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Chapter 25: Nightmare Land [3]

"Ghost Walk"

The skill did what made my step completely silent as I hurried forward.

The landscape changed constantly before me, but I never got out of the woods, so all I saw on

my way were the trees and vines that covered the ground.

After running for half an hour, I started to experience the first changes, which made me slow down gradually.

The heavy smell of blood that permeated the air warned me that something was in front of me. I wasn't used to the smell of blood, but it was ridiculously thick.

I slowly advanced, not worried that I would make a sound thanks to the ghost's footsteps…

Finally, I found the source of the smell in front of me. There was an open area devoid of trees,

a few hundred meters away from my place, I saw a huge creature lying there while more than half of it had been eaten I saw many strange shapes that were the same height as me, but I was too far away to know their shape.

From this point on, they looked like ants from afar.


I did my second skill and stared in disgust at what I saw.

They were disgusting creatures with large heads and huge bodies equipped with tentacles and terrifying claws. Dozens of these creatures tore at the carcass of the fallen abomination below them, I crept through the trees as I changed my path, having neither the courage nor the

strength to deal with those creatures there. Those very claws seemed capable of slashing me in half in one blow, I took a big roll over the area to avoid them, and it worked to some extent as nothing got in my way for some time.

The latter looked like a combination of a huge eagle with a raven head. Most likely, this was one of the most powerful creatures in the past before something killed him and now those pests devoured his body and continued running, relying entirely on the ghost's footsteps so as not to make any sound.

The moment I thought everything was going smoothly, something I didn't expect happened.

When I threw my feet forward, I felt something strange. It was not the same solid ground that I had, I was running on it but something else entirely.

I relied on my instinct and immediately threw my body to the side.

When I glanced at my previous place, my heart sank when I saw a huge claw standing there.

If I was a second late, he would have hacked me.

From under the weeds rose a creature similar to the one I had seen before, its characteristics I could make out from this distance, its head looking like that of a huge crab with 3 tentacles on each side.

4 huge claws, but two of those claws were completely shattered, and he looked injured.

"Maybe he couldn't join his comrades due to his injury, which caused him to set up an ambush here?"

I heard a sharp squeaking sound released by the crab in front of me. It immediately pounced on me like a madman after seeing his dinner...

I, too, drew the pistol I had prepared and, relying on the hawk's eye, fired 3 bullets in less than a second.

They all penetrated his body, but the abomination did not stop at all but continued running towards me.

He was so desperate to kill me that he didn't care about defending himself and only attacked as he quickly stabbed me with his claw

towards me.

Thanks to the HawkEye, I was able to know the trajectory of his strike, which made me dodge it at a distance of hair.

I threw my body and did somersaults on the ground, trying to put a distance between me and the abomination.

I kept shooting even when I was moving, which made me miss him several times.

He was also waving his claws like a madman, which made it difficult to dodge his blows.

A creature that doesn't care about defense and only attacks, what the hell is that?

I needed to hit him at his weak point, I didn't know what kind of creature this was for that

I decided to target the common weak point "the head."

To get a sure hit, I had to get close to him.

Taking advantage of the fact that he could only use two of his four claws, I was able to

He dodged his blows and then shot straight between his eyes.

This seemed to work because the abomination staggered and took several steps back.

At this moment, I thought I had won, but soon I realized how naive I was. The moment the abomination realized that it was at a disadvantage, it went into a frenzy and seemed

to loom like a lunatic all around. I, too, was so close to him that it made me go crazy.

Using the hawk's eye, I could see the trajectories of his strikes, but there was no point in trying to dodge as his strikes were very random and fast.

I immediately opened the distance, trying to avoid him, I avoided the first and the second.

I started using muscles I didn't even know existed.

I dodged like a madman for fear of my life, but life was tough.

I stumbled for a moment, which made me receive one of the quick claw blows.

I felt something penetrating my left shoulder, and when I took a look, I saw a claw the size of a sword that penetrated my shoulder and continued its way out of my back.

Immediately, a wave of burning pain spread a pain the like of which I had never felt.

I saw my hot blood dripping profusely, which made me go crazy too.

I started shooting like a madman, leaving small holes all over the abomination's


"This hurts, this hurts, this hurts, you motherfucker!"

I continued shooting and amidst my screams mixed with the screams of abomination in

front of me, there was a struggle for life. Eventually, I realized I was the only one fighting, so I quickly stopped and tried to take his claw off my shoulder. But the moment I pulled his claw a millimeter away, a sharp wave of pain

hit me as if someone was cutting my body.

When I finally succeeded and pulled his claw, I realized that the wound was deeper than I expected

when I saw a quantity, I pulled out a health-restoring potion and drank it immediately, I wrapped the wound and threw myself

on a tree trunk.

The wound was healing at a rapid rate thanks to the potion I used a while ago, but that

didn't stop the pain in any way. I slowly

started to come to my senses, realizing that I was in trouble.

The crab had been dead for some time after accumulating damage on its body, but my injury

didn't allow me to realize it, which made me keep shooting madly.

