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Chapter 2: Chapter - 2 : Wandering Souls Finally Met

(Rohith's POV)

As I thought I(:Rohith) was dead for good.

That too in a most unexpected and unexciting way. Now, to my surprise, I found myself surrounded by an enigmatic void.

And strangely enough, despite being faced with such a predicament, I couldn't help but feel a certain fondness for this peculiar place and simply relieved myself without any unwanted thoughts.

The void had a certain allure, an inexplicable charm that drew me in. It emitted a cosy and warm aura, comforting in its own mysterious way.

...and so I followed what I wanted.

I made a choice to follow my instincts and indulge in my thoughts, allowing myself to be consumed by them.

I willingly surrendered to the void within, drowning in a sea of empty musings.

Yet, amidst the calm and tranquilly, confusion began to creep into my aimless musings.

Shouldn't I be undergoing some sort of judgement to go to hell or heaven based on the merit points I have accumulated throughout my life?

But it seems that all the Novels I had read were wrong.

Resigned to the situation, I came to accept that there was nothing I could do about it

It was what it was, and I had to embrace the uncertainty.

It was in these moments that I realised the quirk of losing oneself.

I always believed Men had the power to disconnect from the world around them without the burden of thoughts weighing them down.

Sometimes, without even closing their eyes, men could detach themselves from their surroundings and enter a state of introspection.

It felt strange yet liberating, as if I had tapped into a hidden aspect of existence.

It's weird, right?



As I gave in to my circumstances and did what I didn't know exactly what I was doing, a silhouette caught my attention.

–A figure of a young teenager, around 16 years old, stood motionless in the distance.

Though the brightness surrounding him obscured any clear details, I was undeterred.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I encountered someone in this ethereal realm.

Time seemed to be an elusive concept in this place.

I couldn't fathom how long I had been trapped here.

Minutes, hours, days, months, or perhaps even years had slipped through my grasp.

The notion became irrelevant, and if it weren't for the Boon I(:Men) have, I would have lost myself in boredom.

Curiosity piqued, I approached the young individual, my mind racing with thoughts on how to initiate a conversation.

To say that I was socially adept would be a gross overstatement.

Small talk had never been my forte.

Nevertheless, I gathered my courage and mustered up a feeble greeting.

"Hey, umm... hi there, Kid."(Rohith)

I stammered, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

My attempt at a greeting felt lacklustre, and a wave of self-doubt washed over me.

Perhaps I had blundered in my assumption that the teenager was merely a child.

Who was I to assume anything about this place or the people within it?

For all I knew, this enigmatic figure could be a deity or an otherworldly being.

The thought sent a shiver down my incorporeal form.

"Are you truly a Kid, or perhaps... a divine being?"(Rohith)

I stumbled through my words, my uncertainty palpable.

Silence hung in the air as the young teenager remained still, fixated on something beyond my sight.

Doubt began to cloud my mind as I contemplated the possibility of another failed attempt at communication. It seemed as though my words were futile, falling on deaf ears.

Driven by a mix of curiosity and a yearning for connection, I cautiously reached out and placed my hand on the teenager's shoulder.

Suddenly, an unknown force enveloped my consciousness, pulling me in without any resistance on my part.

It wasn't that I couldn't resist.

But rather, I didn't want to.

There was an inexplicable feeling that this force was leading me to where I truly belonged, as if it had been my calling all along.

In a blink of an eye, starting with my hand placed on the mysterious figure, my body began to disintegrate into countless particles of light right before my eyes.

It was a surreal and awe-inspiring sight as I dissolved into the abyss without leaving a single trace behind.

As I vanished, an overwhelming feeling of warmth enveloped me.

In that moment, I felt a sense of peace and belonging like never before.

And there, in the embrace of that gentle warmth, I felt a profound connection to something greater than myself.

It was as if I had reunited with a part of me that had been missing, and I knew deep in my heart that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

…I felt warm.

Leaving the young teenager behind, alone in that void, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and purpose.

For the first time in my existence, I was at peace with the unknown and ready to embrace the journey that lay ahead.


(Unknown's POV)

As I slowly regained consciousness, I found myself in a strange and unsettling void, unable to control my own body.

Confusion and disorientation washed over me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings.

The last thing I remembered was me rushing in front of my Sister's cabin to protect her from the bandits who had invaded our personal compartment.

But now, there was only emptiness, and worry gnawed at my mind.

What happened to my Sister?

Is she safe?

Panic and worry started to well up inside me as I wondered about my Sister's safety, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness as I stood still in the void.

Suddenly, a figure that seemed vaguely familiar approached me.

I couldn't quite place where I had seen this figure before, but there was a strange sense of recognition.

The figure stood taller, and his foreign language left me completely perplexed.

I couldn't comprehend his words or his intentions.

Though uncertain, I stood my ground, hoping the figure meant no harm.

As the figure placed a hand on my shoulder, a wave of disorienting sensations washed over me.

Memories, not my own, but somehow intimately connected to me, flooded his mind.

In an instant, I found myself living a completely different life on a planet called Earth, experiencing a reality with unfamiliar language, culture, and technology.

It was as if I had been transported into the body of someone else, living another existence as an orphan, facing loneliness and the desperate need to find a purpose to live for.

The memories spanned over 22 years, and the most surreal part was that I recognized this life from a Novel I had read in my previous reality.

The confusion intensified as I struggled to reconcile the memories of my previous life with my current reality in the void.

The images of my life on Earth dominated my thinking, making my present predicament feel distant and unreal.

It was as though my mindset had shifted, and the memories of my previous life had become more vivid and significant.

Finally, the figure before me began to disintegrate into nothingness, and the void around me crumbled away.

I felt the sensation of my body returning. Slowly, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get my bearings, and my surroundings came into focus.

And there I was, back on the train, lying on the soft bed.

"My Lord!"(???)

-Only to hear a familiar voice, tinged with worry.

"I am FINE!"


I shouted, and the familiar voice fell silent, respecting my wishes.

I gingerly touched my shoulder, half-expecting to feel the presence of the mysterious figure once more. However, there was nothing but the residual ache from the impact of the bandit's blow.

Slowly, I took in the situation, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

My head throbbed with pain, and I noticed a bandage wrapped around it, a painful reminder of the attack by the bandit while defending my Sister.

Wait!! My Sister!

"HOW IS SHE!?"(???)

I couldn't help but ask, or rather, shout, at the same figure whom I had just told to shut up.

"Princess Elizabeth is fine, my Lord. She is comfortably resting in her cabin."(???)

He answered, his voice steady despite my outburst.


Hearing his explanation, a *sigh of relief escaped my mouth, thankful that my Sister was safe.

"My Lord, I thi–"(???)

As the other party was about to say something, I threw up a hand and shooed him away.


With a soft thud, the door of the cabin was closed, indicating the person's exit.

Left alone, I took a moment to gather myself, trying to comprehend the strange events that had transpired.

The memories of the void and the foreign figure still lingered, but they felt like fleeting fragments of a dream.

Yet, the memories of my life on a planet called Earth continued to shape my thoughts.

I couldn't shake off the profound impact they had on me.

…I died?

Got reincarnated…

Or, somehow, I've got these memories from my past life, proving to me that this World I'm living in is a freaking Novel I once read and I am a Character in it.

(To be continued….)


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