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Chapter 6: Dark Heir Issue #6

Chinatown, New York Sept 4, 2001

[Creek, shuffling, a door is unlocked]

A woman walks back into her apartment, locks the door, and settles her bag on the counter. Turning on the light, she gasps

"Hello there, Miyami," I reply, breaking the quietness of the home

"Who are you?" Miyami says as she reaches for a knife

"I'm Nightwing, and I come for your help," I say as I

"You break into my apartment, and you think that'll make me want to help you." She asks angrily

"Well, I'm on a time crunch; you see, your mother, Tai, kidnapped my brother and started gathering the things needed for the ritual. I need your help stopping the Dragon's breath," I say, trying to place her

"Sigh. How long do we have?" She responds

"Not that long. Tai is already on the way there now, and I need your help getting to the temple," I respond, leading her out of the apartment to the roof

"No, first we need to contact the Inner Circle; they should be in Hong Kong before we head for Cambodia," She says as she stops and looks at the Batmobile flying closer to us, decloaking

"What is that?" She asks with her jaw agape

"That is my pride and joy; I call it the Batmobile." I smile broadly as I climb into the cockpit, leading her

"You know us rich vigilantes, we love our toys; Neo set course to Cambodia, and call this number," I respond as the Batmobile turns on. Neo awakes, and I type the number on the screen.

"Of course, Sir, we will be there in approximately 5.3 hours; please fasten your seatbelts," Neo calls out from the speakers

Later in Cambodia


"You should've warned me," Miyami tells him in between dry heaves

"What would the fun be in that?" I smirk before getting serious

"Why didn't we just fly closer to the Temple?" I responded as we started the trek to the Cambodian jungle; when I sensed a group approaching, I grabbed Miyami and hid in cover.

"Because you have to get to where the pact was conceived and where it will be consumed," Responded someone as they walked from behind the tree line

"Hello Miyami, It's been a long time, sister" Responded Diego Casseas as he and three others walked in with him

The rest of the original Folding Circle, Behind Diego Casseas was a tall white man with a red circle on his chest known as Bloodstrike; next to him was a man in a catsuit, Smiling Tiger, and a woman with her head on fire, Silk Fever.

"It has; I'm sorry to hear about Jorani and your daughter," Miyami responded as we both got up, and she went up to him to give him a hug

"Thank you, but now who is this." Diego Casseas as he returned the hug before he turned and faced me

"I'm Nightwing, here to stop Tai and the ceremony. Will that be a problem," I said as I returned the puzzled face with a glare

" No, the only problem we gave is the dragon's breath." He responded, and his group joined us as we marched ahead

" We are very close to our destination," Diego called out to the group when I sensed people approaching

" Be prepared; we got watchers," I responded as I moved my hands to my batarangs and tossed them to the closest ones near me

"We're under attack" Miyami called out as she grabbed her sword, and I pulled out my escrima sticks from my belt as we first started clashing with the ninjas


"They are children of the pact, stop them,"lead dragons breathe ninja called out to his group in Cambodian

"Don't know what language y'all blabbering about, but this is a language I understand," Called out Bloodstrike as he lifted two ninjas and smacked their heads together

"There are dozens of them," Silk Fever called out from above us as she started lighting them aflame

[Grrrrrr] growled out, Smiling Tiger as he was clawing the chests of the ninjas and ripping them apart.

"Silk Fever, the canopy of jungle growth burn it down; the rest of you regroup," Called Diego as he kept cutting his way through the group

While Miyami and I are fighting side to side, making our way back to the rest of the group

[Booooom] The explosion caused the rest of the dragon breath ninja to be blown up and the path in front of us to clear up

"Wow," I spoke in wonder, looking at the majestic sight of the temple in front of me

"We have arrived; welcome to The Temple of The Dragons Breath, my folding circle." Diego spoke up as we made our way inside the temple

"Don't tell me no Electricity," Bloodstrike spoke first as we stepped into the dark

"No, it isn't the time for jokes, Bloodstrike; now it's time for introspection. It has been a long time since we…oh," Diego chiseled

