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Chapter 4: The Goddess's Guidance

As I stood in front of an enigmatic and majestic presence, I couldn't help but feel awestruck. Lady Astraea, a figure of divine grace and authority, cast a captivating aura that left me both intrigued and apprehensive.

Her warm smile calmed my nerves slightly, but her eyes seemed to hold secrets and wisdom beyond comprehension. I found myself at a loss for words, unsure of how to address someone of such significance.

"Rika, this is Astraea, the goddess of our Familia," Alise proudly said, introducing the woman in front of me.

An actual goddess? My mind reeled at this realization. I had heard tales of gods and goddesses in my previous world, but encountering one in person was beyond anything I had imagined.

I bowed respectfully, my heart pounding with reverence and excitement. "It's an honor to meet you, Lady Astraea," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the awe I felt.

Astraea's smile widened, and she spoke with a voice that seemed to carry the weight of the heavens. "The pleasure is mine, Rika," she said, her tone is gentle yet commanding.

"I have heard your conversation with my Familia on the way here. It seems you possess a rare spirit of justice and determination, traits like that are commendable."

I blushed at the praise, feeling humbled and grateful for her kind words. It was surreal to be standing before a deity, and I couldn't help but wonder why she took an interest in me.

Astraea's gaze was knowing, as if she could see into the depths of my soul. "Your arrival in Orario was no mere coincidence, Rika," she said cryptically. "Fate has woven its threads to bring you here, and I believe you have a significant role to play in this world."

My curiosity peaked, and I dared to ask, "What role do you think that might be, Lady Astraea?"

The goddess's smile held a hint of mystery. "That is something you will need to discover for yourself. Your journey has only just begun, and the path you walk may be challenging, but I have faith in your strength and sense of justice."

I nodded, feeling a newfound determination welling up within me. To have the blessing of a goddess was both daunting and inspiring, but I was ready to embrace whatever destiny awaited me.

After that interaction, the goddess turned her attention to Alise and spoke. "Alise, I need you to give this young girl some medical attention, as well as new clothes and a room to stay," she said with gentle authority.

"I understand, Lady Astraea," Alise replied, showing respect and obedience to the divine command.

The goddess nodded, then turns back to me, "After you receive all of your necessities, I want you to come find me, Rika. Do you understand?"

Her words filled me with a sense of purpose. "Yes, Lady Astraea. I will come find you," I replied, a surge of determination flowing through my veins.

Once I complied to her request, Lady Astraea nodded and proceed to exit the room, leaving a lingering sense of awe in her wake.


With Lady Astraea's departure, Alise led me to a cozy bedroom within the Familia's headquarters. The room was adorned with warm colors, giving it a sense of comfort and tranquility.

"Please make yourself at home, Rika," Alise said with a kind smile. "I'll go fetch some clean clothes for you and get some medical supplies to tend to your injuries."

"Thank you, Alise," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for her hospitality.

As I settled into the room, my mind buzzed with thoughts of the encounter with Lady Astraea. What could she have meant by a significant role to play in this world? What was my purpose here?

I pondered these questions, feeling both excitement and trepidation at the prospect of an extraordinary destiny.

My thoughts drifted back to my determination to seek justice, a drive that had led me through countless trials in my previous life.

But this world was different, and I was different. As an elf in Orario, I had been given a new chance at life, and I couldn't help but wonder what adventures and challenges awaited me.

Soon, Alise returned with a set of clean clothes and medical supplies. She carefully tended to my injuries first, applying soothing ointments and bandages with skillful hands.

Afterwards, she handed me the clothes. "Here you go, Rika. These should suit you well."


I received the attire and proceeded to change. I then looked at my reflection in the mirror, and couldn't help but feel a sense of transformation.

The silver-haired elf staring back at me seemed like a different person, one who had embraced a new destiny.

"Alise, thanks for everything. You've been so kind to me," I expressed my gratitude.

"The pleasure is mine, Rika. We're a Familia, and we look out for each other," Alise replied with a warm smile as she exits the room.

As the evening progressed, I found myself alone in the room, the events of the day swirling in my mind. The encounter with Lady Astraea had left an indelible mark on me, and I knew I had to seek her guidance to understand my purpose in this world fully.

With newfound resolve, I decided to follow her earlier command and find the goddess immediately.


Leaving my room, I walked through the hallway, determined to locate where Lady Astraea resided in the building. I tried asking the members of the Familia, and they gladly pointed out the direction I needed to go.

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly as I ventured deeper into the heart of the Familia's headquarters. The grandeur of the place only emphasized the magnitude of being in the presence of a goddess.

