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Chapter 3: Chapter 3



''M-Maja is willing to serve a M-M-Master!''

With the sound of a pop, and a clap mixed together, a young female House-Elf dressed in a stitched-together potato rag appears in front of Maxi. His eyes widen, and he almost instinctively casts a firebolt, but he catches himself before he accidentally sets on fire the young… ''Elf''.

He feels disgust and revulsion as he stares at the little elf but it quickly passes as he can feel… A connection? No, not a connection… A sense of blood? Gods, they are related to Elves!

''Greetings… Maja is it? My name is Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund. Now, I'll fully admit, I didn't expect a response but I am glad I got one. If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me a little about yourself? I don't think I have met one of your kind before, so you'll have to pardon my curiosity.'' Maxi says as he observes the little elf.

She looks similar to how the House-Elves in the movies were shown to look. And he had to admit, they are ugly little things. It disgusts him that such an ugly thing has the audacity of having an Elf in their race name.

''M-M-Maja is a young elf, Sir. She was the daughter of elves from a small noble house. S-S-Sadly, my family's master and family have been killed by a f-f-foul Dark Wizard. With no family to take care of me, or a master to serve, I-I-I have been starving since.'' Maja explains with a small stutter and Maxi nods in understanding.

''I see.'' He simply replies as he observes her more attentively, and he frowns at her frail thin form. ''You look truly starved. But how could a House Elf starve? Can't you steal from Muggles using your magic to feed yourself?'' He asks with a frown and she shakes her head before she replies.

''House-Elves don't eat Muggles or Wizard's foods.'' She says before she points around him. ''We eat the leftover magic from our masters. M-M-Maja has never had a master, I've never eaten anything in forever'' She says as she curls slightly as she holds her stomach, and looks at him with expectant eyes.

''I see.'' He says before he nods his head.

'They are truly a subservient, servile race. Parasites, in a way as well. But they can only feed off leftover magic? I found that hard to believe, but I don't think I would mind having any of my leftover magic be used for something.' He thinks before he looks at the little House Elf.

''Alright, I am willing to make you my House-Elf. But before that, do you still have access to your old master's house?'' Maxi asks and she shakes her head.

''N-N-No, Sir. The old Manor that Maja lived in was burned down to the ground and the air was tainted by foul magic! I wouldn't go back, or approach that place, Sir!'' She says quickly and in a worried tone and he waves his hand to calm her down.

''Alright, alright. Calm down, I won't be going anywhere near that Manor. So, with that out of the way, I think it is time to make you my official House-Elf… Though I have no clue how to do that. Do you know how to?'' He asks with a wry smile, and Maja can only return a radiant smile as she quickly grabs his hand and puts it over her head as she enthusiastically speaks.

''Sir, only has to put your hand on Maja's head and say you wish to be her Master!'' She says excitedly.

Nodding at her words, he does as she says.

''I wish to be Maja's Master.'' Maxi says and he sees a faint, almost invisible wave of magic cover the both of them before they glow slightly. ''Fascinating. Such a peculiar type of magic, I wonder if I could replicate it? Though this is new. I feel we share some sort of connection now.'' Maxi says curiously as he tries to analyze the magic.

Maja's condition seemed to rapidly improve, and the look on her face was that of pure bliss. He isn't that surprised, or well, he is unsure if he should be surprised or not. But he assumes his magic must be the tastiest thing, after all, it came from a High Eladrin with four sources of magic. Each is distinct, and different from the other.

''I suppose you like the… Taste of my magic, no?'' He asks with a small smile and she rapidly nods in confirmation.

''Yes! Master's magic taste is very good!'' She says with a content smile and he only nods minutely.

''Good. I assume you are in a better state than you were previously. Could you take me somewhere? I am afraid I can't live among muggles anymore.'' He says and she only looks at him curiously.

''And why is that, Master?'' She asks and he raises an eyebrow at her.

''I am a High Eladrin. And if you haven't noticed by my long ears, skin tone, eye color, and hair. I am clearly not human.'' He says and her eyes suddenly widen to the size of saucers as a look of recognition appears on her face.

''You're a Fey Lord?!?!'' She asks before she starts jumping enthusiastically, saying how lucky she is to serve a Fey Lord.

He could only stare at her confusedly before he calls out to her.

''Maja! Maja, stop it! What do you mean a Fey Lord?'' He says and she looks at him with adoration before she quickly explains.

