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Early morning light filtered through the window, making me open my eyes .casting a delicate glow upon my awakening. Thoughts was continuously clouded in my mind, a storm of uncertainty that refused to settle. Yet, despite the turmoil within, the day ahead beckoned with tasks and possibilities waiting to be seized.

I ransacked my modest wardrobe, i don't have enough clothes . My reflection stared back at me, a mirror of my predicament. I resolved to seek assistance. i peeked outside my door i saw familiar faces I had encountered—the two carriage attendants from the previous day.

"Hey there!" My voice carried across the distance, fingers pointing toward them.

Their puzzled expressions turned toward one another, then back at me. "Us?"

"Yes, indeed. I realized we never exchanged names. I'm ELLA," I introduced myself, my words punctuated by a hint of familiarity.

The introductions flowed, revealing their names as Mr. Henry and his younger sibling, also Henry. Their camaraderie was palpable, a bond forged through shared experiences.

"Listen, I have a bit of a favor to ask," I continued, my tone earnest. "I find myself in need of a shirt and pants. My wardrobe is...well, let's say limited."

With a gracious nod, they guided me to their quarters, the room revealing an assortment of clean shirts and pants. After selecting the garments, I returned to my room . my room is far from others. After brief and quick bath later, I adorned the borrowed clothes, the pants were too long for me that i have to fold them.

i looked all over for nanny elsa as i want him to guide me for enrollment. undoubtedly she is immersed in her duties. Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I went to academy .

halls were bustling maybe there is still time before their classes . i walked past by the hall, everyone was staring and i am here becoming more awkward . i was the only one who was wearing something different. i asked a gatekeeper" can you tell me where is principal room?"

he led me the way. before entering the room i left a big sighed.

My steps led me to the imposing figure, a paragon of grace and humility. His voice, soft and kind, welcomed me as I approached. "How are you, dear? Welcome to the church." well am just a sage but your principal is him "mr nick" a same age elderly was standing beside him.

With a respectful gesture, I returned his greeting, my voice laced with reverence. "Greetings, to my lord and principal. I am Ella. I believe you were seeking me?"

"well all i want to know about you " sage explained with curiosity

His inquisitive gaze bore into mine, a silent invitation to share. And so, with measuring my words i thought the circumstances that had brought me here, the remnants of my past should be kept a secret .

and with little hesitation i spoke " well i wish not to spoke about my past. well i was injured on accident, while seeking for stay i saw the carriage who was giving shelter to wandering child. so i came here. thankyou for everything till now you have done for me."

"Your well-being is of utmost concern. if you ever wish to share something, know that my ears are open," he reassured, his sincerity a soothing balm to my apprehension.

And then came the pivotal question—an offer that held promise and potential MR nick asked . "Would you consider enrolling at our academy?"

The proposition lingered in the air, a question laden with possibilities. "Yes," I responded, my voice steady and resolute. "Yet, if I may be forthright, I also seek employment. A desire to earn and contribute."

Principal wisdom shone through his response, his words a pathway to both knowledge and sustenance. "Your aptitude will be gauged through an intelligence test, guiding you to the appropriate academic level. you have pass test so you can get into suitable class. As for work, options abound—positions in the library, kitchen, and management are available."

In his words, I found not only a path to knowledge but also an opportunity to weave myself into the fabric of this realm, to carve a space where I could learn, grow, and perhaps even thrive.

The morning's uncertainty had given way to purpose, a journey unfolding with every step. The church, once a sanctuary of the unknown, was now a haven of opportunity, and I stood at its threshold, ready to embrace the challenges and rewards that lay ahead.

while chatting and having tea with them . i signed the paper they gave me.

principal" your test will be in the afternoon"

I excused myself, bidding Sage and principal farewell as I exited the room. An exhilarating rush of excitement coursed through me— The world outside beckoned, whispering promises of adventure and discovery. "Let's take a stroll," I thought, ready to explore the marvels this academy held.

The architecture of the academy was a sight to behold, unlike any I had ever witnessed in the bustling cities. Each structure seemed to possess a unique character, a testament to the artistic prowess that had gone into its creation. But it wasn't just the physicality that set this place apart; the class system here was unlike anything I had known.

Amidst my awe, the distant echoes of shouts reached my ears—a symphony of voices that piqued my curiosity. Guided by the melody of excitement, I followed its trail to a balcony that offered a panoramic view of a practice ground. There, people were engrossed in training, their movements synchronized like a dance of skill and determination.

My eyes widened as I watched swords clash, bodies move in fluid harmony, and martial arts techniques executed with precision. "How fascinating," I whispered, my hand instinctively covering my mouth, captivated by the spectacle before me. It was a world of combat and discipline, a world I had only glimpsed from afar.

As I caressing the scene, a peculiar sensation tingled through me,

two men stopped while practicing combat. ARKIN " why did you stopped?"

a brown hair boy somewhere equal to arkin height was having a combat with arkin. " there is someone there"

arkin shrugged " a lot of people watch us. what's the great deal" while saying this he turned at ELLA ." why is she here?"

Unbeknownst to me, another pair of eyes was watching my every move. then, our eyes met again—his hazel-brown irises locking onto mine. It was him, the mysterious man in the cloak. This time, the encounter was longer, more profound, a connection that defied explanation.

A sudden twinge of pain jolted through both of us, as if our souls were linked by an invisible thread, sharing a momentary anguish. I quickly withdrew, finding solace behind the balcony's concealment. The pain abated as swiftly as i drifted my eyes , leaving me bewildered and questioning the reality of the experience. "My health is not well," I reasoned, my heart pounding within me. "Perhaps I should return."

Doubt and confusion clouded my mind. Was I merely overthinking, reading too much into coincidences? Why did this pain coincide only with his presence? With a heavy sigh, I resigned myself to these unanswered questions, retreating with a resolve to regain my composure.

Meanwhile, in another part of the academy, Arkin felt a sharp pang of pain shoot through him. Valor , that brown hair person was his long-time friend, was quick to react, concerned for his well-being. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Arkin clutched his chest, his face contorted in discomfort. "Will you believe me if I say I feel pain when I see someone, Valor?"

Valor's expression shifted to skepticism. "What are you even saying? That's not even possible."

Acknowledging his friend's doubt, Arkin nodded in agreement. "You're right. I don't know what I'm saying."

"Come, let's find a physician first. It's better to be safe," Valor advised, guiding Arkin toward the source of relief. As they walked, Arkin couldn't shake the strange connection he felt with that unfamiliar pain, his thoughts consumed by the enigma that had just unfolded.

athelast_ athelast_

i wish i can know what i am lacking. comment down them for me . thankyou for all the support

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