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Chapter 7: Chapter 7 suspect

"Well, my dear ones, it is with great pleasure that I see you all gathered here, and I must say that most of you have successfully surpassed the first test with flying colors! Congratulations to all of you!" exclaimed Zhang Mei enthusiastically. Her eyes were shining with pride as she observed the talented individuals who had stood out.

Now, the time has come to face the next challenge, and for that, we will return to the city where it all began, where I encountered each one of you," she continued with a welcoming smile. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the excitement was palpable.

As the group prepared to move forward, Zhang Mei called her beloved pet owl, the graceful Lily, who descended gently, allowing each participant to climb onto her back. It was a spectacular sight, as if a magical bond united everyone present.

"Let's go, Lily! It's time to take flight again!" summoned Zhang Mei, and with a powerful flap of her wings, the owl took flight, carrying everyone on an exciting adventure full of challenges.

On the horizon, a dense forest rose majestically, hiding mysteries and dangers that only the most prepared would be able to overcome. Liu Feng, with a determined look, gazed at the green tangle as he remarked with a firm voice, "See you in the tournament, my friend. And be aware that when we meet again, I will be even stronger than ever before!"

"We've arrived," announced Zhang Mei with a mix of authority and enthusiasm as she gracefully descended from her owl, followed by the participants. "Now, each of you will have to fulfill missions that I will assign," she continued, giving them some time to assimilate the information. With a confident posture, she took control of the situation, radiating a radiant aura that captivated everyone present. "Let's start with Zhang Ying. You will help one of the prominent families in the city. I'll be back in two days," Zhang Mei added, her eyes gleaming with determination as she also assigned missions to the other participants.

"Liu Feng, you will have to go to a nearby village. Your mission is to help the villagers who are facing problems with some animals," explained Zhang Mei, her voice firm and resolute. She had her own hidden tests in mind but preferred not to reveal the details just yet. A slight squint in her eyes made her even more impressive, adding a captivating depth to her beauty. "Alright. I'll do it," responded Liu Feng, finding Zhang Mei even more charming, but with no improper intentions as she was a married woman. He knew better than to seek trouble with someone more powerful than him, aware of the serious consequences of any indiscretion.

"The village you must go to is called the Blue Sky Village. It's not too far from here, about a three-hour walk. Here's a map, I can't accompany you, or people might say I'm favoring someone," said Zhang Mei seriously, handing Liu Feng a map. Although she could secretly help him without anyone knowing, she preferred to avoid any misunderstandings, especially with her husband. The prospect of becoming a mother filled her with excitement, and she wanted to stay away from any potential involvement in intrigues.

"Thank you," expressed Liu Feng, showing his gratitude as he unfolded the map that would lead him to the Blue Sky Village. Filled with enthusiasm, he set off eagerly along the marked trails. The opportunity to become stronger and learn magic to conceal his cultivation and change his appearance thrilled him.

"Now, I have to return to the forest and see what that was all about. I'm sure it was someone's inheritance, but it was activated so silently that I didn't even notice," thought Zhang Mei. Her curiosity about Chen Tao and Meng Jie's daughter and what they had found in the forest propelled her forward. She decided to approach the place and try to unravel the mystery further. With a determined look in her eyes, she set off, her mind full of anticipation for the discoveries that lay ahead.


Three hours later...

"This should be the path to the village," said Liu Feng, examining the dirt road flanked by tall trees. He checked the map again to be sure and confirmed his suspicions. "The elder told me to deal with the problem with the animals, but what kind of animals could they be? I have no idea, but one thing I know: this is going to earn me a lot of XP," Liu Feng said, letting out an excited laugh. He even imagined himself filled with XP, leveling up multiple times, becoming the strongest person in a matter of seconds. Liu Feng snapped out of his daydreams and continued onward.

It didn't take long for Liu Feng to spot the small village. He counted approximately twenty houses, with a larger house at the center, likely belonging to the village leader. As he approached, the people who were busy with tasks like fetching water or tending to the garden turned to look; it wasn't common for them to receive visitors, and silence reigned as Liu Feng continued his path.

"Good morning," greeted Liu Feng, expecting a response, but only a few people replied. He didn't mind the reception much as the place seemed pleasant, with the wind gently brushing against his body, a sensation he appreciated. If he weren't heading to the Lotus Sect and didn't intend to pass all the tests, Liu Feng might even consider the possibility of staying in such a peaceful place. He continued advancing towards the larger house in the village.

"Sir! Please, send someone to find my son! He's all I have, I beg you! I'll do anything, no matter what it takes!" Suddenly, Liu Feng heard the desperate voice of a woman pleading for help. Intrigued, he approached and saw a woman kneeling at the feet of a young man. Liu Feng found the scene quite strange but chose not to say anything and remained silent, observing the situation.