''Fey Lords are the lords of all Fae and Sylvans! And, you, master, are one of them! Your magic and appearance are unmistakable! You're a Fey Lord!'' She says almost vibrating on the spot.

With raised hands to try and calm her down he quickly questions her about it.

''Do Wizards know what Fey Lords are? And I wouldn't call myself a Fey Lord. I am not even a full High Eladrin yet…'' He trails off in the end and Maja quickly shakes her head.

''No, my Lord. The Wizzies have no clue how we Fae and Sylvans came to be. They ain't got a clue about you, my Lord! And it doesn't matter if you aren't a full one, you got their blood in your veins and that is all that matters!'' She says happily and he could only sigh at her exuberance.

''Alright. We'll talk more about this later. Now, I need you to take me to a bank in the Wizarding World. I am unsure if there's one in Germany, but I need you to take me to Gringotts. Hopefully, the blood in my still… Human-ish body has the descendants of some noble house that I can take a few galleons off their coffers.'' He says before he stops as he notices a slight problem.

'Wait a minute. Don't I got a spell for this? I doubt the Goblins would allow a child to do business with them, so a disguise is necessary. But if I use Disguise Self, ha! I love my magic.' He thinks as he nods his head.

''Alright, Maja. Let me cast a spell first, then you can take me to Gringotts. I'll be doing an illusion spell to disguise myself, so please don't be surprised when I appear differently.'' He gives a warning to Maja and she only nods before she watches him.

Ignoring her as he focuses on his spell, he quickly casts it as he speaks it in Elvish to increase the power of the spell.

A thin, purple veil covers his body before it morphs and changes shapes. And as it does so, on the outside, he appears to grow taller, and older while also changing his appearance.

His black hair turned into a red color, his eyes green, and his face gained freckles. His skin tone becomes a healthy rosy pink color, and his ears become smaller and human-like. He also looked older, and taller than he previously was.

Finished with the spell, he looks at himself in the mirror and smiles at the well-done spell. Disguise Self should last an entire hour, which he hopes is more than enough time to do an Inheritance Status Test.

''Alright, I'm done. You can take me to Gringotts now, or whatever the Bank in Germany is called.'' He says and she nods before he grabs his hands.

Not commenting on it, they suddenly teleport.

He feels like he is going through a wormhole, or blackhole, as his body stretches, compressed, and expands all at the same time. Weirdly enough, it felt similar to how he teleported through his Fey Step, so it wasn't that unpleasant. If anything, it was just a weird experience.




With the sound of a pop and a clap, a House Elf and a young eleven-year-old appear in an alleyway

The two figures, that is, Maxi and Maja appeared in an alleyway near a busy street. The street was filled with people, all dressed like wizards and witches. Various shops and weird things adorned the side of the road as well.

Maxi took a second to reorient himself before he looked around, and raised an eyebrow.

''Maja, I thought I told you to take me to Gringotts?'' He asks curiously as he watches the busy street, and the little elf nods her head.

''Yes, Master. Just follow Maja, she'll take you to Gringotts!'' She says before she grabs his hand again and leads him into Gringotts.

Walking through such a large crowd made Maxi uncomfortable, but with Maja's warm hand in his own, it offered a great distraction from the massive amounts of people walking around. They walked for a few minutes, and he took his time to observe and note a few shops that caught his interest. The shops that caught his interest, were one that looked like a magical pet shop, an Apothecary, and a library.

Though his eyes were taken off the shops when his eyes locked onto the white building of Gringotts. They didn't waste time and quickly entered the building. There was also that warning to thieves on the front, but he honestly ignored the thing.

He doesn't doubt he could steal from these fools if he ever got high-level magic. The movies showed how easy it was to do so, so he truly doesn't think it would be problematic. Though, currently, he can think of better ways to acquire some money than risk stealing from the Goblins.

Though before they walked into Gringotts, he sent Maja to go collect all of his chore money. Of course, Maxi doesn't think he has enough money to convert into Wizarding Currency, so he also added for her to steal all the money inside the Orphanage. He would've felt guilt, or maybe bad from stealing from an Orphanage of all things, but they are all humans that would probably not treat him the same after they saw his physical changes.

Maja came back after a few seconds and handed him bundled-up rolls of cash. He quickly pocket it inside his clothes and then walked inside the bank.

Inside the bank, it was… a weird mix of it being empty, yet busy. A few places had a lot of people, but other areas were devoid of people, except for a few goblins doing something. It also looked exactly like the Gringotts shown in the movies.

