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Chapter 3: Y/n Bakugo x Kyoka Jiro (gl) mha on your pov

He throws it with all of his might a powerful force backing it up creating a strong gush of wind making our hair go up for a second before it cannot be seen

there stood a smiling green haired boy proving the sleep deprived looking adult wrong

i stared at the sight lost in awe a familiar voice can be heard shouting

"Deku....!" shouted Katsuki now charging at the boy in question as if he'd beat him up a look of anger spread across his face as he charge but was luckily caught By Sir Aizawa's Scarf making him unable to move as the scarf was wrap around him

"W-what is this-" a mutter came out of Katsuki as he try to get out of the scarf's embrace

"My eyes is drying now so you kids better not make me use it" Aizawa-san said menacingly his eyes glowing bright red

Katsuki was now released as Izuku get back to where we are

"What's wrong with him? " Some classmates of ours mutter to themselves loud enough that i'm sure katsuki can hear i turn to look at him the fowl expression on his face disappeared without a trace but a melachondic one replacing it as he went back to where he stood earlier

"next" The adult called out probably because of the performance and that little incident the students seemed reluctant

should i go next? i thought to myself before then a ball went to my hands

"you go next we shouldn't waste time at you kids idling there for the whole time" he said in a monotone voice as he went back to his position

Welp that's my signal to move i thought before moving up to the platform

i then position myself and throw the ball as much as i can and shout

"Air output...

i then remember to be more careful as the 0 point robot incident came across my mind

6...! " i finished a gush of steong air now backing up the ball as it was now in a bit of a distant

i panted gasping for air as i unleash that my body sweating

that still took a lot from me huh i thought to myself as i look at my (dominant) hand then i heard a gasps seemingly from our classmates making me turn to them and there i saw my total distance

820.3 is what's written on it

holy moly i thought i didn't expect that kind of a large distance to be performed by me at all people

i then went back to my earlier spot still a bit surprised

"good job Y/n" i heard someone say as i was now in my spot getting my attention i look at the source of voice to find Jiro

"t-thank you" i said that stuttering a bit

she's just beside me, stay calm Y/n we don't wanna appear like a creep to her

my thoughts was focus on the fact that i'm near Jiro that i didn't pay attention to the other performances

Before i know it we finished all the test of some sort and now is the time for us to see the results and who would be kicked out

then a screen pop out our names ranked up and beside it is our overall points for today

i naturally scan the top

Yaoyorozu is what's on top then next to it is Todoroki then Bakugo i look to the first name and i managed to get 3rd place and Katsuki 4th as i finish scanning then i saw Izuku's name on the bottom of the list making him the possible students to be kicked out my eyes then fall to the guy who seemed to have given up as he look pale like he'd seen a ghost

"So someone is gonna get kicked out.. " some mutter can be heard among the students as they look over the screen again

"Aizawa-sensei is bluffing" a tall Female with dark hair tied in a high ponytail said while she crossed her arms

If i remember correctly She's Yaoyorozu i thought looking at the girl

A loud gasps came out from the students who have been nervous then they all look over to Aizawa-san who was now grinning at them then walk away

"Go and change back to your uniforms and go back to your room.. " he said then walked over to izuku "Go get that check by Recovery girl" he said as he handed izuku a piece of paper and glance at his finger before walking off

students move out as we i'm now alone with Izuku

"Can i tag along? " i ask now walking up beside him

"maybe you should head back first"he said as he lightly scratched his face with his index finger

" Mmm... " i once again look at him then replied "Alright"

i was now walking inside the room taking a seat at my chair some students getting up to leave and some still inside chatting with someone

They befriended someone easily even though we just started i thought as i took a quick glance to the group

Welp i better get my ass up i thought as i now stood up and took my backpack glancing at the empty seat of Katsuki And Izuku Who still has he's bag on his seat

He sure is taking his time i thought

a tapped on my shoulder snap me out of my train of thought making me turn to that person to find A Yellow haired boy with a streak of black in his hair his hand stretch out revealing my pen on it

"this must be yours" he said as he handed me it i looked to see a similar looking ballpen i took it and scan the signature

the signature was different...? i thought still looking at it then

"Oh sorry that ones mine" Jiro suddenly claimed making me look over to her and handed it

i just nodded The yellow haired guy just said Alrighty before going back to his seat

i walked out of the room now walking out of the school

It's just a pen why can't i get it out of my head..... i thought a glimpse of the signature of the pen came again on the back of my mind

i sighed opening up my phone looking at the time 3 in the afternoon huh?