The woman continued pleading with desperation in her voice. "Please, sir, I beg you! My son has been missing in the forest for two days. I believe the wild animals may have scared him away, and we haven't seen him since. He's all I have, and I'm desperate to find him. Please, help us bring him back safely!"

"I will absolutely do my best, noble lady," declared the village chief with sweetness overflowing in every word. Liu Feng, in turn, caught a brief moment when his eyes narrowed, as if he had noticed a flash of disdain and repulsion in the village chief's gaze. However, Liu Feng quickly shook his head, dismissing those thoughts, convincing himself that it was just his imagination. Still, it didn't stop him from finding it intriguing that a young man was in charge of such a humble village.

"You must be one of the young immortals, right? I am truly honored by your presence here in this humble little village. Please, allow me to take your time for a moment," spoke the village chief with reverence, not wanting to offend the immortal before him.

"Yes, that's me. Good morning. I don't mind; you can tell me what the problem is?"

Liu Feng found the village chief to be very polite, especially witnessing how he helped the woman stand up after she had been kneeling. At that moment, Liu Feng noticed something he hadn't realized before and was surprised. The woman had an impressive physique and was clearly a mature and attractive woman (a "genuine milf"). Her body displayed a striking beauty that caught Liu Feng's attention.

However, as he looked more closely at the woman's face, Liu Feng was taken aback. He expected to find an equally stunning beauty that matched the woman's physical charm, but instead, he noticed that her face was marked with various scars. The woman noticed Liu Feng's astonished gaze and, feeling embarrassed, looked away.

Clearly embarrassed, she left the area, hoping that the village chief would help her as he said he would. She hoped her little son was alright.

"Immortal, I apologize for showing you that image. She was hurt by her husband. This woman was so beautiful, I can tell you, she didn't lose to any fairy." The village chief said, giving a small glance to the woman who was heading home. "Don't worry, I'm not scared, just surprised. So, what's the problem I have to solve?" Liu Feng said, a bit rushed. It would be a lie for him to say that the woman was beautiful because she wasn't.

"Sorry for taking your time with mortal nonsense. I ask you to kill the wolves that are near the village; they are wreaking havoc on the village," said the village chief. "I'm on my way. Where do they usually hunt?" Liu Feng asked. "Not far from the village, please follow me," replied the village chief, and they began walking to the location. Soon, they arrived at a secluded corner of the village. "It's around here; they usually hunt in this area. It won't take long for them to come," the village chief showed the spot to Liu Feng.

"Um... Immortal, I apologize, but I don't want to be here when the wolves come." The village chief said. He didn't want to die just yet. "You can leave; let me handle it from here. If anything happens, just call for me," Liu Feng said, looking at the village chief's back as he ran away. "First level of Qi Refinement, from the memories of this body, even if they are not the best, I know that cultivators are sent to these villages to solve problems and then leave to not interfere with mortal lives. So, why is there a cultivator here?" Liu Feng wondered. He was curious, but he would deal with the problem first, and then he would investigate further.

"Now, I need to find those wolves." Liu Feng thought. He used his skeleton soldier summoning skill. He summoned ten soldiers at once. In front of Liu Feng, ten skeleton soldiers appeared. "Each of you, spread out and find the wolves nearby," Liu Feng ordered them, and they went to do what Liu Feng asked.

The village chief rushed back to the village, breathing heavily and heart racing, he hurriedly entered his house. "He didn't notice, right? I hope not," thought the chief as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. The situation made him nervous and cautious. He knew he couldn't afford to be discovered, as it would bring unwanted consequences.

In the tense silence of the house, there was suddenly a knock on the door. "Knock, knock." The village chief was startled by the sudden sound and asked with a mix of anxiety and apprehension, "Who is it!?" The calm voice of an old man responded from the other side of the door, showing concern for the village chief: "Chief, are you alright? I saw you running in panic. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, yes. I just needed some time to myself," the village chief replied in a tired and irritated tone. The adrenaline from the previous situation still pulsed in his veins, leaving him on edge. The sudden knock on the door had deeply frightened him, and the genuine concern of the villager outside was not enough to calm his restlessness.

He walked to the door and opened it slowly, trying to disguise his exasperation. His face showed clear signs of the scare he had just experienced. "I apologize for shouting," said the chief, trying to ease the tense atmosphere. "Something unexpected happened, and I need a moment to compose myself."

The old man looked at the village chief with understanding and concern in his eyes. "Of course, I understand. If you need anything, I'm here to help," offered the villager, trying to reassure him.

Still a little shaken, the village chief nodded, thanking the man for his kindness. "I appreciate your concern. Just give me a little privacy now, please. I'll be alright soon," requested the chief, carefully closing the door.

He sat down on a nearby chair, taking deep breaths to calm his accelerated heartbeat. The sudden event had left a mark on his mind, and he reflected on how to better handle the situation to avoid future scares.

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