He ignored all and avoided stepping or walking in front of any Goblins, Wizard, or Witch, as he quickly went to a teller. A few eyes went to him, though most did not linger for long. And once he arrived at the teller's desk, the goblin behind it completely ignored him in favor of continuing to work on whatever he was working on. He could only sigh mentally, as he wasn't surprised at all at how the goblin was behaving.

Even if this was the first time he saw a goblin, he knew how annoying those green dwarves are. Or, well, they aren't green, but you get what he's saying. Though he would've preferred to deal with dwarves than goblins. Much nicer, and much more pleasing to look at.

He knew he now had to play a game of seeing who would act first, and to be honest, he doubted he would lose. Being a High Eladrin, or well, becoming one has made him learn how to be patient. Alongside the years spent trying to access his inner mind, the practice of spells, and just having to live with the annoying children in the Orphanage made him have the patience of a saint. Even if it can come and go rapidly depending on the situation.

Minutes pass in silence, the goblin continuing with his work and him patiently waiting for him to finish it. It was only when almost 10 minutes had passed did the goblin seem to ''notice'' his presence.

''What do you want?'' He asked with an annoyed tone, which he completely ignored.

Casting a Minor Illusion, he formed a small note before he handed it over to the goblin. He seemed surprised at his use of magic but ignored it momentarily to read his note. Grunting as the goblin finishes reading his note, he makes a follow me gesture before he walks away and leads him to a back door and through the halls of Gringotts.

They walked through the halls before they arrived in a secluded meeting room, and once alone in the room, the goblin speaks up.

''We're alone. As you requested, so hand over my money.'' He gruffily spoke and he could only roll his eyes before he pulled a rolled-up stack of German marks.

Tossing roughly a thousand German marks, the goblin quickly counts it before nodding.

''Alright. It's all here. You got your private meeting. Now, take off that illusion you have over yourself.'' He said, and he widens his eyes in surprise.

''How did you know?'' He asked curiously, and this time it was the goblin who rolled his eyes.

''Do you know how many Wizards and Witches try to impersonate somebody to steal from their vaults? Too many to count. We have proper measures to prevent someone impersonating somebody else from stealing from their Vaults. Be it if they are under polymorph juice or illusion charms. And I don't do business with people who are too scared to show their faces.'' He says in a slightly angry tone, and he could only shrug his shoulders at the goblin's words.

Dismissing his illusion, his real body appeared, and the goblin became shocked.

''A Fey Lord? But I thought all of them were dead…'' He mutters slowly before he looks at him warily.

Raising his hands he could only shake his head.

''I mean you no harm. And to be honest, I have no clue what a Fey Lord is. But I didn't come here to talk about myself. I wish to do an inheritance test and convert all my muggle currency into wizarding currency. But before that, may I know your name? I'll go first. I'm called Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund.'' He spoke in a calm tone, and the goblin slowly nodded.

''The name's Färjun. And concerning converting your muggle currency into wizard currency, that can be easily done. I assume you want to convert your muggle currency first, and then do your inheritance test, my Lord?'' He says in a somewhat respectful tone, though he could detect that respect came from fear.

He frowned slightly but nodded quickly. He stole quite a lot from the Orphanage, of which he is somewhat sure is enough to pay for the test.

It took a few minutes to convert all the German Marks, but at the end of it, he had about 203 Galleons.

( AN: No clue how much that is in German Marks/Euros and I don't really care about it. )

''I trust you would like to take your Inheritance Test now, my Lord?'' He asks and he nods before he speaks.

''Yes, though I wish for you to make an oath on your magic. I want no one to know what has happened in this room, you can't speak, talk, or even think about anything that has happened in this room. I wish for the results to be a private matter. And for you to not play any tricks. I trust this will not be a problem?'' He asked with a slightly threatening tone, and the goblin quickly nodded.

An oath later, and 100 Galleons down the drain from paying to do the test the goblin went outside to get a magical bag for him to carry his remaining 103 Galleons. Free of charge, as apparently, Fey Lords are intimidating beings. Meanwhile, Maxi was having a minor headache at the reaction of the Goblin when he saw his form. Apparently, Fey Lords are very, very, very big deals. And it seems the Wizards & Witches of the Wizarding World have no clue that they exist, or existed. At least, that's what it seems like, but he is unsure.

Though he can see how to juggle this situation to his advantage. Perhaps even abuse it to get a hold of certain things.

