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Chapter 3: My new Pearl

Staring out past my holoscreen I thought back to when I first got on this ship. 'Very interesting huh Black? Really, it's just White telling me about what's happening in the Gempire, and I can't even look out into space without her scolding me for not paying attention.'

'I am soooo happy that I have all of these memories inserted into me now. If not, I wouldn't have been able to understand anything White Diamond has been talking to me about.' I thought as I focused on messing with my holo-screen, seated in a throne next to White Diamond.

Right now, the throne is uncolored and was quickly added by the hard-working gems that serve us. The capital ships control room was... interesting, and dead silent. Despite all of the Era 1 Peridots and White Nephrites in the control room, each was silent due to my presence.

Catching one of the Nephrites glancing at me I inwardly smiled. 'Hm, I guess they're also silent due to two Diamonds being in their presence, but it looks like they're very interested in me.' I thought.

White herself was on the pristine white throne next to me and was quickly scrolling through her holo-screen with a cute, concentrated face. We have decided to not use our Gravity Singularity Engine to immediately make it back to Home World so that I can experience what normally riding a ship is like.

It is also so that we can patrol our territory in our Home World Galaxy, as recently it seems extraterrestrial life has been trying to invade us. It was truly interesting to hear that another race was spacefaring considering they were fully organic.

But the nasty part is they're barely sentient but extremely vicious. They are similar to the Hive from Destiny, just... less smart. White has shown me some images of them and let's say they look like Cronenberged zombies.

Most would assume that we can easily nuke them with our laser cannons and weapons that can blow up small planets, and your right! It's just that they're like an infection as they repopulate extremely fast. So far there have been no issues besides a few small losses of attack vessels, but they angered White so now they have to go.

Besides these gross spacefaring zombies, the Gem Empire has seen a massive increase in resources through expansion. White has done an amazing job within these 5000 years and has already colonized/conquered most of the Home World Galaxy.

Sadly, due to the increase in resources and planets that are being colonized by gems, White has had issues maintaining authority, so she chose to make me. 'Personally, I think White just wanted some company.' I secretly thought to myself.

From my creation we have used up about a planet worth of resources to make my seed, but it's an even trade according to White as now there are two Diamonds instead of one. Diamonds are not cheap, and it will definitely take a few thousand years before we have the right materials to make more.

Besides all of these points there seems to be some issues with the cast leadership in the Gempire. According to White some noble gems that she made to help rule and maintain order have been acting out of their specifications, but that should change now with me and my future court.

White and I plan to take the noble cast by a storm and stomp out any insidious thoughts from stuck up nobles. The plan is to host a ball and introduce me to the gems of Home World whilst outing, and... removing... any gems that go against my new rule.

The main issue is that my new court is going to take a while to make, like at least 50 to 100 years. White and I both need to create new gems with new rolls to fill, and to allocate proper resources to do this. I will have a pseudo court that is full of gems donated by White for the meantime, but they're really just there to help me out when I need it.

Before that though White and I are going to stop by the original Reef World to get a Pearl for me. White herself doesn't have a pearl but denied wanting one as she now had me to lean on.

She specifically wanted me to have a Pearl though so as to "Help make sure you have some help whilst I prepare your court.", or that's what she basically said.

Past all of these points there are tons of tiny, miniscule things happening in the Gempire that White caught me up about, but really, they are things that don't affect me in the near future.

Some were us scheduling times to meet with each other to plan the future of the Gempire, some were new rules she wanted to implement with my indoctrination. Most of it is for future me, so right now I am officially ready to lead the Gempire.

"Black, get out of your head and help me." White sternly said as she was slightly pouting at me. "We are nearly at the Reef and are not yet finished with the allocation of resources for your new court."

"Oh-Sorry White I finished my part a while ago, here." I sent over my completed task of resource allocation, which caused White to glare at me before sighing.

"Oh well, now is better than never. Anyways plan out your new Pearl in your head so we can go get it and get out." White started tapping her fingers on her chair as she stared out at the planet in the distance.

I smiled slightly at White and stared at the planet that we were rapidly approaching. It was a water planet, surrounded by multiple gem ships. Nothing else really stands out about the planet besides the light specks of terraforming that we can spot from space.

"Don't worry White, I already have it planned out. Besides I would rather not spend a lot of time here as we have a lot to do when we arrive on Home World." I said until I remembered something else. "Oh, White do you have everything ready for my debut?" I lightly questioned her,

White tapped her screens a few times before an image of an Emerald appeared on the screen.