"It has been a long time, hasn't it, Diego Casseas? You have been so busy, haven't you, taking your child's powers for yourself and plotting against me." Called out Tai as she stepped in from the dark, glowing as she approached

"You not so innocent either, Mother, gathering the children of the pact to sacrifice them for power," Miyami called out to her mother, sword still in her hand, waiting for an opening to strike

"A direct response to both the meddling of Dwayne or as you call him Nightwing, and Deigo's senseless meddling have caused me to push the timetable years before I was ready…Tell me, my daughter, what foolish desire has driven you all to defy me? A lust for power or a lust for Death." Tai deflected back

"No for Vengeance and Justice," I called out as I tossed some explosives batarangs to her

She grabbed it with black binds, then held each of us, leading us to the ritual chamber where the well of all things was located. She started to hang us near the rest of the children of the pact.

"So like your father, so stubborn, so uncooperative." Tai tsked

As she started her evil monologue, I reached into my utility belt, grabbed a Batarang, cut the binds of myself before I passed it around to the rest of us and silently motioned them to attack my signal; Diego and Miyami discreetly nodded in agreement

My brother and his mother looked over towards me, their eyes wide as Tai removed my mask.

"I'm sorry for dragging you both into this. it wasn't my intention, but I will save you," I said, looking towards them

"You love them, don't you, Dwayne?" Tai asked, looking down at me as she was floating

"Yes," I respond with clenched teeth

Then let's see how long your obstinance can outweigh their pain." Tai said as she made towards them,

"Blah blah prophecy, blah blah take over the world, see I don't get it. Why does it always have to be I'm going take over the world? Why not something original like I'll create a utopia or end cancer." I tainted her trying to get her attention away from them towards me

"You dare interrupt me!" Tai starts screeching as she came closer to me and fired a magic lighting at me, and I smirked


"Now, was that supposed to hurt?" I continued taunting her as my suit tanked the attack, and now with her distracted, the rest of the group got out from the binds

I take my escrima sticks and combine them into a collapsible staff sweep her legs from under her, and hit her with the electricity from the top, aiming for her head as she speeds up from underneath me and disappears into the end of the hall

As we make our move towards her from the side of the chamber near the middle

"Is that the well she was talking about?" Called out Silk Fire

"Look upon me, Children, in fear for when I am engulfed in the Eldritch energy from the well, I am more powerful," Tai spoke, echoing in the large chamber we were in now


As Blindstike and Smiling Tiger both collapse

"Retreat and regroup," I call out, tossing some smoke pellets on the ground, shielding us temporarily as we start running back from the hallway we were just in

"We have to split up; you two, pointing towards Silk Fire and Diego, are to cause a distraction. Miyami, you are to rescue Blindstike and Smiling Tiger and make way to the rest of the hostages and save them." I tell them the plan

"And what will you be doing?" Diego responded

"Save our asses," I answered, showing them the explosives charges. They nodded as they had no better plan and started making way

As Silk Fire and Diego start sending their attacks to Tai, I sneak behind where the well is located and set up explosives

Silk fire was hit with a beam, falling from the sky into the well, and Diego was captured

"One by one, you all shall fall; soon, the power will be mine, and you shall bear witness to your end," Tai spoke out loud as she started cackling, holding Diego by the throat over the Well

I jumped up behind her and hit her with the laser beam connected to my gauntlet and hit her in the heart and then Diego in the chest

As she and Diego both fall into the Well, overloading it, I set the timer on and made my way to the rest of them

"We have to leave the temple is going to explode," I call out as I sprint toward the exit

[Beeep Beeep Booooooooom]

The following explosion pushed everyone to the ground.

"The entire temple was sucked into the Well and collapsed," Miyami said as we all looked at the temple imploding on itself

I start shaking my head and look toward the survivors. Miyami, my brother, his mother, Bloodstrike, Smiling Tiger, and two children I'm assuming were children of the pact, one of Tai's grandchildren, all grouped up on the ground

Finally, it's over; we have won

Hassan_Nur Hassan_Nur

I was supposed to drop this chapter later in the week but I couldn’t sleep so I edited and posted it,

If you like it ? Add to library! and stay tuned for the next update

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