A few minutes pass before Färjur comes back. He has a small pouch, and checking it quickly it has an untrackable expansion charm, or the goblin claims it has. With a wave of his hand, a knife and bowl appear in the middle of the table.

''Hold your hand over the bowl, and cut your palm with the knife. The Knife is enchanted so that any cuts sustained will heal after a few moments.'' Färjun instructs and he could only raise an eyebrow at the little goblin.

''I trust that there will not be any leftover blood? And if there is, I'll have to make you swear an oath to not use it for anything else besides the inheritance ritual.'' He says and Färjur quickly agrees, not wanting to have a Fey Lord after him.

After making the oath, and adding a few extra things to make sure the goblin wasn't lying or playing any tricks on him he finally moved to do the ritual necessary.

Grabbing the knife, and cutting his palm his blood drips into the bowl. The cut heals a moment later, and after checking if any blood fell away from the bowl, or if any remained on the knife he returned it to the goblin. The ritual progressed smoothly from then on.

And after a lot of complicated things, and runes, and spells being cast a blank parchment was handed over to him. The parchment quickly became filled with letters, before forming into words, and sentences, and as it does he is left completely, and absolutely shocked.

'Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Le Fay, and Pendragon?!?!?' Maxi screams in his mind before he looks at the list of names that appear.

It included the names of his father, mother, paternal and maternal grandfather, and grandmother, including his godfather and godmother.

His Mother, father, and grandparents were all dead. He had no godfather or godmother.

'So much for wanting to show me the wizarding world, huh?' Maxi thinks as he remembers the old letter that was in his cradle. Shaking his head from the memory he continued to read the parchment.

He was the Heir of Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Le Fay, and Pendragon by Blood & Magic. And also a random house called Raubvogel. Though those seemed to be the only Houses he was a descendent of. He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or cry that he has five titles. Though to be completely honest, he was extremely satisfied, he didn't think he would get any famous House, or any house, so this is excellent news.

He would've been satisfied with only Raubvogel, even if he never heard of the house as it was never mentioned in the movies. Or at least, he surely doesn't have a memory of it.

The parchment also included a list of properties from Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Le Fay, Pendragon, and Raubvogel.

Which, from Ravenclaw & Slytherin, included Hogwarts Castle, Ravenclaw & Slytherin Manor, and a few minor properties. From Le Fay, he also owned various minor plots of land, though the ones that interested him the most were Le Fay Castle and Getaway Manor.

From Pendragon, he owned the entire plot of land the Ministry of Magic Headquarters was built on. He also had another castle, that being Tintagel Castle, among a shit ton of other properties. The list was absurdly humungous.

And his last House Raubvogel had only a few plots of land, and three small houses. From what he could gather, most of the assets were seized by both the Muggle and Magical Government of Germany for some reason.

He stared at the parchment for a few solid minutes. He was stunned at the sheer, absurd, gigantic amount of galleons he now had. The properties all over England, and a few plots of land in Germany also shocked him. The British ones more than the German ones, as sadly he truly had a minuscule amount compared to the other three families.

''I might be the luckiest Elf alive…'' He muttered, and the goblin looked at him in interest.

''Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Le Fay, Pendragon, and Raubvogel. Of which I have never heard of.'' He simply said, and the goblin suddenly looked like a fish out of the water as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. It took a solid minute before he shook himself from the shock and congratulated him.

''Thank you. Though I am a bit overwhelmed with this. I am probably the richest man in the wizarding world, or at least in the top 5.'' He wryly said before shaking his head.

''Tell me, Färjun. Do you know who House Raubvogel was? I'm not really that aware of the happenings in the Wizarding World you see. I have lived most of my life among Muggles, so I lack a lot of knowledge about famous houses, amongst other things.'' He asked slowly with a slightly menacing tone to his voice, and the Goblin only shook his head.

''You'll have to forgive me, my Lord. But Gringotts is a bank, not a library. You will need to find one to acquire what you seek.'' He said in a plain tone, and he nodded in reply.

''Then I trust that you could point out to me a bookstore, alongside a list of books for me to buy? I'll need books about the Wizarding World Rules, alongside history books, and etiquette books.'' He asks and the goblin nods in reply.

''That can be easily done, my Lord. Though, I assume you would like to see your House Rings? Though, sadly, you can only wear the Heir Rings, as you need to be an adult to wear the Lord Rings.'' The goblin says and explains, and Maxi nodded in agreement.