"Emerald 3D9N Cut 8XJ Reporting for duty my Diamond." A tall Emerald in a military-esque garb appeared on Whites holo-screen doing a perfect Diamond salute.

"Emerald, are the preparations finished?" White stared directly at the Emerald on the screen causing the Emerald to look slightly nervous.

"Yes, my Diamond! By the time you arrive everything should be prepared!" Emerald quickly answered White in a nervous tone as White continued to lazily tap her fingers on her throne.

"Very well, I am sending you your next job." And with that White simply hung up on the Emerald and tapped her holo-screen a few times, sending over what looked to be a message that contains Emeralds next job.

"See, Black? This is how we are supposed to manage other gems. Short, straight to the point, and as efficient as possible as time is not a commodity for us." White said as our ship begun the preparation to land on the Reef World.

"Yes White, thank you for the lesson. But let us make sure the gems that are under us know that their efforts are appreciated." I told White hoping that she would see other gems in a better light.

White sighed a bit and smiled. "Black the other gems are happy to serve us as it is their duty. Completing a task in a fast orderly manner without any mistakes is enough for them."

I frown slightly at her words which causes her to hesitate for a second before saying "But I will take your words into consideration." Which caused me to smile warmly towards White.

"Anyways Black, it's time. I'll wait on the ship; my guards will lead you to the reef." White stood up and stared at a large Citrine gem with a yellow poleaxe guarding the door.

"You, Citrine. Go get a small troop of your guards and lead Black Diamond to the Reef. If anything happens to her you can expect to be shattered, am I understood?" White asked pointedly towards the Citrine.

"Yes, my radiance! It will be completed at once!" The Citrine gem gave a Diamond salute and then ran out of the room to supposedly get the rest of her guards.

'Well, I feel like I don't really need it but it's just White worrying about me.' I smiled slightly and sighed. Standing up I thought about what my new Pearl would look like.

My current plan for the Pearl is for it to be like a butler, as I had a great love for the Black Butler anime in my old human life. I would rather not have a dainty little Pearl who is only good for looking at and would instead like one that can do a multitude of tasks for me.

A small blush made it to my face as I thought 'Also, I personally think I have a thing for people who dress well. So, a Pearl in a suit would just be a little treat to myself.'

Suddenly I heard the door open which was accompanied by the marching of multiple footsteps. Looking towards the door I could see at least 12 Elite Citrine Gems, each with poleaxes who stood at the ready.

'Well here they are' I smiled and put my hands behind my back as I towards the door. Quickly giving a small wave to White I motioned for the commanding Citrine, who was the one who left the room, to lead the way.

No words were spoken as my guards escorted me to a warp pad that was on the ship. This warp pad works differently from others, as it is not originally connected to any other warp pads for security reasons. But with some tweaking we can connect it to any nearby warp pads, and the one we are going in is the main warp for the Reef.

My Citrine guards clambered up onto the warp first and formed an open triangle. Knowing what to do from my inserted memories I went into the center and let the guards fully surround me.

A nearby Peridot which commanded the warp pad looked nervously towards me and spoke. "My Diamond, the warp is ready to go on your order."

Looking towards the Peridot I nodded slightly and said "Very well, let us be off then. We don't have time to waste."

The Peridot gave a Diamond salute and suddenly I felt weightless as we traveled through the warp. It was a very interesting experience, as despite knowing what it would feel like from my inserted memories, my human side still couldn't believe this was real.

Warp pads are a mess of simple, yet frustratingly confusing physics which allowed us to travel frighteningly fast to wherever we need to. The main thing that surprised my human side though was the weightlessness that I felt, as I have never felt that before in my short existence.

Gems don't feel gravity, or at least we adjust to it fast enough to not feel weightlessness. We were made to conquer and travel space, so our gems adjust to the gravity of whatever celestial body we find ourselves in.

The warp only took a few seconds to reach our destination, and as soon as the pillar of light that surrounded me disappeared my guards were already watching the surroundings of anything suspicious.

Looking towards the Commander Citrine that stood in front of me I said "Citrine, please lead the way to where I will get my Pearl."

I was not surprised when she said the same thing every other gem says to me and it was "Of course my Diamond, right away!"

With those words she began to walk forward at a calculated pace which allowed me to calmly walk without trampling the other Citrines. Due to my size, I move much quicker than the other gems, so while they were jogging, I was just calmly walking.