My screams resounded as I cursed with all the swearing terms I knew. This pain

was too much for someone like me who had lived all his life in a peaceful world...

the blood that spilled out.

"I must move."I supported my rickety body and tried to run.

Whether it was my scream or that of the creature I killed just a moment ago, we made a huge noise and commotion. It will bring more disasters to me.

I staggered with every step trying to escape, and ironically, what I feared happened, several crab creatures appeared from the trees, both from the front and the back, and unlike the one I killed a while ago, they were not injured.

My chances of confronting this number were nil,

I suffered two things to kill one of them while he was wounded, ran, and ran, holding on to my wounded shoulder. I heard the grinding of teeth behind me, I didn't want to turn

around to see the source of the sound, realizing

how terrifying the scene behind me was. Those creatures were so anxious for the moment

to swallow me that they bumped into each other as they ran after me. The number was increasing little by little while the distance between us was shrinking to the point that some of the blows were passing as far as a hair from my body. I realized that I wouldn't stay long if things continued like this, and fighting was not an option, I raced against time and tried to use every fiber of my brain to find a solution to my current situation, but no matter how much I thought and no matter how hard I tried, I realized that I would inevitably die here.


What made it worse was the fog that prevented me from seeing.

"Wait… mist?"

When I regained my sense of reality, I realized that I had been running through the fog for some time now.

The fog is so thick that I can no longer see anything.

At that very moment, my heart sank.

I immediately stopped running and hid by a tree...

I hugged my body and closed my eyes tightly.

This mist only meant one thing... I wished with all my heart that it wasn't what I thought it was... The fact that the crab creatures had not yet killed me confirmed my fears.

I don't know when I entered his domain… But now I was within the territory of one of the most

dangerous monsters within the entire

Nightmare Lands, I covered my head and cringed in place, continuing to close my eyes.

"No matter what happens, no matter what I hear, I must never open my eyes."

This was the only way to survive.

From time to time, I could hear the sounds of cutting around me. I could hear the screams of the creatures that were running after me... Corpses were falling all around me, blood spurted out of limbs...

I could see nothing but darkness.


something was whispering to me in my sister's voice while feeling my body.

fog probe

As if I was sitting in the middle of a war, I resisted the overwhelming desire of my body to flee and froze in my place there.

The sounds of battle gradually began to fade around me until silence finally prevailed.

The calm continued for some time. It was a few minutes, but it felt like hours... I closed my eyes and kept praying that the disaster would pass...

Just when I thought it was over, I heard a whisper in my ear.


It was a girl's voice, a gentle and refreshing voice.

I felt a gentle touch on my chest, but I didn't enjoy it at all. On the contrary, my heart sank more and more.

This time, it was a familiar voice, It was Ada's voice.

"Look at me, Fray,"

The voice continued whispering next to my ear.

But until the last moment, I refused to open my eyes.

"What's the matter? Don't you love me anymore? Fray?"

Whose voice was that?

I couldn't recognize the last voice, but the owner of the voice refused to leave me alone

I felt a soft body hugging me from behind.

"Look at me... Fray"

" God Damn it, get away from me, you filthy creature!"

I kept cursing inside... I didn't know when I would get out of this situation.

The voice fell silent for a moment before speaking again.

"Look at me, huh? What did he just say?

I flinched in my place...the name he called me now.

I was the only one who knew this name...

After all, this was the name I was called.

"Look at me,...don't you love me anymore?"

My lips and my whole body alike trembled.

How could I not? That was my mother's voice... my real mother... that crossed the line too far...

that was my mother's voice for damn it...

In my old world.

I grit my teeth and stop myself from moving... I was aware that it was all an illusion... But

"Open your eyes, son."

My father's voice.

"I missed you, brother."

my brother's voice

I bit my lip so hard that blood spurted out, covering my entire... family. I was so excited that I almost opened my eyes.

I felt that warm embrace that I missed so much... I wanted to reciprocate this warmth, I wanted it so much, but I knew the moment I opened my eyes, that would be the end.

Amid this war of thoughts, the warmth and the soft touch that I was feeling disappeared.

Instead, I felt now that I was leaning on something huge, something that was not human this time, it wasn't a soft voice, but a terrifying voice that made me imagine the ugliest demon, my imagination had ever conjured...

The psychological war lasted for a long time, I don't know how long, but I stayed

there with my eyes closed tightly, I used the pain not to lose my senses, and I remained conscious

until the end... The being next to me disappeared. And I haven't heard voices for some time now. Hours passed one after another as I sat there when I finally felt it was over, I slowly opened my eyes, I had trouble seeing what was in front of me because of the sudden transition from darkness to light but my eyes soon got used to the image around me.

The fog had completely disappeared by now,

and around me, I saw dozens or even hundreds of corpses scattered everywhere.

The severed limbs of the crab creature's corpses filled the place.

It looked as if a war had taken place here, a one-sided war.

"Open your eyes, you filthy!"

"Look at me motherfucker."

The terrifying voice continued whispering next to my ear, but I didn't lose my place.

I resisted the urge to vomit and sat there collapsing.

"What hell is this I got myself into?"

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