''Yes, I would like that. Tell me, do they need some type of test to be able to wear them, or something similar? I heard from rumors that they are a thing?'' He asks unsurely, and the goblin nods.

''Yes, House Rings, be it the Lord or Heir Rings tend to have magical tests for their owners to perform. Though from all the Houses you are a descendant of, I think only the Le Fay one would be best to tread carefully. After all, Morgana wasn't known for her kindness…'' He trails off at the end, and Maxi nods as he remembers the old Arthurian tale.

With a wave of his fingers, five small boxes appear on top of the table.

All four are distinctively different from each other. Of all five of them, the one he assumes to be from House Raubvogel is the least decorated, and grandiose.

Though he is unsure which of the boxes looks the best.

Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Le Fay seemed to be competing for who had the prettiest box.

Ravenclaw's is a silver box with intricate blue and silver patterns of eagles, trees, and wands.

Slytherin's, similar to Ravenclaw's box, was made out of silver with intricate green and silver patterns, though instead of having depictions of eagles, trees, and wands, Slytherin's box had patterns depicting snakes, books, and a dagger of all things.

Le Fay's is an obsidian black box with intricate gray patterns, with a beautiful purple gem in the middle of it. Alongside a triple spiral symbol around the box.

Funnily enough, the Pendragon one was the only box that seemed to try to be humble. Though it's high-quality materials surely do not give off that feeling. The box was made out of some type of wood with a golden-yellowish color, and it had beautiful carvings in it, depicting knights, swords, dragons, and a special longsword. It obviously, or at least he assumes it to be, is Excalibur.

The Raubvogel's box… Is made out of some type of black wood, and had red gems adorned at the sides. It had a depiction of a black vulture, alongside various other birds of prey. It looked simple, yet worn out.

''So, which one do you wish to try first? I would recommend Raubvogel's Heir Ring. Their house wasn't that grandiose and died out in the Second Wizarding War. I doubt their ring will give you any trouble.'' Färjur says as he waves toward said black box.

After a few minutes of thinking, he had to agree with the little goblin. Raubvogel, although not a name he ever heard of being mentioned in the Harry Potter movies, ought to be the easiest one to complete their test. And even if it wasn't, it would serve as a good testbed for what he could expect from the other Heir Ring's test.

''I'll go with your recommendation.'' Maxi simply said, and the goblin nodded before he opened the box, which contained two rings with almost identical symbols.

The Lord ring had an adult vulture skull, while the Heir ring had the skull of what he assumes to be a child's vulture skull. Grabbing the Heir ring and handing it over to him, he took a minute to analyze the small ring.

It was made out of some type of black metal and had nothing else besides the vulture skull on top of it. Though even if it was simple, he could easily detect it was magical in nature. And extremely old.

Casting prestidigitation to clean the ring, he slides it over his right hand's ring finger. The ring, although not big, and not small, resizes itself to perfectly fit over his finger, and after it does he feels a wave of magic wash over him.

And as he closes his eyes and opens them, he is met with a dark, black, ash-filled forest. The smell and the sensation of the ash on his feet make him realize he is completely naked, though he doesn't pay too much attention to that small detail as he sees the body of both a human and a wolf.

From the body, he could see a wake of vultures. A large group of them, eating and tearing apart both the human, and the wolf. And as he notices them, they notice him too.

As they do, they stop eating to stare at him.

Each of them exchanges gazes, before each nod in respect and Hoddle away from the corpses and start cawing at him and them. Unsure about their intentions, he was about to ask what they wanted, but he was suddenly assaulted by a feeling of unstoppable hunger. He could only grunt, and as the vultures cawed more loudly, he finally understood his ''task''.

'Eat the bodies of a Human and a Wolf. If this is from a house that died out decades ago, I am unsure of what to expect from the millennia and century-old ones.' Maxi thinks before he walks towards their corpses, and after a last glance at each of the vultures, he nods back to them before he starts eating.

He doesn't know when he stops, but when he does, he realizes he isn't an Elf anymore. Instead, he now stands amongst the vultures as one of them. And with that realization, his eyes suddenly open wide as he sees he is surrounded by the walls of the private room.

A frail, but extremely happy and jovial voice suddenly replies in his head.

''You are Worthy. No, you are more than Worthy! It is a pleasure to have you inherit my family's name, Maxi. I hope you do not disgrace it, or almost erase it like that idiot Friedrich!'' The voice replies before suddenly fading away at the end.

