity to slip through his fingers.

The leader wolf, perplexed by the unintelligible words of the creature, struggled with all its might to break free, but it was in vain. Meanwhile, the other flame wolves, witnessing their leader's capture helplessly, became inflamed with anger. They abandoned the pink chicken, whose feathers trembled in fear, and charged furiously towards the one holding their leader prisoner.

"I only have two precious minutes before my mana completely runs out," Liu Feng whispered to himself, his eyes fixed on the countdown displayed on the system screen. With a nimble leap, he propelled himself into the air, skillfully jumping from branch to branch. His werewolf claws dug into the tree bark, ensuring a firm grip as he approached the spot where he had left his clothes.

Liu Feng swiftly arrived at the spot where he had left his cloak. The flame wolf he had captured was still struggling, attempting to free itself from his claws.

"Well, there's no other choice. You're going to sleep," Liu Feng said. He struck it with a closed fist since his claws could pierce the wolf. The wolf merely felt an impact in its mind before fainting.

"There goes my transformation," Liu Feng said, somewhat wistful. He released the wolf from his grasp and quickly returned to his human form, beginning to put on his cloak. He glanced at the amount of mana on the system screen.

<Mana: 0>

Liu Feng wondered how long it would take for his mana to recover. He hoped it wouldn't be too long. Two seconds later, he felt a surge of energy in his body.

<Mana: 2>

"This... It means it's one mana per second... That's good," Liu Feng smiled, relieved that his mana would be fully replenished in a minute and twenty seconds. He had been concerned because he hadn't defined how mana would recover.

Liu Feng cautiously reached out to pick up the fallen flame wolf from the ground. However, as soon as he touched the creature, a cry of pain escaped his lips, and he immediately let go of the wolf. Liu Feng's arms showed small burn marks, the result of the brief contact with the intense flames.

Surprised, Liu Feng observed his burned hands and murmured to himself, "Why didn't I feel the burning? Was it because I was in the werewolf form? Maybe my regeneration speed is much higher in this form."


As the woman mounted her majestic owl, her features conveyed a mix of determination and discontent. Her eyes scanned each participant with a sharp gaze, observing their every move and reaction. However, none of the other contestants seemed to notice her presence. They remained immersed in their own tasks, oblivious to the enigmatic figure watching them from above.

Except for her younger sister, whose eyes met the woman's at the exact moment she offered a smile. The sister immediately felt a chill run down her spine and, overcome by a mixture of fear and suspicion, decided to run away. She knew her older sister's ambiguous smile all too well and knew that something was about to happen.

"This year has a significant number of promising young ones," the woman muttered in an irritated tone, her voice laden with resentment. She looked around again, noting that most of the contestants were women. A tinge of frustration crept into her words, as if she lamented the lack of male competition. "What a pity," she added with a resigned sigh.

Her thoughts drifted to her unfaithful husband, a man without scruples who likely kept numerous concubines. The woman felt a wave of indignation at the thought of more women sharing her husband's intimacy. Her gaze grew even more determined, promising herself that she would prove her worth and not let his actions shake her.

"But there are still those old ones," the woman murmured, fear creeping into her voice as she spoke of the mysterious creatures that always sought out the young to satisfy their lusts. She knew well the reputation of these powerful women, aware of their own strength and extraordinary abilities. A shiver ran through her body as she thought about what they could do if they crossed her path.

Suddenly, the woman appeared surprised, her expression changing swiftly. Her eyes locked onto one of the participants, and she couldn't help but infuse a tone of admiration into her voice. "I'm surprised. I thought someone else would be the first to pass this test. But I see I was mistaken," she said with a genuinely approving smile. "Congratulations, you've passed," she proclaimed, offer

ing her sincere congratulations to the young person who had captured one of the animals she had requested.

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