maybe i could go take a stroll around the park later after i change i thought to myself before closing my phone and putting it back to my pocket

i'm now at our house i twisted the door handle to set my foot in

He's at his room probably i thought as i scan the shoe on the side

i close the door behind me and put my shoe aside before walking straight to my room to be welcomed by Katsuki leaning at the side of it

i glanced at him before walking pass him and to my door

"Do you have any idea about what kind of nonsense was that earlier and that thing on the acceptance letter" He suddenly spoke up making me stop on my track my hand on my door handle

i stayed silent for a few seconds then replied "Who knows" and walked in my room closing the door behind me

i sat at the edge of my bed my bag on the floor

i sighed looking at the ceiling

This is one of a hectic day i must say

i thought to myself before letting my sleepiness get me my eyelids now slowly closing

*time skip*

i woke up with a really bad headache making me want to go get some water to drink i set my foot at the cold floor finding my slippers and slip in it and garb some clothes to change into before heading down stairs

Katsuki was there with a thick book wearing his black hoodie

i walk past the living room where he is and went straight to the kitchen and grab some clean glass and poured some tap water on it

as i drank the glass of water Katsuki suddenly spoke up

"You don't know He has quirk too am i right" he said more like a statement than a question making me put my glass down and look at him annoyed

"Can you pls just freaking stop asking about that!? " i snapped

"Why would i? " He said now getting up

then he spoke again "Don't you think it's suspicious that nerd suddenly has a quirk?" then walk at the stairs

"Something is up and i'll get down into it.... "

he finished and walked up the stairs making me snap back as i hear him

"Your just making it shown that you are conscious of izuku having a quirk and which he could beat you of becoming the number 1-" before i could finish he suddenly snap back

"That's none of your business and your not gonna be hiding the fact that we both find it suspicious why does he suddenly have a quirk which he could have develop early age but was only develop when we enter u. a we both know that very well.... " he said now living me more puzzled and doubtful

i drank the remaining of the water in frustration before putting it back at the counter and solemnly looking at the floor lost

i hate how those words affected me...

*next morning *

i was restless the whole night making me tired and more worn out than ever resulting for me to just get some simple exercise not my usual ones which would probably tire me out

i changed and got up to the shower of my room and clean myself up before changing on my uniform then headed down stairs to see them eating i greeted good morning mom and dad and i took a quick glance at Katsuki our gazes locking a bit before we both break it up

"i'll go first" i said and went to the counter and made a sandwich and bid them goodbye

"but honey-"

i didn't let mom finish and cur her off with a quick good bye then i close the door behind me

*no ones pov*

"Did something happen?... " they questioned the boy which he left it unanswered and continued doing so

"Oii Katsuki What's up with Y/n!? i swear if you hurt her i'll kill you"

"i'm eating old hag and why are you fucking shouting she's f*cking old enough to take care of Herself! "


those are the few exhange of Katsuki and their mother their father stuck at the noisy arguments of the two

*Y/n's POV*

i was walking to U. a while eating my sandwich playing some music in my ears i want to sort out my thoughts that's why i hurriedly went out

walking down the alley i saw some students walking with friends or alone like me

better finish this sandwich i thought to myself before i took the last bite dusting my hands a bit

wait... oh shoot i forgot my glasses-

that's why my way is a bit blurry huh-

a loud thud came by my ear in just a few seconds i felt a sharp pain in my stomach like someone bump into me

"Sorry about that Bakugo-" the person apologize i look up and oh boy it's Jiro-

"i-it's fine" i said before dusting myself and got up "and just call me Y/n" i added

"B-but-" she tries to speak up but i cut her off

"if you use my Last name you'll just confuse me and Katsuki" i said being reasonable even though my real reason was to get close to this girl

"a-alright" she said pink tint covering her cheeks

"How about... let's go to U. a together is that alright?... " i suggested

"That's sounds good" she Agreed then we continue walking

as we continue walking Jiro spoke up

"Say Y/n...."

"hmm? " i ask tilting my head on her direction

"How did you know what i did back there? -" Jiro ask which made my mind who was currently in the clouds a bit confused

"what do you mean? " i ask her clearly confuse

"You know on the entrance exam? " she added making my confusion clear up and understand what she's implying now

"Oh that" i exclaimed realizing what she's talking about

"A certain someone told me about it that's how i know it" i just decided to be vague as i don't know if i could say the information or not

"Ohh" she exclaimed as she heard my explanation

We are now in front of the U. a gate at this time making us go ahead and walked to our room

We had a little chat before we arrive at our classroom door

Me deciding to open it up was welcomed by the students who was already in there

"It's L/n And Jiro" a red haired exclaimed as i open the door

"What's this about...? "

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