It takes a few seconds for him to process what just happened, but as he does so he can only feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

''One down, four more to go…'' He said out loud, and the little goblin nodded.

''I assume you passed the test? How was it?'' He asks curiously, and he waves his hand.

''Open the Ravenclaw's box. I want to get these tests done as soon as possible.'' He said and the goblin nodded before he opened the box.

The box, exactly like the Raubvogel one, contained two rings. Though these ones held the exact same symbols. That being of an eagle with its wings open to the sides with a blue background. The ring was obviously made out of silver, and besides that, was a beautiful, but simple ring.

Grabbing the ring, and casting prestidigitation on it to clean it, he slid it down into his right hand's index finger. And exactly like the Raubvogel one, a wave of magic shot out from the ring into him, though this one he could feel was stronger, more compact, and more complex than the Raubvogel one.

And once again, he closes his eyes, only to open them to be in a completely different place.

A massive castle appears in front of him, one he instantly recognizes to be Hogwarts. Though it didn't look to be as old as the one shown in the movies, and just as he was wandering about that, he was surprised when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

''Beautiful, isn't it, young one?'' A woman's voice said, and as he turned around he was stunned, yet not that surprised as he saw who he assumed to be Rowena Ravenclaw.

She was a tall pale skinned woman with dark eyes and long black hair. She was beautiful, yet she seemed like a strict, and intimidating woman. She looked at him in clear interest, and he could detect surprise from her, though why she would be surprised he wouldn't know.

''Rowena Ravenclaw, I presume?'' Maxi asked to confirm, and she nodded in reply.

''I didn't think Helena left any descendants. Though considering the last time I saw her was on my deathbed, it isn't that surprising.'' Rowena said with some humor in her voice, which made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

''I didn't think she had either. But, well, here we are…'' He trailed off, and she nodded in agreement before looking him up and down. She frowned minutely as she scrunched up her eyebrows, before sighing.

''I'm afraid I do not know what Race you are. So forgive me if this is insulting, but you are a child, correct?'' She stated and then asked, to which he nodded in agreement.

''Yes, I'm a High Eladrin. Apparently, also a Fey Lord, whatever that means. And yes, even if my soul is older than my body, I am a six-year-old child.'' Maxi says, which causes her to nod before frowning at the last part.

''A soul older than your body?'' She asked in an intimidating manner, to which he raised his hands.

''I'm technically 24 years old. But to be completely honest, I am quite a moron and my imaginative mind is the only redeeming trait that I have. Even then, I'm sometimes quite unoriginal. I'm not sure how, or why, but I reincarnated. Though that's the only thing you are getting out of me. I doubt you could tell anyone else…Being trapped in the ring and all that…'' He says and trails off in the end with a shrug.

''So you didn't do any dark ritual and took over a child's body?'' She asked, and he actually stopped to think for a moment before unsurely replying.

''I am unsure, but I think not. I'm… about 99% sure that this body was made for me to inhabit, or I took over when the original body was going to die. I'm unsure, I haven't really thought about how I came to be in this world. Well, other than a higher being meddling with things.'' He explained, and she frowned before shaking her head.

''Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait until you can confirm such a thing. And have gained more knowledge about Magic, as my tests will require it. I'll allow you to wear the ring, and have access to the trust vault but nothing more. You'll have to prove yourself a Ravenclaw to be able to access our family's vault and artifacts.'' She says, and just as he was about to try and reply back, he is suddenly thrust back into the private meeting room.

The goblin was about to ask once again how it went, but he ignored him as he opened Slytherin's box. And one looks at the ring, and he could tell he would face the same problem with Ravenclaw. Moving to Pendragon's, he instantly felt rejection from looking at the ring, which made him tsk before he moved to the last ring.

Opening Le Fay's beautiful obsidian box, he was surprised when the two rings seemed to be almost singing in happiness as they vibrated in place. Picking the Heir ring, he could feel the sheer thrill and happiness it was radiating off it, which made him wary of it.

Putting the ring on his left hand's middle finger, he instantly felt the approval it radiated.

''Ah… How I have missed the touch of a Fey! Please be well, will you Master~!'' A sultry mature female voice radiated in his head before it disappeared and he could only frown at the response before sighing.

''I'll leave to try the Pendragon and Slytherin's Rings for another day. I trust that will not be a problem?'' He says and asks and the goblin only nods in reply.

