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Chapter 4: Chapter Four

I pulled the bolt handle back, and back in again, seemingly loading a new bullet in the chamber as my uncle observed the whole process.

I waited for a few moments, feeling the inner mechanism of the bolt action sniper rifle, and nodded in satisfaction.

"You think it worked?"

I just shrugged at the older man's question and he thinned his lips, deadpaning at me.

"Alright, let's go outside, test it on dummies."

I stood up, bringing the oversized deadly weapon with me, and followed him to his backyard. I noticed him just standing in the doorway for a moment and realized what he realized.

This dumbass forgot the dummies inside the building.

I swear to god.

"Wait outside, I'll grab the dummies."

I hummed, ignoring the glare he sent me in response to my amused look. Walking outside, I Walked over to the left side of the fence and laid down, putting the construct on the ground first and positioning myself behind it.

Lifting it a little, I made a Bi-Pod and placed my new and improved L115A3.

I heard grumbling from inside the house and looked over to the door, where I saw my uncle struggling to bring the mannequin out, which seemed to be uncooperative.

I smirked as he finally managed to get the thing out of the back door only for its hand to fall off.


I laughed and then laughed harder when he glared at me. Sucker.

"Alright! You little as-butt! Let's see if it's funny when you fail."

It was funny, watching adults trying to stop themselves from saying "Bad Words" when I probably had just as colorful vocabulary, if not more.

He placed the plastic figure on the other side of the fence and walked over to me.

"Alright, take the shot whenever you're ready."

I hummed and looked down the scope, watching through the magnified image. Sometimes, I wondered what this material was made from, but I didn't really care to find out, for now.

"Any time now..."

I pulled the trigger. The bullet left the barrel, impacted the mannequin in the chest, and spread out.

The black strands wrapped around the mannequin's body, popping the arms out of place as it squeezed. Four Black strands dug into the ground, holding it in place so that it wouldn't fall over.

"Well, would you look at that?"

I mumbled, sending a glance at the older man who was practically pouting.

"So... about that ice cream?"

He grumbled and nodded.

"Alright, the next one."

I nodded and cocked the handle again, loading in a new bullet and shooting just a second later.

My target jolted but seemingly nothing happened. Just as planned.

Pulling the bolt handle again, I shot and a circular hole appeared in the target... along with the fence.


Well, this was awkward.

"Heh, don't worry, I'll just have my brother compensate for it... Don't worry if you make a few more holes in different parts of the fence... Aim at the house too."

I deadpanned. I never asked what happened between him and my father, but he seemed to love making my dad pay for things.

Well, not paying for things, but annoying him, and my old man got annoyed when he was giving something to my uncle.

I pulled the trigger one last time and watched with some wonder as my "Test" bullet hit the mannequin, giving off a small explosion...

There was silence for a solid minute before my uncle looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Okay, How the fu-heck did that work?"

I pondered for a moment... If I knew chemistry, and I knew shit about chemistry, that would be the work of...

"Hell if I know."


Turns out, a lot of things can cause explosions.

But in my case... it's intent, or better yet, want.

But this case worked differently.

I held the model of a bullet that I used in that little experiment with my uncle. "Want" was like selecting a "gear" in a game and the bullet was the "Character".

So if I selected a "gear" that allowed this bullet to explode on contact, then the bullet would explode on contact.

Which was just a dumbed-down way of explaining chemistry that was happening inside the black matter itself. My mother actually had me look down the microscope for it, which we had inside the house for some mysterious reason.

Long story short, I now had to study chemistry."


I was poked in the cheek, causing me to sigh in annoyance as I closed the book I was staring blankly at.

"What is it, Anna?"

The eleven-year-old pouted at me, putting her head on her hand, and letting her knuckles squish her cheek.

"You've been grumpy lately, you don't talk to me anymore! Why?"

She huffed out and I wish I was recording this to blackmail her later in life, but hindsight is twenty-twenty.

"Well, I have been training my quirk, so I'm tired almost all the time since the training is super hard!"

Oh god strike me down for I have brought cringe upon myself, may the devil drag me down to the pits of hell as you look on with disdain.

Deadpanning at my suddenly religious thoughts, I watched as instead of concern that I was overexerting myself, Anna gained a look of excitement.

"Really? I'm training too! I want to be a hero like my parents when I grow up!"

Ugh, kids.

"What's your quirk, anyway?"

I looked at her for a moment, narrowing my eyes in suspicion. Looks like it's time to pull what I call a "pro gamer move".

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

She agreed. Almost instantly.

Mission success.

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