We teleported into what I would call the Reefs lobby. Sadly, I couldn't see what was outside, but the inside wasn't anything to be sad about seeing. The Reef was masterfully crafted and looked like what Atlantis would if it actually existed. Clam shells, coral, and other beautiful things found in the ocean lined the walls and decorated the lobby of the Reef.

A few other noble gems such as Pyropes, Emeralds, and other gems were also in the Reefs lobby, but immediately stood at attention and gave me a Diamond salute when they spotted me. The Reef which once was slightly noisy with the chatter of noble gems was completely silent as they stared in awe at me.

'This is certainly the Royal treatment' I thought as I smirked and followed after the commanding Citrine who was leading me to a long hallway with a door at the end which was guarded by two Amethyst's.

My heels clicked against the cyan colored floor and nearly deafened the march of my Citrine guards as we approached the intricate door. The two Amethyst gems which originally looked bored guarding the door gave a Diamond salute faster than I could blink and shouted, "My Diamond!" at me.

My Citrine guards fanned out of their formation and in practiced grace put their backs to the walls. The Citrine Commander which stood in front of me glared at the two Amethyst and then looked back towards me.

"My Diamond, this is the room where your Pearl is waiting." The Citrine Commander calmy answered to me to which I responded with a small smile.

"Thank you, Citrine, for leading me here. I hope you won't be bored waiting for me." I joked and chuckled slightly as I passed her and approached the door where two shaking Amethysts were.

Both Amethysts shouted, "My Diamond!" and opened the door for me. I chuckled slightly at how nervous they were and entered the room. The Reefs lobby paled in comparison to how lavish this room was.

Everything was masterfully decorated and had a White Diamond sign on it. Coral wrapped around pillars like dragons, and clam shells lined the wall as if it was wallpaper. The ceiling was a glass dome in a triangular pattern which allowed me to look out into the ocean above us.

*Thud* I was pulled out of my thoughts from the door closing behind me, which reminded me why I was here. Approaching the center of the room I saw a hand console fit for a Diamond and put my hand on it.

By doing this I turned on the Reefs A.I, which chimed as it loaded up. A calm, melodic voice sounded out as I put my hands back behind my back.

"Welcome Black Diamond to the Reef, it is my pleasure to have you here today. You already have a Pearl waiting for you, and it is completely ready for your full customization." The Reef said as the floor sprouted out a clam shell which slowly opened to show a Black Pearl.

I hid my giddiness but inwardly I was freaking out. 'Oh, my stars that was so cool! Alright let's make sure we do this right!'

I approached the opened clam shell and touched the Black Pearl, my new Pearl, and that's all I had to do. The Pearl lit up in a bright light and began to float upwards as a black holographic clam shell formed around it.

The Black Pearl in a bland voice said "Please identify yourself" to me which caused me to grin.

'Oooooh this is it!' I could barely contain my giddiness as my Pearl was now ready for customization.

"Black Diamond" I answered with as much authority as that I could.

"Greetings Black Diamond, please state preferred customization options."

'It was the Diamond customization right?' I thought to myself before nodding and saying, "Diamond customization."

"You have chosen the Diamond customization." The Pearl said before the gem flashed and two holoscreens appeared where the right one showed a model of a base Pearl, and the left one was blank.

"Please grab ahold of the Pearl and think deeply about what you wish your new Pearl to look like. Afterwards you may change it using the holoscreen on the right."

'Alright... I want her to have a base form for relaxing and a secondary service form.' I thought to myself as I grabbed the pearl between two of my fingers.

'The main outfit for her relaxation form will be her in a black leotard with stockings, and a black drape with diamond patterns over her back.' And as I imagined the outfit it appeared on the base Pearl. Looking at it I quickly imagined how she would look and imagined Lapis Lazuli's hair from Steven Universe but in black. I imagined her skin color as grey and pictured her facial features to look like Raven from Teen Titans.

With these thoughts the left holoscreen began to form a detailed image of Pearl in her relaxed form. I knew I was overdoing it with adding a secondary form, but I couldn't help but secretly make a form that I was attracted to in my human life.

The main form will of course be much stricter in uniform as I couldn't bare having to explain to White why my Pearl looked like this after I talked about wanting a Pearl that would be dashing.

'Alright this looks good for a base relaxation form, now let's get what she will actually be wearing 99% of the time.' I thought to myself as I checked off the first relaxation form and started on her main form.

Her main form will be an early era Victorian butlers' suit that consists of a white collared shirt, a black vest, a black tailcoat, black pants, black dress shoes, white gloves, and finally a black ribbon tie with grey diamonds on it.