''You are free to try the rings at another time. Though I must warn you. It is required by law that we announce any dead family getting a new Heir. But… There isn't a law saying when we have to announce it, so you could delay it for a few years. Though no more than five years, otherwise I am afraid that will bring loads of trouble for Gringotts.'' Färjun explains, and Maxi nods in understanding before replying.

''Announce that the Raubvogel has a new Heir. I doubt anybody will care about it, or at least not as much as any of the other houses I am apparently an Heir of.'' Maxi says and the goblin nods.

''It shall be done, my Lord. I trust that is the end of your business at Gringotts?'' He asks, and he nods.

''Yes, that will be all. Though if I could get a map from my properties that I own in Germany that would be appreciated.'' He says, and the goblin nods before waving his hand as a different parchment appears in front of him.

Quickly taking it, he sees it's an old map. Specifically, a map that showed the old Deutsches Reich, that is, Imperial Germany. And in case you still don't know what borders he is referencing, the German Imperial borders before WW1.

The parchment had a lot of small circles drawn around. Most of them curiously had an X over them, while the few ones that didn't reside in either Berlin, Stuttgart, or Frankfurt. Looking at the circles in the major cities showed a magical moving image of, although old, well-kept minor mansion.

( AN: Image for the Manor/Castle. Note/name of the place IRL: Haus Bodelschwingh, Dortmund )

Though the biggest one of them seemed to reside in Stuttgart of all places. He spent a few minutes observing, and analyzing the mansion in Stuttgart, as it was indeed the most well-kept, and seemed to be the more advanced of manors.

'Well, I found my sweet new home. Now I just gotta get out of here, and check out the place.' Maxi thought before he thanked the goblin, and after casting a Disguise Self spell, he walked away from Gringotts.

Though he would've loved to visit his new home, he now had a list of books he needed to buy. And he was just hungry to devour such tasty knowledge, especially about magic as he doesn't doubt he'll find a few books that the common student at Durmstrang would have.

'Durmstrang. I would've never remembered that School if I hadn't organized my memories. Though I find it weird, it's apparently an Eastern School of Witchcraft but from reading the wiki it never specified its location. It even said they accept students from as ''far away'' as Bulgaria. I'm unsure if the content taught at Durmstrang is the same at Hogwarts, better or worse, but it couldn't hurt to have a few books from each of the magical schools. Though I doubt I would be able to get the American Magic School books.' Maxi thought as he walked through the busy streets of whatever the place was called.

'Huh, I never asked Maja what this place was called… Eh, who cares? I'll probably never come back here and if I do need something from here I can just send Maja to get it for me. My social battery and anxiety are too big and small to deal with this large of a crowd.' Maxi thinks as he makes his way toward one of the bookstores he saw earlier during his walk toward Gringotts.

The bookstore wasn't a grand thing, and it looked more like a small shop you would find inside a mall. Not that, that reflected the level of technology inside. As it looked quite old, or well, everything in the Wizarding World looks ancient. Though he noted the name to be weirdly joy-bringing as it made him smile at such a, in his opinion, silly name.

''Felizitas Mighty Bookstore… Doesn't look that mighty, to be honest.'' Maxi commented out loud as he read the sign and name of the store, but with a shake of his head, he entered it before looking around.

It looked like any old bookstore, and even if clearly old, it was obvious it was well taken care of. Looking at the large bookshelves filled with books, he almost salivated at the sight of actual magical books.

''Ahem… Can I help you, young Sir?'' a cheery voice asked from behind him and as he turned to face whoever spoke to him he had to stop for a moment to appreciate the absolute beauty in front of him.

An absolutely small woman, of which he only had the word of shortstack to describe her was staring at him with a warmingly radiating smile. She was small, with short red hair cut in a pixie cut, with radiating green eyes, a cute round nose, and a freckled face and body. She was curvy and quite voluptuous. Bag heavy if you know what he means. It kind of reminded him of yordles, though she wasn't that small. If he had to guess, she was about in the range of 4'8''-5'0'' range.

She looked to be in her 20s, though considering Wizard's and Witch's lifespan she might be older than she looks. Or not. He is unsure.

''Sir, are you alright? You have been staring at me for a few seconds…'' She suddenly asked worriedly, and he could only shake his head and smile wryly.

''Ah, forgive me. Your beauty just stunned me, it isn't every day that I meet someone as blessed by Lady Freyja as you. Though I think the Goddess of Love might be jealous of your body.'' Maxi replied as he let out his own radiating smile, which made her laugh with rosy cheeks.