As I finally approached the door that led to Lady Astraea's chamber, my heart pounded with a mix of tensions and anticipation. I took a deep breath to steady myself before knocking on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Enter," a melodious voice called from within.

Pushing open the door, I stepped into a room that exuded an otherworldly aura. It was adorned with ethereal decorations and bathed in a soft, golden glow.

And there, seated on a divine bed, was Lady Astraea herself, her warm smile welcoming me once again.

"Ah, Rika, you've finally come," she said, her voice carrying a sense of serenity.

I bowed respectfully, feeling a sense of reverence in her presence. "Yes, Lady Astraea. You did ask me to find you."

"Indeed," she replied. "I sense a great destiny awaiting you, and I believe you have the potential to bring about significant change in this world."

Her words filled me with a mix of determination and curiosity. "I'm ready to embrace whatever role I have to play," I said earnestly.

Lady Astraea's smile deepened. "Good. To begin the ritual, you must show your back for me, please."

"Eh?" I exclaimed in surprise. I wasn't expecting for a kind goddess to give such a request.

She chuckled gently, and there was a playful glint in her eyes. "I assure you, Rika. There's no ulterior motive here. I just need to place my Falna on your back."

"Falna?" I inquired, not understanding the significance of this ritual.

"Indeed," she nodded before proceeding to explain. "The Falna is a divine blessing that connects adventurers to the gods and grants them strength. It will allow me to support you on your journey and unlock your potential."

Hesitant yet trusting in Lady Astraea's words, I turned around and exposed my back to her.

After that, she told me to lay down on her bed, which rather strange request to ask. However, I obediently complied and did exactly what she said.

Subsequently, I felt a drop of warm liquid landed on my back and it suddenly glow brightly, startling me.

"Umm, Lady Astraea, what's happening?" I asked, my voice filled with concern and anxiety.

"Don't worry, Rika. It is just a drop of my divine blood," Lady Astraea explained calmly.

"Divine blood?" I repeated, trying to wrap my head around the concept.

"Yes," she confirms before continuing her explanation. "I pricked my finger with the edge of a knife and used the blood to activate your Falna. With this, I can calibrate your status and bestow my blessing upon you."

I see, that makes a lot of sense. Lady Astraea's words gave clarity on the ritual that she was currently performing.

My heart swelled with gratitude for the goddess's guidance and support on my path of justice and discovery in this extraordinary world.


After several minutes of the ticking noises, the glow on my back finally faded, signifying the end of the ritual.

"Is it finally over, Lady Astraea?" I asked, wanting to verify the completion of the mysterious process.

"Almost there, Rika. Just need to transfer your status onto a piece of paper so you can read it," Lady Astraea replied, her voice calm and reassuring.

Curiosity piqued, I watched as the goddess took out a piece of parchment and placed it against my back. Her finger traced circles on the paper, and I felt a gentle sensation as if the ink was being drawn from my skin onto the parchment.

"All done," Lady Astraea said with a satisfied smile. "Your status should now be readable on the paper."

With a sense of anticipation, I took the parchment in my hands and examined it closely. My heart sank as I realized that I couldn't understand the written text.

"Lady Astraea, I can't read," I said with disappointment, feeling a bit disheartened.

"Oh dear, I almost forgot that you're not from this world. Here, let me read it for you," she offered kindly.

As I handed her the parchment, Lady Astraea's eyes scanned the writing, and her expression became more and more intrigued. She hummed thoughtfully before finally looking up at me with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Interesting," she said. "The status says your name is Kiara Everwood, and your potential as is rather special."

"Kiara Everwood?" I repeated, the name sounding foreign yet oddly familiar.

"Yes, it seems your new identity in this world is Kiara Everwood," Lady Astraea explained. "As for your potential, it seems you have a unique skill called [Ethos Aegis] that allows you to convert your sense of justice into strength."

My heart swelled with both surprise and wonder. A new name and a special skill—this world held more mysteries and surprises than I could have imagined.

Lady Astraea's gaze held a sense of encouragement. "Embrace your new identity, Kiara Everwood, and let the Ethos Aegis guide you on your path of justice. You have the potential to become a beacon of hope for Orario."

Grateful for her guidance, I nodded with renewed determination. "Thank you, Lady Astraea. I will do my best to live up to this name and use my abilities for the greater good."

With her blessing and the newfound knowledge of my potential, I stepped out of Lady Astraea's chamber, my heart and mind filled with a sense of purpose and excitement for the adventures that awaited me as Kiara Everwood, the elf adventurer with an unwavering sense of justice.

Good_Doggo2001 Good_Doggo2001

Adventure is not always about seeking distant horizons; sometimes, it's about finding the wonders that lie within ourselves.

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