I imagined the Pearl that i just designed in a suit that looked very similar to Sebastians suit from Black Butler and watched as the left holoscreen slowly began to materialize my thoughts into reality.

The outfit that once clad the Pearl now changed for the butler suit that I imagined which caused me to grin in anticipation. Mentally checking it off and making sure everything was good with her outfit and form I clicked finished on the holoscreen and watched as the right holoscreen changed.

On the right were both of her forms, and how they looked with custom commands to change anything that I didn't like. Luckily it seemed like everything was good with her form and how she will look in both forms had 0 issues, so I finished the process of her design.

"Manual design has been completed. Would you like to customize her personality or insert any personal information about yourself to help her serve you better?"

"Yes, I would." I simply answered and watched as a new holoscreen appeared with a keyboard. Quickly typing I began to insert my personal likes, dislikes, and how I act so the Pearl would know how to act around me.

I inserted a few human ideas into it such as "Napping" and how I like to occasionally take breaks to relax. Once I put in my information, I checked over how her personality would be and read through it quickly to discover if there was anything I wanted to change.

'Alright I don't want her stuck up, but I want her to be a little pushy and not afraid to point out my mistakes.' I thought as I began typing exactly what I wanted into her personality.

I scrunched my face up in thought and typed out one tiny extra thing. 'Let's make her a little gentleman like.' I thought as I typed one short sentence of what it means to be like that. I made sure that it was just a suggestion, so when she awakens it would appear in her memories of what a gentleman was like. It would be up to her to choose if she wanted to.

In embarrassment I shook my head slightly while I blushed. "Mhh should I? It can't hurt to make sure she understands what it means right?" I questioned myself loudly before sighing and moving on.

'I don't want to change too much as I want her personality to develop itself, but it is necessary right now to have a confidant that can help me point out my mistakes.' I thought before blushing and secretly adding 'Also, someone that I will like enough to be with for thousands of years.'

"Oh!" I gasped as I nearly forgot something. I went over to the point where I put in my own information and began rapidly typing.

I was inserting the knowledge of how to cook to her, nothing difficult and no recipes, but just what cooking was and how it is done. I gave some examples of human foods and made sure she understood what cooking was in case I ever get the urge to eat something comes up.

Finishing it up I smiled and clicked complete on the screen and watched as the holoscreen disappeared back into the Pearl.

"You have completed designing your Pearl. Please stand by." The Pearl said before floating off towards the floor before landing on it. The black clam shell slowly opened and the Pearl inside began forming.

'Oh, my, Stars. Oh my Stars!' I thought in an excited manner and had my hands clasped in front of me to keep them from moving too much.

I watched as the outfit I just designed slowly appeared on her as she fully formed. I was stuck in my head appreciating the designing that I put into her form until I heard a pop and saw that she was done forming.

Black Pearl Relaxation Form Image:

(Right now, picture her in a suit, just google Sebastian from Black Butler, that's what she's wearing)

She was masterfully crafted, of course because of my work, and she looked amazing. Her perfectly tailored suit, shining black hair, and of course her cute face charmed me immediately. 'Well, I know I am going to take care of you, so I don't need to get a new one.' I happily thought as I watched my Pearl open her eyes for the first time.

Black Pearl blinked once before smirking slightly. She slowly walked towards me and began to sing. "How do you do? My Black Diamond. ~"

Pearl then did a small twist and twirled around my legs.

"Thank you for bringing me into the world. ~"

Pearl slowly made her way back to the front of my legs and did a small bow.

"I am at your eternal service. Welcome to your new Pearl. ~"

'Oh, she is so charming, that little dance she did! Aww she's so cute!' I thought happily as a massive smile made its way onto my face.

Black Pearl rose from her bow and looked directly into my eyes and said, "My lustrous Black Diamond, truly, thank you for bringing me into the world."


AN Time: Just a notice thanks for all support on this despite only having 2 chaps so far!

I am trying to make it, so this is the top of the list on collections for this Sunday so make sure you all save this story if you enjoy it. I personally don't like asking for powerstones as I don't even know what they're used for besides power ranking, so saves matter more to me <3. Also comments help!

Anyways I want you all to know there will be eventual romance, but not until awhile. Black Diamond likes Pearl but not in a romance manner right now as I am still figuring out who to romance Black with.

Last thing I want to know if you all like longer chapters or shorter chapters? I could've split this into 2 chaps, or do you all like one chap?

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