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Naruto: The Chain Demon Naruto: The Chain Demon original

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Author: Fleeting_dreams

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Death



"Wait a minute man."

As I walked out of the office building, feeling mentally drained from another day of boring and tiring work, a familiar voice called out from behind.

For a moment, I contemplated whether to acknowledge the voice and stop or simply pretend I hadn't heard anything. But upon recognizing the owner of the voice, a resigned sigh escaped my lips.

Turning around, I saw Mike, my ever-cheerful co-worker, hurrying towards me with a beaming smile on his face. It never ceased to amaze me how he managed to maintain that infectious energy, even after enduring a long day of work. Though today, his enthusiasm seemed to radiate even more brightly than usual.

"Really, dude, what's wrong with you? Why are you always in such a hurry?" Mike caught up to me and asked.

I pondered how to respond to him. Well, we aren't exactly close friends or anything like that. In fact, over the past few years working here, I can't say I've made any real friends. It's not due to a toxic office culture; it's just that I'm not particularly social. I find most things rather mundane and lack excitement. Nevertheless, I do engage in small talk with others, keeping things polite and cordial, but it never progressed beyond the realm of acquaintanceship.

But on the contrary, Mike is the epitome of energy and cheerfulness. He seems to know everyone in our department, and he never lets my lackluster attitude deter him from striking up conversations with me.

Not wanting to seem impolite or dismissive, I offered him a weak smile and replied, "Hey, Mike. It's just been one of those days, you know? Today's work was exceptionally draining."

Mike's grin faltered slightly, and he nodded sympathetically. "I hear you, Jack. We all have those days. But you know what? Let's not let that get to us! How about we grab a coffee or a drink somewhere and unwind together? I'm sure it'll help shake off the day's stress."

Not minding the idea of a coffee or a drink, I decided to go along with him. As we walked towards the nearby café, Mike's cheerful chatter filled the air. He talked about his recent adventures, hobbies, and various interesting experiences he had at work. I found myself mostly listening, nodding, and occasionally offering a few words in between.

"So, Jack, do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?" Mike asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

I pondered for a moment before replying, "Not really, I usually keep my weekends low-key. Maybe catch up on some reading or binge-watch a series."

"That sounds pretty much like what you would do," Mike said, nodding to himself, affirming his understanding of my preferences.

"That's mean aside from that you don't have anything important to do, right?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"That sounds pretty much like what you would do," Mike said, nodding to himself, affirming his understanding of my preferences.

"That's mean aside from that you don't have anything important to do, right?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"Yeah, you could say that," I replied, shrugging my shoulders in a nonchalant manner, not entirely sure what he meant by "important." After all, my definition of important might differ from his.

Mike laughed good-naturedly and said, "Good, good. That means you can come to my house! I'm throwing a small party this weekend, and I've invited some other friends too."

I raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised by the sudden invitation. "Oh, really? A party? That sounds interesting. But what's the occasion? Did you get a promotion or something?"

"Well, you could say it's a promotion, a very big one," Mike replied, his smile growing wider.

His response intrigued me, and I couldn't help but wonder if he really had received a sudden promotion. Nevertheless, I offered my congratulations, genuinely happy for him.

"Oh, congratulations, I guess," I replied warmly.

Mike's grin widened even more, and he exclaimed, "Guess what, I'm actually going to become a father!" His face radiated overwhelming happiness, as if he couldn't contain his joy.

"My eyes widened at his sudden exclamation. Mike's announcement took me by surprise, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words.

"You're stunned, aren't you?" Mike asked, chuckling at my reaction.

"Well, yeah, that's really a very good reason to be stunned," I replied honestly, still processing the unexpected news. It wasn't every day that your co-worker invited you to a party and then dropped the bombshell of impending fatherhood.

"I know, right?" Mike said, his excitement evident. "I still can't believe it myself sometimes. But it's a beautiful surprise, and I couldn't be happier."

After the initial surprise was over, I genuinely congratulated him. However, throughout our walk, Mike seemed to be on cloud nine, unable to contain his excitement. He kept on talking about how happy he was, what he planned to do next, and all the details about the upcoming party.

As we walked, I couldn't help but question my decision to join him for a drink. I understood his happiness, and I was happy for him too, but there was a point where I felt overwhelmed with the constant stream of his exuberance. It felt like he was going on and on, and I began to feel a tinge of annoyance, wishing for something to shut his mouth for just a moment.

"C'mon, dude," I thought to myself, trying to remain patient. "I get it, you're happy, you have future plans for your kid. But do you have to broadcast it all the time?"

I tried to be a good listener and engage in the conversation, but my mind began to drift, and I found it increasingly challenging to focus on what he was saying. His continuous enthusiasm started to grate on my nerves, and I wondered if I had made a mistake in agreeing to spend time with him.

I screamed internally, feeling overwhelmed by Mike's continuous chatter. "Oh, God, someone please just shut his mouth," I thought, trying my best to remain patient and supportive despite my inner frustration.

But in an instant, everything changed. A loud honk pierced the air, and I turned my head to see a speeding truck careening towards us. Mike was still completely engrossed in his own excitement, oblivious to the danger approaching.

Without thinking, instinct kicked in, and I pushed Mike out of harm's way, hoping to get him to safety. The truck collided into me with immense force, flinging me through the air like a ragdoll.

Time seemed to slow as I crashed onto the pavement, pain surging through my body. I was disoriented and dazed, trying to comprehend what had just happened. All I could hear was the sound of screeching tires and the panicked voices of people nearby.

As my vision blurred, I saw Mike rush towards me, his face a mix of shock and horror. I could hear him saying something, but my senses were too hazy to comprehend the words. Everything around me seemed to fade into darkness as pain consumed me.

In that fleeting moment, as my life hung in the balance, my mind wandered to the reason behind my impulsive decision. Why did I choose to push Mike out of harm's way instead of saving myself? It was a question that puzzled me, and I couldn't find a clear answer. Any other day, I might have prioritized my own safety, but something within me changed in that critical moment.

Perhaps Mike's relentless cheerfulness had gradually chipped away at my emotional walls, making me see him as more than just a co-worker. Maybe it was because he said he was going to be a father. Or maybe it was just an instinctive reaction, an act of selflessness that unknowingly arose from me.

I really don't know.

Ah, no point thinking about that.

It is what it is.

Looks like... I am dying.

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