''Oh, you tease! Though you are too young for me. Come back when you're 16 and I might consider taking you on a date!'' She giggles at his words, and he could only smile even brighter.

''So I take you came to buy some books? I doubt you came to flirt with me, after all, this is a bookstore.'' She said with a teasing tone, and he nodded as he handed the list the goblin made to her.

''I need to buy a few books. Those on the list were recommended by my accountant. I don't think he screwed me over with the recommendations, but if you had any of your own recommendations I would love to buy them as well. Ah, I am also looking for Durmstrang books, I am unsure if you sell them but I would like to buy all of them, alongside any books in magic you have. Specifically about Occlumency and Legilimens if you have any. Potions and Transfiguration are also something I am interested in if you have any.'' He says and she could only return a radiant smile to him.

''Ooooh! A big spender, ey? I sure hope you got the money for all these books. Most of them are very expensive!'' She says with a happy tone as she takes out a wand, he weirdly recognizes the wood, though he could only guess the core, the length was easy to see.

It was black walnut wood, about 8 inches long. And if he were to take a guess, just by seeing the sheer radiance the woman emitted by being around, probably Unicorn Tail Hair as her wand core…

Blinking at the sudden thoughts, he frowns for a moment before he looks at the Le Fay ring in his left hand warily. With a sigh, he decides that he will deal with the sudden wand lore knowledge after he has acquired his books and a roof over his head.

With a flick of her wrist, the beautiful redhead wand sparks as multiple books fly off their shelves and land on top of the counter. He notices that they all organize themselves neatly, all depending on their topic, and he sent a grateful look at the shortstack redhead.

''Forgive me, Miss. But I don't think we have introduced ourselves? May I have your name my lady?'' He asks with a smile and she smiles with a roll of her eyes.

''Name's Felizitas Üppigbuch. And what's your name, charming Lion?'' She says with a smile and ends with a teasing tone, of which he bows sarcastically as he introduces himself.

''My name is Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund. Though I have recently learned I am the Heir to the Noble House of Raubvogel. So I guess you can call me Lord Raubvogel.'' He says with a playful tone, of which she smiles at him.

''Good on ya, lad. Though I would be cautious about flaunting your name. The last Raubvogel was a nutjob of an extremist, and although it has been years since his death, Wizards and Witches don't easily forget. Especially the petty ones.'' She said and warned in a light tone, of which he could only nod in thanks.

''Could you tell me about that? I'm afraid I have no clue about any of my ancestors, and I don't think it would be wise of me to ignore my family's legacy and history.'' He asked, and she nodded before she flicked her wand again, and two books flew from the shelves.

The books flew directly onto his hands, and as he read the title he frowned as the title triggered a sense of familiarity.

''The Thule Society & The Second Wizarding World War? You'll have to forgive me, but I swear I heard of Thule, or at least the word somewhere before. But I can't for the life of me remember where?'' He said and asked, and once again with another flick of her wand, another book flew from the shelf and came on top of the other books he was holding.

''The Island of Thule: The Birthplace of Magic and Wizard-Kind?'' He said out loud as he read the title, and she nodded.

''Aye, that's one of the theories about how we Wizards and Witches came to be. Though I wouldn't trust what those books say, most of them were written by crazy pureblood purists. And the actual facts are so twisted to suit their visions that it might as well be alternate history!'' She laughed out loud, and he could only wryly smile before nodding and thanking her.

She just shrugged it off, and as the final books were brought, she quickly counted how much it would all go and he flinched visibly as she said the price.

''Alright, that should be about 400~500 Galleons. I haven't made a sale this big in a decade!'' She giggled, and he could only sigh as his heart ached at how much money he would be wasting on books.

'No, I'm not wasting money. It's money well spent. I get to learn actual fucking magic, why the fuck would I think it's a waste of money? And I'm filthy rich now.' He thought as he handed the Galleons to Felizitas, of which he might've called Maja to collect the rest as he only had 100 Galleons on him.

Though after his house-elf came back and left a small pouch filled with the last galleons, Maxi could finally go and visit his new home. He would've liked to explore the other shops, but spending so much money in a single day made his cheapskate's heart hurt. So, he'll have to sadly, come back another day to this place to explore and buy more things.

'Hopefully, most of the things around here won't end up being so costly… Though I somehow doubt that.' He thought before he grabbed Maja's hand and they teleported to Stuttgart to visit their new home.



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